
My Ship Is Full Of Women

Tired of clichéd harem webnovels with passive protagonists? Brace yourself for a refreshing change – a diverse-character webnovel where the main character is a capable man, breaking away from typical tropes. Imagine a world where the seas are divided into two: safe seas and those existing in another plane of reality. The latter comprise cursed islands, unique technology, a different hierarchy, distinct languages, and various monsters. "Them who dare venture into them treacherous seas, they never see the light again, or so the tales whisper in the winds." An anti-hero pirate protagonist, considered the unluckiest but luckiest pirate, sets foot on a new goal: to become a Pirate Lord and acquire a ship full of women and booze. Volume 1 is completely free to read, introducing you slowly to the world and its characters, enjoy. --WARNING-- Even if you don't typically enjoy reading harem/R18 web novels, I assure you that you'll love this one. You'll constantly be on the edge of your seat, occasionally giggling, sometimes amazed, and at times, moved to tears. There will be R18 chapters featuring descriptions of 'reproductive' acts. However, these chapters will not be numerous, as this is primarily a fantasy novel with a well-developed story and world. Expect 2 to 5 R18 chapters within every 100 chapters.

monawrita · Fantasie
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41 Chs

Tesco [4]

Jack found himself confined to a solitary cell on the right side, while Mary was locked up two cells away from him, also on the right side.

The cells were dismal and cramped, far worse than the ones found in the upper dungeons. The stone walls bore unsettling traces of blood, while the dirt floor was littered with nails and repulsive remnants.

Both of them were restrained by the unforgiving cuffs, and Jack soon noticed something peculiar. His own Link powers, as well as his treasured artifacts, were rendered inaccessible, as if blocked by an unseen force.

He closed his eyes, attempting to tap into the dormant link within him, but his efforts proved futile. It felt akin to searching for a needle in a vast hay ball, engulfed in impenetrable darkness and fog.

To his surprise, Jack pondered, "Blast me barnacles! The very instant they clamped these accursed cuffs on me, I felt me strength witherin' away. Could it be these cursed restraints be the scoundrels behind me weakened state?"

Suddenly, a navy officer donning a white wig entered the dungeon, clutching a yellowed document in his hand.

"You and you," he barked, pointing towards Jack and Mary.

"What be your names?" he inquired.

With a touch of narcissism, Jack responded first, "I be the fearsome Captain Jack Thunder, and mark me words, I'll be breakin' free from this wretched place afore ye know it!"

The distinguished navy personnel scoffed at Jack's audacious remark and retorted, "Both of you shall face the swift justice of the executioner's blade come the morrow'."

Then Mary spoke up, "I reckon ye be mistaken, matey. By the way, the name be Mary Grace, a pirate through and through."

Disgust twisted the man's face as he spat on the ground. Glancing at the document, he cleared his throat and continued, "Jack Thunder and Mary-"

Jack swiftly interjected, "It's Captain Jack Thunder."

Clearly annoyed, the man proceeded, "And Mary Grace, you stand accused of the following crimes: Assault, Theft, Impersonation of Navy Personnel, Murder, Breakin' into a Navy fortress and dungeon, Desecration of a corpse, Rescuing prisoners..."

Amidst the accusations, Jack erupted into boisterous laughter, bellowing with a pirate's glee, "Ha-har! Be that all, me hearties? Be ye absolutely certain ye haven't overlooked a single crime? HAR HAR!"

The distinguished navy man simply replied, "Prepare yerselves for the embrace of death come the morrow's morn."

With a disdainful look, he handed them worn-out clothing and commanded, "I am sickened by the sight of a pirate clad in a protector's garb. Change into these."

Because of their aversion towards the navy and their attire, both Jack and Mary reluctantly accepted the garments as the man departed.

He began removing his garments, his gaze fixated once again on Mary, who was situated two cells away from him.

As he observed her changing attire, he was taken aback by the sudden appearance of a man who seemed to materialize out of thin air. The stranger swiftly grasped the iron bars, locking eyes with Jack.

This man had short, brown hair and piercing, cold brown eyes. His facial features were small and round, resembling that of a child. Scars marred his face and arms, but the most peculiar was the scar that formed a hole in the center of his forehead.

"What be ye starin' at, cApTaIn JAcK tHuNdEr?" he taunted, swinging his head from side to side.

Jack, now fully dressed, approached the iron bars, focusing intently as he gradually closed the distance between his finger and the scar on the man's forehead.

In a sudden motion, Jack swiftly poked the scar and swiftly retreated.

"What in the seven seas be that?" Jack exclaimed.

The man chuckled and replied, "This? HAR HAR! This scar be a souvenir from when me own daughter shot me. Luckily, I survived."

Jack cocked his head, preparing to inquire further, but the man introduced himself, saying, "Me name be Tesco. Be ye the ones who were supposed to free me?"

Mary, noticing the two engaged in conversation, approached the iron bars of her own cell and called out, "Oi, what be ye two blabberin' about?"

Tesco turned around, locking eyes with Mary in a long, intense gaze. She stood frozen, as if she had encountered a ghost, her limbs trembling uncontrollably.

Then, anger consumed her, and she unleashed a torrent of profanity, "Ye scurvy bilge rat! Ye rotten piece of filth, how be ye still breathin'? Fuck ye..." Her tirade continued for minutes.

Tesco laughed, remarking, "Long time no see, Mary. Came here to grace yer dear old father with another bullet?"

Jack was taken aback, thoughts racing through his mind, Daughter? She told me her father be dead. The truth be she shot him and thought he be dead.

Mary sneered, her eyes gleaming with malicious delight, "Avast, if only I had known it be ye we were meant to set free. I'd be leavin' ye here to rot, Tesco."

Tesco sprawled on the ground, a wicked grin adorning his face. "Rottin' be a thing of the past for me, lass. Me fate be sealed for the morrow, and the two o' ye shall be joinin' me."

A twisted smile danced upon Mary's lips as she retorted, "Thank the cursed Gods of the Sea for that. Ye perverse old scoundrel be finally meetin' yer long-awaited demise. And don't ye dare call me lass!"

Jack, utterly bewildered by the unfolding chaos, could no longer contain himself. He bellowed, "Avast, ENOUGH!"

The dungeon fell into a sudden hush as all present ceased their conversations. Jack regained his composure and spoke with unwavering determination, "Mary, ye be explainin' this blasted situation to me now. It be an ORDER."