
My stubborn Archenemy of mia vita

Jennie is... How do I call it. She is very beautiful No stunning even But here's a thing. She's pain in the ass the most infuriating woman I know Her stubbornness is out of this world. And she's weird as fuck Not to mention she's a fucking tomboy. Like who does that? A lady so devastatingly beautiful wait no- I mean she's pretty but not beautiful. ugh okay don't roll your eyes on me people! Okay she is beautiful now that I said it happy? (Rolled eyes) Well like what I was saying a lady so devastatingly beautiful like her should be polite, graceful,knows the proper etiquette and very soft, feminine. But no she's a fucking man who's trapped on a 23years old woman who look like she run the world by her fucking fingers just by the smug look she gives me when she win the stupid argument she was always asking from me. Her name doesn't suet her well  because for real that woman is crazy. Do you know what she'd done to me when we first have a conversation? No you can't believe it. And it's embarrassing.. She karate me!! Me the highest rank of the manoban association. I was being feared by my men, the people who knows me practically worship me . And yet this girl just practically karate me until I bleed to death. She was crazy! Childish! A psychopath! I hate her . How can someone who is petite a 5'2 woman who weight like nothing if I decided to punish her and fuck that pretty annoying  mouth of hers till she's dripping with my semen But I was not the kind of guy who hurt women. I'm better than that. Mother thought me better than that. But she really drive me crazy sometimes that I just I wanted to shut her pretty mouth up with my mouth. She's loud , nosy , and very blunt. She has no break when she started opening her mouth She's infuriating and so damn unlikable. But why I'm so drawn to her somehow? Why it makes me crave to hear her rants about useless things And why it makes me warm and woozy fuzzy when she give me those rare genuine smile and innocent look on her eyes. I'm a tough guy! I basically run my family business for God sake!urgh. Who the hell is this girl? She just popped out in my life one day and boom. She confused the hell out of me at the same time she brings the best and the worst in me. Everything is dark, the world is crumbling around me and I can't even bring myself to care because I'm too busy mourning my young late wife who got murdered by the enemy. And then out of nowhere she just happened to be in my wedding , my arranged marriage to be exact   ruining it by saying she's pregnant with my child. When in fact I don't even remember that Annoying pretty face of the woman. Like who the fuck is this girl? But that doesn't end it there She makes me go insane just by existing. I never loose my cool until her. I kill people without second thought, without batting my eyes. Blood basically is like a water on my field of business, I first kill when I was 7 when my grandpop order me to kill the man who dare to steal my favorite watch that grandpop gift me. I run the biggest smuggling here in Korea and mexico I buy and cell guns and drugs one Asia and Europe and yet just by the charming smile she's giving me is enough for me to stumble into my knees and worship her . I'm fucking whipped and obsessed with her . Again Who the hell is this girl? _____ Me? Who I am? I'm your nightmare sugar pop.

Jilskie27 · Prominente
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5 Chs

Chapter 2_ rosè needs help

" Now that we're almost done here why don't we go eat lunch first before finishing this how bout that?" I chuckled.

"You and your obsession with foods " I shake my head " Yeah! You know me without food I can't survive and I'm hungry it's like 11am already."

"Yeah Rosie if you say so" I sarcastically said. Rosie tend to exaggerate always when it comes to food so what's new?

We take our lunch on the nervy resto just a few blocks from her place this neighborhood screams expensive well knowing Rosie she basically grew up with a gold spoon in her mouth .

Rosie don't need to work for her to pay bills while me I need to work 24/7 just to sustain my everyday expenses, look how polar opposite we are ? Well you must be confused  why we become bestfriends.

I'll tell you what.

It's was six years ago, I was still in second year college when our paths cross. The first time I see her she got cornered by the bullies in the hallway it's hard to believe right?

A lovely wealthy woman like rosè got bullied just because she Excell both academic and sports and don't even forgot her looks that looks like she comes out straight from Hollywood actress. In short she's the kind of  student who is good at everything. So here's a thing for Rosie she's a coward, yes my Bestie is a coward I know right? Like I said we're polar opposite. She's the most sweet and caring and the most fragile person I know that's why that moment I feel like I wanted to protect this girl from the bad bitches who's trying to  cower from her bullies and on the verge of crying in that moment  and so I march my way  to them and pinch the ears of that  bitch away from the crying Rosie and  you know  what happened next ? We're in the principal's office suspended with the  bruises and scratch on the  bitch of a face of jessica While me of course fresh as ever without a sweat.

So from then on , me and Rosie become inseparable she claimed me on that very same day as her bestie And her knight not so shining armor,  and so the rest is history.

So back from current situation we are currently unpacking my things because according to Rosie I should move in with her today cuz why not? She's lonely and I'm lonely in my apartment we're both lonely person so why not be lonely together right? Doesn't even make sense sometimes I question myself why is she even so smart in school and be the clueless person outside of school.

So yeah we are currently in a state of devouring this yummy lasagna like we starve to death for months thanks to Rosie I think I slowly adapt her love for foods.

Omg am I turning a food Maniac like Rosie?

Which give me this thought why Rosie is being unusually quite today?

I stare at her across from me if take a look at her first you'll never knew that there's something wrong except I know her better than the back of my hand. I cross my hand as I already polish my plate I observed her I know something bothering her.

"So are you going to tell me why you suddenly want to pay a lunch for me because I know you Rosie you never want to pay a lunch for me unless there's something you want" she pouts and puts down her fork.

"Mean" she whine I rolled my eyes.

"Tell me about , now don't give me that look Rosie tell me exactly what do you want." I demanded I can be pretty scary sometimes, well all the time. Even for my Best friend.

"Alright, I know your the most loyal friend I ever have you know that right? That's why I completely trust and love you from the very first day-"

"Yeah I know I know cut the bullshit ro and spell." I tapped my foot into the polish shiny marble floor I tend to get impatient and starting to get nervous because is did I even tell y'all that she's a little crazy?

"Okay okay."she rolled her eyes and now that's my Rosie

"Well you know my sister? The one who is living in san Francisco? The badass sister I have?" The uncertainty is back in her voice i arch my eyebrow at her.

"Yeah I remember the one I never met yet, so what's got to do with her?"

"Uh she ah she's in trouble a little and she needs my help"


"And I need your help too Jen"

"Oh no you're not. you got it Rosie you don't need my help so I'm outa here"

"Please Jen just hear me out ,please if you do this I owe you big time I'll do anything for you if you just consider this your my bestest bestie and your absolute badass the coolest--"

"Okay okay, let's hear what it is this time cuz the last time your crazy idea of seeking from me we got in prison, in another word your plans are trouble Rosie" I shake my head as her as she pout.

"Hey! I promise this time it's not really that big of a deal, and don't tell me you didn't get the satisfaction when we burn my ex cheating of a girlfriend's car that day and you know she deserves it"

"I know, so tell me what do you want or I'm not even gonna consider this."

"So urm Lisa my sister is in trouble kind of, well you do know that she's some big shit give by the fact that she basically inherit the manoban corp and that but my grand dad want something from her that she can't give just yet before the manoban corp will announce her Official take over next month ." She trailed of thinking about telling me or not.

"And that is?"

"A heir."

"Okay so what do you want me to do rosè produce her the heir so viola problem solve? Don't be ridicolous" I chuckled as if she was out of her mind until I look at her serious face my face face slowly turning into a look of horror.

"Tell me you're not thinking what I am thinking right now Rosie cuz there's no way in hell I'm gonna help you this time."

"No it's not that hubby, Lisa has been arranged marriage and next week is her wedding."

"So it's problem solve then,"

"No you don't understand, Lisa have a very dark past it's hard to explain but she's not yet over from her past, or let's just say she's not over from her late wife" I look at her urging her to go on .

"And the girl she will get married is obsessed with her and she doesn't have time for 'love shit' her word not mine,  given the fact that there's a high expectations behind her back after the take over next month. So I need you to stop the wedding and help my poor sister"

"The fuck Rosie?! Are you out of your mind? You do know it will be a big scandal if I do that and I will a laughing stuck girl who crush the soon to be manoban CEO's wedding, absolutely not Rosie this conversation is over." I get up and ready to bolt put of here when she grab my arms and made me sit back

"Please hubby do this to me pls I know it doesn't make sense I k ow this idea is absurd but Lisa, she was my supper hero--"

"I thought I was your supper hero , nice one Rosie one of the reason I don't want to be involved on this"

"You know what I mean Jen, you know how Lisa protected me when I was young tell now she was always on my back when I needed her, she raised me when our parents couldn't do such thing. She was my protector and this time I'm the one gonna help and protect her from that psycho woman. pls just consider this and will talk about this tomorrow night , and I promise you if you agree to this I'll help you  with your stupid project even thought I really hate it." Well look at that, the last part  took my interest. The project she is talking about is the interview project from my little documentary I am a professional journalist and this project is really important to me because this will be my road to promotion if I will get to interview one of the most influential and successful woman in the planet and who else I'm talking about? Of course  Rosie my best friend , cause she happen to be a big shot in the industry given the fact that she's a child of a manoban she's also a very popular actress so to do a documentary about what's her journey from bottom to the top is a big deal in Hollywood cuz she's one of the actress who is very private and she's known to be really closed off, I've been asking rosè this for months and now if I agree with her this will be my chance to prove to my boss that I can do this and I can be promoted for sure, and it just means one thing , lots lots of money.

"Okay so let me make this clear,you want me to cause a scandal on your sister's wedding and in return you're agreeing to be interviewed for my project? "

"Yes, well think about this way it's actually a win win situation doesn't it?" She smirks as she left her perfectly done eyebrows, she knows she got me there.

"Hmm what if I agree to this what will happen to me Rosie you know your name is a big shot in Hollywood so it's expected after the scandal I will cause I'm gonna be the headlines of all news that's for sure." Her smirk widen even more she propped her elbow on the table and look at me seriously .

"You forgot that I can take down all the news I don't like in a matter of seconds like a bubble right?"

I rolled my eyes because of course how can I forget they're powerful  and  she has the power to take down all rumors against her from the past.

"Okay, let me think about it first."

She was about to squeal when I sush  her immediately.

"Don't celebrate yet I'm still thinking about it , and don't even think that I don't  think  this is a crazy idea still."

I shook my head

"Of course take all your time to think about it , and just remember I will behind your back when you decided to be my savior again, I love you so much hubby "and now she's full on squealing before she hugged me I tap her back .

"No let go, you're suffocating me."

"Right, sorry"

Looking at her smiling face I really don't have  much of a choice didn't I?

"Now that's settled can we go back to what the hell happened to you on Friday night ? You suddenly went messing for hours." Right random rosè us back again.

"Honestly I don't remember much what happened I just remember I punch someone inside the bathroom then I block out"I shrugged, yeah that's right I don't much remember what happened that night I  just woke up sprawled on the dirty bathroom floor and rosè hovering over me waking me up.

"You and your anger issues always get you trouble " she shakes her heads she knows me too well.

"Oh c'mon you love me."

"No I don't" she tease I pout.