
Secret date.

" How about date ?" he asked me .

I was shocked at his reply.

" I mean I know I am never gonna date guy but maybe I can try once it's not gonna hurt anyone right just don't tell anyone keep secret." he was looking at me now.

" what about your girlfriend than. isn't this cheating?"

" I can't break up with her. She is my best friend . And also one of the only important person in my life." he said

" but still think about it I don't know why I like you and I wanna know that please say yes." he was waiting for my reply.

I mean he's​ got point. I really hate myself now

because I think it's good idea. I don't wanna be someone secret I Mean I was open about my sexuality to my parents I don't wanna go back in closet because of him.

But still he is like my weekpoint he is got everything I want in my boyfriend.

" owk I will do . I will date you secretly but for not long I don't wanna be someone secret." I know I am gonna regret after this but still.

" its fix than I will take you on date . but stay clear of that Luthor guy. I know he is gay. and I don't want you to get involved with him" he demanded or ordered.

" No he is my friend and for your information​ we are just agreed for a date not for relationship and you don't own​ me so don't tell me what to do." I said to his face.

" Alright but than whatever happens I am not gonna be responsible. so if I was you I will stay clear of him." he said. " and Sunday is gonna be our first unofficial date ."

after that he left ..