
My student makes my heart pounder

teacher fell in love with his student

Ash_rajpoot786 · Fantasie
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31 Chs

Happiness is temporary


*Mia's living room is filled with warmth and laughter as Cris's friends bid their farewells to Mia. Zayn, Daniel, and Kevin stand by the door, ready to depart.*

**Zayn:** (grinning) Alright, Mia, we'll leave you two lovebirds to enjoy your time together. Don't worry about a thing with the company; we've got it covered.

**Daniel:** (nodding) Yeah, you just focus on taking care of each other. Cris is in good hands with us.

**Kevin:** (playfully) And if he gives you any trouble, just let us know. We'll straighten him out!

*Mia chuckles warmly at their banter, feeling grateful for their friendship and support.*

**Mia:** (gratefully) Thank you, guys. I really appreciate it. Take care, and I'll see you soon.

*With one last round of hugs and well-wishes, Zayn, Daniel, and Kevin make their way out of Mia's apartment, leaving Mia and Cris alone to enjoy their time together.*

[IN kitchen]

*Cris and Mia enter the cozy kitchen, the aroma of delicious food wafting through the air. Cris, wearing an apron, stands proudly next to the dining table, where he has laid out a spread of mouthwatering dishes.*

**Cris:** (with a smile) Lunch is served, Mia. I hope you like it.

*Mia's eyes light up with delight as she takes in the sight of the beautifully prepared meal.*

**Mia:** (impressed) Wow, Cris, this looks amazing! You outdid yourself.

*They both sit down at the table and enjoy the delicious meal together, sharing stories and laughter as they eat.*



*Cris and Mia stroll hand in hand through the bustling shopping district, taking in the sights and sounds of the vibrant city. Mia leads the way, showing Cris her favorite shops and hidden gems.*

**Mia:** (excitedly) And this is where I always come to get my art supplies. They have the best selection in town.

*Cris listens attentively, his eyes sparkling with interest as Mia shares her favorite spots with him.*

**Cris:** (admiringly) You have great taste, Mia. I love exploring new places with you.

*They continue their leisurely stroll, enjoying each other's company as they browse through the shops and soak in the lively atmosphere of the city.*


*Cris and Mia walk hand in hand along the quaint cobblestone streets, their laughter echoing in the cool evening air. As the sun begins to dip below the horizon, they find a perfect spot to watch the sunset together.*

**Mia:** (gazing at the sky) Look at those colors, Cris. Isn't it beautiful?

*Cris pulls out his phone, capturing the breathtaking scene with Mia by his side. They lean in for a sweet kiss as the last rays of sunlight paint the sky in hues of orange and pink.*

**Cris:** (smiling) This moment feels perfect, Mia.

*They snap a few more selfies, capturing the magic of the moment, before continuing on their evening adventure.*



*Cris and Mia step into the elegant ambiance of the fancy hotel restaurant, greeted by soft music and the scent of delicious cuisine.*

**Waiter:** Good evening, madam and sir. Welcome to our restaurant. Do you have a reservation?

**Cris:** Yes, we do. Under the name Mia.

*The waiter leads them to a candlelit table, where they take their seats, enjoying the intimate atmosphere.*

**Mia:** (smiling) This place is beautiful, Cris. Thank you for bringing me here.

**Cris:** (gazing at Mia) Anything for you, Mia. Tonight is all about making memories together.

*They peruse the menu, savoring each moment of their romantic dinner date, lost in each other's company amidst the elegance of the surroundings.*

**Cris:** (grinning) We should make this a tradition, Mia. Every weekend, just you and me.

**Mia:** (smiling) I'd like that very much, Cris.

**Cris:** (proudly) And about the business, it's going great. We've expanded, diversified, and everyone's taking charge of different units. We're earning more than ever. I owe a lot of it to you, Mia. You helped me become a businessman instead of just an immature lover.

*Mia's heart swells with pride, knowing that she's played a part in Cris's success. She reaches across the table, squeezing his hand affectionately.*

[IN her apartment]

**Cris:** Your life sounds like it's filled with excitement and success. I'm proud of you, Mia. And I can't wait to read your new novel. Your life has an important part of me?

**Mia:** (smiling) Yes, indeed. You've been a significant part of my journey, Cris. I want you to see how you've influenced my life and my writing.

**Cris:** (enthusiastic) I'd be honored to read it! And speaking of writing, I'm really enjoying the parts of your new novel that I've seen. You have a way with words, Mia.

*Mia's heart warms at Cris's encouraging words. She feels grateful to have him by her side, supporting her dreams.*

**Cris:** Mia, I'm really sorry, but I have to go. My friends just called, and it seems there's an emergency at the office.

**Mia:** (concerned) Oh, of course, Cris. Don't worry about me. Take care of what you need to.

**Cris:** I promise I'll make it up to you. I'll try to finish up quickly and come back as soon as possible.

*Mia nods understandingly as Cris hurriedly gathers his things and rushes out the door.*

**Mia:** (smiling) He's not just my boyfriend, he's my rock. And yes, everything will be fine.

**Assistant:** (firmly) Now, now, let's prioritize. You need to eat first, then write. Your health comes first.

*Mia chuckles softly as her assistant insists on her eating breakfast before continuing with her work. Reluctantly, Mia puts aside her iPad and begins to eat.*

**Mia:** So, what do you think about the first chapter of my latest novel?

**Assistant:** Honestly, it's captivating. The storyline has depth, and your writing style shines through. As for people's reactions, they're loving it! Your fans are eagerly awaiting the next chapters.

*Mia smiles with satisfaction, grateful for the positive feedback on her work.*

**Mia:** Thank you for always being by my side, especially during these busy times.

**Assistant:** It's my pleasure, Mia. I'll always support you in any way I can.

*Mia appreciates the unwavering support and kindness of her assistant, feeling grateful for their presence.*