
My SI Stash #36 - Suspicious Minds by Cherico (RWBY)

-Same author as "Golden wind". This is his latest work, a SI NSFW RWBY fic~

*MC's quite loaded with powers. One of his reoccurring power will be a modified DxD Evil Piece system! Check it out~

Sypnosis: ???

Rated: M

Words: 71K

Posted on: https://forum.questionablequesting.com/threads/suspicious-minds.11040/ (Cherico)

PS: If you're not able to copy/paste the link, you have everything in here to find it, by simply searching the author and the story title. It sucks that you can't copy links on mobile (´ー`)

-I'll be putting the chapter ones of all the fanfics mentioned, to give you guys a sample if you wan't more please do go to the website and support the author! (And maybe even convince them to start uploading chapters in here as well!)

Chapter 1-4 (exceptional

Utah Urban

I sighed as I walked next to the floating creature.

"So...name....I know your name."

I sighed.

"But I need a name too, something with a U would be ideal... has to be allative, something that rolls off the tongue. Utah."

I paused, the creature didn't speak.

"Well I think it's a decent name but maybe something else? United? Urban? Utah Urban... sounds alright."

I rolled my eyes as I heard a rustle in the bushes, the beowolves roared.

"Suspicious minds, you got this?"

The stand moved, ripping the beowolves apart with its hands. The things moved fast but it wasn't muda fast, I took a breath and flew into the air and froze as if anchored to the ground. I used the mobility to try to keep out of the way as my stand took care of the actual fighting. Was it brave? Hell no but I was tired, hungry and irritable. Just three of them... I landed on the ground.

"So I do appreciate the 'second chance at life' thing and, fuck, this beats Worm. But the clothing?"

I shivered.

"Who the hell decided it was a good idea to purposefully put a bunch of holes into an outfit! I mean I'm thankful to not be dropped here completely naked but did they have to give me this outfit? I mean I could handle Speedwagon's outfit and Jotaro's outfit was awesome. I'd even take Dio's outfit, and I look horrible in yellow, at least it would be warm."

I continued to walk onwards.

"A new outfit. First thing we do when I can afford it, a new outfit."

My stand floated onward.

"I'm not kidding, this outfit is terrible. I mean you can't possibly think that a criminal would wear this and expect to be taken seriously. Even Italian gangsters would say this looks horrible."

I smiled as I saw a community, the people looked at me and grimaced at my outfit.

"Um, son? What happened to your clothes?"

I bit down on my lip and cried.

"Grim killed my parents."

There were looks of sympathy. I knew what world I was on, I just needed to find out where I was and when I was. Once I did that, I would be all right.

Chapter 2

Utah Urban


It's a small rural farming and logging village that also does some mining.

It's large enough to be sustainable, rich enough to afford a few hunters. There are maybe 50,000 people here, tops, with most of them near the mountain.

"Thanks, Utah."

It's a stepping stone for me, a place to learn about what I'm dealing with, get some lien and figure out what I can do.

"You're welcome, um."

"Of course."

The mine foreman gives me some money, it's maybe half what an actual engineer would get to fix equipment but it gives me money. So what have I figured out? I'm a fucking child again, I have no family ans no friends but I have powers. I have an aura and I know how to use it, My semblance gives me the power to fly, I have a stand and I just get how the tech works here. That last part is important because being able to fix things gives you the ability to earn money.

I took the lien and flew over to the bank where I took out enough to pay rent on my shack. Old man Henderson was odd but he let me use the fully furnished playhouse he had built with his son before he moved out. As for education Remnant let people test out because all hands were needed and I was more useful fixing stuff around town than in the one room schoolhouse. I knocked on the door and the man looked out, I put the money into his hands.


"Hmm. Good."

He counted the money and shut the door. With that done, I went out into the forest to hunt grim. It was a simple life, get up fix things around town and collect money, eat, go fight grim, mostly the wolves. People didn't stop me, I was an orphan and people had to care about their own families. The attitude tended to be that if I came back alive that was great, it I killed grim great there was less grim but If I died... well it's not like I was family.

And I have been doing this and surviving for what... 3 months now? I should be fine. I flew over fast, going through the trees with minds following me, and I saw the wolves ahead.


They never knew what hit them, and then I heard a bell-like click in my head. I decided to fly back to town, it was getting dark and I wanted to figure out what was going on. When I got to my shack I cooked up some mixed can vegetables and took deep breaths. While my food finished cooking I sat down and closed my eyes.

I saw a book with two names, mine and Minds. I also saw white chess pieces.

"King, Queen, Bishop, Knight, rook, Pawn."

I looked up the information, all of them had costs associated with them and abilities.

The king could increase an attribute by 9 times and had 13 improvement slots. A queen could increase an attribute by 28 and had 11 improvement slots, a bishop could increase an attribute by 14 times and had 7 slots. A knight could increase an attribute by 9 times and had 5 slots, a rook could increase an attribute by 15 times but only had 3 slots and a pawn could only double an attribute and only had 2 slots.

I had a maximum of 1 king, 1 queen, 2 bishops, 2 knights, 2 rooks 8 permanent pawns and 8 temporary ones. The temps could be lent out for 24 hours before the powers vanished but once I gave out or used a piece that was it, I couldn't get another.

My food smelled bad, and I looked up special abilities.

Kings had the power to command other pieces, queens were just power houses in general, Bishops had the power of holy which essentially made them nighmares against grim while knights gained the skills and abilities of a real knight and a spiritual armor that protected the wielder after their aura was used up. Lastly rooks gained the power to turn invisible and Pawns just kind of sucked.

I looked at the list. It seemed that in order to get anything it would cost grim. Having killed 400 of them I could now buy a pawn, temporary or permanent.

Pawns cost 400 dead grim to buy, rooks cost 1800 dead grim, knights 1500 dead grim, bishops 2100 dead grim, a queen cost 3900 dead grim, and a king cost 2200 dead grim. Increasing attributes also cost dead grim, buying slots cost dead grim. Essentially, in order to get power, I had to go out and fight grim. I steadied myself. What did I want? Remnant was over all just a shitty world In general but what it did have was smoking hot women.

Waifus as it were....

I looked at the map, I didn't know where I was in time but I knew where Patch was... I would tell people I wanted to become a hunter to avenge my family. Lots of people had that story, what was one more? Now all I had to do was get there.

I put my first grim points into the king piece and started my journey, remembering the moto: first the money, then the power, then the women.

Chapter 3


800 questions, four sections of 200 questions, and seven hours to complete the test. It cost me 50 lien to take this test and I waited nervously. The proctor came out, looked at me as if appraising me, and then frowned at my outfit.

"What happened?"


You would think it would be easy to find children's clothing that fits in Remnant but that wasn't the case and my other stuff was still drying.


"And if my aura didn't decide to activate I would be dead, instead of just badly dressed."

The man shrugged.

"Well the good news is that you passed. You did incredibly well on the math and did well enough to pass the rest of it, we will just update your profile and that will be it."

The general education test, with so many starting villages or isolated farmsteads... Well things go south and you end up with refugees and orphans, so Vale and other kingdoms have tests. If you pass them, great: less resources they have to waste on your education. For actual orphans and children the lack of care and sympathy is actually pretty horrific, but for me it's pretty much ideal.

"So what now?"

"Thinking about heading to Patch, they have a hunter school there and well... I really hate Grim."

The man shrugs.

"Wish you luck with that."

And leaves. I don't take it personally, it's only been a year while most people have lived here their entire lives, and other than being known as the tinker kid people are not to attached to me. That said I did what I set out to do: I got my information into the system, bought some tools, got some clothing, made a gun, and have money in the bank. I walked home and sat down and meditated. The book opened and I smiled.


I grasped the king. There was no undoing this, no going back.

"Spend it all."

I smiled, eagerly expecting a surge of power. Instead I got nothing, I tapped the image and saw 13 slots. I looked at Minds.

"It's a start."

I looked at my clothing and put it on and then packed my possessions into a backpack. I walked outside and old man Henderson looked at me.


"Got my accreditations and got money in the bank, it's time to be moving on."

The old man shook his head.

"You could make a life here, folk are slowly warming up to ya and you're a smart kid, a good kid."

"Want to kill grim, lots of em. Patch has a school that's pretty good at teaching people how to do that."

"World needs more hunters, I guess."

He nodded and I went to the city's bus stop. I paid my lien and watched as the heavily armored bus slowly made its way through the long road, hunters sat on the roof manning the guns and waiting for trouble. I leaned against the window and fell asleep.

Chapter 4


"So how's the boy settling in?"

Madame Mallari sipped her tea.

"Stubborn, reminds me of my former husband god of light bless his soul."

I nodded at her.


"Best to show you, boy's out about town doing some repairs."

She got up and walked I followed her and she led me to an old barn.


"Boy wanted his independence and offered to pay me rent for it, 1000 lien a month."

Not a lot of money, but for an old barn not a bad amount, she put a key into the door and opened it I looked around.


"You've been gone for three months, Qrow. What do you see?"

"Concrete floor, a workshop in the corner, some kind of bathroom, lights, looks like a house. So what? Let me guess, husband used this place to tinker before he passed away?"

"None of this was here. The boy hired a crew for some of it, but he did a lot of work himself."

"Any friends?"

"Keeps mostly to himself, does the occasional odd job around town, seems to make most of his money from his apps."


"No, legit. Had the cops look into it, apparently he made a few games and put them online."

"Anything else?"

"Worried about him?"

"Kid gives me a bad feeling?"

"He sneaks out into the forest to hunt grim."

"And that's it?"

"As far as I know, yes. Look his story is common enough to be cliché: some yahoo moves into the wilderness, gets killed by grim but his kid escapes and wants to become a hunter. I've met at least 30 people here with the same background so what has this boy in your bad books."

I sighed.

"Nothing, there's just something off about him and I don't trust it."

"He's a smart kid who is way too stuborn and has issues, you're being paranoid."

"I don't trust him."

"Probably because he reminds you of yourself."

I glared at her.

"You know its true you dusty crow, you were that stubborn malcontent yourself once."

I sighed.

"Maybe that's true."

Maybe I was just being paranoid, maybe he was just some kid raised by some crazy engineer father who went off his rocker, but I still didn't trust him.

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