
Chapter 3 Going to the Hospital, Do You Have Money?_1

Translator: 549690339

Hearing Jiang Tian's words, Liu Xin was truly furious.

But she knew she could only endure it.

Now that Jiang Meng needed rest, if they entirely offended Jiang Tian, she and her daughter might even have to sleep on the streets tonight.

It was indeed laughable when she thought about it.

She had studied for her MBA at the best university in America, and she met Jiang He on Wall Street.

The two of them fell in love and started their own company together.

But then the old man fell ill, and they had no choice but to sell their still-rising company and return here.

Their work abilities were unquestionable, and the old man had even repeatedly said he wanted to pass on the family business to Jiang He.

Perhaps it was also because of this that disaster had been brought upon Jiang He.

Now, she, a business prodigy, had no choice but to rely on others for the sake of her daughter.

Speaking of her daughter, Jiang Meng, although she was only just twenty, had already graduated from Capital City University.

That was the top university in the country.

But because of this illness, she had to reluctantly give up her plans to study abroad.

Life couldn't be preserved, so what was the use of education?

Thinking of all this, Liu Xin's resentment grew even stronger.

She glanced at Xiao Chen with great disdain, even though she knew he was just a fool brought in to be the scapegoat.

But she was still angry.

Jiang Tian saw all this and sneered to himself; being angry was right.

This was exactly what he wanted.

He smiled and said, "You family should have a chat, I won't disturb you."

After saying that, he turned and left, even closing the door behind him.

Liu Xin wanted to rail at Xiao Chen, but in the end, she could only weep helplessly.

Jiang Meng gently patted her mother's back, saying, "Mom, don't cry, we cannot let others laugh at us.

After Mengmeng is gone, you still have to live well."

Watching the mother and daughter, Xiao Chen felt an indescribable taste in his heart.

It was his fault that his lifesaver was suffering like this.

The girl had grown up and become beautiful, yet she was still as kind and empathetic as before.

She was close to death herself but was still comforting her mother.

Xiao Chen took a deep breath and suddenly lifted Jiang Meng from the bed and carried her on his back.

"What are you doing!"

Liu Xin panicked, "Although you are married, we haven't agreed to it, be careful or I'll call the police!"

"To the hospital!"

Xiao Chen said.

"What's the use of going to the hospital, her surgery will cost at least a million. If we can't get the Jiang family's support, going to the hospital will be useless."

Liu Xin shook her head.

"We can't just wait to die like this, we'll take out a loan if we have to!"

Xiao Chen said.

"It's impossible to borrow, the Jiang family might just be a third-rate clan in Linhai, but they have a wide network of contacts.

Those lenders don't want to offend Jiang Tian, Jiang Hai!"

Liu Xin had thought about borrowing before, but unfortunately, every attempt had been met with rejection.

"I have a way."

Xiao Chen didn't explain further, carrying Jiang Meng out the door.

In full view of everyone, he walked out of the banquet hall.

The Jiang family didn't even try to stop them, they would be glad for Xiao Chen to cause trouble.

As long as Jiang Meng could die without implicating them, it was fine.

"Uncle, have we met somewhere before?"

Jiang Meng, lying on Xiao Chen's shoulder and breathing in the man's unique scent, felt an unusual sense of security.

Since her father's death, she had not felt this safe for a long time.

"Perhaps, I'm just a regular ride-hailing driver, so it's normal that we have seen each other."

Xiao Chen answered.

They left the hall and came to the yard.

His scratched domestic second-hand car stood out glaringly amongst the multitude of luxury cars.

"Xiao Chen, even as a fast car driver, you should at least maintain your car. Look what it's come to."

Liu Xin shook her head and chuckled bitterly upon seeing the car.

Xiao Chen didn't say anything and put Jiang Meng in the car.

He was about to drive off.

Suddenly, a young man who bore a strong resemblance to Jiang Tian stood in front of him.

"Get lost!"

The young man tried to push Xiao Chen away, but after two attempts, he couldn't budge him.

A bit embarrassed, he pointed at Xiao Chen, "The young master doesn't stoop to arguing with the sick!"

In Xiao Chen's file, because of a head injury, he was known to have intermittent fits of rage.

Similar to a suddenly crazed bull.

It was precisely because of this that Xiao Chen had been chosen.

Of course, the file was tampered with, and everything was arranged by Xiao Chen.

Circling around Xiao Chen, the young man said to Jiang Meng in the car, "Tsk, tsk, tsk, my dear sister really found herself a great husband.

So eager to take him out for fun, huh?

Hahahaha! Just wondering if little sister's body can actually handle it!"

"Jiang Dong, don't go too far, we're just going to the hospital," Liu Xin couldn't help but say.

Jiang Dong glanced at Liu Xin, "Going to the hospital? Do you have the money?"

His eyes were full of disdain, "Saving Jiang Meng is easy, just transfer the two percent shareholding you have to me, and I'll arrange the surgery right away.

What's the use of holding onto shares?

If your daughter dies, she's not coming back."

Liu Xin's gaze flickered. She really wanted to transfer the shares, as long as it would save her daughter.

But the shares belonged to her daughter.

Without her daughter's consent, she couldn't do it.

Jiang Meng clenched her fists, "Jiang Dong, we don't need your concern, and you can forget about the shares.

They were left to me by father, and until his death is properly investigated, nobody is taking them away!"

Jiang Dong's expression turned ferocious, "I'm giving you face by calling you sister.

Don't refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit.

Otherwise, one day, you might not be of the Jiang Family Clan anymore."

He was threatening Jiang Meng.

With the power of the Jiang Family, it would be very easy to fake a paternity test.

It's just that to avoid unnecessary trouble, they hadn't done it for now.

"Jiang Dong, you're going too far.

Don't you people have even a little bit of sentiment?

If it weren't for me fighting for the family three times before, the Jiang family's assets could have been swindled away by now.

Even if you want to drive us out, you shouldn't be so heartless."

Liu Xin was trembling with anger.

"Sentiment? Of course, we have it. Haven't we found an excellent husband for Jiang Meng?"

Jiang Dong laughed.

He deliberately emphasized the word "excellent."

That profile was indeed very "excellent."

Xiao Chen, at twenty-eight years old, was a failure, a fast car driver who didn't earn enough money to even cover his drinking expenses daily.

Even because of brawling, he had been in and out of jail a few times.

Such a loser, indeed, excellent.

Thinking of these things made Jiang Dong laugh. He turned back to look at Xiao Chen.

And felt a bit annoyed again.

Although Xiao Chen was a washout, he certainly had a good physique, tall and imposing at twenty-eight years old. Despite being scruffy, his build was still large and majestic.

A height of one meter eighty-five, taller than him by a full head.

He even had to crane his neck to look up at Xiao Chen.

"Such good genetics wasted on you. That sickling can't give you a child."

Muttering curses, Jiang Dong turned and walked away.