
My Sister's Affair (GL)

Isabella Ruby Miller had only one aim when she started high school and was transferred to Justice High: she wanted to be popular and shine out academically and in extracurricular activities. She desired to be a member of the popular group in order to avoid repeating her unpleasant experiences from elementary and middle school. Isabella found out that her beloved stepsister, Gianna Luna Davis, is the bullies' preferred prey. Isabella pretended to dislike Gianna at school and kept the truth about her actual feelings for her until she could. Worse, Isabella became a bully for Gianna. How far will Isabella go to keep the truth about her and Gianna from the other students at school? To what extent can Isabella conceal her actual self and disregard her increasing romantic feelings for her stepsister?

Corazone · LGBT+
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34 Chs

Sister Zone


"YES, DAD. I'm now at home." Right now, I'm on the phone with my father. He called to congratulate me on our recent quiz bee victory. "I know it's late, but Aria insisted on us celebrating our victory at her house. Yes, Dad. I was completely stuffed. They looked after me and fed me delicious food. Okay, Dad. Then I'll see you on the weekend." I was searching through my bag for my keys. I discovered it right away. "Okay, Dad. I adore you, as well. Bye."

I hang up the phone and unlock the door. After double-checking that the door was adequately locked outside, I went inside. I was done, and my stomach hurt. Aria made a lot of food, and it felt like there had been a feast in their house earlier, even though only the four of us would eat the food she made.

I'm drowsy now because I'm so full. I walked past the living room and noticed the TV was still playing Money Heist on Netflix.

What? Are there any new episodes? And Belle was watching it without me?

I peered in and saw Belle curled up on the couch. I was about to scare her, but she wasn't paying attention; she was sleeping.

My lips curled into a smile. Isabella looks adorable in her pink pajamas.

We were both so busy over the last few weeks that we didn't have time to catch up and hang out. In addition, I was purposefully abandoning Isabella. It was because of that unintentional kiss.

I must admit that I have a crush on my stepsister. I'm not sure if it's just a crush, but I feel like my feelings for her are growing stronger each day I spend with her and get close to her. So I had to back down a little because I didn't want my emotions to get in the way. Because there is no way Isabella felt the same way, never happening. So I'm saving myself from the misery and the hope that's growing in my heart for us.

I take a good look at Belle. When she's sleeping, she has the appearance of an angel. Her mouth is slightly open, and she appears at ease.

"You are so lovely," I said quietly. I couldn't help myself and gently touched Isabella's face. When I touched Isabella's face as she awoke, it felt like seconds. I quickly removed my hands from hers.

"Oh, you're back," she exclaimed. My spine tingled as I heard her hoarse voice.

This is not good. Isabella had a significant impact on me.

"Y-yeah..." was all I could say. I was about to stand up when she hugged me. I was stunned, but it had been a long time since I had hugged her, and it felt good, so I refused to move. I was missing her terribly.

"Congratulations on winning the quiz bee, Luna," Isabella said.

"Thank you, Belle."

She loosened her grip on me and looked at me. "Did you eat?"

"Yeah. We had a small gathering at Aria's house to celebrate. How about you?" I inquired.

"That's great. I've already eaten. You must be tired. Take a good rest right now," Isabella said, awkwardly smiling.

My brows almost touched. Isabella is telling the truth. Yes, I'm familiar with her.

"You haven't eaten yet, Belle," I declared.

"No... I already did," she denied.

She believes she can deceive me. But I didn't have to argue with her for long because her stomach grumbled loudly.

Isabella smiled sweetly and made a peace sign with her fingers.

I shook my head to hide my smile. She is both stubborn and adorable. Argh, Belle.

"Hmm... Let's go to the kitchen. I'll make you something."

"There is no need. I did the cooking. I can simply heat it in the microwave." Isabella stood up.

"You cook?" I inquired, surprised.

"Yeah. In honor of winning the quiz bee. I did text you about the dinner. Did you not receive it?" Isabella inquired.

"Really?" I checked my phone. And I saw Isabella's text there, but it was already open, so I didn't notice it. Who was the one who opened it? Weird. "Sorry, Belle. I didn't notice it," I apologized. "Anyway, I can still eat. Let's go eat what you made for me," I told her.

"Are you sure? Don't push yourself, Luna. It's fine. Anyway, you can eat it tomorrow," she stated.

"No. That's fine. Let's eat, Belle. I'll give you a piggyback ride," I told her, smiling.

"Really?" she exclaimed with glee. I nodded. "Yehey!" She cheerfully climbed onto my back, and I gave her a piggyback ride to the kitchen.

We act as if nothing happened. I was also nursing Isabella like a baby because she enjoys it. And this is what I mean when I say I don't want my feelings to get in the way of my "sister" relationship with Isabella. Because if she knows who I am and what my true feelings are for her, I am sure that our current closeness will never be the same. And I couldn't stand it.

I washed the dishes after eating, but she insisted on helping me. She was the one who dried the dishes after I washed them.

"I missed this," she said out of nowhere.

"Me too," I said with a smile as I continued to wash the dishes. "Thank you for the food, Belle. You're a great cook, just like your mother."

"You're welcome, Luna. But, let's be honest, Mom's cooking was far superior."

I laughed softly at what she said.

"You're right, but don't give up; there's still plenty of time for you to practice," I reassured her.

"That's correct. Anyway, let's get this done quickly so you can rest. I'm sure you're tired."

"I'm not that tired. I wished I could spend more time with you, Belle. If that's okay?" I inquired. I missed her. I was also curious about what had been going on with her over the last few days.

I noticed her gummy smile before she nodded. Her expression made me happy. She is adorable!

We returned to the couch after we finished the dishes. I was lying on Isabella's lap as she stroked my hair. Oh my goodness, this is incredible.

"So, how have you been these days? How was the practice going?" I started the conversation.

"The routines are challenging, but I am confident that we will succeed. We have a lot of new members who are unique and good dancers. So, I believe we can still win this year's cheerleading competition," Isabella divulged.

"That's wonderful. Your team is already the best, and I am confident you will win again, Belle. That is something I never doubt, "I told her.

"Thank you very much, Luna. Anyway, how about you? Aside from reviewing for the quiz bee competition, what else have you been doing lately? And when did you start exercising?"

I asked her, perplexed. "Huh? Exercise?" I'm still on her lap.

"Yeah. Your muscles in your legs and arms are now very toned. You appear to have been dancing or exercising."

Wow. Isabella is very perceptive.

"Oh, no... I did not work out. And what about the dancing? Pft. I'm not sure how to," I looked up at her, and I could tell she wasn't convinced. I need to think of something to divert her attention away from her thoughts. "Anyway, you said you saw your biological father. Do you want to talk about it right now, Uhm?" I noticed her face turn sad. Shite! This may not be the best time. "Or maybe another time. Let's just keep an eye on things—-"

"He's dying..."

Those words keep my mouth shut. Dammit! I ruined her mood.

"Belle, I-I'm sorry..."

"There's no need for you to apologize, Gia. He is dying, so he wanted to see me and reconcile with me. Do you believe him? He is so self-centered." Isabella's eyes began to well up with tears. That prompted me to get up and give her a bear hug.

Isabella sobbed silently as she recounted her encounter with her biological father.

My heart was tearing up seeing Isabella like this, but I'm sure she was holding her tears for a long time as well. I know that even though she always says she doesn't want to see her birth father, she secretly wishes to see him.

I let her cry and tell me everything about her father, including her frustrations and confusion about what had happened.

She stopped crying after a while, and we remained in the same position. I was now the one caressing her hair and back.

We remained in that position, and there was a pleasant silence.

"Do you think I'm a bad person, Luna?" Isabella inquired, breaking the long silence.

"Bad? Why?"

"I mean, for not forgiving him. He's dying, but I can't seem to find forgiveness in my heart."

That's what she's talking about.

"Your reaction is normal, Belle. He has been gone for a long time and has abandoned you. I would feel the same way if I were in your shoes."


"Yeah. But, based on what you told me, your father spent a long time looking for you and your mother so that he could apologize. So, perhaps my question for you now is... Do you think you'll be able to forgive him someday before it's too late? Don't get me wrong: I'm not rooting for him. However, for you to move on, and as you know, life is short, and we must not live with any regrets. So, what do you think?"

"I don't know..." I overheard her say.

"Hmm... That's all right, Belle. Just don't overthink things for the time being ""I said. I was sleepy, but it vanished as soon as Belle asked me a question that I didn't know how to answer.

"Gia, what's up with you and Scarlett?" Isabella inquired. She's now sitting up straight and looking at me.


"I saw you in her car once. And I overheard you two laughing and joking like best friends in the girl's restroom," she revealed.

"Y-you saw and heard us?" Oh, I guess I can't hide it from Isabella anymore.

"Why did you keep it from me? Do you no longer have faith in me?" She appeared to be distressed. Her eyes were still puffy and red, but she looked as if she was about to cry again.

"Belle, no..." I'm holding her hand. She bowed her head. "Look at me, Belle. Please, come on. I want to tell you everything." She did exactly what I told her to do. "I didn't mean to keep it from you, but we've both been busy these past few weeks, and Scarlett and I had a deal before we could publicly say it to everyone."

"What did you say in public? Are you saying she's your girlfriend?" Isabella's eyes widened as she spoke those words.

"Oh. No, no, no. Listen to me first, Belle. I'll explain everything. Okay?" I was relieved when she simply nodded.

So I began to tell her about Scarlett and my history. I told her that we were best friends in elementary school, but Scarlett began to bully me after my mother died. Isabella was attentively listening. She isn't reacting, so I'm unsure what she was thinking, especially when I told her why Scarlett bullied me.

I waited for her to respond after telling her everything. But, once again, she asked me a question about which I had no idea.

"Do you like her?"

"Like? Who? Scarlett?" She nodded. "I like her. Yes," I was frank with her.

"Are you going to date her now?"

"What? Date?"

"You mentioned liking her."

"Oh, yeah. But I like Scarlett as a friend."


"Belle, where did you get these ideas?"

"Nothing. One more question."


"What about Madison? Do you like her? In a romantic sense?"

Isabella's questions are ridiculous. But then I wonder if she knows my proper preference now that she's asking me these questions.

"No, I'm not. But as a friend, I like her," I said. I'm not sure if it was an illusion, but I saw Isabella smile when she heard what I said.

"That is fantastic. I mean, if you're going to have a girlfriend, don't pick Madison Kim." With a disgusted expression on her face, she said.

"Why? She is a good person," I told her.

"Nah... She used to bully me back then. I don't believe she's changed," Isabella revealed.

"That explains why you were terrified of her the first time you saw her. But I believe she has changed, Belle. Maybe she's like Scarlett, and she had a reason for doing what she did."

"No way... I don't think so. Whatever her reason, that is still not acceptable to me," Isabella reasoned.


"Don't even try to persuade me, Gianna. My opinion of her will never change. Anyway, I'm glad you don't like her romantically."

I see it now. This conversation has made me realize that Isabella's heart is filled with hatred.

"Belle, I was curious. Since you keep asking me about my feelings for Scarlett and Madison... Is it okay with you if I am gay?" I finally asked her.

"I don't mind that you're gay, Luna. I still accept you no matter what."

"Really?" Oh, my goodness. Thank God she's cool with it. I was worried for nothing!

"Yeah. Silly. I am your sister, and we are family, so we should accept whoever or whatever each other's preferences are," Isabella said with a gummy smile.

Ouch. Sister zone!