
My Small Universe

In the very long time ago in the vast void of nothingness. There was a big ball of pure white light that can be seen with the naked eye.

Where am I? Thought of the big ball of light

The being in the ball seems so confuse because just a minute ago he just taking a nap and then after waking up he ended here where all around is black.

Is this life after death? Am I dead? Thought of the big ball of light

No I can't be dead, I just taking a nap a minute ago how can I died just taking a nap. Maybe a nightmare?

In this whole black space that even time can't connect to, loneliness and stillness are the things you can only experience. Helplessly despair by the thought of being alone in here just drive you crazy is insane enough. Maybe if you talk to someone, you can't go to that point.

Where the heck is this place? I've been alone for how long knows where in this mysterious black space that I can't even remember now my own name. Maybe a day, months, years, decades, centuries and even millennials pass in the real world. I can't remember it clearly but I'm sure it's very long time that I've been here.

The being inside in big ball of light is full of worry about his future and his current circumstances now. There's unknown mystery in this unknown space that he perceive but can't see and use it because theres saying in the real world. "Be careful on the unknown", it's scary what's in this place and being human in previous life seems to attach the emotions of human being in this place, even he's not human anymore. What's the mystery in this place that it looks like it's nothing in here. There's no air,fire or any kinds of elements, no humanistic things that have in real world. It's just like a blank world.

I wanna see some light, it's too dark in this place.