
The truth

I was in Adam's body, Amazing!

After a while I got bored, he was doing everything a rich kid does, but something wasn't right in that routine. All the time he was sad I couldn't understand why, unless...

"May I speak with you son?" his mother asked and Adam started to cry "Isn't father your mate?"

"When you are older, you will understand."

"I hate you, mom. I'll tell daddy."

Before the woman could stop him, he runs down the stairs, calling for his father. Halfway through the stairs, he hears his father talking to someone.

"When the baby is born, kill it!" the man said "I don't want bastards in my family. It was why I took the kids from the Sun's pack.

"What do you mean, father?" the child asked, curious.

"I'm not your father, you hear?" the man shouted, and then something fell on the floor. "If you want me to protect the twins, you have to forget that you are that woman kid!"

What is happening? I'm confused.

"Father?" asked Adam already down the stairs "Who is it?"

"Do you understand now?" the goddess asked, stopping the memory "You have to get everything right. He asked a witch to change his destiny.

"And why didn't you help them?"

"Because you are their brother!"

I didn't know what to say. Adam and Julian are my brothers? Impossivel.

"Maybe I spelled wrong. You are Eduard's kid!" she said.

"You're kidding, right? Is not possible.

The goddess kissed my head and all my memories appeared, including the time near the stairs.

"No way!" I said, crying "I killed their mother because my father told me to?"

"Yeah. You were young, you aren't guilty!"

"I'm not guilty?" I asked angrily "If it's true what I just saw, I am just like that man!"

"You're not. I'm not the only one thinking that. See your memories of that time again."

I closed my eyes, my heart was beating fast. I was scared of what I was going to see but I concentrated and saw it anyway.

"I need to do this!" I said, in my younger self "My father will not love me."

"What do you mean?" asked Adam's mother "What did he ask you to do?"

My younger version took a gun out of my pocket and I started to cry before I pulled the trigger. Then I dropped the gun and run to her, regretted.

"Don't worry, my love. Is not your fault, Sam!"

Even if it was my second time seeing that, I was crying my eyes out, sad.

"She asked me a favor." the goddess said.

"A favor?" I asked curiously "What did he ask?"

"No matter what happens, protect Sam from Eduard."

Now I understand why she didn't tell me anything, in the beginning, she knew that I was ok, but now I am not.

"You have to stop your father!" she said.

"Why?" I asked confused "What he is going to do?"

"He is going to take over Sun's pack so that he can revive the first alpha."

The first alpha? Didn't he wanted to control everyone and was killed? Why does he want to revive such a horrible person?"

"Because alphas are on top of the food chain."

"Are they?" I asked, smiling "Just because some omegas are weak, doesn't mean that they are below others."

"And how you are going to prove it?"

"I will talk with dad and I know I can count on my mates."

"Is good to hear." the goddess said before disappearing.

"How many times are you going to scare us?" asked Sam.

"Until you understand that I love you both!" I answered without opening my eyes "You are alphas, but still a child inside."

They stopped talking and I felt something heavy on my belly and I opened my eyes, freezing.

"Say hi to our babies." Julian said, calmer "They look just like me."

"Oh. They look?" asked Adam and took one of the kids from me "So why does he have my beautiful eyes?"

"Excuse me." I called, making them look my way "He looks just like his mother."

"I hope not!" Julian said and after he looked to Adam, the one who started to laugh.

"And why is that?" I asked, angrily "You don't like me?"

"We only want to have one crazy in our family, baby!"

When Julian said that I remembered my talk with the goddess.

"No matter what happens you are going to be by my side, right?" I asked, trying to not sound crazy.

"After the scares, you gave to us?" asked Julian while playing with one of the babies "I will glue to you."

"Me too! But why are you saying this now?"

I didn't talk, it was something hard to say, but I had to, they deserve to know.

"Bernard isn't your father. Is mine!"

"That explains a lot of things!" Adam said, rocking the baby "I knew that he wasn't our true father, but to know that is yours..."

"To know that he is mine...?" I repeat, anxious about what he was going to say, but he didn't finish.

Adam and Julian looked at each other like it was something personal and I didn't want to ruin it.

"Is ok if you don't want to say. But I need your help to stop my father."

"Why?" Adam asked, confused.

"He is going to revive the first alpha."

They didn't look surprised and just sighed, then they touched my face and said.

"We know, Sam!" they answer and I sit up, getting them worried "Don't get up."

"Look! I know that I don't have the right to mess with your life, but I feel responsible for what is happening."

"You don't need to!" they say before taking the babies from my arms and put them on their beds, by my side.

"What are you doing?" I asked confused.

They didn't speak and took the blanket out before laying down next to me. They hugged me and caressed my face, as it was precious.

"You are making me embarrassed."

"We missed you so much We just want you."

I really wanted to push them away, Bernard was going to do something really bad, but they were right, I wanted them to touch me, I missed them, so I went with the flow.

After a while, when I was almost asleep Julian asked.

"Let's mate again. Adam can just look, right brother?" he asked.

"No way!" the other said and they started to argue "Ok, let's make a game, if you win I will leave you two alone."

"Let's do it!" said Julian.

Knowing that they were going to stay all night arguing, I excused myself from the bed, but my legs lost strength and I almost fell on the floor, if it weren't for someone's arms.

"I think he needs more attention!" Adam declared laughing "What do you think of sharing, just for today!"

"Share?" I asked, a little scared "What are you going to do?"

"Who knows!" Julian said, smiling "What do you think Adam? For the month he was out.

Adam smiled maliciously before sitting on the bed. This is going to be a long night.

Dear goddess, I am so happy right now, all thanks to you. I love them so much.

"We love you too." they said through the link "How about you say that out loud now?"