
My Self-Insert Stash

I've had enough of the "fanfics" here being dialogues and so must you... here's some self insert fanfictions that you'll probably like! Some from DC, Naruto, Marvel... will most likely add more. I'll be putting the chapter ones of all the fanfics mentioned, to give you guys a sample if you wan't more please do go to the website and support the authors! (And maybe even convince them to start uploading chapters in here as well!) Contact me on: @N177013 https://www.youtube.com/Diowick (Suggest me new fics, anime, manga)

aweirdweeb · Anime und Comics
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My SI Stash #7 - Vengeance and Ignorance, Penance Staredowns: A Highschool DXD Ghost Rider Self Insert by Dingamuss (DxD)

-First SI I've read that has the Ghost Rider powers! Especially in a naughty ecchi anime like DxD there's bound to be some reckoning.

*Just found out that my school will be closed for a whole month cause of the COVID-19. Well I never go outside in the first place but please for the people that do, be careful and if you feel sick just stay home and avoid public areas/transportation. Call your healthcare provider and tell them about it, wear a facemask just incase. Anyways with all this free time I might just start posting more suggestions so enjoy!

Sypnosis: Young man gets transported via portal to an ecchi anime series. Filled with Devils, Angels, Fallen Angels, and Sacred Gears. What he's got? A flaming skull, Hellfire, and his assortment of vehicles! The Ghost Rider is here!

Rated: ???

Words: 35K

Posted on: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/vengeance-and-ignorance-penance-staredowns-a-highschool-dxd-ghost-rider-self-insert.828688/#post-65268883/ (Dingamuss)

PS: If you're not able to copy/paste the link, you have everything in here to find it, by simply searching the author and the story title. It sucks that you can't copy links on mobile (´ー`)

-I'll be putting the chapter ones of all the fanfics mentioned, to give you guys a sample if you wan't more please do go to the website and support the author! (And maybe even convince them to start uploading chapters in here as well!)

Part 1

"Damnit! Can't find any good things to watch!" I shouted out loud, my frustration of not finding anything to watch in a good while. "I've already finished with Agents Of Shield AND Infinity War! Can't there be any decent thing?" I once again complained. "Gotta be somethin' to to do or watch!" Clearly things weren't going so well for me. After watching most of what Netflix had to offer I still couldn't find that one thing to satisfy me. Sighing I turned to my computer and booted it up. Having a small smirk, I then opened up Youtube, only to find that the full uncut, uncensored version of Highschool DXD Season One just there along with the other usual videos. Sighing in acceptance. I opened up the video and began to watch, still bored.

*One Hour Later*

"Dear god I'm tired." I said to myself as I began rubbing my eyes and taking a nice long yawn. "Well, guess I'll take a nap for now. I'll see what's up later when I wake up." I concluded by closing my laptop and laying on the couch and resigning myself to sleep. Soon enough my mind started to wander and things started to darken. I then closed my eyes, and I felt the comforting state of sleep. However, before I could be able to fully sleep I soon noticed a blue light coming from my computer, cracking an eye open and frowning, I got open and walked over to my computer, only for it to suddenly turn red. "Whaaaat the heeell? Do ya got a virus or somethin'? Hope nothing to bad happened to you." I said in confusion. However, as soon as I laid my hand on my computer I felt a sharp stabbing pain on my hand, then it spread all across my body, the red light coming from my computer soon turned blue, then red again. It flickered for about 3 seconds before a large circle was opened in front of me, it soon started sucking me in like a black hole. "Holy shiiiiiiiit! Nonononononononono! NOPE! Not happening!" I fearfully shouted as I held on for dear life to my couch. Soon, the vortex started getting stronger and my grip on my lovely couch was loosening. Finger by finger, I struggled to hold onto my grip, but my efforts were soon rewarded as my entire left hand lost its grip and soon followed by my right. And I was sucked into the vortex. "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuu-!!!!!!!!" Were my last words, err, partial words I said before entering the void completely.

*Outside Frederick's Apartment*

Outside of the dinky apart, in a small shed, lies the rusted remains of a car, once the pride and joy of whoever owned it. Now, it is nothing but rust, bolts, and the still intact engine. Specifically a 1968 Poniac Firebird. Saved from a junkyard by Fredrick Reyes, who saw the car and decided that if he had the money, he could remake it, and turn it into something beautiful again. Soon a blue portal opened on top of the rusting vehicle. The portal grew larger and started emitting a vortex that got stronger and stronger. Soon enough the the old Firebird started to be lifted, it soon tilted upwards, the bumper reaching the blue portal first, and it was sucked into the void. Where it's new home would be. A world of lust, Dragons, Devils, Fallen Angels, Angels, and Gods. Soon the portal disappears, leaving nothing but the dirt at which the car once parked at.


For what felt likes hours, I spent my entire time just falling, falling, and falling and falling. With no end in sight. My voice was could not be heard, and I was surrounded by nothing but blue light. Soon a small hole opens in the bottom of the long, blue tunnel I am in. Finding no other option, I braced myself for the fall. And fall I did. I impacted directly on a heap of trash wish cushioned my fall considerably. Until a half eaten slice of pizza landed directly on my face.

"Ughhh!! Damnit that hurt! What the hell was that?! And why does this pizza have pineapple on it!? I'd say this is heresy if not for the fact that my legs feel like utter SHIT! And my back also feel like shit!" I shout to myself, my voice echoing in the weird place I was in. It was dark, reeked of feces and other foul things. I struggled to lift myself up, but with help from the a stray pillar near me, I hoisted myself up on my feet. I soon wiped away the junk off me, my jeans stained by the cheese of the half eaten pizza. "Oh dear lord I'm gonna need some new pants. Now where the absolute FUCK am I?! Narnia? Lair of the Flying Spaghetti Monster?" I asked no one as my voice still echoed throughout the place I'm at.

'Fucking hell, it's too dark. I gotta find some light, maybe I'll go over there? There seems to be a few candles over there.' I thought to myself as I started heading to what seems to be an abandoned warehouse, which strangely had candles lit. Curious I slowly walked over to the candles, thinking it was simply a homeless person I can ask for directions. Oh, how wrong I was.

"Hello! Anyone there? I'm lost and can't find my way back!" I shout in the direction of the candles, then movement came from that direction, it sounded like....dragging? And something being crushed. This unsettled me but finding no other option but to go forward. "Seriously, hello!? I need help!" I say again, but louder. This time I can hear a faint noise coming from the area. It was inside a green shipping container. Something then came out of the container. As soon it did it reeked of rotten meat and blood. Flinching from the sudden smell, I held my nose and squinted. With the feeling of nausea beginning to take hold. It was strong, far stronger than anything I've smelt, it wafted and permeated in the air, the mix of it plus the feces I smelt made it even worse.

"Hmmmmmmmm? What'sssss thisssss? Another losssssssst sssssouuuul, a mean for little old me. Oh how delightful! Thiiiiissss one sssssmells of youth and ssstrength, yeesssss...." The creepy voice came from within the contained. Soon the body of a middle-age woman stepped out from inside the container. However,, this woman wasn't what most would come to assume. "Yeesssssss~! Freeessssssh meat for the sssssnake....the mouuuusssse ssssstumblesss on a pit of viperssss...." She said creepily. Soon the rest of her was out of the containers. She was hideously grotesque and disgusting. Her mouth hung open wide, her bottom jaw protruding far beyond its normal point. The arm of a person hung from her large maw, as she swallowed the entire arm whole. A long snake-like tongue darted everywhere. However, what shocked me the most was her legs, or rather, her lack of them. She had a long snake like bottom half. Much like a lamia, except it was jagged and littered with barbs. I could only help but scream.


"HAHAHAHA! Awwww the little moussse fell for trap~! Lookssss like I'll have to jusssst take pleaassssure at your ssssuffering~!" The demonic snake lady said. She slithered closer to me, her long tongue occasionally licking the side of my cheek. I just reeling in the odd sensation as I backed away. I was sweating bullets, heaving heavily as the giant monster just loomed over me. Her orange snake-like eyes staring at mine with a hunger in her eyes, and not the good kind. Before I could run, she extends her hand to my leg, and suddenly sharp claws erupted from her nails and she stabs me straight in the leg. Her other hand soon stabs at my stomach, causing me to belch out blood. My eyes widened at the pain, and everything started to darken. She could only laugh as she again, stabbed me in the leg.

"W-why are you doing this.....?" I barely managed to say as she once again just laughs.

"Becauuuuusssse your jusssst food for me~! And you're delicioussssss too~!" She sadistically said, as her tongue went to my stomach, lapping the blood that came from me. Everything started going darker.

'Use my power....reap vengeance on what this Stray has wrought upon itself....feel the sins of what it has done.....' Said a mysterious voice. It was gravelly and raspy, yet strong. 'If you don't fight....then you will die....and all who have fell before this Stray will have their dying wishes unheard....' It said again. Looking at the "Stray's" eyes I began to feel what it has done. The murder, the lust, the hunger, the rage, the hate, all of what it has done....it was a weird feeling, like the moment I looked into those snake-like eyes I felt disgust towards them. Anger at them even. 'Good.....you have seen the heinous deeds this Stray has done...feel the rage of those she has wronged....feel their anger! Their VENGEANCE!' The voice in my head shouted as I began to feel immense heat. It wasn't hurtful, infact, it felt good. Fire soon erupted around me, causing to "Stray" to back away out of fear of the fire. Soon the wounds in my stomach and leg were closed by the flames, the fire spread to my entire body. My hands soon lost it's skin, it's muscle, only leaving the bone. Which shortly after, was coated in flames. The same to my legs. I still felt as if skin and flesh were there, but I was....hollow...in a sense. Soon the flames reached my face. My skin peeled and burned away, muscle once there was burned off. Only leaving a skull. MY SKULL. Fire soon blazed across my entire head and I felt strength of which I've never felt before. Not only that I felt....sheer.....ANGER!

I soon stood up straight. The pain I once felt in my body seized to exist. And soon only fire and heat was felt. Heat that felt warm and comforting. Yet demanding action. I looked to my hands, only finding my hands were nothing but bone and flame. Then looking over at the STRAY I felt the urge to attack it. To DESTROY it!

"What are you?! What issss that you have done!?" The Stray asked fearfully as she readied herself in a stance, ready to attack me. I simply stared as her and clenched my fist. I looked to my left, finding a piece of rebar. I soon grabbed the steel rod and as soon as it touched my hand it erupted in flames. Transforming it into the once normal rusty piece of rebar into a demonic short spear. Soon the Stray spoke again. "WHAT ARE YOU?!" She demanded as I just felt the urge to cackle. And so I did.

"HYAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Vyspersisia of Phjoinacles! I have to come to reap VENGEANCE! UPON YOUR SOUL!" I shouted at the Stray, as I began to lunge with my weapon, causing it to strike the center of the Stray, causing bits and pieces of her to be burnt in HELLFIRE! I attacked, and she got a lucky hit on me, causing most of my arm to fly off my body. But somehow, it didn't hurt at all. And for some reason I found it funny. "HAAHAHAHA! Looks like you need a HAND!" I taunted to the Stray as I mentally told my severed arm to fly into the torso of the Stray, causing it to fly through it, making a nasty cauterized hole in it's stomach. It soon fell forward to grip its torso, which led me to striking at her tail. I used my impromptu demonic weapon to slice the Stray in half, causing whatever organs it had to fall to the floor uselessly. I then slashed towards its arms. Which cut them completely off, leaving a tiny stump. Causing the Stray to reel back in pain as it laid defenselessly on its back. It was shivering, tearing up, scared......GOOD!

"Pleaaaasse! Sssss--ssspare me! Have merccccccy! Pleaaase!!" It shouted, begged for forgiveness to me, hoping I'd spare it. I soon began to slowly and methodically walk towards the dying Stray, my skeletal flaming hand gripping upon her throat as I hoisted her up to have eye contact. Lowering her so she could meet me, face-to-face. She was pathetic, WEAK! And oh so smelt of sin. I leaned forwards and with what felt like a grin to me I spoke. My voice raspy, and gravely, yet deep.

"Sorry. ALL OUTTA MERCY!" I said as I leaned forward further to make eye contact with her. "LOOK INTO MY EYES. YOUR SOUL WILL BURN! FEEL WHAT YOU HAVE DONE! THE ACTS YOU COMMITTED! THE HEINOUS CRIMES YOU HAVE BROUGHT UPON YOURSELF! FEEL THE PAIN OF THE HELPLESS VICTIMS YOU'VE BUTCHERED! FEEL THEM TENFOLD!" I shouted at the Stray's face as I felt my eyes begin to light up, and so did hers. She screamed in pain, as voices of the ones she's killed filled the air. From child, to elderly. The lives she took attacked her. Which finally silenced her endless screaming. Causing what's left of her to lose all will to fight. Satisfied with my actions, I threw her lifeless corpse to the ground. And began to walk away from the seen. And then from the corner of my vision. A blue portal appeared. The same blue portal that brought me to this hellish place. However, what it dropped off wasn't another person. Rather it was a car, MY CAR! A car I found as a junkyard, old, beaten up, and rusted. And before me it was still all those things.

Walking over to the Firebird. I gently rubbed my skeletal hands through its rusted exterior, crouching down, I lovingly stroked the driver side door. Only for it to open up immediately. A grin spread across my skull as the fires that coursed through my body soon came into contact of the steering wheel. The fire soon spread throughout the Firebird, causing parts it had been lacking to appear in a fiery blaze. The windows, remaining of the bumper, and every dent it had was soon repaired. But it was not done. It soon began to deform the metal, causing it turn black and metallic, the tires soon ignited in fire, and so too the headlights. Every spec of rust it had was gone, replaced by smooth clean metal. Yet the Firebird was demonic, but....it felt...safe...welcoming....happy... Smiling to myself I hopped in the driver's seat and began to start the ignition, the roar of the car sounder more animalistic than automotive. Pressing the brakes and turning the transmission to Drive. I felt a grin spread across my boney face.

"Yeah~! You go girl! You got some life in ya! Well let's take you out for a spin and see what type of hell we landed ourselves into! The time to ask questions is later, for now...the HELLBIRD has a chance to spread its wings once more!" I said to the car as its engine grew louder, almost purring. And with one last effort, I slammed my foot to the gas pedal, and drove straight through a concrete wall. Without so much as a scratch on the Hellbird. Leaving a fiery tire trail in my wake. As I drove off into what awaited me.

Part 2

*At the Abandoned Construction Yard* (Where the stray was killed)

Inside the Construction Yard, laid the body of the Stray Devil, eviscerated, and nearly charred. The look in her eyes were of sheer terror and desperation, tears still streaming from her eyes. Soon, a red Teleportation Circle was opened at the entrance of the Construction Yard, soon four figures appeared out of thin air. All of them on high alert. Until one spoke. She was a rather short statured girl, with tangerine eyes and white hair.

"It reeks in here." She said monotonously, taking in the wafting stench of the surrounding area. This was Koneko Toujou, the youngest of the group, alongside her were two other young woman. One with long crimson red hair, a voluptuous figure, and blue-green eyes. The other, had long raven black hair in a long ponytail with an orange ribbon tying it up, she looked at the scene with a closed eye smile. Clearly not bothered by the sight.

"So what do you smell Koneko? Can you tell us anything?" The crimson haired Devil asked, and Koneko turned to her. This was Rias Gremory, next heiress of the House of Gremory, she and her Peerage have been tasked of tracking and locating Vyspesisia, a Stray Devil that had abandoned it's master. And currently the Stray was just left in a state of which the other Devils hadn't seen before.

"It smells of metal.....fire...blood...and....gasoline?" Koneko paused before sniffing the air again. Soon, she approached the burnt and mangled corpse of the Stray and began to examine it. It was charred to the bone, it's limbs were severed and its organs left to dangle out from below it. Yet what unsettled her the most was its face. Fear, terror, desperation. All were displayed on her face. "What ever came here did not mess around. Cauterized the wounds. Must've been painful." She added in a monotone voice. Until the raven haired walked up and examined the corpse. Still smiling she put her hand on her cheek, with her eyes still closed, with the most lady-like smile still on her face.

"Ara ara~! Seem whoever came here made such a mess of her~! The look on her face says it all. She was scared, terrified even. My, how mysterious~!" The ravenette young woman singsonged in a tone that was laced with curiosity and admiration. This was Akeno Himejima. daughter of Barakiel, and ultimate sadomasochist. Who looked at the sight with a posture that clearly admired the work of whoever defeated the Stray.

"Look. Over there." Said a young man with blonde hair and bright blue eyes with a mole under his eye. This was Kiba Yuuto. Sword wielder of the group, and user of Sword Birth. He pointed to a broken concrete wall with two fire trails the led to the the now destroyed wall. "Whatever was here left quite recently. Left this trail." He said to his fellow Devils as he crouched down near the flames. They were still hot and scorched the ground at which it was made. However Rias soon stepped forward to examine the tracks and trail and notice something peculiar about them.

"Hmmmm. Looks like these are tire tracks. Not sure from what exactly, but whoever was here had a flaming vehicle I'd hazard to guess. Curious." She closely examined the tracks. She soon put her hands near the flame and felt such vast Demonic power that radiated from them. She reeled back in surprise as the flames began to dim. "Well, whoever or whatever was here has some sort of Demonic power, the likes of which I've never seen." She added as the flames began to dim further, no brighter than a candle, yet still held so much power. She then faced her Peerage with a steely gaze. "We better keep an eye out for whoever did this. They could be a big threat if left unchecked." She said to her group as they all faced her with same gaze.

"""Yes President!""" Akeno, Kiba, and Koneko all said in unison. Sighing. Rias stood up from her position and began to walk back to the entrance, waiting for her Peerage so she can use a Teleportation Circle.

'I'd better make a report of this soon. Can't have what's out there to mess with my territory....or my precious servants.' She thought with a slight smirk, yet she was still cautious. 'I just hope my new Pawn can handle what's thrown at him.' She thought to herself once more, her smirk growing wider. Seconds later, she disappeared along with her Peerage to the Occult Research Club, her base of operations and hideout.

*With Fredrick*

Taking my car for a joyride was the best thing that ever happened to me! The feel and purr of the engine of the Firebird kept my my focused. My still skeletal hands firm on the steering wheel. However my surrounds were.....unique. To say the least. It was all Japanese lettering, Kanji I believe it was? Still driving on the dirt road, I found a small hill at which to observe the city. Feeling whatever power I had start to wain, I quickly parked at a lone hill, just outside the city limits. Soon, the flames began to burn out, causing me to feel every fiber of myself begin to stitch itself back together. Sinew and muscle regrew on my hands and face, causing me to feel immense discomfort. Gasping and coughing, I flinched at the amount of discomfort I felt. It was like having your entire face numb and having a headache at the same time. Which sure as hell wasn't a pleasant sensation!

"God fucking damnit! Wha-what the hell was that?! I....I....I'm not sure what I did, one moment I'm being impaled by a snake lady and the next I become all fiery and my car also goes fiery. J-just what the literal FUCK is going on?!" I shouted to myself. I was confused, scared lost, and just nearly had a near-death experience. Sighing, I held my held with my hand, which now was its normal, fleshy self. Looking up at the dashboard. My eyes widened in surprise. At the sight I had just witnessed. "Holy shit! You're...the car is not rusted anymore....it's clean, and in perfect condition....just what the hell is going on?!" I once again ask no one as I began to shakingly touch the smooth black leather of the seats and the cold metal of a small skull where the the handle for the transmission was.

'Seriously! What the hell is going on!!?' I once again asked myself internally. Yet no one answered me. Sighing, I looked over behind me to see if anyone was there. Satisfied I soon gripped my head and began to feel a small headache coming on.

"Damnit. Can't be dealing with this shit. Guess I gotta find out where the hell I'm at. It's Japanese, that much is certain. I gotta head to the city. Hope I'll find something that'll let me know where I'm at. Huh? What's this?" I said to myself, the last part caused by a package of CDs and Cassette Cases. All of which had music on them. MY MUSIC. "Five Finger Death Punch, Avenged Sevenfold, Metallica, Pantera, Disturbed, Johnny Cash? Marty Robbins? Since when did I have those? Well atleast I got all of the albums, guess that's something? Weird how it's mostly metal. Whatever that portal did sure got a sense of humor." I said sarcastically. Giving a small smile. I soon turned my head to the steering wheel. Checking my watch, I noticed that it was nearing morning. Raising an eyebrow at the timezone changed on my watch, I soon gripped the steering wheel and began to turn on the engine. It felt like the car was a part of me. Responding to what I wanted like a loyal dog. Shaking my head with a smile, I began to set the car in drive and made my way to whatever city I was in.

*At Kuoh Town (With the Perverted Trio)

Kuoh Town. A small town in Japan, run by two devil heiresses. Sona Sitri, heiress of the Sitri clan, and Rias Gremory, heiress of the Gremory clan. Both share power and ownership of the territory. Making sure whatever Stray Devils and activities that happen in their territory is under control to keep the humans out of harm's way. As the view of the town became much clearer, a black muscle car can be seen driving on the streets of Kuoh. A 1968 Pontiac Firebird. Well regarded as one of the best muscle cars ever built. It's black metallic paint shining in the morning sun. The rumble of it's engines turned heads of both man and woman. Soon three teenage boys began to ogle at the car, admiring its beauty.

"Do you see that car?! So badass!" One teenager said. He had black hair and wore glasses, currently he was in a uniform belonging to Kuoh Academy. A educational institution that was also a college. He began to stare at the car and its driver. A young man with brown hair and brown eyes, clearly a foreigner, an American most likely. Soon another teenage boy began to step up. He was bald and had his eyes closed. Leering at the black muscle car he made a perverted grin.

"Dude! Hell yeah it is! I bet if we had a sweet car like that we'd be swimming in girls! Sure beats the other cars around here that's for sure!" The bald teenager said out loud to his friends. Who all nodded and still looked at the beauty of a machine. "That guy must be so lucky to have a thing like that! Grrrrr I'm so jealous!" He said in frustration as he comically clenched his fist and began to weep. Then another teenage boy stepped up. He had brown spikey hair that reached to his nape. And wore the Kuoh Academy uniform with the front of it opened. He too had his teeth grit, staring jealousy at the brown haired man in a nearby parking lot. Even some of the Academy girls couldn't help but take pictures of the car and it's owner. With blushes and a few of them giggling at the "New Foreigner" that is in town.

"Agghhhh! He's taking all the girls from us too! At this rate I'll never be the Harem King! Ain't no way I'm playing backseat to him!" The brown haired teenager said in sheer anger. As he too clenched his fist and scowled at the car. The rumble of it's engines drowned out most of the crowd. Soon a couple seconds later, the car soon turned off it's engines. Silence followed and a young man, no older than 19 exited the car. He soon locked the doors and headed on inside of a donut shop. Leaving the car unattended. Seeing an opportunity all three boys began to grin. Taking the chance, they made their way to the unattended car. They stopped about 3 feet away from the car, it was even more beautiful close up as it was far away. Stepping forward and looking at their reflection in the perfectly clean metal, they began to snicker.

"Hey Issei! Think this'll look good on us?" The bald teenager asked the brown haired boy, who only have a grin and thumbs up. They began to pose near the car, with Issei taking pictures with his phone of the two. All of which began taking turns next to the car, making ridiculous poses.

"Aww yeah! It looks good with us! Motohama, Matsuda! Imagine if we had one of these. We'd be popular in no time!" Issei said with a perverse grin. His friends making the same facial expression. However, the owner of the car soon came out of the donut shop, only to find the three of them fooling around. And by the look of his face. He was pissed.

*5 minutes before*

After heading to the small town. Hope it was a town by the size of it. I began taking to the streets. The rumble and purr of the engines just felt right. It's like I was using the car in its prime. The old girl was still a work of beauty, no longer what it used to be in the junkyard. Smiling, I drove towards what looks like a donut shop, with the words in English as well as Japanese. Some of the locals began to ogle at the car. Even a few of the local girls in what looks to be school uniforms all began to eye the car, weirdly enough, also me. Raising an eyebrow I looked down and began to pat myself for my wallet.

"Come on, come one! Where is it?!" I ask myself as I finally found it in my rear pocket of my pants. "Yes! There we are! Hope I've got enough for something to eat." I say to myself once more as I began to exit the driver's seat. Taking the keys from the ignition and turning it off, I soon used one of the keys to lock the door. Satisfied, I began to make my way into the donut shop. I was soon greeted by a Japanese man. However, when he opened his eyes he immediately began to freak out. However, he soon began to speak to me in absolutely perfect English.

"Uh hello sir! What can I get you?" He asked for my order and I began to look at the menu. Glancing at the options, I noticed that it had English characters on the board. I soon turned to the young man and ask.

"Do you accept American money? I'm new in town and I uhhh...don't exactly have any Yen on me." I ask him in a polite tone. To which he responds.

"Yes sir! We do accept dollars in this establishment. It's run by me and my dad, we're Japanese American who left America to start up this little shop. Give the locals a taste of home I suppose." He said to me. I nodded to him, giving a faint smile. "Well anyways, what can I get you?" He asked me.

"Three breakfast croissants, a coffee, and a side of bacon please." I gave him my order and he nodded with a smile.

"Coming right up! Will you be eating here or on the go?" He asked me.

"On the go. I want to see what this town has for me....what's this town called again?" I asked him.

"It would be Kuoh Town sir. Now I'll be back with your order, please wait a moment." He politely answers my question as I begin to freeze up at that name.

'Kuoh Town? No.....it....it can't be.....why here? Why here?!' I panicked internally as I began to use my right arm to support my head. 'This can't be happening. This can't be happening!' I continued to panic and soon, I was greeted by the smell of eggs, bacon, and a warm cup of coffee. Which caused me to immediately relax.

"Here we are sir! Your order is ready! That'll be 15 dollars please." He gave me my order as I began to fish for a 20 in my wallet. I soon gave him the twenty and waved him off.

"Keep the change." I gave a small grin and he too made a small smile and nodded. I soon began to walk out of the establishment, the bag that held my breakfast kept firm in my hands. I soon began to walk over to my car, planning to eat in it. But I what I saw messing with my car, infuriated me. Marching forward. I was soon met with three teenage boys, one bald, one with black hair and glasses, and one with brown spikey hair and very familiar. But I didn't care.

"What are you doing to my car?" I asked them. Panicked, they immediately started to stop what they were doing and began to leer at me.

"What does it look like? We're admiring it!" The baldy replied. And the other two began to firmly nod with grins on their faces.

"Oh? And what pray tell what were you admiring about it?" I asked them in a half-polite half-threatening tone at them. Soon the brown haired one speaks up.

"Hey give us a break dude! We like your car and thought it was cool! You even started attracting all the babes here because of it you know?" The brown haired boy replied to me as he soon began to lean on my car. Feeling my intent, the hood began to heat up. Causing his back to be burned. "Ow! What the hell was that?!" He asked his friends who had all began to shrug.

"Careful it's.....HOT." I quipped with a grin as I began to make my way to the driver's seat. Opening the door with my key and began to put my breakfast in the passenger's seat. Soon they began to crowd around me and got a glimpse of the interior. The glasses wearing teenager began to whistle.

"Swwweeet ride you got here" He complimented and I just blankly stared at him and gave him a shrug.

"She's a beaut. Saved from a junkyard. Now she's good as new. Maybe even better..." I said to him, the last part I uttered under my breath. I soon began to get in the driver's seat and closed the door. Lowering the window, I put my arm through it and gave him a straight look. "Better clear the parking lot kiddo. I'm plannin' on goin' someplace to enjoy my breakfast in peace. You lot gotta head to your school probably. Until then." I gave a small nod to them as I fully pulled the window up. I turned on the engine causing it to give a mighty roar. Which stunned the three teenages as I drove off into a different part of town so I could eat and panic.

Follow me on twitter~ @N177013

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