
[Bonus chapter] Pinky promise


"Mister, mister what is your name? Wait up," the teenage girl yelled as he ran after nineteen year old boy who looked too mature for his own age.

"Stop following me, didn't you learn that you shouldn't trust strangers," the young Ethan stopped and then turned towards her.

"Oooh," she replied sadly.

"Where do you stay, I'll drop you off," he continued. Her eyes immediately lit up.

Ever since she was young, Lisa followed everyone behind be it Larry or her Lara.

"Why are you walking behind me?" Ethan stopped halfway sensing that something was wrong.

"Oooh, sorry," she spoke reluctantly before walking forward next to him.

"Where do you stay?"

"We are almost there just fifteen minutes walk,"

"Mister, what is your name?"

"Aaah, jeez what's with the Mister again, I'm not that old I'm not even twenty yet," Ethan complained.

"Oooh, you seem so mature,"

"Of course , I am,"

"We are here," Lisa broke the silence.


"Thank you Mister but I didn't get your name yet,"

"Why do you want to know my name?"

"So that I can look for you when I grow older remember to keep my promise,"

"What promise?"

"That I will marry you when I grow up," Ethan chuckled before speaking," why do you want to marry someone you don't know?"

"Because I like you," he stared at the cute girl and couldn't help but scoff lightly.

"Ethan," he replied.


"Ethan, that's my name,"

"I'm Lisa," she replied back.

"Take care of yourself kid, remember don't cry for useless people,"

"I promise, I won't pinky promise?" She lifted up her pinky finger.


"Pinky promise," she replied again.

"Childish," Ethan replied but after a while, he had no choice but to bring his finger.

"Bye," Lisa waved her hand holding onto the key chain.

Here is a bonus chapter between Young Lisa and Ethan

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