
A twist

Dave's POV

I didn't know what to do, I never got into this situation and how would I save Henry?

"Baby?!" My mom called me from the door, taking me out of my trance. "

"Who is Bernard?" I asked, seriously "He has Liam and Henry."

"How do you know, dear?" My mom asked with a trembling voice "did he speak wit you?"

"You didn't answer me. He told me he was my grandfather."

"Don't hear what he says, he is a bad person."

"As if I didn't find out already!"

My mother stopped talking and stepped beside, Letting my father in, he then left and left us alone.

"How much do you trust Henry?"

"As much as I trust mom."

"I see." He said as he sat at the end of my bed, looking at me."

"I know that you don't trust Adam, but it wasn't his fault. Bernard went against his car and Adam got into an accident."

As I listened to what my father explained, my heart ached. After that time I hated him and it wasn't even his fault.

"I know how you feel." The father said and stood up "I need you to act calmly. Everything will be fine, I promise you."

"I know you're lying, Dad." I said before I went to bed "Just don't make me regret trusting you."

"You're just like your mother. It took a long time for him to trust me."

I laughed and tried to communicate with Henry, but instead of him I listened to my mother.

"Don't even try! It's for your own good, baby."

I didn't understand why they wouldn't let me communicate with Henry, I know Bernard could hear, but I missed him."

I tried again, just to hear my mom telling me to stop, so I decided to sleep and make a decision tomorrow.

I woke up in a completely black place and, out of the dark, Adam appeared and hugged me tightly and cried before kissing me on the forehead and disappearing.

I didn't understand and I started walking, calling for him until everything changed again and I soon saw that I was having a dream, probably a vision. My heart was hurting and as I walked, the pain increased, until I saw my mother crying on the floor with Adam on her lap and Julian comforting him.

"Mom!?" I called, but I got no response, he continued to cry. "This isn't fun anymore, please don't be a vision, it hurts too much."

"It's not a dream!" A male voice said and I screamed, waking up in my bed.

"Dave?!" Adam called as he entered the room, he arrived faster than my parents at my bedside.

I didn't know how to feel, after how I treated him, I felt bad. Adam never treated me badly in my entire life, even after losing his twins.

""Your heat is worsening!" My mother said with a worried voice and Julian punched the wall again.

"Can you stop?" My mother asked, seriously and pulled his ear down to his eye level. "If the wall falls, you sleep outside."

"I know you're worried, but the situation must be handled calmly." Adam explained.

"You don't have a vote on the matter. I don't know if you've forgotten what you did."

"We made a promise, Julian." My mother declared angrily "Why did you have to talk about..."

"No! He is right." Adam answered "He is not mine. I'm sorry for interfering in your affairs."

My mother was about to talk, when Adam got near him and touched his lips, before giving a passionate kiss and leaving the bedroom without saying another word.

"Are you happy now?" My mother asked my father "You finally got what you wanted, didn't you?"

"I will talk with him!" I said, getting up with difficulty "I'm fine, I just had a nightmare."

"You're sure, my dear."

"Yes mom. Let me calm him down, he must be getting some air near the garage."

My parents smiled and got out of the way for me to pass and I started to walk faster. I was going to make sure my dream would not become a vision.

I left the house and walked a little, towards the person sitting next to the garage door. Knowing it was Adam, I slowly approached him and hugged him from behind, gently.

"My father doesn't know how to control his emotions and you should know better than anyone about that, dad."

Adam looked at me crying and in shock after listening to what I said and I decided to sit next to him, but suddenly, I saw Adam pushing me behind him and opening his arms. Before my mind could absorb everything that was happening, I heard a scream from inside the house and Julian running outside.

Then I saw what happened and I got up quickly and as soon as I saw blood on the floor, I froze, not knowing what to do.

I concluded that the visions were no joke and perhaps it would be best if I walked away before anyone else got hurt.

"Why are you blocking your link?" Julian asked, calling someone over the phone, the neighbors were already hanging around our door and I decided to go back inside, where I saw my mother curled up on the floor crying, with her hand against her chest.

"It won't stay like this, Bernard. You will pay for this." I clenched both my fists so hard that my hand started to bleed, then I knelt down next to my mother and hugged her, trying to control my anger "Everything will be better mom. I will take revenge for his death."

My mother raised her hand with difficulty and caressed my face before fainting.I started crying and ran upstairs, preparing everything to look for Bernard. He fell in with the wrong family.

"What do you plan to do?" My father asked, arms crossed, leaning against the door "You're not leaving the house until it's safe."

"No!" I responded full of fury and then got slapped in the face, which calmed me down and I started crying, terrified."I know it's hard but...," He grabbed my face with both hands and looked me in the eyes "Your mother is suffering a lot, she needs you... No! He needs us. "

And so I fell asleep against my father's chest, exhausted.