Tony Stark may have been religious about using protection through the years. Unfortunately condoms do break, also failure rates go up when drunk or otherwise intoxicated. This means well, it was rather inevitable.
Daisy was not expecting three hits when she ran her DNA against the SHIELD database. Which complicated feelings on the whole issue or not, well her apparent baby brother just started stopping crime in his pajamas. So if she takes a month, she's on the run from SHIELD post Hive anyways, and helps the kid out it doesn't have to mean anything. Really, she's completely going to be able to leave without regrets. Totally. And if she ends up looping in their apparent older sister, it's for Peter.
So this fic breaks down into like three distinctive parts/archs. So the first five chapters are mostly part one. So it's going to be longer than five chapters. I'm just not totally done with the chapters for the whole thing yet. It is all outlined and partially done though. So heads up on the length stretching.
There are going to be pairings but I'm not there yet so they might change. But once I have them settled properly in the draft I'll add those tags. But this fic focuses on the siblings.
(See the end of the work for other works inspired by this one.)
Chapter 1: Aunt May Needs a DrinkChapter Text
May Parker was curious when she heard the doorbell. She wasn't expecting anyone. Shaking the water off her hands she grabbed a dish towel while making her way to the door. "COMING!" Drying her hands she opened the door. "Hello, can I help you?"
"My name is Daisy Johnson and I need to talk to you about your nephew Peter." The newly proclaimed Daisy was a young woman, early twenties, dark hair under a knit cap, leather jacket, flannel, torn jeans, too dark make-up, and pain practically oozing out of her.
May knew instinctively that this person was scared. "What about Peter?" She didn't open the door further.
"This is uh… best not to be talked about in the open." Daisy's eyes glanced furtively. "I promise I'm here to help."
May tightened her hold of the dishtowel. But Peter. She stepped back. "He hasn't gotten into any trouble has he?"
"Not like you're thinking." Daisy stepped in neatly. She turned, seeing the door still open. Her hand raised and the door shut without a single touch.
She startled back. "You're one of them."
"Inhuman." Daisy rubbed at one arm. "I promise I'm not going to hurt you."
May had been around kids long enough to see several things she hadn't picked up on first look. The clothing Daisy was wearing was all slept in, the dark circles under her eyes the make-up was trying to cover, the bruising on her hands. There were the faintest remnants of a black eye hidden with make-up. "We don't want any trouble."
"I…" Daisy bit at her lower lip and then pulled out a phone and offered it over. "I've been keeping an eye on Peter and..I'm sorry I didn't realize till now, put the pieces together. But he's got powers. I don't know how. He doesn't have Inhuman genetic markers-"
May side stepped closer to a lamp. If she could get to the lamp. "Genetics? How-"
"Middle school, they took DNA samples as part of their cultural backgrounds project. SHIELD filed it away into their database. Never did anything with it. Bureaucracy is the worst." Daisy's lips twitched slightly. "But well I ran a search that included those old files and Peter's pinged."
She stopped in her approach to the lamp. "Why did it ping?"
"Not because he's part alien like me, but because we share a certain level of commonality." Daisy looked positively sick. "We share a father. Perfectly human one."
She let her fingers wrap around the base of the lamp that was now behind her. "You said Peter has powers?" Oh god, if that was true people would try and take him away from her. She wouldn't let that happen. Now to somehow smash this lamp over the Inhuman in her living room.
"You know the Spiderman? The one who's been helping people for the last two weeks?" Daisy shifted, her shoulders tight. "I found this." She tilted her phone screen so that the video on it was visible.
May released the lamp and grabbed the phone from Daisy's hand. Because there was shitty security footage of Peter changing into red and blue sweats. She pressed a hand to her chest as it dawned on her exactly what that meant. "I'm going to kill that boy! I knew he was keeping secrets after Ben, but this is...He could get hurt!"
"Hey that's why I'm here." Daisy patted her shoulder before drawing back with a jerk. "I just want to help. I've deleted all the footage already. No one will find out how I did."
She pressed the heel of a hand against her forehead. "I'm sorry, did you try to say you're related to Peter?"
"Half-sister technically. Apparently Tony Stark seduced a lot of married women. Including your sister and my mom among others…" Daisy toed at the carpet.
May opened and then shut her mouth. She knew her sister had had an affair before Peter. It had been nothing...but the timeline was close enough. But Tony Stark? "Why should I believe you?"
"Look I'm just here to help. I don't know how he got his but well." Daisy shrugged. "I can help make sure you can keep the two of you off anyone's radar. Oh and I have the DNA results."
She lowered her hand. May considered the girl, and god she was barely older than a child herself. "Why come to me and not Peter?"
"Because you love him." Daisy replied simply.
Peter stopped in his tracks as he realized there was someone in their apartment. He raised a single hand. "Hi?"
Sitting in the 'guest' chair was a girl who was basically inhaling what looked like an entire pan of lasagna. And she wasn't like one of May's friends, she looked cool. Like fishnet long sleeves with a flannel shirt, sleeves cut off over the top. Clunky jewelry, black hair, ripped jeans, dark makeup. She was just missing a guitar or something. LIke cool biker, garage band girl. The sorta senior at school who didn't even acknowledge his existence.
She apparently didn't know she wasn't supposed to acknowledge his existence. She raised a single hand up, just as awkwardly as him. "Sup."
"Oh thank god you're home safe." Aunt May was suddenly there hugging him tightly. One arm yanking him to her around the back, her other hand pressed to the back of his head. "I was so worried."
"Aunt May?" His cheeks burned as his voice came out as more of a squeak than anything else.
She shushed him, holding him tighter. Finally, she petted his head and pushed him back, hands on both shoulders. "You are in so much trouble young man!"
"What?" His eyes flicked to the cool girl who was staring at them in a sort of muted horror, fork lifted halfway to her mouth. Nope, he was so never going to be cool at school… But then as his eyes flicked back to May he shrunk slightly. Oh, he was in that type of trouble...but why? "I didn't do anything?"
"Oh you call swinging around in your sweats, stopping car accidents, nothing!?" May shook him slightly. "What do you think would happen if you got hurt!"
Peter paled. "What? I wouldn't do that."
"You have been sneaking out to be Spiderman. What the fuck Peter?" May crossed her arms as she looked at him. "I thought we told each other things."
He froze as he realized his aunt was going to start crying. "We do! I just wanted to protect you!"
"I'm the adult here Peter! And risking your life." She yanked him back into a tighter hug.
Peter hugged her back. "I'm sorry Aunt May."
"You never lie to me about something this big again." May chided, her voice thick with emotion. "I can't lose you."
He hugged her back. Peter cracked an eye open and realized there was still someone else in their apartment. "Um...Aunt May who?"
"Oh that's your sister. She's here to help." May turned and smiled at the girl. "Do you want some juice?"
The girl smiled at May. "Juice is good."
"So you're a former secret spy agent, hacker, and have superpowers?!" Peter starred in awe, oh god she was cool!
A soft smile pulled at her as she ducked slightly. "Yeah, it's been a crazy couple of years."
"Have you met Captain America?" Peter leaned forward excited. This was cool. His dad was apparently Ironman which...was complicated.
She smiled properly then. "No, but I've met Sif, one of Thor's personal warriors. And she kicks ass."
"That's so cool! Can I meet her?" Peter felt like bouncing, the other kids in school would never believe this!
Daisy flinched slightly. "No one can know I'm here. You don't exactly resign from SHIELD. Well not when you have powers."
"Wait, so if they find out where you are what will happen?" Peter asked.
She twisted the flannel of her shirt. "Right now there's a power vacuum. A lot of agents were crippled or killed. Good people. And that means leadership is changing. I was able to get out while that was happening. But the new Director, well he believes in bagging and tagging people with powers. I need to make a difference, help people. Not sit in a lab and let them study me."
"You said you were the leader of a team though?" May frowned as she held her mug of hot cocoa.
Daisy rubbed at her forearm slightly. "I was. But things happened and… well let's say being mind-controlled by evil kills goodwill inside of an organization."
"Mind control is real!" Peter pulled back at the haunted look on his new sister's face. He'd stuck his foot in it again. "Or well that's not that cool...or interesting. So um...Well you said I wasn't the only person you found who was related to you. So like are there others?"
Daisy's expression softened back out. "One other. Her name is Darcy Lewis. She's getting her doctorate in mechanical engineering. She majored in political science for her undergrad but got into a graduate engineering program after she graduated."
"Does she have powers like us?" Peter was still so excited that his sister had powers just like him! He wasn't alone. And May seemed ok with the idea of his powers. Not that he ever thought she'd be mad at him...but freaking out a lot less than expected.
Daisy shook her head. "As far as I can tell she's pretty normal. Had an internship with Jane Foster and might have met Thor. But otherwise the most normal out of the three of us. Grew up with a single mom, works as a waitress to help make ends meet now that she's in school. No warrants out for her arrest either."
"Don't go getting any ideas young man." May gave him a pointed look from over her mug. "I have gotten more grey hairs today."
Peter smiled as he picked up his own mug. "I don't think I'd do well in jail anyways."
"I haven't actually been to jail." Daisy cocked her head to the side before shrugging. "Don't do as I do kid."
He snickered. "So you can help me with my powers?"
"Yeah, I can also teach you how to defend yourself. Help you and your aunt set up some evacuation points in case your powers get outed. Make sure you have some alarms set up. But once all that's set I'll get out of your hair. You're safer that way." She shifted awkwardly.
Peter wanted to protest, but May was giving him the 'shut it' look. Which meant something was happening his rambles might mess up. "Sounds cool.'re you going to show me stuff?"
"There's an old shipping yard that's abandoned. Company went bankrupt and hasn't been bought up yet. It'll be safe for us to practice there." She shot a look at May and then looked back at him. "And no Spiderman till you can take care of yourself and I'll run back up to make sure you're safe."
Peter wasn't even upset, he was gonna get super secret agent training. "Do I get to use a gun?"
"Absolutely not!" May cut in.
Daisy looked amused. "I'll pick you up after school and we can see what you can do. Sound good?"
"I expect both of you home in time for dinner." Aunt May gave Daisy a pointed look. "I know my lasagna isn't good enough for you to have eaten it that fast."
Daisy sunk further into her chair, but there was a faint smile on her face as she did it. "Yes Aunt May."
"You can just call me May." Aunt May pointed out.
Daisy shook her head. "My S.O.'s name was May. It's...complicated."
"Alright, but you better not call me ma'am." Aunt May was smiling, and everything felt like it was going to be alright.
Daisy smirked. "I'm not much of the ma'aming type."
"Now where were you planning on staying tonight?" Aunt May asked after a pointed look at the clock.
Daisy stretched before sliding onto her feet. "I've got a van outside."
"You're sleeping in a van?" Aunt May's danger tone was out. To the uninitiated it sounded mildly insulted. Peter knew better. He tried to signal the danger to his sister. It was too late.
She grinned. "Yeah, got it for like two hundred bucks. Reminds me of old times."
"A VAN!?" Aunt May yelped in horror.
Peter was practically vibrating out of his seat as he waited for the final bell. Skipping the robotics club would be so worth it. His foot bounced anxiously. Why was the clock so slow, like the arms were ticking painfully slowly. "Come on…"
"Dude, Mr Baker is gonna hear you." Ned hissed at him.
He glanced at their seventh period history teacher. Yup, he was still nodding off as he graded their last round of essays at his desk. So he was good. "Mr Baker never pays attention to us. Besides schools almost out!"
"This is so weird. We're the nerds who like school." Ned blinked rather bemusedly at him. He perked up suddenly. "Did you meet a girl?"
Peter's cheeks went bright red. "No! Well yes, but not like that and it's just all very complicated."
"You met a girl and didn't tell me?" Ned leaned forward.
He winced, desperately hoping his friend would shut up. But Daisy was so awesome! "She's family."
"Oh." Ned slumped slightly.
Flash had apparently heard part of their conversation, as his snide tone carried. "Oh, is Peter's secret girlfriend a hot senior from a different school? Is she from Canada and we'll never see her?"
"She's not my girlfriend!" Peter hissed, his cheeks heating up, that was so wrong.
Flash snickered. "Duh, nobody is going to date you."
"She's not a senior, she's twenty one." Peter grumbled. God could the last few ticks of the clock be done with anyways?!
Flash laughed. "Oh a college girl! Yeah right." The rest of the class was laughing now. "Guess we know what's in your spank bank now."
"SHE'S MY SISTER!" Peter yelped, this was so wrong.
"Quiet!" Mr Baker finally had noticed the commotion.
The whole class settled. It didn't take long for the man to go back to his grading. Instead of bored sleepiness the class was now filled with energy, bright eyes waiting for it. Flash deemed it safe first. He flicked his hair slightly. "You don't have a sister Parker."
"Half sister, she's like really cool." Peter defended.
Ned's face scrunched up. "You're an only child Peter?"
"Well I have a sister and she's really cool, and she's picking me up from school today. So you''ll see." Peter tried to lift his chin, it ended up more of a nervous jerk.
He was saved by the bell, literally the end of period bell went off.
Peter grabbed his backpack and made a break for it. He was going to embarrass Daisy if his classmates kept this up. Hopefully he could just hop into her van and they could avoid all social interaction with his classmates. He jogged, slipping side to side to avoid colliding with the halls as they began to fill with students.
He was among the first out of the doors. Hopping down the stairs Peter spotted Daisy. She stood out. Beat up old van, rocker grunge look, there she was leaning against her car. Beside the parents here to pick up their kids she stood out. Peter beamed, she'd really come. He sped up till he came skidding to a halt just beside her. "Daisy!"
"Hey kid." Daisy stuffed her phone into her pocket and stepped forward before rocking back as her hands slid into her pockets. "Ready to go?"
Peter nodded excitedly. "It's gonna be awesome!" He clamored into the van with a wide grin. Glancing out the window he felt kinda smug at the shocked looks on his classmates faces. He purposely waved goodbye to Ned.
Daisy made a sound of amusement as she settled into the driver's seat. "Need me to take care of any bullies for you? I can destroy their social media, give their parents some outstanding parking tickets."
"You can do that?" Peter knew he was ok at computers, and Ned was even better. But neither of them could do that.
She shot him a smug look while starting up the van and pulling into traffic. "I can do so much more than that."
He grinned. "So what's first? Like how to throw a punch? Or maybe like super spy tackling?"
"Tai Chi actually." Daisy's hula dancer bobbled with the rough ride of the van. "It will help you get a better sense of where your limbs are, general body awareness, and control of yourself." She turned them away from Queens. "It's what my SO started me on. Well my second SO. But my first one ended up being a Nazi so we're not following his example."
Peter paused at her tone. "What does SO mean? I mean I think I get the idea but I don't know the acronym."
"Supervisory Officer." Daisy replied, checking her mirrors slightly more than he was used to Aunt May or school bus drivers doing...maybe it was a spy thing? "Typically you're trained first and then given an SO to help train you as a type of on the job training thing. But everything was a bit backwards for me."
He twisted his hands in the straps of his backpack. "Why was it backwards for you?"
"Cause SHIELD didn't recruit me, they black bagged me." Her tone turned playful. "It was all 'join us or go to prison'. Very dramatic, spy organizations don't like hacktivists very much."
Peter gaped. "Wait, you were so good they made you an agent?"
"Yup." She looked over at him and winked. "And I got caught on purpose."
"No way."
Peter panted as he lowered the shipping crate he'd been bench pressing. Rolling out of the way he dropped it onto the cement. "Why?"
"Need to be able to measure what you're capable of." Daisy smiled.
He looked at his sister and was excited. "Can you show me what you can do?"
"Sure." Daisy raised an arm and sent the empty shipping container sliding six feet back. She hissed grabbing her forearm. "Sorry, it's hard to use my powers right now."
"Why?" He cocked his head to the side.
May gaped at her nephew's half-sister. "YOUR BONES ARE SHATTERED!?!"
"It's just fractures." Daisy shifted from one foot to the other.
She choked. "WHAT THE FUCK." May ran a hand through her hair. "What the fuck... Just what the fuck."
"I can still protect you and Peter. And I'll only be here for a month to help make sure you're secure." Daisy winced slightly. "I can leave sooner if you believe that's necessary. A week even would let me help get things organized for you."
"That's not the issue!" May stared at the girl...and oh god she didn't know better. May met people like Daisy in her work with the local homeless shelter. But she met people like this. People so horrifically damaged by their pasts that they didn't understand basic human kindness or concern properly. But seeing it in a girl with the same warm brown eyes as Peter, who so clearly hadn't let it stop her from being kind.
Daisy's head tilted to the side. "What is the issue?"
"That you are hurt. That you're hurting yourself." May begged silently for Daisy to understand.
Daisy clearly didn't understand. "It's not that bad. Mostly micro fractures. Once I've finished helping you two I can acquire some bone growing steroids. They repair the damage."
She pinched the bridge of her nose, ignoring the wide-eyed and horrified expression on Peter's face. May breathed in. "And sleeping in the van. How long have you been doing that?"
"Oh since I ran away from the system at fifteen. Then SHIELD picked me up two years later so then bunk on the plane, then we were on the run from Hydra so hotel rooms, then the base so bunk, and now I'm on the run again so back to the van." Daisy shrugged as if that made things ok.
May stepped forward and dropped a hand on Daisy's shoulder. "You're sleeping on the couch. No arguments." She cut in before the girl could try to argue that point. "And you're eating three square meals a day. Also we're going to talk about why I suddenly have fifty thousand in my savings account because I did not have that in my savings account last night."
"I don't know what you're talking about," Daisy replied instantly while Peter made an odd squawking sound.
She raised a brow. "You're a good liar. Lie to me again and I'll ground you young lady. Don't think I won't do it." May grabbed a throw blanket and wrapped it around the girl's shoulders. "Did Let you use your powers when it hurt you?"
"Well yes." Daisy shrugged. "I had gauntlets that acted as shock absorbers, but they had GPS in them."
Peter perked up. "Do you know how they were built? Titanium base obviously, or maybe not. The weight could be a hindrance." His eyes were lit with a curious light.
"Woah, woah, woah." Daisy held up a hand with a laugh. "I don't know any of that nerd." She reached out and ruffled his hair. "Dropped outta highschool, and I was failing science before that."
Peter's face scrunched up. "But you can hack?"
"Hacking is different than science. Like uh I don't have a clue about like elements, chemicals, phosphorus...whatever all that stuff is. The science monkeys take care of that. Like Fitzsimmons. They do their science mumbo jumbo and I do the hacking and ass-kicking."
Peter grabbed Daisy's arm and dragged her down onto the couch with him. "What did they look like? Do you have pictures, can you draw it? I could try and make you new ones. Oh if we used an electrical stimulation it might accelerate the rate of bone growth too!"
"You've made shock absorbing gauntlets with electrical mumbo jumbo before?" Daisy looked at him dubiously.
Peter wilted slightly. "Well no, and I don't have the equipment. But if we broke into the school after hours-"
"Absolutely not young man!" May cut in. "You are not breaking into the school and stealing."
Daisy paused. "Wait, how do you make your webs?"
"In chemistry class?" Peter warily replied.
May turned on her nephew. "You've been stealing from the chemistry lab!?"
"Just a little…" Peter held out his hand, two fingers squished together to show how little he'd been taking.
Daisy spoke up, her voice halting. "I could get you a...chemistry set? Or like just chemicals?"
"Speaking of money, fifty-thousand?" May turned on the girl. "Did you steal it?:
Daisy's eyes widened. "No! I mean I set up a program that stole .05 of the top 100 businesses in the US to fund SHIELD. But no, that was my moola. Or well I suppose the money I stole for SHIELD was used to pay most of my paychecks so technically...but they were bad people with cruel business practices."
"Well then." May breathed in, and then breathed out. "It's your money, you are not just putting it in my account. Fuck."
Daisy's expression turned was eerily similar to Peter's. "Nope." Her lips pulled up in a sly grin. "I'm sure I could funnel more in if you want."
"Just." May held up a hand. "We're talking about this later."
Peter cleared his throat. "What if we contact Mr Stark? He could help with the gauntlets?"
"Kid, no." Daisy shook her head. "Meeting your bio parents is overrated. My bio mom tried to suck the life out of me so I wouldn't stop her from eradicating the human species."
There was a defining silence.
May spoke in a low exhale. "What the fuck?"
"Mr Stark's a superhero?" Peter asked slowly.
Daisy shifted awkwardly. "Stark is… sure I only found two other kids of his. But he might have more who just haven't had their DNA recorded. He's a good hero but his life is… I'm not going to ask that man for help. And if you make contact with him you will never be safe. The press will hunt you down, his enemies will hunt you down and hurt you. It's not a good idea Peter."
"I…" Peter settled sullenly only to suddenly perk up again. "Our sister's a mechanical engineer. If we can't ask Mr Stark for help we can ask her. She'll be loads better at it than I am." His eyes turned to May. "And Daisy's arm bones won't fracture if we do that."
Daisy looked rather betrayed but also amused.
"Not on a school night, but Friday if you want to go meet your other sister you can." May gave Daisy a pointed look. "No powers till then. Fractured bones."