
My Stepsister Is My Mate

From the very beginning, Rufus Carter was in love with Leanor Ford. At the age of seventeen, Rufus was already known for his towering height, costly lifestyle, and aloof attitude. Unfortunately, Rufus was left motherless at an early age, and this year, his father decided to remarry, making Leanor's mother his new stepmother. As if fate wanted to play a twisted game, Rufus turned eighteen and found out that Leanor was his mate - adding a new level of complexity to their already complicated situation. The fact that his stepsister was his mate left Rufus stunned.

favy_writes8 · Fantasie
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16 Chs

Episode 7

Rufus snatched the small bag from Leanor's grasp and calmly uttered, "we should go."

Leanor hesitated, glancing at the young woman, but to her surprise, the woman bowed once again, causing her to feel a sense of unease. She mustered a forced smile and quickly made her way towards Rufus.

"I apologize for causing you trouble," Leanor expressed, her face displaying an indescribable expression.

Rufus chuckled softly at Leanor's words as he walked towards the car.

Upon entering the house, Rufus nonchalantly placed her bag in the entrance hall.

Leanor hesitated for a moment before speaking up, "Are people always this afraid of you? I mean, your father is the leader of the pack, not you.."

Rufus responded expressionlessly, "I don't know, you tell me?"

Leanor shook her head, attempting to forget the topic. "Forget it."

Just as she noticed Rufus about to enter the room, she hastily called out to him. "Wait..."

She handed him a pot of yellow carnation flowers.

Rufus leaned against the door with his hands in his pockets, observing her. He slightly raised his eyebrows and glanced at the pot of flowers.

"A pot of yellow carnation flowers?" Rufus frowned. Doesn't she know that yellow carnations symbolize rejection?

Leanor nodded.

"The house feels so empty, and there isn't even a pot of flowers outside. So I thought..."

Before Leanor could finish her sentence, Rufus extended his hand, and she quickly handed him the pot of yellow carnation flowers.

Rufus glanced at her, his gaze shifting to the pot of flowers, and his lips parted slightly.

"Do you know the meaning of yellow carnations?" he asked.

Leanor shook her head.

Rufus took the pot of yellow carnation flowers and closed the door without saying another word.

Confused, Leanor scratched her head. Did she do something wrong?

She sighed before placing the remaining pot of petunias on the balcony and grabbing a cup to water them.

Coincidentally, Rufus carried the pot of yellow carnation flowers outside and placed it directly on the balcony. It seemed that he also intended to water them.

Rufus spoke lightly, "Cup."

Leanor quickly handed him the cup, as if she had just snapped out of a trance.

Rufus poured water onto the roots.

Unable to contain her curiosity, Leanor cautiously asked, "What exactly did you say to the guard at the gate that msde him call me Ms Carter?"

Rufus lifted his eyelids, allowing the bright golden sunlight to illuminate his face.

His lighter-colored brown gave him a feline-like appearance, exuding a sense of allure and laziness.

His voice, as clear as the misty rain, responded, "I don't know. What do you think I told him?"

Taking three steps closer, Rufus accidentally dropped the cup, startling Leanor.

She instinctively looked at Rufus, only to be captivated by his hazel eyes, which sparkled with the golden sunlight.

That wasn't his eyes. That was his wolf eyes.

"Your wolf eyes... they're truly beautiful," Leanor uttered, her voice filled with awe.

Confused, Rufus cleaned his eyes and replied, "Wait, what? Wolf eyes? I haven't even transformed."

Shaking her head vigorously, Leanor cursed herself for her strange thoughts. She turned her attention to the petunias.

Meanwhile, Rufus leaned against the balcony, his mind filled with different thoughts.

Wolf eyes? What was going on? He still had a whole year before he would shift, so why was his wolf eyes out?

"What is wrong with me?" Rufus pondered silently.

Standing up, Leanor calmly announced, "I'll be out for a while."

As Leanor glanced at Rufus, he averted his gaze, his tone turning cold as he simply replied, "Okay."