
Chapter 4

Waking up early morning, Long Yu turned on the TV and stepped into the bathroom for a hot shower after which began dressing up.

"..... We are now one week away from the release of 'Heavens Road' which is said to be the best game ever made. Now, I'm not going to bore you with the details of the game since all of you by now should already have been familiar with it. And, for those who don't, all I can say is I pity you. Now getting back on topic.... "

The show going on TV right now was the podcast of the famous Korean game analyzer Jung In Sun who was said to be the most popular and beautiful female till now with a fan base of more than a few hundred million all over the world.

And right now she was talking about all the players from the ranking boards who have disclosed whether or not they will play the upcoming game Heavens Road.

Heavens Road.

This might be the most popular and sophisticated game made till date since the invention of full body dive into virtual reality. The game had grown so famous and anticipated for three reasons -

1. The game was made under the agreement of all countries in the world, where they all agreed that any conflicts between the countries will be from now on settled inside Heavens World.

2. The game would be completely created and managed by the world's greatest Artificial Intelligence and Virtual entity Anastasia.

3. Heavens Road will be take place in a world which has a million year old history and has a minimum of few thousand special classes of various levels other than the basic classes.

It was due to these all reasons that Heavens Road was now the one thing almost everyone was speaking about. It is also currently the name which has been searched for the highest since the beginning of Internet.

"... By now we have recieved the official confirmation of more than 90% of the players across all the ranking boards, however there are still many who have not yet given any sort of confirmation on their status. However, out of everyone there are a few rankers who the whole world is waiting... "

Hearing what In Sun said Long Yu also realized that he had also not given an answer to all the questions he got from the public.

Turing on his phone, Long Yu opened the official forums for Heavens Road and then clicked on the update status button which was beside his platinum colored name.

Once Long Yu clicked on the update status button, one question and two options appeared on the screen.

[Are you going to play Heavens Road, Player Long Yu?

Yes / No]

Clicking on Yes, Long Yu put the phone inside his pocket and walked out of his room.


As Long Yu epdates his status and left the room, a huge uproar began going through the world.

"... Yes, we have just now recieved the official response from one of the few awaited players. As of 8:43 Chinese time this morning, the youngest person to ever have appeared on the ranking boards, the number 1 player ranked on the Platinum Board, the White Flash - Long Yu has confirmed that he will be playing Heavens Road! Now with Long Yu's acceptance only a dozen or so players have yet to make any announcement. However, this is common because all of them are those ranked in the Diamond Board.... "

While this was happening, the forums also begin getting flooded with support to Long Yu.

"Aw man, one more Ranker has said that he would play. Sigh... The more rankers appear, the lesser the chances of us ever becoming overlords of this game."

"I can't wait to see how much higher Long Yu's rank will go now that it has been also a year since the last time the ranking boards have been updates."

"Of course he will enter the Diamond Ranking Board this time! I'm definitely sure that he grown much stronger with his age!"

"Aaaaa! If only Long Yu was my boyfriend then I could also become an overlord of Heavens Road by just relying on him."

"To the uggo above, I would be more than happy just being Long Yu's girlfriend even if he never helps me in Heavens Road. After all how many handsome males like him are there in the whole world."


"Hahahaha... Nowadays the whole world is full of all kinds of idiots. Sigh..."

"I know....."