
My Self-Insert Stash

I've had enough of the "fanfics" here being dialogues and so must you... here's some self insert fanfictions that you'll probably like! Some from DC, Naruto, Marvel... will most likely add more. I'll be putting the chapter ones of all the fanfics mentioned, to give you guys a sample if you wan't more please do go to the website and support the authors! (And maybe even convince them to start uploading chapters in here as well!) Contact me on: @N177013 https://www.youtube.com/Diowick (Suggest me new fics, anime, manga)

aweirdweeb · Anime und Comics
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My SI Stash #64 - The Munchkin of Destruction by kayangelus (DXD&EventualMulticross)

-I don't know what's up with DxD and Self Inserts but alot of authors are on it like Free Real Estate~~

(~ ̄▽ ̄)~ *NSFW

Sypnosis: Self Insert as the (non-cannon) twin brother of Sairaorg. Who has the Power of Destruction. Will eventually involve multiversal travel. Also, since this is a DxD SI, it will contain heavy munchkinry. Well, after I establish the setting metaphysics that explains why everyone isn't using the obvious abuses beyond "they are all idiots".

Rated: M

Words: 150K

Posted on: https://forum.questionablequesting.com/threads/the-munchkin-of-destruction-dxd-eventual-multi-cross.9549/ (kayangelus)

[You need to make an account on QuestionableQuesting to get access to these fics, it's annoying I can't do much about it]

PS: If you're not able to copy/paste the link, you have everything in here to find it, by simply searching the author and the story title. It sucks that you can't copy links on mobile (´ー`)

-I'll be putting the chapter ones of all the fanfics mentioned, to give you guys a sample if you wan't more please do go to the website and support the author! (And maybe even convince them to start uploading chapters in here as well!)

Chapter 1

I have two observations to make. One, being squeezed out of a vagina head first felt worse than it sounded. 0 out of 10. Would not try again. Two, all praise the glorious track-sama! Truck-sama banzai!

So yeah, I died, and got isekai'd slash reincarnated. I can't say for certain if it was truck-sama that killed me – I don't remember dying – but I am in a good enough mood to praise him anyway. While I didn't hit the penultimate jack pot on reincarnating in this world – I wasn't reborn as, say, a Divine Dragon or a God – my new life was still a pretty big upgrade from 100% mundane human.

"Congratulations Sorin-sama."

"As expected of a child of Bael-sama. A true genius."

A group of beautiful, youthful looking women in French Maid uniforms spoke praises around me as a small, pure black sphere maybe a millimeter across floated above my palm. For the record, that was me. Sorin Bael, son of Lord Bael – yes, I interacted with my father so little that I honestly didn't know the fucker's name – and Misla Bael, and twin brother of one Sairaorg Bael. I was four years old, and had just awakened my Power of Destruction.

Hmmm? What was that? Why did I skip the first four years of my life?

Because nothing interesting happened obviously. I was born to Devil nobility, with my twin brother being the heir to the greatest noble house in Hell by virtue of being a few minutes older. Today, on my fourth birthday I awakened the power of our bloodline; magic that can destroy at a conceptual level. During the process to get here, I learned to walk, speak, and awakened the Devil's ability to understand any spoken language. There, that succinctly summarizes everything important that happened in my life until now.

The power did not last long sadly. One might initially think that I quickly ran out of power, but that wasn't it. Devils were beings of magic. The average new born Devil had enough magic to power a teleportation across a city without harming them. However, the same way how it took them to learn to crawl, then walk and finally run, it took time to learn to tap into that power.

See, Devil magic was wielded by imagination. It had no theoretical limits as to what it could do. If you could imagine something and provide enough mana, you could do it. Now, someone who doesn't fully consider the implications of this might think that this is an almighty ability. They might then list down ten or twenty overpowered tricks and ask why every Devil isn't going around doing those things. While possibly insulting the intellect of the Devils in question. Generally, the answer tended to be something along the lines that the questioner was a lazy bum who didn't bother to consider what imagining those things involved.

For example, let's say we want to discuss the simple case of creating a clone made out of water. A nice and simple concept, right? Well, okay, try imagining a clone out of yourself made out of water. Done? Okay, how big of a dick were you imagining your clone to have? What's that? You say that you aren't a pervert and weren't visualizing the crotch area when imagining your clone? Well, congratulations. Your clone has no sexual characteristics down there. Oh, and did my question make your mind automatically visualize a dick, and for even a fraction of a second stop visualizing the clone's face? Congratulations, your clone's head just exploded and your spell failed.

Or in short, imagination-based magic did not mean that you could just write down a sentence or two of what you wanted to happen, and so long as it was easily understandable it happened. No, imagination-based magic meant that you had to simultaneouslyvisualize the entirety of the spell in whole. And if your concentration failed for even a fraction of a second on anypart of the spell, that part of the spell failed. Which could easily cause a cascading effect causing the entire spell to fail. If you were trying to replicate something like, say, the lightning armor from Naruto? This meant that a fraction of a second of a partial distraction would kill you.

The blood line powers of the 72 Noble Houses weren't things that couldn't be replicated by other Devils. So long as their understanding and imagination was comprehensive enough, a Devil without any such talent could theoretically replicate every single one of them. The reason these powers were considered special was that they were instinctive. A Phenex did not need to figure out how to convert their head into figure without risking burning their brain because they forgot to take that part into account. It was, in a way like muscle memory that you were born with. I just needed to imagine the general form my power of destruction took, and my magic filled in the blanks.

Even so, just because we did not need perfect concentration, did not mean that concentration in general wasn't needed. So, something like embarrassment from being praised by a bunch of women who were all prettier than anyone I had interacted with in the entirety of my previous life, was enough to make the spell fizzle out.

That was fine though. I would try again. I was going to master this power, so that when it came out that my brother had neither the family power nor any demonic power, I could neatly slide in to take his place as the family heir, and use the position to create a harem!

But first, I was going to take my time enjoying the hugs that the maids were giving me. Resting was important after all. It wasn't like- Oh, who was I kidding. I just found being hugged face first into soft breasts to be too comfortable to push away from it.


"Sorin. I see you are training again."

I turned from the clearing I was standing in to look at my sperm donor. It hadn't been a clearing before, but a dumpster for trash. Turns out, the Bael power is great for removing trash that did not decompose. Not that most of the family would engage in such acts. It was considered beneath the family's dignity or something. However, it was considered an acceptable method of training for a five-year-old.


I gave him a short bow. I still didn't know his name. The guy never bothered to tell it to me, and I wasn't yet at an age where I was expected to start learning the family genealogy. To me – and everyone else – he was Lord Bael. Even his wife had to call him that.

"Your cousin has awakened the Great Power as well."

That is what father called it. "The Great Power". It was a rather pompous name, considering that there were a great many abilities in the world that were its equal or superior.

"Sirzech-niisama? Didn't he already have the ability?"

Father's face twitched in irritation, but he continued to smile. He wasn't a good father, but he wasn't physically abusive. Well, not towards me. Sairaorg had gotten slapped upside the head for not awakening his power before, but since I could use the ability I was considered an acceptable substitute heir. For now.

"Your other cousin, Rias." He corrected me. "She ended up disintegrating her bed and the arm of one of her maids." Wait. Why the fuck was I hearing jealousyin his voice when discussing a five-year-old disintegrating her maid's arm? "Her talent is comparable to that of her brother. In terms of power, it surpasses yours."

Father frowned, and kneeled down so that he was face to face with me, putting his hands on my shoulders. Honestly, it would have been touching if it weren't for the glare he was directing at me.

"We are the Bael, the most superior of the Noble Families. Our powers must be superior to theirs. Sorin, you must surpass your cousins. Show Hell the superiority of the Bael. Only then will you be worthy of the family name."

"Of course, father." I didn't even bother trying to smile as I said that. "I will succeed." The 'where you failed so horribly you couldn't find the finish line with a map and a GPS' part was left unsaid.

Now, let me put into perspective for you what he was asking.

Most of Devil kind was ranked into 4 tiers of power. Low Level, Mid Level, High Level, and Ultimate Level. Low and Mid level Devils were basically the mooks, red shirts, and common citizens. High Level Devils would be the low to mid-level leaders and nobility of Devil Kind. Ultimate Level – or Ultimate Class as they were sometimes called – were the greats and the geniuses. At this point you could go up against the leaders of many of the mythological factions in the world and have a chance of winning a fight against them one on one.

Father was an Ultimate Class Devil. He didn't attain that level by training, or working for it in any way. When Devil kind had a civil war he participated in that, but not enough to rank up from it. He simply was born with so much raw talent, that sitting around on his ass going on and on about the Bael superiority was enough to reach that level. That sort of talent, while rare, was not unheard of among Devil Nobility. It was another reason why the Noble Houses were so important. Those born with the blood could generally be expected to become High Level or Ultimate Level simply by the virtue of not getting stabbed to death.

Of course, there were power levels above these. The next was Satan Class as it was called in Devil Society. This was the level of power that the four original Satans – Lucifer, Leviathan, Beelzebub and Asmodeus – possessed when they lead our race against God and got killed for their troubles. At this point serious fights could results in the creation and destruction of geological formations. Like mountains.

Today, the number of Devils who were at least Satan Class was in the low double digits. Most of them were aligned with the four Satans; Devils who were made the rulers of Devil society and took on the names of the four original Satans.

Lastly, above the Satan Class was another tier of power, the Superior Devils. This was a level of power high enough to be a candidate for the title of strongest in most pantheons. It was a level of power that completely eclipsed the original Satans, and was considered to be impossible for Devils to achieve. The 3 Devils who had managed it were considered to be abnormalities, bugs in the system that was Devil kind.

One of those 'bugs' was the current Lucifer, Sirzechs Gremory. The strongest Devil to have ever existed. And my cousin. The guy that my father was telling me to surpass, otherwise I was worthless.

In short, go fuck yourself pops.

My sperm donor nodded, seemingly unaware of my internal thoughts. "Good. It is shameful that a member of the Bael would have to resort to training, but if you are going to do so, you must at least achieve ultimate strength. Remember son, power washes away all shame. Weakness makes the greatest pride hollow. Become powerful, or you may as well not exist at all."

With those 'encouraging words', he turned around and left. Really, I was glad for my previous life's memories. If not for those, I might develop a horrible complex listening to Darth Shithead.

Follow me on twitter/euwleague~ @N177013

(Suggest me new fics, anime, manga)


Heh, yes people other sites exist there's not only Webnovel or Fanfiction.net in this planet. There's more and ancient sites like Spacebattles, Sufficient Velocity, QQ, Alt History and alot more... φ(* ̄0 ̄)

QQ (QuestionableQuesting) is a site that requires you to sign up it sucks but it’s really worth it. Trust me I hated signing up for sites too **** I must’ve made at least 3 accounts for this one site cause I keep forgetting about them lol.

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