
My Stash of completed fics

Stash of numerous good fics that I like have more that 100k word count and are completed . Fics here range from anime, marvel, dc , Potter verse, some tv series like GoT Or some books . You can look forward to fun crossovers too ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- list of fics :- 1. Wind Shear by Chilord (HP) 2.Blood, Sweat and Fire by Dhagon (GOT × Minecraft) 3.Harry Potter: Lost Son by psychopath556 ( HP ) 4.Deeds, not Words (SI) by Deimos124 (GOT) 5.From Beyond by Coeur Al'Aran ( RWBY) 6.Everyone has darkness by Darthemius ( Naruto ) 7.Overlord by otblock57(HP) 8.Never Cut Twice - Book 1 Butterfly Effect by thales85(GOT) 9.The Peverell Legacy by Sage1988 (Got × HP) 10 .Artificer by Deiru Tamashi (DxD) 11.So How Can I Weaponize This? by longherin ( HP ) 12 .Hero Rising by LoneWolf-O1 ( Young Justice × Naruto) 13.Harry Potter and the World that Waits by dellacouer ( X-Men × HP) 14. What We're Fighting For by James Spookie ( HP ) 15. Mind Games by Twisted Fate MK 2 ( RWBY ) 16. Crystalized Munchkinry by Syndrac (Worm SI ) 17. Red Thorn by moguera ( RWBY) 18 . The Sealed Kunai by Kenchi618 ( Naruto ) 19. Dreamer by Dante Kreisler ( Percy Jackson ) 20. The Empire of Titans by Drinor ( Attack on Titans ) 21. Tempered by Fire by Planeshunter ( Fate / Stay night ) 22 .RWBY, JNPR, & HAIL by DragonKingDragneel25 ( RWBY × HP ) 23. Reforged by SleeperAwakens (HP) 24. Less Than Zero by Kenchi618 (DC) 25. level up by Yojimbra (MHA) 26. Y'know Nothing Jon Snow! by Umodin ( Pokemon ) 27. Any Means Necessary by EiriFllyn ( Fate × Worm × Multiverse ) 28.The Power to Heal and Destroy by Phoenixsun ( Naruto ) 29.Force for Good by Jojoflow ( MHA) 30. Naruto: Shifts In Life by The Engulfing Silence (Naruto) 31. Naruto Chimera Effect by ZRAIARZ ( DxD × Naruto) 32. Iron Re-Write. By lindajenner (Marvel) 33. A Whole New Life By MadWritingBibliomaniac ( HP ) 34 . Restored by virginea (GOT ) 35 . I Am Lord Voldemort? By orphan_account ( HP) 36 .There goes sixty years of planning by Shinji117 (Fate Apocrypha) 37 . The Wings of a Butterfly by DecayedPac ( HP ) 38 . The War is Far From Over Now by Dont_call_me_Carrie ( Marvel ) 39 . Black Rose Blooms Silver by CyberQueen_Jolyne ( RWBY ) 40 . Cheat Code: Support Strategist by Clouds { myheadinthecoudsnotcomingdown } ( MHA) 41 .Hypno by ScarecrowGhostX ( MHA ) 42 . Happy Accidents by Rhino {RhinoMouse} ( Marvel ) 43 . Fox On the Run by Bow_Woww ( Naruto ) 44 . Time for Dragons: Fire by Sleepy_moon29 ( GoT) 45 . Intercession by VigoGrimborne ( HP × Taylor Herbert ) 46 . Flight of the Dragonfly by theantumbrae ( MHA ) 47 . Restored by virginea ( GOT ) 48 . An Essence of Silver and Steel by James D. Fawkes ( Worm × Heroic spirits ) 49 . Trump Card by ack1308 ( Worm) 50.Memories of Iron ( Worm & Iron man) 51. Tome of the Orange Sky (Naruto/MGLN) 52. A Dovahkiin without Dragon Souls to spend. (Worm/Skyrim/Gamer)(Complete) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ If you have any completed fic u want me to upload you can suggest it through comments and as obvious as it is please note that , none of the fics above belong to me in any sense of the word . They belong to their respective authors you can find most of the originals on Fanfiction.net , spacebattles or ao3 with the same names ]

Shivam_031 · Anime & Comics
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2777 Chs


Chapter 23:

Ruby had thought that their journey had ended when they'd reached the palace gates. But then passing through them had turned into an odyssey of its own. Now, it seemed that traveling through the palace itself was just as arduous, in its own way. They traveled down corridors, which transitioned through a variety of different decors and color palettes. They passed by courtyards of various types and shapes. They turned at seemingly random intervals, and ascended steps on repeated occasions, only to descend another set of steps later.

"This place is so...big," said Ruby, wondering just how much longer this could go on.

"It is," said Sasame with a sigh, "annoyingly so."

"It doesn't help that the layout is deliberately confusing," added Kyo.

"Why?" asked Ruby.

"It's a throwback to the heyday of castle design," explained Shinrei. "The layout is designed to be deliberately confusing, while averting a direct route to the most important sections. An invading or infiltrating force would find themselves disoriented and worn out from having to make their way through so many twists and turns to get where they're going."

"Which isn't to say that shortcuts don't exist," said Sasame. "You'll learn them in time."

"I hope so," said Ruby, her legs beginning to shake. She squeaked when Shinrei, of all people, hoisted her up in his arms and carried her along, to the amused and adoring laughter of Sasame and Kyo.

Their trip continued until, finally, they reached the end of corridor, into which was set a rather plain-looking wooden door.

"Here we are," said Sasame. "This is where Sora-sama usually is at this time of day."

Shinrei set Ruby down and moved to open the door. Ruby's eyes roved around, taking in the room that apparently belonged to the effective ruler of the Mibu Clan.

It was a fairly large room. The walls and ceiling were built from dark-stained wood, giving off a comfortable ambience that was reminiscent of the atmosphere of Taihaku's courtyard. Most of the room was occupied by an empty space of floor, made distinct by the straw mats that took the place of the wooden flooring that most of the rest of the palace sported. Across from them, on the opposite wall, was a wooden seat, almost throne-like in its construction, with broad arms and a wide back, with a thick cushion set into it. The seat was mounted on a raised dais, a good six inches above the level of the rest of the room, the floor beneath it wood, like most of the rest of the palace.

Ruby's caught movement in her peripheral vision, and looked to the right, towards the back of the room, where she saw a setup that could have come from a stereotypical office, like any found in the Kingdoms. That corner was occupied by a mid-sized wooden desk, made from the same kind of dark wood as the walls and ceiling. Against the walls around it stood bookcases, occupied with thick volumes on the shelves of one, while the other was built in a cubicle design, the cubbies holding scrolls; not the communication devices used in the Kingdoms, but rolled-up cylinders of paper.

Behind the desk sat a woman, whom Ruby presumed to be Kyo's mother, and the head of the Taishiro. As they entered, she was currently bent over the desk, seated in a smaller, plainer chair than the one on the far side of the room, a quill in her hand, scribbling something onto a piece of paper. Even as Shinrei slid the door closed behind them, she seemed not to notice their entry.

After a few more seconds, her quill stopped and she set it down with a sigh. Her head turned up and she favored them with a warm smile. "I thought I sensed someone familiar approaching," she said teasingly. "To think that my own prodigal son would drop by for a visit, finally."

"You say that as though I never come home, O-kaa-san," said Kyo cheerfully.

Sora tittered and stood up from behind the desk, finally giving Ruby a good view of her.

Kyo's mother was a unique woman to be sure. Like Saisei, she had a tall, willowy frame. She wore what appeared to be three kimonos in layers. The innermost was a pale, sky-blue; followed by a pink layer; then the outermost a cream color. They were held together by a blue sash around her waist, with a small fan tucked into it.

Sora's face was beautiful to look at. She had almost perfect skin, completely free of blemishes and completely smooth, save for slight crinkles in the corners of her eyes and lips, suggesting that she was someone who smiled freely. She possessed warm, almond-colored eyes that glittered with wit and intelligence. Her face was framed by locks of black hair, through which were twined feathered plumes that almost looked like elegant chains of jewels, both the hair and feathers running down to the level of her ankles. It took a moment for Ruby to realize that those plumes were not some kind of accessory, woven into her hair, but a part of her body, growing right out her scalp.

Kyo's mother was a faunus.

"We'll save the greetings for a moment, and get official business out of the way," said Sora, making her way to the throne-like chair on the dais. She sat down, spreading the folds of her kimono elegantly, her poise giving her a regal, queenly quality.

Shinrei and Sasame moved immediately, stepping out into the center of the mats laid out in front of the dais. Ruby moved to follow Sasame, but was stopped by Kyo resting a hand on her shoulder. Instead, she watched as Sasame and Shinrei both dropped to their knees, then bowed forward, pressing their fingers down and lowering their foreheads all the way to the floor, a display of obeisance beyond what they had shown Taihaku.

"I confirmed the reports of pirates in the waters outside Uzumaki," said Shinrei, after he and Sasame sat back up. "It seems they were hiding in our territorial waters, and using them as a staging area to strike out at ships moving along the trade route between Solitas and Sanus. Scouting them out, I found their fleet and sank them immediately. However, their leader may have gotten away."

"Unfortunate," said Sora. "You have additional information?" she asked, her gaze going to Sasame.

"We were on the ship that the pirates attacked," explained Sasame. "They were led by a woman named Morgan Bloodworth, a formidable combatant, most likely Huntress-caliber, if not better."

"Interesting," mused Sora. "If you dealt with her fleet, then at least she won't be a problem for a while. I'll have our warriors monitor the coast to see if she makes landfall there."

"I'll ensure that that information is relayed to the coast-guard," said Shinrei.

"Excellent," said Sora, clapping her hands together. "Now then, with business out of the way…Sasame…"

Sasame looked up expectantly at the woman, who rose to her feet.

"Greet me properly," said Sora.

Sasame rose to her feet as well. A second later, she threw herself at Sora, wrapping her arms around the woman's waist in a tight hug, Sora returning the gesture, trailing fingers through Sasame's auburn locks, while Sasame's tail wagged happily.

"What's going on?" whispered Ruby to Kyo, surprised by the sudden abandonment of formality.

Kyo chuckled softly, glancing down at Ruby. "Sasame's parents are…less than ideal," he explained. "Given that she's practically a sister to me, O-kaa-san chooses to treat her as a daughter as well, and provide her with the love she deserves."

Across the room, Sora and Sasame finally released each other. "And now, there is one more introduction to make, I believe," said Sora, seating herself again.

Ruby felt the pressure of Kyo's hand on her shoulder as he gently urged her forward, the two of them stepping out onto the mats to kneel next to Shinrei. Ruby looked over, then began to bend forward to bow as they had.

"That's not necessary, little one," said Sora softly. "Please look at me."

Ruby looked up and found her eyes locked with Sora. A shudder filled her as she saw the warmth in the woman's gaze, almost a palpable force in its own right.

"What is your name?" asked Sora gently.

"Ruby Rose," said Ruby.

Sora looked to Kyo. "And why is she here?" There was no reprimand in her words, merely curiosity.

"We found her in Vale," said Kyo. "We took her with us, as she wants to train to be a Huntress."

"And brought her all the way back, I see," said Sora. "I also get the feeling she is not merely your student now."

"Ah..yes…well…" Kyo grinned sheepishly. "Sasame and I sort of…adopted her…as our little sister."

"Little sister…hmm?" Sora's gaze returned to Ruby, who tensed slightly. There was no hostility behind it, but the weight of Sora's eyes was compelling all the same. "Come closer, Ruby-chan. Let me have a better look at you."

Ruby got up and crossed the floor to stand before Sora. Standing up, Sora stooped down and lifted Ruby by her waist, eliciting a surprised squeak from the girl. However, Ruby's worries abated as Sora sat back down, now seating Ruby on her lap.

"Hmm…" hummed Sora, continuing to stare down at Ruby, who stared back. "You are a beautiful child. I can see why Kyo and Sasame are so taken with you. I suppose, since you are now Kyo's sister, that makes you my daughter."

"Um…uh…" Ruby didn't know what to say, unsure of how to respond. It seemed presumptuous of her to call this powerful, respected, authoritative woman her mother. It also felt strange, the idea of calling another woman "mother," ever since she'd lost her real mother, the one who'd birthed her.

"Why do you cry, little one?" asked Sora.

"Huh?" Ruby blinked, confused. She hadn't even realized that her cheeks were wet, that her eyes were leaking a small, but continuous stream of tears. Why am I crying?

However, Sora smiled. "I think I have an idea of what's going on. Has it been some time since you were last in a mother's embrace?"

"Her original mother was killed on a mission as a Huntress," supplied Sasame.

"I see," said Sora. She wrapped her arms around Ruby and held her close.

Enwrapped in such loving warmth, Ruby found the last bonds of her restraint snapping and she leaned against Sora, pressing her face into the woman's robe, sobbing quietly, uncertain if it was happiness or sadness to moved her to such a display. Sora merely held her close, gently rocking her.

"I'm sorry," said Ruby, finally recovering some of her composure.

"It's fine," said Sora, using the wide sleeve of her kimono to dab away Ruby's tears. "Now then…" Her gaze turned back to Sasame and Kyo. "…do tell me how such a sweet child came to be in your company and how you brought her back home with you."

Kyo and Sasame related the story of how they'd come to meet Ruby and started her training, their journey across Sanus, their encounter with Qrow in Anduin, and their brief voyage across the sea, including their encounter with the pirates.

"My my," said Sora, as the tale wrapped up. She looked down at Ruby, smiling. "It seems that your life has become replete with unique experiences recently."

"I…I guess," said Ruby

"And so, you wish to study to become strong enough to become a Huntress, like your mother," said Sora. "Is that it?"

"Uh huh," said Ruby.

"From what I've heard so far, it seems you have the mettle for it," noted Sora. "If anything, you are well suited to this, if the progress Kyo and Sasame have described thus far is anything to go by." She turned her attention back to Kyo and Sasame. "And...what is it you wish for her now?"

"Well, I was thinking we could let her stay here," said Kyo.

"In the palace?" asked Sora.

"With us," said Kyo, looking at his mother.

"Hmmm..." Sora began to absently comb her fingers through Ruby's hair. "You do realize that could complicate things for her."

"Unfortunately, it's not as though my parents would accept her in our home," said Sasame glumly. "They would, if you ordered them to take her in, but they would resent having her and, most likely, vent thire resulting frustrations on her."

"I can see that happening," said Sora, disappointment evident in her tone.

Ruby looked up at her, unsure what she felt. She was worried that Sora wouldn't like her, but that didn't seem to be the case.

"I assume you intend to send Ruby to school, as well as train her," added Sora.

"What?" gasped Ruby, snapping her head around to look at Sasame.

"That's right," said Sasame.

"I have to go to school?" Ruby whined.

Kyo and Sasame's eyes went wide and they looked at each other in surprise, before snapping their gaze back to Ruby. A second later, they burst out laughing, Kyo almost doubling over.

"What is it that you find so amusing?" asked Sora, her eyebrow going up.

"It's just..." Sasame was having to wipe tears from her eyes, she was laughing so hard. "...this is the first time we've heard Ruby-chan really complain about anything."

"Walking for miles everyday, working until her entire body ached, having to wake up with the sun each morning..." Kyo straightened up. "...she took all of that without protest. But something so mundane as going to school..."

"Um...It's just..." Ruby tapped her index fingers together nervously. "I...I still want to train."

Back on Patch, Ruby had been about as enthusiastic about school as any girl her age would be, which was to say that she had been more interested in spending time with her friends than anything she might have learned in class. On top of that, school had been her sanctuary away from her father's constant scrutiny, right up until Taiyang had tried to take that away from her too. Of course, now, after multiple months of travel and training, the idea of giving any of that up to have to go back to something as ordinary as regular school was…unpleasant. On top of that, this was a school in a foreign land, where all the students probably had completely different customs from what she was used to. Ruby was already anticipating just how awkward joining such a class would be for her.

"And you will," said Sasame. "Yes, it means that you will have less time allotted to training each day. But we've already spent a great deal of time dedicated to laying the foundation of your learning, Ruby-chan. That was what all the intensive exercise was for during our trip, all the basics we drilled so thoroughly into you."

"You mean, you always meant to send me to school?" asked Ruby.

"That's right," said Sasame. "It isn't simply a matter of academic education. You need to spend time with people your own age, make friends, interact with others. Above all else, those are the most important things that going to school supplies you with."

"She is correct," added Sora, looking down at Ruby. "If you intend to go to Beacon someday, then you will be put on a team with three other people. So you need to have some ability to deal with people your own age. This too, can be considered a sort of training."

"Oh..." Ruby's eyes widened at the prospect. "Um...all right then."

"So," said Sora, her attention once again going to Kyo and Sasame, "how do you plan on solving the conundrum of her status?"

"My status?" Ruby blinked in confusion, looking back and forth between Sora and her siblings.

"Yes, your status," said Sasame, her tone apologetic as she gripped Ruby's hand. "It's unfortunate, but the our society is a rather isolationist one. We have few dealings with the outside world. Right now, Kyo and I are some of the only members of the clan who venture beyond the boundaries of our continent with any degree of regularity. We love you dearly, and there is no doubt that you are our beloved little sister, but..."

"...but making all of that official would essentially make you a ward of the royal family," said Kyo. "Considering that you are an outsider, that would put you in a position to draw a great deal of resentment from others, including the children you would be going to school with."

Going to school seemed less appealing by the minute to Ruby's mind.

Sasame seemed to pick up on her train of thought. "There's no helping the fact that there will be some discord," she admitted. "Because you are an outsider, you will certainly face prejudice from those who will be your peers. You will probably deal with a fair few difficulties. However, I know that you can overcome that obstacle, because you, Ruby-chan, above all else, excel at persevering. You are a girl who can do anything she puts her mind to."

"All right," said Ruby.

"So then...you have a solution?" asked Sora.

"I think I do," said Sasame. "While she would stay with you, in the palace, Ruby-chan would officially become my ward, a ward of the Mitarai family. Granted, that is still a rather elevated status for an outsider, but less contentious than the alternative."

"Very true," said Sora. "And your parents...?"

Sasame sighed. "They will object, of course. But they will have no alternative but to accept it. This is my decision, and I intend to abide by it."

"So be it then," said Sora. She looked down at Ruby. "So then, Ruby-chan, the current arrangement is that you will stay with us in the palace. Is that acceptable?"

"Y-yes," said Ruby.

Sora smiled warmly and held Ruby tightly, not tight enough to hurt, but enough for Ruby to feel the woman's genuine affection. "Do not worry, dear one. You are more than welcome with us. If Kyo claims you as his sister, then I shall treat you as my daughter. Are you all right with that?"

"Um..." Ruby swallowed, once again feeling confused about how she felt. She had to admit that resting in Sora's embrace and sitting on her lap brought back fond memories of when her real mother was still alive. Yet, at the same time, the idea of calling this woman, who, for all that she was truly kind and caring, was still so unfamiliar to her, "Mom," was a prospect Ruby wasn't sure she accepted.

"Ruby-chan," said Sora, gently tracing a finger across Ruby's cheek, "don't overthink it. I mean to treat you as a member of our family, but I can understand if this idea is unsettling to you. I would think no less of you if you wish to not see me as a mother. Go with whatever you are comfortable with."

"All right," said Ruby. She leaned into Sora's touch. However uncertain she felt about calling another person "Mom," it felt nice to have someone act like her mother again. She felt protected, safe, but not that smothered kind of "safe" she'd become accustomed to under her father's thumb.

The moment was abruptly ruined by a low growling from Ruby's stomach. "Um..." she said, her cheeks coloring.

"Oh dear," said Sasame, the realization dawning on her. "We skipped lunch."

"It completely slipped my mind," added Kyo.

"Mine too," said Shinrei with a sigh.

Sora gazed at them, raising an eyebrow. "You were so eager to get back here that you forgot make sure your little sister was fed?" she asked.

"I forgot too," said Ruby shyly.

Sora sighed. "Well, there's no changing that now. That being the case..." She met Ruby's eyes. "...shall we have dinner?"

"Yes, please!" said Ruby, a tad more eagerly than she meant to come off as, drawing laughter from the others, and making her blush even more.

Dinner was filling and delicious, if rather plain. Given that Sora was supposed to be the ruler of the Mibu, Ruby had half-expected an array of high-class dishes. Instead, the meal had proven to surprisingly simple. On top of that, Sora had done the cooking herself, another surprise, given that Ruby would have expected someone as high-ranked as her to have a bevy of servants at her beck and call for such mundane things. Ruby sat at a table, with Kyo on one side, Sasame on the other, and Sora directly across from her. The table itself was of the kind often found in Mistral, low-sitting, with the diners seated on cushions on the floor, rather than chairs. Shinrei had excused himself for the evening, promising to meet Ruby the next day to continue her training.

Sora filled the meal with conversation, drawing Ruby's story from her with surprising ease. Ruby was silently amazed at how easy it was for her to open up to this woman, who she didn't know all that well. In fact, she was already beginning to feel as though she'd known Sora for weeks, if not months. Sora was eager to hear more about Ruby's experiences, drawing out details that had been forgotten or glossed over during their conversation in Sora's office.

Ruby had missed this feeling, the feeling of sitting around the table with her family, talking about their days and their experiences. Back on Patch, mealtimes had come to be times of sullen silence, thanks to the fact that Taiyang or Yang's efforts to start any kind of conversation were typically shut down by Ruby. They would ask how her day had been and she would curtly answer, "The same as always." Yang was forbidden to talk about her own training in preparation for Signal at the dinner table, because it always led to arguments between their father and Ruby. Taiyang would occasionally try to start talking about something or other, but Ruby would pointedly ignore him.

That was a far cry from the lively affair that was dinner with Kyo's mother. She was astute, listening intently to Ruby's stories about her experiences. She also teased both Kyo and Sasame good-naturedly. While Sasame wasn't blood-related, it was obvious that Sora truly considered her a surrogate daughter, which might have explained why she was so open to the idea of Ruby staying with them.

The conversation was abruptly interrupted when the door to the dining room opened, and a new person entered, coming to stand directly behind Sora.

"You're late, dear," said Sora, not evening turning to look at him, though the fond smile on her face indicated she knew who exactly was standing over her now.

The man standing behind her looked distinctly familiar to Ruby, primarily because his face was almost identical in profile to Kyo's. His black hair was much neater, having been combed to run smoothly down the sides of his head, though it curled out at the sides just a little, also tapering down the back of his neck. Like Kyo, his eyes were a vivid, luminous crimson color, albeit slightly narrower, which, combined with the easygoing smile on his face, made him seem far more relaxed and serene.

He was dressed in a kimono of pure white, the wide sleeves decorated with that taijitu symbol that seemed so prevalent throughout the clan. A white sash was tied about his waist, and a rather ordinary sword in a black-lacquered sheath hung from it.

"I'm sorry," said the man, who could only have been Kyo's father. "I found some fascinating books in the archive and got carried away."

"You and your projects," said Sora with a long-suffering, yet fond sigh. "And here we are, with your son finally home again, and you can't be bothered to step away from your books."

"Perhaps you should have sent somebody to tell me Kyo was back," said Kyo's father with a chuckle.

"Would you have put down your book and come, if I had?" asked Sora.

"Probably not," said Kyo's father, moving to take the cushion next to Sora's. "I'd see him again, sooner or later." He finally seemed to notice Ruby. "And who is our dinner guest?"

"She is far more than a dinner guest," said Sora. She sighed again and chuckled wryly. "Ruby-chan," she said, looking at Ruby, "this is my husband, Mibu Kyoichiro, also known as the Crimson King.'

"N-nice to meet you," said Ruby, unsure of what to make of this man.

"Dear, this is Ruby Rose, the newest resident of our home," said Sora, glancing at her husband. "As of now, she is Kyo and Sasame's little sister."

"I see," said Kyoichiro, his gaze settling on Ruby. His eyes narrowed slightly and Ruby felt a twinge of...something...she wasn't sure what. It wasn't hostility, not exactly, more like an extremely intense interest. Whatever it was, the strange sensation set her nerves on edge. She got the distinct feeling that Kyoichiro knew something about her...something she probably didn't even know about herself.

"Interesting..." Kyoichiro mumbled, almost inaudibly.

"Oh you..." Sora withdrew her fan from her sash and lightly smacked the top of her husband's head with it. "You've met Ruby-chan for the first time, and that's all you can say."

Kyoichiro grinned sheepishly and rubbed the top of his head. "I'm sorry. I was just reminded of something I read once."

"Everything reminds you of something you've read once," Sora deadpanned. "And what is it that Ruby-chan reminds you of?"

"It's nothing worth worrying about," said Kyoichiro, "coincidence, nothing more."

"Is that so...?" Sora's tone suggested she wanted to pry further. However, she paused, then took a breath and let it out slowly. "Honestly," she said with a slow shake of her head. Then she gave Ruby a wry smile. "By the way, Ruby-chan, my husband teaches the class you will be joining."

"You're sending her to school?" asked Kyoichiro.

"Of course I am," retorted Sora with a roll of her eyes. "If she's going to be living with us, then she should be able to attend school with children her own age."

"Of course," said Kyoichiro, nodding sagely.

Ruby couldn't help but giggle at the interplay between husband and wife. Kyoichiro seemed scatterbrained and flighty, while Sora often played at exasperation with his silliness. Looking at them, Ruby could see why Sora was the one who governed the Mibu, while Kyoichiro did other work. However, despite how warm and friendly Kyoichiro seemed, Ruby couldn't quite shake the strange feeling she had gotten, when he'd first laid eyes on her.

However, that soon became a secondary concern. The day's exertions catching up with her, Ruby found herself stifling yawns and fighting to keep her eyes open.

"Oh dear, it is getting a little late," noted Sora. "Let's get you settled, so that you can get some sleep."

She led Ruby down a hallway, a short distance from the dining room. This, apparently, was the residence of the royal family. Passing a doorway, Ruby found a sitting room of sorts, which was modestly appointed, considering the caliber of the people who presumably used it. A few more doors down and Ruby found herself in a small bedroom.

"This is where you'll be staying," said Sora, showing Ruby the bedroom, with its connected bathroom and small closet. It was fairly small, but more than enough for Ruby's needs. Sasame was already unpacking Ruby's few possessions and setting them out.

"Leave your clothes in the hamper, and set them outside the door, once you've cleaned up and changed," instructed Sora, gesturing to a woven basket by the door. "I will have them cleaned and ready for you tomorrow."

"Thank you," said Ruby, before yawning again.

Sora pulled her into a hug and kissed the top of her head in the same manner that Kyo and Sasame did. "Remember, you are more than welcome here."

"Thank you," said Ruby.

Bidding goodnight to Kyo and Sasame, Ruby changed and did what Sora had instructed, setting her clothes out in the hamper. Afterwards, she crawled into bed and pulled the covers up over herself, silently marveling at how far she'd come from the little girl that had snuck out of a house in Patch one night.

She had traveled to a completely different continent, trained to the verge of exhaustion day in and day out. She'd become strong enough to fight, and she would only get stronger from here.

I'm going to be a Huntress, she thought with a certain degree of vindictive pride. And there's nothing Dad can do to stop me.

"What is it about Ruby-chan that caught your interest?" asked Sora, as she settled onto the bed next to her husband.

Kyoichiro was silent for a long moment, still staring at the book he'd been reading while he waited for his wife. Finally, he looked up. "That girl has silver eyes," he said.

"I noticed," said Sora. "They're beautiful eyes. It's rare, to be sure, but why does that intrigue you so?"

"Those with silver eyes are Shamans," said Kyoichiro.

Sora gasped. "Are you sure?" she asked.

Kyoichiro nodded. "If anything, in this day and age, they may be even rarer than those with the Crimson Eyes. They are a hereditary trait, but the vast majority of them have died out. I am sure that She had something to do with it."

Sora scowled darkly. "And why would She care about them? Are they a threat to Her in particular?"

"From what I read, perhaps," said Kyoichiro. "Of course, any power that isn't fully understood has potential to be dangerous, but it seems that Salem feared the power of the Silver Eyes in particular."

"Just what manner of Shaman are these Silver Eyed people?" asked Sora.

"There are conflicting accounts," said Kyoichiro. "It is said that the Silver Eyed warriors were feared by the Creatures of Grimm, able to slay them with merely a glance. Other accounts suggest that they were a form of magic...still others say that they are magic's bane."

"So even we have almost no knowledge of them," said Sora.

"Not that I have been able to find," said Kyoichiro.

"And...what does that mean for Ruby-chan?" asked Sora.

"I don't know," admitted Kyoichiro. "If she is a Silver Eyed warrior, her power is dormant, and will probably remain so for years to come. That's probably for the best. What little I've found on them suggests that their power puts a tremendous strain on their bodies, if not fully harnessed, which may be difficult."

"All the more difficult because we do not know what harnessing it entails," added Sora.

"For the time being, I don't think we should worry about it," said Kyoichiro. Then he closed his eyes and chuckled. "Still, for her to be here now, it's a strange coincidence, don't you think?"

"How so?" asked Sora.

"She and Natsuki-kun are the same age," said Kyoichiro. "They'll even be classmates. A convergence of circumstances like this...I suppose one might even call it...destiny."

"Hmm...Maybe so," said Sora with a chuckle of her own. "At this point, what matters most is making sure that they are safe and happy, that they can walk the paths they choose for themselves. They will go on to do great things, I'm sure."

"Very true," said Kyoichiro.

The next day dawned and Ruby found that, as she had been assured, her clothes had been cleaned, ready to be worn again. On top of that, Sora assured her that she would be receiving additional outfits, an entire wardrobe. Ruby balked at the notion, feeling a little overwhelmed at the lavish treatment she was suddenly receiving, after spending so long on the road with so little. However, Sora assured her that it was perfectly fine.

"You'll need clothes for school," she said. "You'll also want outfits better suited for training and, eventually, one that suits you better for both fighting and travel. For the time being, don't worry about little things like that, and focus on getting stronger."

Ruby found herself nodding in agreement, not finding it in herself to reject the substantial generosity she was being shown. The clothes she'd worn all the way up through their trip through Sanus weren't exactly the best-suited for travel, for all that they'd served her well. Her skirt and blouse were getting threadbare and worn around the edges, as was her cloak, from miles upon miles of working her way through woodlands, with branches and brambles pulling at her from ever conceivable direction. Her black stockings had holes all along their lengths, but especially at the soles of her feet, where they'd been subject to the most wear.

They had just finished breakfast when a black shape rose up behind Sora. Ruby gasped in surprise and shock as the shadow took on a definitive form, a man wrapped in black bandages, completely encompassing his upper body, including his torso and arms, as well as his entire face, save for his gray eyes. Dark-gray hair sprouted from the top of his head in a shaggy mass, from which a pair of similarly-colored wolf-ears protruded.

"Dougal," said Sora, setting down her chopsticks, "what news?"

"The coastal settlements have been notified to be on the lookout for the escaped pirate," said the man, his tone soft and whispery. "There have been no signs of sightings of her yet."

"Well, if she does make landfall on Leng, I'm sure we'll find her," said Sora dismissively. "Is there anything else?"

"No," said Dougal plainly. "However..." His gaze went to Ruby, who quailed away from him, even though there was already a table between them.

"Ah, yes," said Sora. "I'm sorry, Dougal, I should have introduced you to her last night. Ruby-chan, there's nothing to be afraid of."

Ruby swallowed and tried to relax. However, she couldn't help it. The Shadow Man, as she'd quickly come to think of Dougal as, seemed to have developed his appearance with intimidation in mind.

"This is Dougal Conrad, my dearest and oldest friend," explained Sora. "He also serves as the head of my Imperial Guard."

Ruby blinked in confusion. "Imperial Guard?"

"Each of us Taishiro have a number of Imperial Guards," explained Sora. "The name is somewhat...antiquated...and not quite fitting, considering their purpose."

"I don't get it," said Ruby.

"Sora-sama is far stronger than me," explained Dougal, his whispery tones still making Ruby shiver a little. "As such, I do not serve as her protector, but rather, as an extension of her will."

"Dougal is a master of the Shadow Arts," said Sora, "as are the rest of my Imperial Guard, to varying degrees. Mastery of the Shadow Arts not only enables one to manipulate shadow, but move through it as well. Shadow-travel enables one to cover long distances with far greater speed than on foot. My Imperial Guard are the official couriers of the Mibu Clan, the messengers that keep us connected with all our settlements. In a sense, you could say they are the nerves of our clan."

"Oh..." Ruby blinked.

"Each Elder's Imperial Guard serves a similar capacity," said Sora. "For example, Makoto, our clan's Chief Physician, uses his Imperial Guards to oversee our clan's healers, to ensure that our people, all across Leng, receive the best care possible."

"Okay," said Ruby. She looked at Dougal, feeling a bit strange at thinking that such an intimidating man mostly served as a messenger. Just looking at him made her feel nervous. Then she saw the wolf ears atop his head drooping slightly.

"As I said, please don't be afraid of him," said Sora. "Dougal's fashion choices aren't exactly the most...endearing...but they suit his purposes. He is actually a good man. He'd never hurt a hair on your head, dear."

"I'm sorry," said Ruby, averting her eyes. "I didn't mean to make him sad."

Dougal blinked in surprise as Sora giggled. "Whatever else, Dougal, your ears tend to give you away, no matter how well you hide your face."

Dougal grunted awkwardly and averted his eyes as well.

Now Ruby was certain, if she peeled back the wrappings over his face, she would find that Dougal's cheeks had turned pink, a thought that made her giggle. Thinking over it, her feelings were merely a visceral reaction to Dougal's appearance. However, she didn't feel anything threatening from him. Realizing that enabled her to give him a sunny smile, which made his ears stand up more attentively.

Sora tittered. "Winning yourself more friends all the time, Ruby-chan." She truly does have an endearing nature.

"By the way, Ruby-chan has a guest," added Dougal, before his body dissolved back into shadow and sank into the floor.

"A guest...?" Ruby blinked, then looked over at the door to the dining room, where Shinrei entered.

"Hey there," he said. "Ready for your training?"

"Y-yes!" said Ruby, before looking at Sora. "Um...if that's okay?"

"Of course it is," said Sora with a warm laugh. "You're excused, Ruby-chan. Have fun."

Ruby nodded eagerly and got up from the table and headed to Shinrei, who quickly led her out.

Sora smiled and looked over at the other person sharing the table with them. "You were unusually quiet," she noted.

"There just wasn't much for me to say," said Kyo. "I appreciate you going through all the effort to make her feel welcome."

"It's the least I can do," said Sora. "Now then, I don't suppose you and Sasame have learned anything unusual in the outside world."

"Not yet," said Kyo. "However...it feels as though there is something in motion. It's more a vague impression than anything else, but I believe that Salem may be planning to take action in the next few years. I have sensed people on the hunt. I think they may be looking for the Maidens."

"Is that so...?" Sora frowned and cupped her chin. "And what of the Old Wizard."

"No word," said Kyo. "He watches and waits...as always."

Sora sighed. "I suppose that's to be expected. Oh well, there's nothing to be done now."

"Is there anything we can do?" asked Kyo.

"Not yet," said Sora, frowning darkly. "We cannot act against Salem, not with that obstacle standing in our way. The Intercessor will need to be dealt with, before anything else."

"Is there anything that I can do?" asked Kyo.

"Just keep doing what you've always done," said Sora. "For now, that is all any of us can do. Until we find a solution, we are stalemated."

"Here we are," said Shinrei, leading Ruby into his courtyard.

Ruby blinked, feeling slightly disoriented. Granted, the maze of corridors and hallways that made up the palace were so confusing she couldn't remember the route they'd taken through it yesterday. However, she was fairly certain that the way Shinrei had taken her wasn't the same one. It was a shorter trip, that much was certain.

"Yeah...you'll get used to it eventually," said Shinrei with a chuckle. "Kyo and Sasame are out most of the time, so it's not like they have an encyclopedic knowledge of which ways through that place are the fastest. I'll help you learn the best routes, so that you can at least walk yourself out and back, when you start going to school."

"When do I go?" asked Ruby.

"You'll join class in about a week," said Shinrei. "At least, that's when Sasame and Sora-sama think they'll have all the minutia of your enrollment squared away, along with the matter of your custody."

Ruby frowned. A lot of the talk from yesterday still went well over her head, so she wasn't sure she completely understood.

"Don't worry about it," said Shinrei. "Leave Sora-sama and Sasame to take care of the boring stuff. In the meantime, you and I get to do the fun stuff. We have about a week before you're gonna have to start splitting your time, so let's make the most of it."

"Okay!" said Ruby eagerly.

"Well then, let's get started," said Shinrei. "Draw your weapons, and let's see if you still remember the strikes I taught you the other night."

Ruby nodded and did as she was bid.

It was a day well-spent, in Ruby's mind. After demonstrating the first sequence of strikes Shinrei had taught her, he allowed her to begin practicing moving them faster, until Ruby was using them at full combat speed, practicing them ceaselessly throughout the morning.

After they broke for lunch, Shinrei taught her a new technique and had her practice that, slowly at first. However, by the time the sun was beginning to dip, he had Ruby moving at full speed on that one as well. Afterwards, he walked her back for dinner. Besides Sora and Kyo, Kyoichiro and Sasame were there as well, bidding Shinrei to sit with them as they talked about their days and asked Ruby about her training.

Afterwards, feeling tired and sleepy, Ruby got into bed, Sasame tucking her in lovingly, and kissing her forehead before leaving her to her rest.

The rest of the week proceeded similarly, the days taking on a pattern as Ruby learned several new techniques under Shinrei's tutelage. She practiced each one determinedly, until Shinrei was certain she had them down. In the morning, she practiced the techniques she'd been taught the previous day, finding herself wishing that she could somehow extend how long the days were, so that she could allot the same amount of time to each one that she learned. However, the more techniques she had to practice, the less time she could spend practicing any single one.

"That's how it goes," Shinrei said. "Learning more techniques makes it harder to master them as deeply as you could, if you just stuck to practicing only one or two. However, having a broader repertoire isn't a bad thing. It enables you to be more flexible and adapt to the situation."

On the last day, before Ruby was slated to attend school, Shinrei taught her her first kata, building a sequence of the techniques she'd just spent the week learning. Ruby spent the entire afternoon running through that kata, over and over again, all under Shinrei's attentive eye. Ruby was so enthralled by the process that she felt more than a little disappointed that, come tomorrow, she would have to give up some of the time she could spend training to go to something as mundane as school.

For Ruby's first day of school, Sasame showed up and helped Ruby put on the new kimono she'd been gifted. It was beautiful to look at, being a dark-red, with black vines and roses climbing up from the hem, up over her shoulder, and down her left sleeve. The fabric felt soft and light on her body, the brushing of it over her skin making Ruby feel slightly giddy.

"You look lovely," said Sasame definitively, stepping back to survey her work. "You'll make a wonderful first impression."

"I-if you say so," said Ruby nervously.

Sasame rested her hands on Ruby's shoulders, squeezing them gently. "Don't be too anxious, Ruby-chan. It's true that you will encounter difficulties. But I know you can overcome them."

"A-all right," said Ruby, still not feeling certain about this.

"Come on, it's time for breakfast," said Sasame. "Then I'll walk you to school."

Ruby followed Sasame out to the dining room, where Kyo and Sora were already setting the table. They ate quietly, the others offering Ruby assurances that she would be just fine. Kyoichiro had apparently left early to get things set up for class, something he did on a regular basis. After the meal, Sasame took Ruby's hand and led her through the mess of hallways that made up the palace. Shinrei had shown Ruby some faster routes, but Ruby wasn't confident that she'd memorized them all yet.

They passed through the five gates, and out into the upperclass district, the first time Ruby had set foot outside the palace since she'd arrived. They walked along a winding path, leading them to a long, low building, built from dark-stained wood, like many of the structures around them. Looking around, Ruby saw countless other children approaching the building, some younger than her, others older, many of them her age...or at least she assumed them to be. As they got closer, she clutched a bit more tightly to Sasame's hand as people began to notice them.

Hushed whispers rose up around them as Sasame led Ruby in through the main entrance, breezing down a hallway, before coming to stop at a sliding door that marked the entrance to a classroom. Surprisingly, it was hardly any different in design from the classrooms of the school Ruby had left behind on Patch. The arrangement was virtually the same, with wooden desks and chairs set up in rows, facing a larger desk at the front of the room, behind which a blackboard loomed.

I guess some things are the same, wherever you go, thought Ruby.

Several other students were already filing in. Sasame led Ruby into the room, and slightly off to the side, as the seats filled up. Ruby was surprised to see that there were several empty desks throughout the room, even after students stopped filing in.

"This is just one classroom," Sasame explained to Ruby softly as they waited off to the side. "It also isn't our only school. Also, we have a rather low number of children in our population."

Ruby nodded slowly, taking in the assembled students nervously. Pretty much all of them were dressed similarly to her, some wearing long kimonos, others complimenting kimonos with hakama of various types. All kinds of styles, patterns, and colors were on display. It seemed that this class didn't have too much in the way of a dress code.

A bell chimed somewhere, clearly signaling the beginning of the day. The conversation quickly died away as the students waited. A girl in the front, rightmost desk watched the door expectantly. After another minute, it slid open to reveal Kyoichiro. At the sight of him, Ruby had to cover her mouth as her cheeks ballooned with restrained laughter. He hadn't dressed any differently, but Kyoichiro's eyes were now hidden behind a pair of thick, opaque glasses that made him look downright comical. Seeing Ruby struggling to restrain her laughter, Sasame smiled and giggled softly herself.

"Stand," declared the girl, the entire class getting to their feet as Kyoichiro entered the room. He turned to face the class. "Bow," instructed the same girl. As one, all the students bowed to Kyoichiro, who returned the gesture, before they all sat down again.

"Good morning, students," said Kyoichiro.

"Good morning, Sensei," the students chorused back.

"Here, at the start of another week, I have an announcement to make," said Kyoichiro. "We have a new student starting here, today." He nodded towards Sasame and Ruby.

"Go ahead," said Sasame, gently urging Ruby forward with a hand on her shoulder.

"This is Ruby Rose," said Kyoichiro, motioning Ruby to stand next to, and slightly in front of, him. "As you might have guessed from her name, Ruby-kun is from the outside. She hails from the Kingdom of Vale. She has been adopted as a ward of the Mitarai family, and Mitarai Sasame has claimed her as a sister. As such, she will be joining us from now on. I expect you to welcome her, and show every courtesy to her that you would to each other."

Ruby tensed, feeling so many eyes on her. However, she bowed in greeting to her audience, feeling incredibly awkward, not sure if that was what she should have done. She could hear faint whispers from the students in front of her.

"An outsider...Aren't they supposed to be barbarians?"

"Why would Mitarai-sama take in one of them?"

"What's so important about her?"

"She looks like a total bumpkin."

"I think she looks nice."

Ruby's eyes darted towards the speaker of that last remark. It was a girl in the third row back. Her long, two-toned, blue and green hair was split into a set of twin-tails that ran down the back of her orange kimono, which was plain, save for the sky-blue hems. She met Ruby's gaze with a pair of violet eyes that were a few shades darker than Ruby remembered Yang's being. When their eyes met, the other girl smiled and gave Ruby a friendly wave. Ruby smiled and shyly waved back.

The interplay between them didn't go unnoticed by Kyoichiro, though his eyebrow went up by the slightest of fractions. Once again, Ruby was beset by that strange sensation of intense interest, the same sensation she'd felt the first time she'd met Kyoichiro. However, it vanished in a flash.

"Well then, I believe I shall have you sit next to Natsuki-kun," said Kyoichiro, gently pushing Ruby forward. "Natsuki-kun, if you would help Ruby-kun get accustomed to things here, that would be greatly appreciated."

"All right, Sensei," said the girl, smiling brightly.

As Ruby made her way to her seat, she noticed that there were a great many reactions to her presence. Some were contemptuous or dismissive. Others were indifferent. Besides the girl she was sitting next to, only a couple other students smiled at her.

"Hi!" chirped the girl she sat next to. "It's nice to meet you, Rose-chan."

"Ruby," said Ruby, remembering what Sasame and Kyo had said about names in the Mibu. "In the Kingdoms, our given name comes before our family name."

"Oh!" said the girl. "It's nice to meet you, Ruby-chan. I'm Shinomori Natsuki."