
My SI Stash #63 - You thought the protagonist was Issei, but it was I, DIO(dora)!!! by NewGame+Just (DxD)

-And we back, again to SI DxD fics~ How's yall Valentines going? Good? Nonexistent? Same. SI as the son of Lord Astaroth, DIOdora Astaroth! Expect some references as Marvel movies apparently exist in this DXD verse!

Sypnosis: ???

Rated: M

Words: 36K

Posted on: https://forum.questionablequesting.com/threads/you-thought-the-protagonist-was-issei-but-it-was-i-dio-dora-highscool-dxd-si.9839/ (NewGame+Just)

PS: If you're not able to copy/paste the link, you have everything in here to find it, by simply searching the author and the story title. It sucks that you can't copy links on mobile (´ー`)

-I'll be putting the chapter ones of all the fanfics mentioned, to give you guys a sample if you wan't more please do go to the website and support the author! (And maybe even convince them to start uploading chapters in here as well!)

Chapter 1

Villain character always intrigued me. What is their story? How could someone clearly do something so evil is not repulsed by their own action? Why did they do something the way they did it? What pushed them to do it? Is there really no other way to complete their dream?

There is one villain character that can answer my entire question and still leave me wanting. His name is Thanos from MCU. In my personal opinion, he is the greatest villain of all time, aside from that one villain from Black Panther. In fact, if seen from a different angle, he could look like a hero. Imagine that your entire race is living on an overpopulated planet, not enough food, and near depleted resource. How could your entire race survive the next millennia? Thanos provides an answer to that, but his solution is rejected by his peers. Then they all died, leaving Thanos as the sole survivor. Burdened with guilt, he made sure that no other race died like his. Thus began his quest for infinity stones.

There is a good reason I am talking about villain character. A very good reason indeed.

That is because I have been reborn as Diodora Astaroth, that one NTR bastard that somehow managed to seduce maybe ten nuns. He is a sadistic bastard that breaks them like useless toys.

Yep, I am going to die in hell…

But seriously, being reborn is a big deal for me. Because I am Muslim, and yes I still believe in God.

Here comes pain…AAAAARRRGGGGHH...

It is very inconvenient being a devil. I can no longer pray to above without unbearable headache accompanying. Even doing ablution before praying burned my skin. Not to mention that a dead person is not supposed to be reborn. There is a saying that 'you only live once' after all.

I am distracting myself, you say? Of course, I do! Hmm, you want to know why? I am trying to hide from my mother. Lady Astaroth is a very scary mother when seeing me hurt, especially from my so-called idiotic action. I mean what kind of devil that is stupid enough to pour holy water to their skin? You are currently talking to that idiot. I have a need woman! I have a need to talk with my probably dead great-great-great-great-grandpa in heaven and complain about his discrimination to his great-great-great-great-grandson. Also, another complaint to my dead grandpa, why did you make Gabriel looks so SEXY? Are you purposely trying to make it easier for an angel to fall? (Another concept I despise. Angel is supposed to be a perfect being. According to my religion, there is no such thing called fallen angels.)

Astaroth family is one of the 72 pillars of hells, one of the current 33 families that survive from civil wars. My big bro is supposed to be the heir, but he can not because of his current position as one of the four great Satan. Because of that my father and mother get intimate with each other, resulting in me being born. So, I was chosen as the heir.

Great, right?

Unfortunately, being heir come with an expectation, expectation that my big bro raised so high that my father expected me to recite the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise when I was two years old. How would you expect a baby that never even seen the movies recite that? Granted, I may exaggerate a little, but he still expects me to talk fluently at that age. I only managed to do it when I was near three years old, but my father still looks disappointed at me.

I now understand the reason the original Diodora hated his own brother and affiliated with the old devil faction. If I am not used in disappointing gaze, I probably will also choose someone that appreciates me. Thankfully, I have a meta-knowledge that convinced me to never make a contact with Salba Beelzebub and Khaos brigade in general. I am rambling again, aren't I?

"I found you, my little Diodora!"

I shriek like a scared cat. It seems that my mother already found my secret invisible cardboard box. How unfortunate. I am going to make a better one next time.

"AHAHAHAHAHA! N-No! Mother! AHAHAHA-Please don't tickledoesn'tHAHAHAHA!" I will curse the day I was born with very sensitive skin that tickle from mother makes me laughing so hard that I can hardly breathe. I can't handle this! My previous mother is never embarrassing me like this! How can anyone deal with this?!

"I will only stop when you promise me to apologize to your father for making him waiting for you alone in the library, my sweet little Diodora."

"AHAHAHAHA-Okay Mother! I-AHAHAHAHA-promise!"

She smiled at me, stopping her assault on my poor stomach. Why is my skin so sensitive to tickle? What kind of evolutionary path that does devil take to produce such skin? Truly, devil is really a bunch of weirdoes.

"Honestly, Diodora, why are you hiding from your father lesson? I am sure he only thinks about what is best for you."

"NO! Father never wanted me! He only wants me to be like big bro!"

As far as I can tell, father wants me to be replacement heir. He wants someone with similar capability to grow like big bro. I still can remember his disappointed gaze when see that I have smaller demonic energy than my big bro when we are at a similar age. Frankly speaking, I am nothing compared to my big bro.

"Diodora, he is worried that you will not be strong fast enough to handle our politic. As our kind respect power more than anything else, to be seen as weak heir will make your life far harder than it should. So, can you please make up with him?"

There is some truth in her word. While I can blame father for the emotional turmoil he gives me, I cannot blame him to be worried about his son future. There is also the truth that as a five-year-old devil, it is very easy for an assassin to kill me. So with a pout, I replied her with a simple "I will."

"Now now, don't be sad my little Diodora. No sons of mine will have a permanent frown on their lips! Here, let me help you smile!"

"Ouch! Mother! Don't pull my cheek like that! My cheek is not that stretchy! Ouch! Don't! Stop that!" As usual, my resistance is useless in the face of lady Astaroth, my mother.


I always wonder what is Astaroth bloodline ability that allows Ajuka Astaroth, my big bro, to be as strong as Sirzechs Gremory that has an ability that could destroy anything. Turn out his Kankara formula is a derivative that comes from Astaroth bloodline ability, Thought Acceleration. My big bro developed his final variation that allows an uncountable equation to the be processed at insane speed and probably do various other things. Simply put, he is a walking super magical computer that makes great mathematicians looks like a toddler in comparison.

Thought Acceleration is an ability that could increase the speed of information processed by our brain through the help of demonic power. It allows me to slow down my perception time that the world is seen as a slow moving video. But just because I can see an attack with this ability doesn't mean that I can dodge it. Do you know how frustrating is it to see a punch that you know is coming but you can't do anything about it? I now know what Sasuke feels when he is sparing with Lee at the chunnin exam.

You might ask what I am doing to receive a punch faster than my movement speed. There is a very good reason for it, and that is survival. You see, I never read DxD light novel, and only see the anime until the second season while only seeing some glimpse of season three. Everything I know about DxD comes from fandom wiki and fanfiction, but there is always a common theme in the recent fanfiction. The Trihexa, the beast of the apocalypse that took almost all the one above power to seal, will be released from its seal somehow. From what I know, there will be too much sacrifice just to seal it back. Not to mention the mess that was created by the Khaos Brigade.

I am not the kind of person that can relax when I knew that my life is on the countdown. So I asked my father close combat and magic instructor. Father agreed, happy to know that I am taking the initiative to get stronger. Fun stories, a day after my confession to my mother, father apologized for making me sad, and his disappointed gaze is getting fewer as time progress. I am unsure how to feel about that.

"Young master, it is time for the magic lesson." It's my mother personal butler and guard, Reynolds. He has been serving my mother even before her marriage to my father. He is a master of hand to hand combat and Touki.

"Yes, teacher. Just give me a few seconds to regain my strength." I am currently lying on my back in physical exhaustion. I cast some rejuvenation spell and try to stand, somehow finding enough strength.

Devil is an unconscious shape sifter. Their body will change slowly to their idealized form. This comes in handy because when I was training, my muscle will grow stronger than a human could be with higher density. But muscle isn't the only things that grow. My whole body is slowly becoming more efficient, my bones being denser and stronger, my sensory perception becomes sharper, my demonic power grows bigger. I ask my father if there is any strange mutation happening to me, but he just took me to a devil doctor and shows me the results that I am in fact, a healthy devil.


To summarize devil magic, it is the power of imagination. You can achieve anything with this power as long as you have the power to supply it. Then what makes 72 pillars special compared to reincarnate devil? It is an instinct. Any devil can use the power of the pillar family, but pillar family has a greater advantage. For the pillars family, casting a spell that their bloodline is based on is as simple as breathing. A Phenex could change to their fire form and regenerate easily. A Bael could destroy a soul if they supply enough power even without enough control. A Sitri can master any water-based demonic spell without much effort.

However, saying that devil magic is better than human magic is like saying that steak is better than a burger. Each of them has their strong and weak point. Doing devil magic is both easy and hard. Easy that you only need your imagination and power to do it, but hard because you need to fully concentrate on the spell as long as you cast the spell. Imagine that you want to create fireball to burn your enemy, you need all your focus to cast the devil spell, but just when you about to cast it, Megumin comes and screaming "EXPLOSION" right beside your ear. The result of your spell is that instead of fireball, it becomes a mighty explosion worth of power of destruction that drains all your demonic power if your spell works correctly. If not then I will bury whatever left of your body.

Thankfully, I was born as the Astaroth family. With the help of Thought Acceleration, I have all the time in the world to concentrating my imagination. As long as the enemy I faced is not faster than my acceleration of thought, I could cast any spells I know.

For three years I trained my body and mind. I now could proudly declare that I have grown by leaps and bounds. When I show this to father and mother, he smiled happily while mother patted my head.

"While not as drastic as your brother, you are very close to his growth."

Mother growled and reminded him not to trample upon my recently restored pride. Father grimaced, before explaining his reasoning that big bro growth rate is simply ridiculous among prodigy. He pointed that big bro is at the level of the super devil, even stronger than previous Satan. So while it may take me a long time, he knows that I could certainly reach that level.


Human magic required different skill compared to devil magic. Devil magic needs concentration, willpower, imagination, and emotion. While what human magic need is a lot of calculation. By a lot of calculation, I mean the kind of math that the likes of Stephen Hawking need the effort to solve. Not to mention that a lot of calculation uses a lot of non-standard symbols that are unfamiliar to me. There are around 72 books I need to read before I finally can start learning the most basic human magic.

Human magic may seem complicated, but it is normally a lot safer than devil magic if you are distracted. The most it can do is fizzle out and waste your power. While the consequence of the later is usually an explosion. I use human magic to add more detail to my magic while using my devil magic as general guidelines, by doing that I can raise the spell efficiency by 30 percents at minimum.

Magician usually creates new spell by observing devil (or any other supernatural) spell and then replicating it by using calculation. Let's use fireball as an example. A devil just imagined a fire shaped like a ball floating above his hand, supplying it with demonic power, and then fireball appeared. After that, the magician then will provide the correct equation (after a lot of trials) memorized with necessary mana before finally moving the altered mana to the desired location (in this case is the magician right hand), then a fireball appear.

Currently, I am studying a human magic version of Agares bloodline ability, time manipulation. It is a lot more limited than I had hoped, but I can always substitute some parts with devil spell. My goal is to create something like Dio [the world], but not a real-time stop (that's Balor ability), more in line with Quicksilver 'very fast that the world seems like a very slow moving video' in X-men apocalypse. I was barely able to theorize the extreme environment isolation barrier spell when Reynolds appears near me.

"Young master, I was tasked by lady Astaroth to inform you that Ajuka Beelzebub is currently talking with your parents in the main office."

"Big Bro is home? Are you serious Reynold?" He nods. "Teacher, may I take a break please?" Misha, my current magic instructor, is my father bishop and maid. After finishing the high-class promotion exam two years ago, my father ordered her to teach me demonic magic, human magic, and youjutsu. Astaroth bloodline ability full potential is in using as much magic as possible, which resulted in us having more demonic power than average high-class devil. Casting a hundred different demonic spell at the same time while also combining them for maximum damage doesn't even disturb my father breathing.

After receiving affirmative from Misha, I thanked her and Reynolds. I immediately cast thought acceleration, parallel thought, full body reinforcement, wind resistance barrier, and air steps. It does not take more than two minutes to arrive at the office doorstep from training yard outside, tidying myself, before finally knocking excitedly. My brother opened the door and greets me, which I reply with a hug and yells.

"Big Bro, you are back!"

When I was four, I hate Ajuka Beelzebub for being better than me at everything, thus being a comparison stick to my meager growth by father. At the same year, Marvel studio started their first film, Ironman, and I begged my parent to see it. For a whole week, I create a cardboard armor cosplay of mark 3 and imbued them with demonic spell to make it look like a perfect counterfeit.

Big bro gets to know my fascination with Ironman from my mother. He created a special gift for me. Then comes my fifth birthday that was celebrated privately. Big bro comes with a gift as big as me. He said that this is an apology for raising father expectation bar and also a gift for me. Filled with curiosity, I opened it carefully, and after realizing what is inside of the box, hugged him and cried. All my hate for him is scattered like dust in the face of wind, for there is nothing to hate anymore. It is replaced by the desire to surpass him.

Ajuka Beelzebub created a functional Mark 3 with devil core as the Arc reactor and virtual intelligence. The armor is enchanted to move like a real version and also enchanted with a protective demonic spell that can endure middle-class demonic spell unscratched. It can also fire repulsor blast but is made of demonic power instead of electricity. I displayed it in my room alongside my very convincing counterfeit.

"You have grown a lot stronger than last time haven't you, Diodora?"

I nod my head. "Yes, I have grown stronger, but I still have a long way to go. Big bro, one day I will kick your arse!"

"Oh, is that so? Then I will wait for that day with anticipation."



I am now eight years old devil, and today is a big day for me. There is this devil tea party that is being held once every year. Attendance is a must for the current heir of each pillar to build a connection with other pillar child or heir. Last year I am not yet ready to face the literal devil den. But this year I have made enough preparation, learning a few complex devil etiquette, and training my manner to a good enough level that I will not embarrass my parents at least.

"Look at this red hot fire in my hand! This hellfire will burn all enemy before me! Phoenix Fist!!!"

A fist made of fire at the size of a small car sailed to the stone wall, magic circle from the wall lit up as the fire fist impacted against the wall before it exploded. The fire fist wins, creating a burning hole somehow. The children look at this and clapped very enthusiastically at the blond kid that looks like he is older than me.

Fun fact, since devil worship power, children are encouraged to show their superiority in the tea party by destroying things. Because the more emotion you put in the demonic spell the stronger it gets, many children come with awesome and over the top name to help them pour their feeling to spell. Of course, the adult devil is discouraged to do this since it is a learning crutch that kids need to help them grow.

After learning proper etiquette from my mother, there is only one response to this.

"Hooo, what a fine spell."I flexed my muscle, doing some Armstrong pose. "But let me show you a better one!"I put my left hand over my face, covering my left eye with the same hand. "O darkness that resides in me, Answer your master command!" I point my finger to the stone wall, mimicking a gun with my right hand. "Astaroth Shot!!!"

Thought acceleration, parallel thought, EXPLOSION, weaken defense, vitality drain, demonic magic piercer, equation: Twisting force, equation: force multiplier, EXPLOSION, IMPLOSION, equation: synchronization, equation: Anti-stone, EXPLOSION, wind path, IMPLOSION, wind twister, mini-tornado, equation: compression, and formula complete: Astaroth shot.

The moment time return back to its normal speed for my eyes, 15 smaller magic circles rotate around a single bigger magic circle that connected to all other circles. They only existed for a single second, but it is long enough for it all to work as intended, resulting in a car-sized black spell fly from the bigger circle. It drains 20 percent of my demonic power, but the resulting explosion from its collusion with the stone wall is far bigger than the blonde kid, with thrice the diameter and more spherical. It is clear who the winner is in this round.

"Magnificent! I have finally found a rival worth my time!" He put his right thumb over his hearth. "My name is Riser Phenex and I will applaud you for your effort." He claps. "But this is not even my true power! Witness my fire might! Soul of Fire!" He [posed] dramatically, a bird made of fire levitating behind his back like a guardian familiar, but I am pretty sure that it is just devil magic.

"My name is Diodora Astaroth and I accept your challenge Riser Phenex! Let the better devil win!"

That is how I first met and befriend Riser Phenex, with the power of explosion and friendship(magic). On a side note, I pity the devil that is going to pay this year reparation cost. But maybe I shouldn't, seeing that this gathering only happens at old Satan faction historical castle.

But well, I see this as an absolute win for me.

Follow me on twitter~ @N177013

(Suggest me new fics, anime, manga)


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