
My SI Stash #79 - Here I Stand by Brave69105 (DxD)

-Male SI, and another DxD fic... they're everywhere! For JakeElliot~

*SI as a Student of Kuoh Academy with a Stand! ゴゴゴゴ

Sypnosis: Joining this world with my own stand. Not the worse that could happened. Self insert. M for Mmmmmm.

Rated: M

Words: 34K

Posted on: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13416437/1/Here-I-Stand-Stand-User-DxD-OCSi


PS: If you're not able to copy/paste the link, you have everything in here to find it, by simply searching the author and the story title. It sucks that you can't copy links on mobile (*´ー`*)

-I'll be putting the chapter ones of all the fanfics mentioned, to give you guys a sample if you wan't more please do go to the website and support the author! (And maybe even convince them to start uploading chapters in here as well!)

Chapter 1

"Any abilty at all right?" I asked the grotusqe form of tentacles.

Man, this was wierd. Waking up to see a hentai reject standing above me with a 'smile' on his face was not what I wanted in the mornings.

Let it be known, I am not a morning person. If you are, you ain't natural and must be burnt at the stake. That being said, I ignored it and tried to fall back a sleep. Boy, had that been a morning.

Let it be known that you shouldn't piss of a somewhat powerful being that took you from your nice warm bed.

I'll bare you the details of what we said but it boils down to this.

1. I get sent to another world. I will not be told what this world is but I've been told that I know what it is.

By that logic, I'm most likely going to an fiction of somesort. Let's just hope it's not something like Attack on Titan. I definately do not want to be eaten by some large, doped up, naked people of questionable genders.

Wouldn't that be a way to die.

2. I'll be placed into that world with a background. Not much of one, but one that would make it seem like I've just appeared out of nowhere.

I would be given a home that has been paid for, a weekly allowance for 3 months and no immediate relatives to look after or be looked after by. It already removes the need to protect those around me.

Dark but useful.

3. I get any one ablity from anyone universe. However, it can't be too overpowered.

How overpowered it is, is determined by the tentacle freak. For all I know, Being a Saiyan with a system could be fine.

Acctually- "No, no system. No system at all." My Tentacle covered friend 'kindly' informed me.

He smiled back at my expression but said nothing.

RIght, I'm going to be here for a while, aren't I?

Here I Stand

"My Skyrim Character"

"Do you know how many mods you put on there?" Right. No wonder he didn't accept it." You've got the Unlimted Blade Works, Gate of Babylon, Rinnegan with all Mangekyo ablities shown and Dio's [ZA WORLDO]. Let's not forget you have your magicka, health and stamina at the minimum of 50 thousand, and that's without buffs."

(A/N, I acctually have all of this. And some questionable mods Hint-Hint)

I grimaced more and more as he spoke, opting to keep my mouth shut. He was right but I wanted to be OP. Come on man.

Now that I think about it, he looks like that daedric prince from that DragonBorn DLC. The wierd tenatacle freak.

"Fine, How about a stand then? or are you going to tell me that's not allowed to?" I said, already thinking about my next ability.

What is good but not OP? I mean, there-"That'll be fine. Most stands are used creativly making them OP but I don't fault for creativity." He just accepted stands.

He accepted stands?



God dammit, what the hell? If I wanted a stand, it would be the OG. Granted, I barely got into part 5, meaning there could be some other really OP ones. Heard some good things about [Gold Experince Requiem] but nothing else.

Though, I really like Bruno's [Sticky Fingers]' stand cry. That and Giorno's. A faster paced version of Dio's Muda.

"Could I make a stand?" I asked, if I could then my path to OPness is in the bag.

Just imagine-"Sure, knock yourself out."


I grabbed the tablet that had flown into my hands. On it was a white husk of a genderless and featureless person. It also had a place where I could input my stands ablity.

A small but devious smirk etched it way onto my face.

Hopefully this works.

Here I Stand

"My stand, [Friend Like Me],plays on the idea of a genie. Not only from the Disney movie Aladin but also the common trope of genies using the wishes granted for their own benefit, This ties in with it's ablility, [A Whole New World]."

The mass of tentacles leaned in, I couldn't tell but he at least sounded instrested. "Go on." He urged.

"I called the ablity [A Whole New World] as it symbolises the idea of the world, of the person I'm using the ablity on, changing."

"Stop teasing me and tell me what it is, you're killing me here."

Maybe if you stop interupting- Calm yourself.

"[A Whole New World] works by getting to a deal with person I get into, as long as I fill out my end of the bargain, I get what I dealed for."

"...And in theory, you can ask whatever you want for from the victim."

Yes, Victim. Glad to know we're on the same side, however, "That's not all."

"Ohohoh, what else could you have come up with?"

"This ablity can take anything from people, anything at all. The only limit to the ablity is that I need consent."

"So say you wanted to take Goku's Kamehameha technique, all you need is him to say you can take it if you hold your end of the bargain?"

I grinned, he's finally getting it.

"Yep, I can get anything I want from people, espically those gullible enough to actually accept my offer."

"Yes, that would work." The tentacle shifted as if nodding to itself. "I got it."

A snap of it's fingers and out came my stand.

It looked like the genie that Robin Williams played exept it was more defined and as if it was drawn in the JoJo fasion. I also notice that there was more muscle that was densly compacted into it's leaner frame.

The stand down at me with it's blue eyes, eyes shadowed. It was wierd to understand what he protrayed but I understood.

I understood completly.

"Right now you have that down, I'll be seeing you off. Hope you have fun or don't..." the mass shifted again "...I don't care to be honest."

I heard the sound of creaky door opening behind me but I kept my head towards the tentacles.

"Why did you choose me?" I asked, it was something that was waying down in my mind and I knew that this would most likely be the only time to ask.

"Would you like the genric answer or the real answer?" The door slammed close behind me, I'm guessing it can only open when I leave.

That was an easy question "Both."

The room started to darken, closing off what I could see to just before my hands and the soft glow of the tentacles. The floor rumbled as it slowly melted, I could see the area getting smaller and smaller leaving me in the centre. The large mass of tentacles shrunk and shrunk till all there was left was a woman.

Holy shit, my heart can't take this. How does someone look so beautiful?

She was...she... "You are the chosen." She still had the voice of that tentacle freak, you just had to ruin the image, didn't you?. "I had chosen you because you have the potential to save this world and set it back on course."

Of course I do, can't I just live my live in piece?

Wait, is this the "Generic answer, yes." She supplied as the room returned to normal.

"Ummm, why are there tentacles surrrounding me?" I asked but it ignored me.

"The real answer is that we needed a reson to start the fic." It said as the tentacles wrapped around me, the feeling of vertigo hitting my body like a train as I was yanked off my feet hard enough to forget the last 13 words I heard.

Here I Stand

*Kono Dio Da* *Kono Dio Da* *Kono Dio Da* *Kono Dio Da* *Kono Dio Da* *Kono Dio Da* *Kono Dio-

"[Friend Like Me]"I cried as I jumped out of bed. The stand came out and almost destroyed the alarm clock. It opted to instead press the button to stop the repetative sound.

The stand stared back at me with a large smile on it face and thumbs up before disappering again.

So it's got a personality like Robin williams. That's cool to know. Atleast, it's not violent like [Star Platinum].

Also what was I doing in bed?

I was in a basic bedroom. A bed, closet, desk with a laptop and an en suite. That's pretty cool. Never had my a room with an en suite. The rest of the house was two-storied. One more bathroom and two spare bedrooms were upstairs with a living room and kitchen downstairs. There was also a staircase to the basement.

Yeah, a whole house summed up into a single small paragraph, some people need to take notes.

Right, first thing first. I need to-*Smack*

-Get hit in the face with a large piece of paper.

Actually, it's a letter. A thick one at that.


Dear Akira Kenshin (You're new name, deal with it.),

I'm here to inform you of your knew life.

You've got your ablity and home but incased in this envaloup is a few things that you may need to get caught up.

First things first, This is your bank account. Spend wisely or don't, though most things that you'll need or want are already here.

Secondly, This is your enrollment to Kouh Academy. This is where you'll be going. If you want, to leave, go ahead but it might benefit you to be somewhere you might understand and gain power before you venture off into the world.

Thirdly, You are a month before the story, do with that as you will.

Finally, You'll most likely never hear from me agiain. Only should the higher ups, Yes you Brave, allow it but untill then we won't be interacting.

Your friend.


Kouh Academy? The school where the two sisters of devil kings go to. Where the first three seasons of a show that can somehow can work on boobs? A hentai with Plot and not 'Plot'?

Well, there is a 'Plot' but who cares about the details?

I know a lot of people that would scream of the unfairness of this world but who cares when all I have to do it steal power from those around me.

I can become powerful without anyone to stop me. Lets not also forget that only stand users can see stands. So that means all I have to do is trick guillible people into giving up their power.

And in this world, run by pervertedness, who is the one of the most perverted of them all?

Issei~ I'm comming for you.

Here I Stand

Calming down from my brief glimps of madness, I checked around the house to find that it was already stocked. From movies to food, anything I want is already here. I would just have to get a job some time soon to help pay for when my allowance runs out.

Though the mirror was something to behold. Well, I was but you know what I mean.

An airbrushed black haired teen looked back at me. It was me but as if someone had put an anime-esque filter on me. I had a body of someone that regularly worked out. I did have a somewhat lean figure but I couldn't keep it up for long.

But damn I looked good.

I also read the letter, it had stated that I came from the UK and I came to Japan because I was fluent in it. Mighty convient but who cares? It works.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

"Coming!" I called out, taking off my apron. I wonder who that could be.

I swing open the door and put my full power into not outing myself out.

What the hell is she doing here?

"Are you Akira Kenshin?" She asked, getting me to nod. "My name is Rias Gremory, nice to meet you."

"Gremory like the devil?" My mouth seemed to just speak making her eyes widen in response before setting back into her previous expression. Now that I look at it, she seems annoyed.

"Yes, that same one. Now, can we get on with this? I don't really-"

"Excuse me?" I interupted, this was no reason to get rude all of a sudden. All I did was call you a devil, woman.

It took her a second to notice what she before gained a sheepish espression "Sorry, long week. I told Souna I would deal with your introduction to get my mind of things but look how that turned out."

"Sona?" Obviously Sona Sitri, Alias Souna Shitori. Rias, couldn't you change you're name also?

"Right you don't know her yet." She muttered to herself. "She-"

"Before you talk, come inside. I don't really want to leave you standing out there all day, do I?" I asked as I made way for her to me.

She gave me a small smile "Such a gentleman."

I shrugged as she stepped in and took off her shoes. "Not really, I don't want to stand there as well. I don't really do as a gentle man."

That got a snort out of her as she turned to me. "I'd rather perfer you to be honest than a gentleman."

That's a big oof right there.

Let's keep away from relationship issues, the last thing I want is for me to remind her of Riser. Yep, reminding a crimson haired beauty that could vapourise you in a second about her fiance tha she hates.

Lets not do that.

"Hey, do you smell burning?" She asked, her delicate nose sniffing in the air.

Acctually, Yes I do.

I look behind her to see [Friend Like Me] being burnt at the stake, with a rubber glove on his head. It kind of reminds me of of the head of rooster.

So he's a burning rooster?

...He's talking about my chicken, isn't he?

"Excuse me a second, my house is about to burn down." I told her, walking past into the kitchen.

Here I Stand

"Come on it's not that bad." Rias stated, sitting upon on of the chairs at the table.

"Not that bad?! This is sign for the times to come!" I screamed out, jumping up from where I was kneeling on the floor. "Watch, there will be feast with the most important people and I'm going to be relied upon. And you know what's going to happen?"



She put her hands up in a placating manner, "Look we can make a new one together. I'll even buy a new one for you. Just please calm down."

"A whole new chicken, you say? And I'll be alone with a beautiful vixen that makes me feel things that I didn't know I could fell?"

"...I didn't need to know that but-"

"I refuse." I interrupted, to her shock. "You'd think I'd spend my time in the kitchen doing all this again especially when it's barely even burnt."

"That's what I said." She said dejectedly, sliding down her seat in dispair.

"Did you?"

Her expresion suddenly changed as she jumped up into her seat, "Wait a second."

"I waiting right here."

"Did you just make a JoJo's refrence?" She exclaimed, suddenly before me, clapsing her hands around my own.

"And if I did?"

Her eyes sparked at my words, "You've actually read it? Most people I've talked to said they haven't seen it because hasn't been made into an anime adaption. The only other person I know who has read it works to much to talk to."

I forgot to say that it's currently 2010, Phantom Blood comes out in 2012, 2 years from now.

"The cruel injustice of this world truely hurts sometimes." I stated as she nodded sagely.

"This beauty not being shown to the world is crime against nature."

I clapped my hands on he shoulders, getting her to look up at me. "Rias…" He blue eyes sparkling, staring back at mine.

"Yeah?" She said with awaited breath.

"We're eating chicken"

"Uh, I don't see-"

"You're eating with me."



Here I Stand

"What about Attack on Titan? Have you read any of it." Rias stated, biting into the perfect chicken.

Yeah, it's perfect, so what?

"Nah, I don't really like it." I replied. "I get that his mother was killed by Titans but him just being driven by the destruction of titans is just setting himself up for failure. I can see why people like it but I personally don't. Plus , I dropped it in favour of FMAB. Which in my opinion is much better than."

"What's FMAB?" Rias asked with a tilted head. "It can't be that good if I haven't heard of it."

I ignored the jiggle of her breasts in favour of apearing before her with shadowed eyes.

"So you've read Attack on Titan but not watched the beauty that is Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood." I asked. Her eyes starting to sparkle as she recognized what I said.

"Is that a sequel to FullMetall Alchemist? I didn't think they would need one."

"God fucking damit Rias."

I looked back as she winced in pain, I dropped the subject as I placed a hand on her shoulder while he composed herself.

"Don't worry about it." She waved me off. "It's nothing."

She stood up pushing her finished plate forward, "Thank you for the meal. It was quite good."

"No it's perfect, It was already stated."

"...Right, Well I think I need to go." She stood up and started to walked off to the entrance.

Running after her, I grabbed her wrist and stopped her from going "Not yet." I pushed her backwards.

She landed onto the cabniet bhind her, trying to stand up only to find me stadning before her, noses a hair length apart.

"As much as I loved this, I don't think we're ready to go that far." She stated as my hand crept closer.

"What on earth are you talking about woman?" I asked, pulling out the box set for FMAB and pushed it to her hands. "Watch the first-actually don't the first episode is a filler. Start from the second episode, it's a better verison of the story."

"Of course." She sighed "I don't see how it can get any better."


"I guess I watch it tonight." She stated, hand cupping my cheek and giving it a litlle peck. "Thanks for tonight, it did wonders."

"If you think-" I was stopped by the soft hand that was now covering my mouth.

"Don't ruin the night. I watch the second episode and tell you about it tommorow."

She's planning to come tommorow? I knew I was good but not that good.

"Right then, see you tommorow." I said seeing her out.

"Come to the ORC tommrow, after school, I'll tell you what I think then." She called out as she left.

Man, her ass is just as good as- what the hell you doing?

I stared at [Friend Like Me] who had placed a notebook before him, wearing the Kouh Academy school uniform.


God fucking damn it.

Here I Stand

Yes, it's me. Brave.

My other story is currently on my laptop and that is not working properly so I write this idea up as I wait for it to come back.

It'll take about two days so bare with me. Also if you guys like this, I'll continue it.

Also, don't like the cliche of Rias being a cunt and manipulative so I changed it up a bit. Sona was supposed to come but Rias came instead to take her minds off of things.

I'm guessing you guys know why.

This story isn't going to be as serious as 'Where My Demons Lie' but it won't be full crack.

Please give me comments and suggestions on where to go. I have an idea up to the Riser arc but ,until then, I'm stumped.

Also, you may of notice that there may be mistakes in the story. I may be completly and utterly amazing at creating stories, but If anyone would like to help and beta read for me, I'll greatly apricate it.

Until Next Time,

Ja Ne.

Follow me on twitter/euwleague~ @N177013

(Suggest me new fics, anime, manga)


aweirdweebcreators' thoughts