
My CO Stash #95 - Mongrel Mania by KtyouVsWriting (Fate/staynightXRWBY)

-A Fate-crossover fic that isn't about Shirou but Gilgamesh~ And the author nailed it good, instead of having Gil being one of the "good" peeps, he made him do what Gil would do to this clowns!

*F for Salem and her lackeys.

Synopsis: Gilgamesh's constant failures have begun to grate at him. More than anything, he just wants to succeed at something, anything. What he was not counting on was someone responding to his wish. A strange new world awaits him, one rife with conflicts that are new and old to him. This time though, he will NOT fail. The King of Heroes will accept nothing less than absolute victory.

Rated: M

Words: 60K

Posted on: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12910990/1/Mongrel-Mania (KtyouVsWriting)

PS: If you're not able to copy/paste the link, you have everything in here to find it, by simply searching the author and the story title. It sucks that you can't copy links on mobile (´ー`) -I'll be putting the chapter ones of all the fanfics mentioned, to give you guys a sample if you wan't more please do go to the website and support the author! (And maybe even convince them to start uploading chapters in here as well!)

Chapter 1-3 (exceptional)

Hall of Heroes

Gilgamesh was not happy one bit, and why not? The Holy Grail, in a final act of desperation, absorbed him in an attempt to gain a vessel, but as the rules of the war dictated, only a mage could be a vessel. Servants could only add mana to the grail. The grail must have become really desperate to try and make him a vessel.

In the end, he'd failed again to secure what he had wanted and calling him upset or even angry would not be capturing the true scope of what he was feeling. It was hard to believe that some mongrel had managed to defeat him; it was even more insulting that it was the lesser pretender that had defeated him. The other one, the one who was far stronger, being beaten by him would have felt less humiliating. He was at least competent, strong, even ruthless, something to be admired. This mongrel who had cut off his arm and left him a bloodied mess, he was a bumbling fool with no concept of anything other than being a 'Hero of Justice' and blindly following his ideals.

Then again, somewhere in the back of his mind, he felt that this wasn't a completely unexpected outcome. He had been done in by a snake before, a lowly creature with barely an ounce of intelligence. Was it really unthinkable to have been beaten by a human and a faker? In hindsight, perhaps it was not. Nevertheless, he was appalled at his own failings. He most certainly had the power to take down the lesser faker, but the mistake of holding back and taunting his foe was his first and last mistake.

Gilgamesh might have died in battle, but his legend would continue to exist. Additionally, if he had lost, then there was no doubt that the Holy Grail had been destroyed. That Emiya boy had made it very clear that there wouldn't be any other way forward. The King of Heroes would shake his head if he had a physical body. The boy was naive, stupid, a complete and utter fool, but he had won the battle. The former king had even conceded victory, and it was the victors who wrote the history books. It might just be a sign that his time was long gone and Mankind would move forward without him.

Still, there were a great many things he wanted to do that he could no longer do. He was a man who had many ambitions and goals, many of them which had not come to fruition. In his current state, he was in no position to be picky about how he got to his goals. If he was willing to sacrifice the vast majority of Mankind the Holy Grail's power, then he could afford to broaden his horizon a little bit, even if it was distasteful.

"Truly, I am astonished at myself." Gilgamesh growled at himself. "Foiled not once, not twice, but three times."

He was the King of Heroes, a name that denoted his superiority above all those that had come before, those that came in his time, and those that would come to be. That was what he should have been, yet here he was, no closer to what he wanted than when he had first become a Heroic Spirit. Yes, his goals did entail him being the absolute ruler of the world, not something that many humans even considered let alone were able to set out to do.

The easiest thing that he could do is just give up. He understood the human desire to give into incompetence and failure. He would be lying if he said that he didn't harbor that very same desire, and he would also be lying if he said that the urge wasn't strong. Could he accept another failure again? Would the next one be the final one for good? Would he be condemned to ultimate failure for all of his existence? If that was the case, would he ever be able to break free from it before insanity took over?

Then something came back to him, something that hadn't occurred to him before.

Shirou Emiya, the lesser Faker. Faker though he might be, there was something to him. His idealism was one that only a select few would ever carry, and it would be an impossible ideal to achieve in the world because only a few would only ever carry the ideals. Almost all people in the world were instinctual at heart, selfish, and capable of many acts of violence. Why bother putting on the face of a 'Hero of Justice?' Everyone called the notion foolish, which only made such a honor to be nothing more than empty.

But the Faker didn't give a damn. He just fought for what he believed until the bitter end, and although his ideals were worth less than nothing, he still fought for them, and he had won the battle.

It was simply who he was. Shirou Emiya was a Hero of Justice, like it or not. It was his identity. The war might mature his viewpoint, but he would never give up that ideal. It was belief, plain and simple, that drove him.

"Belief, is it?" Gilgamesh chuckled in realization. "Is that what it takes to win the battle, to win the war, even when the world is against you?"

Apparently it was so.

"No matter the viewpoint you carry, what matters is who wins in the end." He continued to lecture himself. "The survivors are the heroes who write the final tales in legends."

He laughed a bit more. It had been a while since he had a good laugh. A simple solution for a complicated problem. In hindsight, he should have foreseen his own folly, and now he felt a strong urge within himself.

"It might be foolish of me to make a wish now, but it's not like I have anything lose." Gilgamesh reached a hand out in front of him. "I desire to return to life, to walk a path where my victory is assured fully.

He held his head high, his resolve renewed.

"Let not man, monster, or anything else stand in my way, for I am son of the King of Uruk Lugalbanda and the Goddess Rimat-Ninsun. I am the King of Heroes, one whom all heroes copy and imitate. I am the one who is feared by God and Man. I am the wielder of all the weapons and treasures of the world. Those who know my name shall quiver in fear and kneel before me.

"I am Gilgamesh, and I may be bent, but I will NEVER be broken!"

His declaration complete, he didn't realize that his wish had been heard.

And received.

Fate/Stay Night - - - RWBY

Gilgamesh found himself taking in a breath of fresh air as his eyes opened. His body felt… normal again, like it was mortal, like he was alive, not a Heroic Spirit, and not merely a physical body being powered by magic.

"What is this?" He rose from his prone position on the ground. "This place… I don't recognize it at all."

Even with all of his knowledge from the Hall of Heroes, there was nothing recognizable that he could even see. In fact, the only thing he was seeing was wildlands for as far as the eye could see, nothing that would otherwise give him a clue as to his own whereabouts. While where he was mattered to him, there was another more pressing matter.

"Why was I brought here?" Gilgamesh considered out loud. "Why am I not a Servant? Why am I… wait… my wish… my desire…"

Although it was barely worth considering in light of the rules of the Holy Grail War, it was the only thing he could think of. It had to have been the Holy Grail who heard his message, his defiance, his millenia-old desires reignited. Either that, or Alaya had released him from the rules and regulations of being a Heroic Spirit. On second thought, both options were borderline ridiculous and impossible, but how else could he explain this?

"It doesn't matter." The King of Heroes decided after a minute, getting up and checking himself over. "I will assess my situation before committing to a course of action."

His armor had returned to him, but a quick check told him that he also retained his casual attire attained from his time on Earth. Although his armor and his own casual wear from his own time suited him well, he admitted that the casual attire from the modern era suited him just as well. In fact, it might do him good to keep it as his default appearance. It didn't matter what he wore as he didn't care for the opinions of mongrels, but he did like variety.

With nowhere set to go, the only thing to be done was to pick a way and hope for the best.

Hope… right…

With his hand shoved in his pockets, the former Heroic Spirit chose to head for what looked to be a clearing. While he could enhance his own abilities and make it there many times faster than walking, it was a drain on his energy, and he wanted to be prepared to fight if the situation demanded it.

I'm already acting so cautious. Gilgamesh clenched his hands in his pockets. That mongrel really did get to me, didn't he.

His own slightly change in attitude aside, things were going smoothly. He spent the next half an hour walking through the wilderness. The only sign of life were animals that scattered at the sight of him, with not a single human in sight. The sight of familiar animals was a sign that he had to at least be nearby human civilization. Still, it was deciding if he should be optimistic or pessimistic.

Despite the fact that he recognized the wildlife, he also took the time to take in the air and savor it. He couldn't sense a trace of human pollution anywhere. If that reading was correct, then he was in a place where there likely wouldn't be civilization, at least not a large settlement of any kind.

The only time he stopped was to grab himself some food and a drink from the Gates of Babylon, a waste to be sure, but it was easier this way. If it came down to it, he could search for food and water himself in this environment, but better to trust in what he knew wouldn't potentially be harmful to him. However good it felt to be alive, there were drawbacks to be sure. At least his divinity and god blood remained intact.

Gilgamesh had also taken the chance to take a look at himself via a mirror, and he was pleased, yet confused. He looked like a teenage version of himself, except he had all of his treasures and objects and his powers were at their peak. Many mysteries seemed to continuously pile themselves upon him, but he continued to made his way forward.

It wasn't until he came upon a very large clearing that he saw something that interested him even little bit. The forest gave way to what appears to be a field that contained a pathway that was clearly marked with a fence. This was what he was looking for. His pace quickened, but something made him stop.

He was sensing an very overt and potent source of magical power. Based on what he could feel, it reminded him of the season of fall. He also couldn't miss the presence of a human within that very same power.

At the same time he sensed this human presence, three more humans began to come to him as well. Two of the sources were relatively weak, not worth looking at for very long, but the third source, it was violent, like a rabid dog barely clinging to human sanity and intelligence. It was foul to say the least.

His eyes trained on something coming into the distance from one side of the path. It was a girl on horseback. She wore a hood, which could mean a few different things. She might be on the run, or she might be someone easily recognizable, or she could simply disliked showing her face. Still, a simple piece of clothing couldn't do much to hide her face. Brown hair, amber eyes, and somewhat decent features.

Opposite of her was another individual, one with dark skin, mint-green hair, and eyes almost as red as his own. She appeared to have hostile intent towards the girl dressed in autumn colors if her ready stance was anything to go by. What was strange was that the first girl couldn't seem to see the second girl. Moments passed and the browned-haired one disembarked, retrieved an apple from her person, then bent onto one knee and offered it to the ground.

An illusion. Gilgamesh figured out what he was seeing. One is seeing an illusion and the other is creating the illusion.

Then the battle began. The green-haired girl pulled out two firearms and began shooting in rapid succession. The brown-haired girl responded with a staff and deft deflection with her bare hands, at least that's what it looked like at first. When he saw a barrier flicker, he realized that this was a power, but nothing that he had seen before.

A boy with silver hair and eyes jumped into the fight. He was of the more aggressive type, launching himself into the heat of battle without so much as a care. It soon became apparent that his confidence was due to a set of prosthetic legs, probably a means to enhance his own fighting style.

With a two on one battle, Gilgamesh was content to sit in a nearby tree, conceal himself, and watch from afar. As far as he was concerned, this was entertainment. If there was something worth it for him, he might just intervene.

As it turned out, he didn't have to wait long. The lone combatant began to rise into the air and the sky itself darkened as a storm rolled in. The use of magic was now obvious, and very powerful. The King of Heroes, while perched on his branch, watched with slightly more enthusiasm. Now the odds were in favor of the lone maiden as she rained the elements upon her two opponents. The two dead mongrels resisted. It was pointless really, because they wouldn't win in the end.

Then the third presence came into play, and one look at her showed that she was determined to win this battle. Her skills in combat were leaps and bounds superior to that of her compatriots, that much he sensed. She had to be their master or their leader, someone of central authority. They way she carried herself demanded respect.

Gilgamesh was not impressed in any way. He didn't have to demand respect, ask people for it, or even earn it. Merely existing at all was enough for him to become the center of attention.

At least in my time that would be the case. He mulled to himself. But I doubt these mongrels would know of me.

He had a hunch as to what was going on, and until he had more evidence, then he would hold back; this wasn't his fight in any way. The last thing he needed was to tie up loose ends that he might create by foolishly becoming a part of this.

The battlefield began to shift. With the black-haired woman joining the fight, the tides had turned against the single maiden. She might have raw power and a lot of talent on her side, but her three enemies had more collective skill not to mention cunning. If his predictions were correct, and they always were, then she was going to die, but probably not quickly. Something about this whole thing smelled.

Gilgamesh clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth as he contemplated the moves. While tracking the fight blow for blow, he began to watch the facial expressions of each combatant.

"The energy in this vicinity is quite immense." He observed the battleground. "Even those without magical know-how will realize that a battle took place here."

If they didn't end this quickly, then witnesses would come into the mix. While it wouldn't be disastrous or even bothersome, it did limit his own choices. Any warrior with even the dullest senses would come snooping around. When that became reality, he would have to back off and retreat.

In that case, he needed to assess the magical power that the maiden was displaying. Reaching out with his own mana, he began to try and get a read on the power. It was only a second that passed by, and what he was able to discern was novel. This power, while not as ancient as himself, was enduring. He could tell that centuries of history rested with it, but looking even further, the origin of the magic went back further. Thousands of years would be the more correct age for this power. This fact alone was enough for him to make a decision; even if he hadn't seen the power himself, anything that could endure for multiple millennia was worthy of taking.

Gilgamesh rose from his perch on the tree, waiting for his opportunity. It would appear that the lone maiden had turned the tables once again, unleashing her powers and scattering her three opponents. With them all down, she grabbed her staff and made her way to the green-haired one. One look and it was clear she had the intent to kill.

If she's killing them, then her power must be secretive. The King of Heroes noted to himself. That must mean the power is important to someone.

It was too bad that she didn't see the arrow in the back, but it was too late. She was now on the ground and in serious pain. She no longer had the strength to fight back, only to beg for her life as she was held in-place by the henchmen and faced with the leader. The black-haired woman began to form something in her hand. It looked like a parasite. A black substance latched onto the face.

"She's being drained of the power." Gilgamesh knew that it was now or never. "Well, I suppose introductions are in order."

He hopped down from the tree and got onto the path. With that, he began to walk at a casual pace, all the while intentionally making a lot of noise. As he expected, all heads that could turned to face him.

"Well, well well, what have we here?" He wasn't concerned about his safety. "Some thieves trying to steal power that isn't rightfully theirs?"

He opened the Gate of Babylon, then fired.

RWBY - - - Fate/Stay Night

Cinder narrowly dodged the projectile that was launched at her along with her two minions. Everything had been going according to plan until this fool decided to meddle and with a smug look no less.

The servant of Salem took a moment to recompose herself. She needed to retrieve Amber quickly and drain the power. She had gotten half of it. When she looked up, she saw the new figure holding the prone Fall Maiden in his arms, now with a look of utter victory plastered on his face.

If something like this was to happen, Emerald had been given orders to mask all their faces so that they couldn't be identified.

"I will be taking this now." He was positively glowing in his arrogance. "Power like this belongs in the hands of someone who can wield it properly."

Cinder's response was to use her semblance. She would not be denied her prize, not when it was within her grasp. Wanting to test her new powers, she launched an attack against him. He didn't have his aura unlocked, so his death was a certainty.

The she saw him bring out a shield and place it directly in front of him. She brought up the heat, but to her surprise, there was no effect. She relinquished the flames.

"Really, that's the best you can do with your new power?" He laughed at her. "I've faced mongrels who could do so much more with much less."

He dared to call her a mongrel?!

"Kill him!" Cinder ordered Mercury and Emerald. "Now!"

"Do not even bother." He threatened them. "If one of you so much as moves in the wrong direction, then you will die."

Cinder couldn't deny that she was in a really bad spot. Her new opponent was somehow summoning weapons from portals. She couldn't count them all, but she knew there was no way that she could dodge them all.

"Do you realize what a fool you are?" Cinder decided to see where conversation would go. "That power can only be wielded by a woman."

"Of course I know that, you mongrel." He was completely unphased. "But that will not stop me from doing this."

With a casual attitude, he raised his arm and plunged his hand straight into his hostage's chest. He then deftly ripped out the heart, dropping the girl from his arms, a bloody pool beginning to form at his feet. He then crushed the heart within his hands. This should have been the victory. The rest of the Fall Maiden's powers should have gone to her.

To her horror, she watched the other half as it instantly transferred into the man, and then it went dormant. Was the power extinguished? No, she could sense it still, but… it was like it was sleeping.

Maybe the power was not able to be used when in his possession, but he had it and she didn't.

"The power continues to deny me." His face dropped its previous smile with a light scowl. "No matter, I have what I came for."

With a snap of his fingers, he unleashed a torrent of death upon them. The three of them were barely able to dodge. His previous threat had to have been fake. He hadn't intended to kill them all along, but to force them into a position of his choosing.

Cinder cleared away the smoke, but by that time, he was gone.

"No." She clenched her hands. "NO!"

Fate/Stay Night - - - RWBY

After that brief bout, Gilgamesh decided that it was time to do some searching around this world. Before her death, the girl known as Amber had provided him with all the information that he needed to know. A brief glimpse of her mind while her defenses were down and he obtained vital details.

This was Remnant, a world with both Humans and another species called Faunus. The Faunus were essentially Humans with physical traits resembling that of animals and creatures. This tie to animals also gave the Faunus sensory abilities that Humans were not capable of having. In many ways, they were superior to Humans, yet their numbers were considerably lower than Humans and they were discriminated against. In that sense, if the Faunus were unable to rise up against those who were inferior to them, they were weak themselves.

Humans and Faunus both fought against the Creatures of Grimm, ancient and unknown beasts who wanted nothing more than the destruction of Mankind and the Faunus. Well, ancient and unknown to most of the world. In reality, they had a master known only as Salem, and this being had backers at her beck and call. It wasn't really clear what she intended, but Humans and Faunus clearly weren't part of that equation.

To fight the Grimm, there were warriors called huntsmen and huntresses. They all used aura, the manifestation of the soul, as well as the power to use a unique semblance, a special power tied to a person's character and life experiences. Additionally, this world relied upon the trade and use of dust, a mineral unique to this world. It was dust that made this world go round. It was a cornerstone to all advanced technologies.

All of this, ultimately, was logged as secondary information. What really got his attention was the wielders of what he now knew as the power of the Seasons Maidens. Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall. All of them were blessed with the powers of the seasons, but that power was also the key to opening the gates to the greatest treasures in this world.

There were four relics that Mankind had been gifted with by the Gods of this world. They were creation, knowledge, destruction, and choice. Winter could access creation, spring knowledge, summer destruction, and fall choice. Each of the relics were located at the huntsman academies spread across the four continents.

"The power to remake this world as I see fit." Gilgamesh, maybe in another lifetime, would have jumped immediately at the chance to create a new world. "Would I even wish to do that? So far, these mortals have proven to be interesting sport."

If he even did get the urge to make a new world, then he would go to Beacon Academy and retrieve the relic. For now, it was his time to explore the world. He had time, and what better way to kill that time than to go exploring, see what else was entertaining.

"The Kingdom of Vale is the closest major civilization." The King of Heroes went through his facts. "There might be something worth seeing there."

Whatever reservations he had about using his powers now went out the window. There were numerous villages and settlements between himself and Vale. The less people that saw him, the better, and massacres, while nothing uncommon in the territory outside the kingdoms, were loose ends not worth being saddled with. One dead village was one matter, but a string of dead villages, and in a predictable pattern, was another matter.

Based on what he knew, most people in the world didn't have aura or or even magic. Those were reserved for warriors, and even though the proportion of warriors on Remnant compared to on Earth were far more, still the vast majority of Mankind and the Faunus did not have either aura or magic. That could work to his advantage either way.

And speaking of aura, he considered getting himself some aura. All one needed was a soul in order to generate aura. Since the Creatures of Grimm lacked a soul so to speak, they were incapable of generating aura. There were two known ways to unlock the power. The first and most common way was for someone else with aura to unlock aura. This was usually reserved for those that trusted one another enough. The lesser-known way was for aura to be unlocked via intense emotional moments.

Those were the ways that Amber knew, but Gilgamesh wouldn't bother with either way. The first one was out of the question seeing as he didn't trust anyone in this world, and his trust wasn't given out lightly. The second option was even less likely to happen as he had spent most of his emotions in the Fifth Holy Grail War.

There had to be another way. Perhaps he could force his aura to unlock itself. There was a special chant that went with unlocking aura, but since that applicable only to when there were two participants, he wasn't sure it would work.

"There's no rush." He reminded himself. "My magic alone can pose as my aura for now, but I will need to discern the best possible method to unlocking my aura."

Perhaps he could trick someone to grant him aura under the pretense of it being necessary for a greater goal. Killing heroes wasn't the only thing that he was good at. He hadn't been the ruler of Uruk for nothing. A sharp mind combined with a silver tongue and a way with swaying others to his side was something he was still very capable of.

Gilgamesh had been walking on the path for some time, yet he couldn't quite tell for how long. His thoughts had interrupted his concentration in the real world. It was only the smell of something burning and searing that caught his attention.

Looking up, his eyes took in the sight. Someone had come through this village and burned it down. Buildings and structures were either destroyed or ransacked. This looked to be the work of bandits and lowlife scum, no doubt preying upon the weak so as to take what they could not make or produce themselves. Yes, the strong did overpower the weak, but if the people of this town couldn't properly defend themselves to begin with, then it was merely the weak overpowering the weaker.

Then something came at him. It was Beowolf, and if he were a normal person, he might run in fear. The only thing he did was pause in his steps and use one of his treasures to spear the creature clean through its mouth and the blade came clean out the other side.

"A primitive beast to be sure." He observed the dissolving creature. "Yet it has taught hardiness in the people of this world." He looked around. "Well, almost everyone."

Still, these unnatural things weren't that much interest to him. If he desired it so, he could raze this entire village himself in the blink of an eye and not even break a sweat doing so. The Grimm might be numerous in number, but they lacked true intelligence. Even the so-called powerful ones that had existed for hundreds of years and maybe even longer were only using intelligence as a means to achieve a primitive goal. There was little to be found in the Grimm, so the idea of controlling them himself wasn't appealing. Additionally, he liked the mongrels and dogs that were Mankind and the Faunus better than he did the Grimm, although they were still just mongrels and dogs.

Gilgamesh heard the sound of rubble tumbling down. His head turned and from a pile of destroyed building material, he saw something sticking out of the rubble, something was distinctly not the shape of rubble, but rather the shape of a hand, and a very small one at that, so it was a person. His curiosity getting the better of him, the demigod made his way over, careful so that he didn't dirty himself. Cleaning himself would be expend energy than he cared to use.

When he appeared only a meter before the person, he peered down. It was a child, a Faunus girl at that based on the very distinct lion ears protruding from her head. Her bright green hair went down to her waist and he could tell she was a girl due to feminine features that men could not possibly have.

It was all of these features that made him stand still and freeze in place, and only one word came from his mouth.


I perused a bit through the Fate/Stay Night and RWBY crossover, and the one thing that really stuck out to me was a lack of Gilgamesh. Most of the stories revolves around Shirou, and while I love Shirou, I love Gilgamesh just as much. He can kick major ass and if you really look into his character, he's not a completely heartless person. I will say that he's no good guy, not by a long shot, but he's not without one or two sympathetic characteristics.

This story is my response to a lack of Gilgamesh, and let me say this right off the bat. Since this is based upon the Unlimited Blade Works route, then you know that there will be no holding back. Gilgamesh is going to do whatever he wants and whatever he pleases because he can and will.

So what do you guys think? Did I royally mess up RWBY forever? Well, it's Gilgamesh, and he has a way of throwing a wrench into people's lives, so there you go. In all seriousness, please leave feedback.

A final note: because I am a huge fan of RWBY and Fate/Stay Night, I want to do justice for this story. To that end, I would like to have the help of a beta-reader, primarily for ideas and concepts and overall story-telling purposes. If you think you can help me, you can include a shoutout in a review or PM, whichever is most convenient for you.

I hope you guys enjoyed this first chapter.

"If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door."

Milton Berle

Pat reon . com (slash) Ktyou

Chapter 2

Somewhere in Saunus

Gilgamesh's hands went limp, his whole body barely able to keep himself from falling over. Few things could catch him off guard and fewer things could truly shock him. He could count the number of times he had been in a state like the current one on two hands, and that one hand accounted for virtually his entire existence.

Enkidu was his one and only true friend. It might not have been a friend in the traditional sense, but it was his only equal. Enkidu was simply unrivaled and it was the only person that the King of Heroes considered to be his equal. No other had come even close to being his equal since.

Of course he knew that this little Faunus girl was not Enkidu, but she looked so close to it. Perhaps one day, she would grow up and mature into a face with only a few features to match his only friend, but that didn't matter right now. All that mattered was that the perfect image of Enkidu was lying in front of him. He had to preserve that image, whatever it took. To hell with the fact that what he was thinking and doing didn't make any sense. If he wanted things to be a certain way, they would damn well be his way.

"Are you alive?" Gilgamesh let a rare caring tone inside his words, thought it sounded alien coming from his mouth, even for him.

"..." The little girl looked scared and hurt.

"My name is Gilgamesh." The demigod tried to shift the girl into a comfortable position. "I will save you."

"...why does a Human want to help me?" The girl sounded empty. "Why do you care?"

"Because I said so." Gilgamesh forced her to face him, his words deadly serious in tone. "I am the King of Heroes, and I have decided that your life is extremely valuable."

The girl looked barely alive, physically and mentally. She was aware of his question, even answering him as best of her knowledge, but that was just it. There was little more going on than a mechanical answer, like a machine responding to a command given by its operator or user. For anyone else, this wouldn't have mattered nearly as much. He wasn't deluding himself one bit; if this girl looked like anyone else, he would have soundly disregarded her and left her to fend for herself.

This time though, it mattered. Anything that held a connection to Enkidu, even if by pure chance, was worth preserving.

"Can you get up?" He demanded of her. "Are you capable of standing?"

"I…" She looked dead.

"Never mind, then." Gilgamesh grumbled, picking the girl up in his arms. "Hang on tight, and NO complaining."

Using a combination of his own physical power and his magic, he began to take off at speeds impossible for any Human or Faunus to achieve. He probably could even outrun someone with a speed semblance. Although he made considerable headway in getting far away from the burning village, he had no need to. Well, until he'd found this girl, he hadn't needed to.

A minute later, he scanned his surroundings. Nobody had followed them, and there was no one around for now. With the coast clear, the King of Heroes gently set the girl down. She appeared to be barely clinging to life. It was a miracle that she was alive let alone able to utter a single word. Her willpower must be above average.

"Nevertheless, she's damaged." Gilgamesh knew from a glance. "I must heal her injuries first."

He placed a hand to her forehead, rendering her completely unconscious. Once that was done, he began to use his mana to heal her. It was a simple process really. Although not specialized as a healer, he did have the means to become one. Among his many treasures, knowledge of healing was very abundant. He simply never had a use for said knowledge until now.

The demigod finished healing the girl, then set her down on a futon that he summoned. He would give her a few hours of rest before they set out. It was then that he realized what he was doing.

"You are a sentimental fool, Gilgamesh." He admonished himself harshly. "Enkidu is dead and will never return. This… girl… is not my friend, and she never will be."

He almost called the child a mongrel, but he couldn't bring himself to insult her, even though she was a mongrel, even if an innocent and ignorant one. Her resemblance to his one and only friend prevented him from saying the insult. If he did, he would be insulting the memory of Enkidu, and he would rather watch the world burn than sully the memories of his only equal. Call it petty nonsense or childish thinking, it didn't matter.

"What am I doing?" Gilgamesh sat on a nearby rock and placed his head in his hands. "I have little experience in raising children."

He did remember his own son, Ur-Nungal, and quite frankly, the way he raised him was far from a caring and loving parent. Like any ruler, he trained his successor to be what Uruk needed: a strong and intelligent ruler. Aside from the blood tie and the official relationship, there was little that bound them in life, so even though he had been a father in the past, it wasn't enough to prepare him for this.

"No, silence your doubts." The demigod shook his head and stood up. "You are not a coward, and you do not back down from difficult tasks."

The sound of something growling made him shift his head to the little girl. He didn't know her name, but he did know that she appeared to lack food of any kind. Judging by the timeframe of the attack, it was probably dinner time and she was probably… unfortunate enough to be in the wrong place at the right time.

"I should get a fire going." Gilgamesh said to himself. "It won't do me much good if she dies."

With a sigh, he began to gather all the materials necessary to build a makeshift place to stay for the night, and to make sure that there were no witnesses, he concealed them within a space that only they would be able to perceive in any way.

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She opened her eyes, and the first thing she saw was a light to her side. Judging by the snapping and crackling, it looked like she was near a fire. The heat was close by, but so close that she was burning up.

She lifted lifted an arm, testing her own reflexes. She felt fine, which didn't make sense considering that she distinctly remembered being injured quite badly. How had her injuries managed to to be healed without her knowing it?

"You're awake now." A man's voice echoed. "I was beginning to wonder if you were permanently damaged… or dead."

The girl raised her head. Although it was nighttime, the fire provided enough illumination for her to see what she guessed to be her savior. He was hunched over, his hands clasped together in front of him. He had hair that was gold, the brightest gold she had ever seen, and the fire only made his hair all the more stunning. His eyes too were intense, a shade of blood-red, and they were looking at her right now. The face she didn't recognize, but he looked strong, he looked powerful. He didn't look like a nobody.

"Well, are you going to say something, girl?" He asked her with a bit of bite. "It's impolite to address your savior with silence."

"Why did you save me?" She asked the first question. "Nobody's ever done anything nice for me before."

"Like I said previously, you mean something to me." He answered her as if the answer was obvious. "Do the details really matter? You are alive and well."

She still had questions, but who was she to ask more questions from someone who clearly went out of his way to help her when no one else in her life had ever done anything nice for her? She was a Faunus, and the treatment she receive, it just was how things were. Her kind wasn't meant to stand on the same footing as Mankind. That was the life she had known ever since she could remember.

"What is your name, girl?" Gilgamesh moved the conversation forward. "I have given you my name. Now give me yours."

It started out as a question, but then became something of a requirement. While she didn't sense a threat or any underlying malicious intent, she felt that she had to answer him. It wasn't like she had a choice in the matter.

"My name is… Lily." For a moment, she struggled to recall even her first name.

"Just Lily?" The man looked unsatisfied. "No family name?"

"I don't have a family." Lily replied, stating her words as if they were simply common knowledge. "So I don't have a last name."

"What happened to your family?" Gilgamesh demanded another question.

"I don't know." Lily looked into the fire and lowered her voice to a murmur. "They might be dead, or maybe they didn't love me. I know that I'm by myself, and nobody likes me."

"I find that hard to believe. You were dressed and clothed as if properly cared for." He made it a point to gaze at her to make sure of his words. "Unless what you wear does not truly belong to you."

"I stole it." She answered simply, seeing no point in lying. "I wanted to look nice for once."

"I see." He frowned at her words, seemingly not phased. "Be thankful that I also mended your clothing. I cannot have you wearing rags in my presence."

The night all around them was abuzz with sounds, but none that broke the tranquil and serene atmosphere. The controlled fire, the sound of crickets, the rustling of wind every so often, all of it compounded into a night of simple peace. While days like these weren't uncommon for the green-haired girl, this was the first time that she remembered being able to share the moment with another individual.

"Your past doesn't matter to me in the least." Gilgamesh voiced his opinion. "I have decided that your life will continue on, so I will be your guardian."

"Huh?" Lily was confused. "Like a dad?"

"Not a father." Gilgamesh looked at her annoyed. "That is not the right way to frame this. No, I will be more of a big brother to you."

"Big… brother?" The idea had never occurred to her.

"I saved your life. Therefore, I will give your life meaning where you couldn't." He proclaimed, standing up in the process. "Follow my lead, do as I say, and you will be a person worthy of the life I have granted you."

"But-" She began.

"I don't care that you're a Faunus, or that you're a street rat. Such things don't concern me. What concerns me is your lack of real ambition, your lack of goals."

Instinct told her not to trust in the words of a stranger. She had been through this a few times before, and the few times that she had been lent a hand, it had ultimately done something to swindle her or hurt her. The rule of thumb was not to trust anyone and simply take what she needed to survive.

At the same time, she couldn't deny that families and friends looked nice to have. It seemed like everyone else had someone if they were ever in a pinch, but not her. She only had herself, and no one else. Even among those that didn't have a family, she was an outcast. She was a Faunus, so the Human kids treated her differently. If not outright hostility or caution, then they were… distant from her.

"I don't get it." Lily shifted her head to get more comfortable.

"You will, with time." Gilgamesh replied as if she should know what his words meant. "For now, eat this."

He handed her a bowl with a soup inside it. The smell was quite enticing on its own, but the look too was quite appealing. Deciding that she was hungry enough to eat, she took the bowl rather quickly and began to wolf down the food.

"Eat slowly." He grilled. "One that does not savor what they are given is not worthy of what they are given, especially considering that I made this."

She didn't really understand too much of his fancy languages or whatever he was speaking, so she continued to eat to her heart's content. It had been a long time since she had had a proper meal.

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Gilgamesh watched the girl as she had fallen into another deep slumber, this time because she wanted to sleep. She had no family, no one to rely on. She was wary of him, but because she was a child, and judging from her behavior, she was very narrow-minded in the ways of the world. She was impressionable, so he had plenty of time to mold her into the image that he saw fit, and he would gladly do so.

"She will be strong." The King of Heroes said. "She will be intelligent. She will be willful. She will be by my side as my equal or my superior, nothing less."

Just as Enkidu was his only equal, he would make this girl into his equal. If she was to be worthy enough to remain within his care, she would need to prove that she could do the things he could. It didn't matter that she was a child, and it didn't matter that the resemblance between her and Enkidu was uncanny. Even children in Uruk had to prove their own worth from a young age, lest they get ostracized and probably disowned from their own family if not outright killed. This was to be no exception and he wouldn't budge on this point.

"And speaking of Uruk," Gilgamesh pondered softly, "I will need to establish a cover story for myself if asked."

Passing himself off as a person from one of the many settlements scattered around Remnant would be child's play. Many of these villages were not on any maps, or so far as Amber's knowledge told him, and since villages and settlements were often attacked, and sometimes destroyed by raiders and Grimm, there would be little in the ways of contradictions. Besides, if he said that his own hometown was destroyed, he wouldn't be lying. Uruk was long gone, not destroyed by an enemy, just by time, one of the most powerful forces in all of the universe.

"I will also need a family name." He thought about this for a few moments. "I suppose I could take on my kingdom's name as a means to keep the spirit alive."

Gilgamesh Uruk. He tested the tongue on his name. It would do, although he felt strangely disappointed in it. It lacked any real creativity, and it didn't follow the rules of color-naming that this world seemed to dead-set on following. It was unusual to think that a war would sprout up all for the sake of expression or the lack thereof depending upon the perspective, and all of this was in this world's recent history.

"The Great War." Gilgamesh looked through Amber's memories. "A war of global scale to decide of freedom and expression were greater than order and suppression."

Even if the reasoning for the war was taken away, it was amazing to think that the mongrels and dogs of this world even fought a war to begin with, especially considering the Grimm closing in. What genius thought it was a good up to bring all negative emotions to an all-time high? Either the people of this world were incredibly short-sighted, stupid, or they were so petty as to let their personal feelings get in the way so much. There wasn't a point to focusing on this conflict. It was eighty years in the past. It was simply a lesson to learn from, and an obvious one to the demigod.

"Tsk." The King of Heroes gritted his teeth lightly. "It seems that no matter where I go, Mankind is always faced with a problem. First, it was overpopulation of mongrels with no purpose. Now, mongrels and dogs warring at the wrong time."

War and conflict always had a purpose. It was the most basic and important of primal human instinct. Mastery of this art meant that the chances of surviving and thriving were drastically increased. Perhaps if not happening on this planet, he would say that the war being fought was one that was destined to happen.

Aside from reviewing history, there was also another matter that he had to consider. The Fall Maiden, as he had predicted, was acting on behalf of her true master, Ozpin, Headmaster of Beacon Academy located in the Kingdom of Vale. Opposing the man was Salem, a mysterious witch that controlled the Grimm.

Gilgamesh wanted to know more about these two individuals. In his eyes, they were the key players in a dangerous game of chess. Both of them were gathering pieces for a war. While Ozpin had huntsmen and huntresses on his side, Salem had the Grimm and numerous rogue elements as well. His knowledge obtained from the Fall Maiden didn't allow him to know names or faces, but the Grimm weren't going to be enough to conquer this world. Even more important than the pieces on both sides were their true objectives of the leaders. While he had some theories on what they wanted, there were enough elements, known and unknown that he could not simply theorize and hypothesize for days on end.

In the end, he chose not to think about it too much. For now, he just had to think about his own future here as well as the future of the girl he had taken in. He rose from his seated position, stretching out his body to get slight soreness out of his systems. Then with silent footsteps, he approached the slumbering girl, kneeling down next to her to get a close look at her. He neither smiled nor frowned. This was Enkidu, yet it was not.

"You are Lily Uruk from now on." Gilgamesh whispered to her, even known she could not hear him. "Your life as a normal Faunus is now over. In the presence of Gilgamesh, the King of Heroes, you will transcend this world's limitations and become one worthy to represent myself and my old kingdom."

While he had great expectations for her, he could not help but feel a bit hypocritical. All people should come to form their own identities through life experiences, yet he would choose to shape her for no reason other than because she looked like Enkidu. If he was true to himself, he would have left her to her fate.

Gilgamesh did not want to contend with himself. When he was selfish, no amount of logic would be able to move him.

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A few days later...

Both Gilgamesh and Lily had come to an understanding. He had strange powers unlike that of huntsmen and huntresses. She had a healthy dosage of fear for her newfound guardian, or big brother now as he insisted she call him. It was to be expected given that she was still wary, albeit hopeful that this would turn out differently than the previous times she had turned to others for help.

Besides her own development, the demigod considered himself as well. In hindsight, he should have foreseen it. Nobody save for a handful of individuals could fight against him and have a chance at defeating him. He was fortunate enough that those handful who did have a chance never finished him off. He had promised himself to never be caught off guard like that again. It would begin with himself.

"When will we start training?" Lily asked the question, though he expected it.

"When I deem you ready." Gilgamesh responded to her offhandedly. "Because you are not."

To prove his point, he pulled a simple dagger from the Gate of Babylon and offered it to her. She reached for it, but then dropped it without warning, no doubt not expecting the weapon to be as heavy as it was. She tried again to lift it, and when she found that one hand wouldn't do the trick, she used both hands. Even then, she was barely able to keep the blade in front of her and keep it steady.

"This is why you are not ready." The King of Heroes sighed while shaking his head. "We will have to physically condition you so that you can reach your prime state."

"What does that mean?" The girl asked.

"...it means you need to get stronger." Apparently, children weren't well-versed in more complex wording. "A lot stronger."

"Oh…" Lily thought about this for a moment, then smiled. "Okay then!"

"That was quick." Gilgamesh muttered to himself. "I expected a fight."

The only reason that the two of them hadn't gotten to Vale faster was primarily that there was no real hurry to do so. Although Gilgamesh wasn't one to prefer tranquility and solitude, he didn't mind it right now. It was a good time to formulate a long-term plan as well as consider his position in this world. Aside from one loose end, he was in the clear. Nobody wanted to kill him, nobody knew who he was, and nobody cared. He was free to create his own legacy on this world at his own pace.

"I'm hungry." Lily spoke out of the blue with her request. "Can we eat?"

"You will eat when it is lunchtime." Gilgamesh wasn't about to spoil this girl. "Not a minute sooner."

"Please?" She queried once again.

"No." He remained firm.



"I'll do anything."

"Then you will hunt for food yourself. Otherwise, you will eat when I say you will eat. That is FINAL, you little brat."

With a pout that he was immune to, they resumed walking. He knew that she had nothing else to get back at him with. She was a thief, not a hunter, so there was no conceivable way that she would be able to hunt for food, not without his help at any rate. Thankfully, her attitude suggested that she wasn't offended by his words, which was fortunate. A hateful Enkidu look-alike did not sit well with him.

"Why don't I show you the power you will wield." He was getting ahead of himself, showing her promised power that she hadn't earned yet. "Watch carefully."

They both stopped walking, with the King of Heroes kneeling down, and holding one hand out. The little girl watched intently as it began to glow with half the power of the Fall Maiden.

"Whoa!" She looked in awe. "What's that."

"The power of Fall." He grinned at her enthusiasm. "And if you do well, it will be all yours."

He wasn't lying when he said that she would have to earn the power, but what he did not feel compelled to tell her in this moment was that getting the power from him was only half the battle. He only had half the power, and as a final test, she would have to kill the woman who had the other half.

And she would do this on her own.

"Like the Fall Maiden?" Lily tilted her head in perplexment.

"Exactly." Gilgamesh would educate her properly. "And you'll have power like me."

"Like you?" The thought seemed to get her blood pumping. "Cool!"

"But you need to earn it." He extinguished the light from his hands.

"That'll take a long time!"

"Stop complaining, brat!"

If this is what he could continue to expect from bringing along this kid, then he considered that he had made another error in judgement. Perhaps there was a reason why children why children were never at the forefront of his mind during when he was alive. This had to be the reason. What was he thinking?

It was time to take a more serious measure to get his point across. He reached into the Gate of Babylon and pulled a standard sword out.

"You do realize that I could kill you with a single thought." Gilgamesh decided to test a threat with a wide swing of the sword. "A single thought, and your like would be over before you knew what hit you."

"No, please don't!" She got down on her knees and began to beg. "I want to be powerful like you!"

That reaction came a little too suddenly, and it made him quirk his eyebrow as he observed the kneeling child. She did value her life, enough to get down and beg for mercy. If she were much older, he would have spit on her, mocked her, ridiculed her, and then killed her for daring to be pushy with him. Still, even if she weren't an Enkidu look-alike, he still wouldn't kill her. Killing a child, by itself, didn't do anything for him.

"Stop kneeling!" He growled at her. "Get up! NOW!"

"Yes, sir!" She jumped up on command. "What should I do?"

Good, he had instilled fear into her. He returned the blade to the gate.

"Shut up and walk."

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Two weeks later…

For everyday that Lily endured walking, the next day would be spent using magic to accelerate their travel speed. The continent of Sanus was the largest continent on this world as well as the one with the most landscapes. To the west, the Kingdom of Vacuo resided, which resembled Uruk more than Vale did, but getting there would have effectively tripled their journey length at the very least. They would need to find a more efficient method of travel, one that didn't involved constant use of his magic. Powerful though he might be, it just felt like a waste to use magic in such a trivial manner.

That being said, he did have one means of travel that would make good time. Among his many treasures, he had vehicles for travel, but like his own magic, if one was sensitive enough, one could detect its presence, and admittedly, an aircraft gave off more energy than enhanced physicality. Plus, he had to stick to disciplining Lily.

The entrance to Vale was easy to bypass. All he had to do was make them both invisible and slip by the patrol while they were inspecting someone else. To ensure that no sensors of technological means would be used, the demigod masked their physical presences as well. They passed through without incident.

"Alright, runt, I have a task for you." Gilgamesh just got a great idea. "We need someone's scroll. Steal one."

"How do I do that?" Lily looked at him like he was crazy.

"Don't question my orders." He gave her a look. "Do what I say."

"Why do I have to do this?" Lily asked yet another question.

"Because I said so." Gilgamesh exasperated, glaring at her. "Now GO!"

With reluctant steps, she took off on her own, and he watched her until she was out of sight. He wasn't worried about her getting lost or not being able to find him once she had completed her task. Apparently, her Faunus senses were very sharp, especially her sense of smell. He gave off a very strong and unique signature, or so she had told him, which was more or less what he expected.

His eyes wandered all around, taking in the people and the place. This place was drab and mundane. He wasn't sure what made this place so strong. It was one of the four kingdoms in the world, yet he wouldn't even classify it as such. It didn't present an image of grandiose or splendor or anything spectacular. If he were to feel anything, it would be utter disappointment.

His gaze shifted to see the tower of Beacon Academy, one of the few intriguing sites in the city. Ozpin had to be within that tower. According to Amber's knowledge, the man was known to frequent the tower for much of his time when he wasn't busy attending to matters of the school or other matters of importance.

Gilgamesh, receiving yet another idea, leaped up, climbing up a building, then jumping to the next highest building. His fluid and precise movements brought him to a fairly high point, on top of an apartment complex, not the tallest building in the city, but it had enough elevation for what he was about to do.

He reached into the Gate of Babylon and retrieved a pen, paper, and surface to write on. He took only a brief second to think about what he wanted to write. The whole time, his face broke into a mad grin. Once he had finished writing, he read his own message, which served to only to widen his grin. Feeling satisfied, he grabbed a bow and arrow. Attaching the message to the arrow, he took perfect aim, then released. As it was an enhanced bow, it would travel the distance he wished.

"Now I wait to see what sort of fire I have lit." Gilgamesh laughed lightly.

Lily was no doubt almost done with the task assigned to her, so the King of Heroes stored his belongings as he descended. With the same grace and elegance he had going up, he flew down and landed without so much as a whisper under his feet.

"Now where is she?" The demigod began to scan the streets. "I can sense that she's nearby."

Looking from left to right, he let out a loud sigh as he casually strolled along, looking like any other young man. It was like walking through Fuyuki City; nobody recognized him, although he was occasionally be observed. Many secretly admired his stunning looks and chiselled body, something he was used to. Another time and he might just indulge in this feeling more.

"Big brother!" Lily's shrill voice. "I did it!"

Gilgamesh saw the little girl rush up to him, holding out a scroll in his hand. A few people looked at them weirdly, but otherwise dismissed it.

"Who did you take this from?"

"I don't know. It was guy in a white suit with a hat and a cane. I think his hair was orange or red."

He plucked the device from her hands, to which she responded with a small whine. He powered on the device, surprised that no password was required, and began to scroll through the contents of the device.

"Murders, thefts, arson, bribery, guard duty, dust procurement." Gilgamesh could only nod his head. "And lien… a whole lot of lien."

Whoever Lily had stolen this from had been doing some real scummy work, but then again, someone had to do it. This was probably more than most people could make in their lifetime.

He also couldn't complain about the money they had now.

"You have passed the test, little cat." He decided to indulge in her.

"So… can I keep it?" She ventured timidly. "Since I, you know, got it?"

"Yes, you did retrieve this." He tossed it back to her. "Take it. If I need it, I will take it."

"Yay!" She began to bounce around. "I get a scroll!"

Gilgamesh chose not to encourage nor discourage her current emotional state. She might be an annoying little brat, but she had proven to be more than meets the eye. He would have to see what other sorts of talents and skills she had.

She couldn't hide that she also had stolen lien, but he wasn't going to tell her that he knew that.

Fate/Stay Night - - - RWBY

Ozpin, Headmaster of Beacon Academy, was sipping on his coffee while doing some evening paperwork. As of late, he was beginning to prepare for the next year. There were many things to do, even months before the start of the school year. Beacon had seen its seniors graduate and sent out into the world. Now it was time to introduce a new generation of heroes into the fold.

Then he heard something. Had something hit the glass of the tower? That couldn't be merely coincidental. His eyes redirected to the window to his left. Sticking halfway outside was an arrow, and his eyes also spotted what looked to be a piece of paper or some parchment along its length.

Curious but also suspicious, he got up from his chair, retrieved his cane, and strode to the window. He unwrapped the paper from the envelope and read the note.

I killed the Fall Maiden. She was not worthy of its power.

The man didn't show any visible emotions, but now he was on edge. This couldn't be a joke of any kind. This message indicated a tone of finality and certainty to it, which made it highly unlikely that this was a prank. Few people know about the Maidens existing. Fewer still knew where to find them.

Ozpin's scroll buzzed to life on his desk. With reluctance, he quickly opened the message application to see that it was Qrow sending a message, and just like the message from the arrow, the message from Qrow told a similar story.

Amber is dead. Her heart was ripped from her chest. I don't know who's responsible.

The headmaster clenched his fist.

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"Where the hell did my scroll go?!"

Up until a few moments ago, Roman Torchwick was having a perfectly good evening. He was just resting up for the night, getting a few rounds, not enough to get him drunk, but enough to get a good feeling. He thought he might also stop to let off some steam somewhere. It had been a while.

Then he felt for his scroll and found it to be missing. That got his mind rolling; he didn't misplace anything at all, he didn't drop things, and her certainly didn't forget things. That left only one option: someone had swindled him, and it had to be someone with skill, because he was THE master thief. He first checked his surroundings. As far as he could tell, nobody looked suspicious.

With his already-agitated state, the few people that were about stayed clear of him. Holding his cigarette tightly, he swiftly traced his surroundings, yet not finding anyone that was suspicious in any way.

He turned on another sidestreet, and he caught sight of a girl, a Faunus girl. Normally, Faunus concealed their features, even in Vale despite it being one of the more tolerant of the four kingdoms. Frankly, he didn't really care one way or the other, but what caught his attention was how deftly she swindled a man of his own wallet. She then did the same to a passing woman, and she seemed to do it all with an expert hand. Her victims didn't even notice that she had taken someone from them.

She was a likely suspect.

But before he could catch up to her, she was already gone. She had disappeared around a corner and vanished like dust in the wind.

"Well... fuck."

Chapter 3

Kingdom of Vale

As promised, Gilgamesh allowed Lily to keep her stolen scroll along with all of its resources and whatnot while he secured his own funding. While the idea of reducing himself to a mere pickpocket was demeaning to his own pride, he still needed funds in order to operate with some level of anonymity. While walking with his newest charge, he swiped the scroll and the lien of some drunk buffoon. It felt more deserving to take from someone who was practically begging for something bad to happen to them. Once that was done, he set about to configure the device to work for him only, and then used the lien to obtain more funds.

All of that had been a few days ago.

Now, Gilgamesh was lazily lounging around on a rather expensive-looking sofa as he contemplated his next move while Lily sat on a chair that was just as luxurious as the sofa he laid on. The penthouse they were now residing in was a reflection of the expectations of living standards for the King of Heroes. It wasn't anything like his old palace in Uruk, but it was satisfactory enough. He could do with more space, but building an expensive residential palace would blow his cover instantly; it was easier to take what was readily available. It was just a matter of making an offer that the owner couldn't refuse. A large sum of lien was paid, but the demigod had no intention of letting that money go to waste. Everything that he paid would come back him within a month's time.

Gilgamesh, with his hands behind his head, and cushioned by a comfortable pillow, was swimming in his thoughts. This morning, it had occurred to him that the use of Sha Naqba Imuru would make life much easier for him, and yet the idea of using the noble phantasm did not sit well with him. Yes, it would essentially guarantee him a path to victory in whatever he chose to do. It was his pride that kept him from using it to its fullest power. It was one thing to use all of his noble phantasms suited for combat, but it was another to use a source that would make life far less interesting. Furthermore, Sha Naqba Imuru was meant to work on Earth, and this was Remnant. Despite similarities that both Earth and Remnant shared, it would not be able to tell him all the intricacies and details of this world, or at least that's what he believed.

The sound of an electronic noise coming from Lily made the demigod turn his head towards the little girl. He was allowing her a day of fun simply for the fact that he saw no harm in it. Training her to be his equal meant that she too could partake in the luxuries and riches that he had in his life. It only made sense, and he had a feeling that her new standing in life would be a way to keep her with him for a very long time. That said, he would have to take care not to spoil her too much lest riches and treasures become too boring and predictable for her. He needed to make sure she earned what she got.

"Aw, man." Lily frowned and threw the scroll on her lap. "I'm hungry."

"Lunch time." Gilgamesh then remembered something else. "That's right, I need to get ingredients."

The Gate of Babylon had ingredients he could use for anything culinary-related, but again, it felt like a waste to use his power in such a way. It really wasn't too much of a hassle to obtain ingredients from a nearby marketplace. He could go for a decent meal himself. He considered recruiting a helping hand, but then dismissed that idea. He couldn't trust anyone but himself to do what he needed and wanted. Besides, he didn't wish to be reduced to a lazy bum; he was many things, but sedentary was not one of them.

Even though he knew there was nothing in the fridge, he still walked to the kitchen and checked inside, just to be sure. As expected, he was greeted with an empty fridge. He closed the door and opened the freezer and came upon the same situation as in the fridge. The cupboards were all the same as well.

"We are in need of many supplies." Gilgamesh mumbled to himself.

Indeed time seemed to have passed rapidly. It felt like it hadn't been too long ago when they were both just sitting down and doing nothing since breakfast. Now, it was time for the second meal of the day. Honestly, doing these tasks for himself wasn't a hassle, but now that he was doing tasks for a child, his distaste for chores had begun.

"When I return, I will be teaching you how to cook a meal, little rogue." Gilgamesh informed Lily of his decision. "And you will pay attention."

"Okay." Lily's voice was idle just like her attention on him was. "Sure."

"Failing to heed me is not wise." Gilgamesh pulled her scroll from her hands. "I suggest that you pay attention."

His response got the response desired as she instantly was at attention. Her fear of him hadn't gone away, and he hoped it would remain with her for a good long while. It wasn't like she was going anywhere without his express know-how and permission.

"Now repeat back what I just said." The King of Heroes crossed his arms expectedly. "Word for word."

"Um…" The little thief didn't even hear the first word he said. "... wait here for food?"

"I'm disappointed."


The former ruler frowned as he tried to come up with a suitable punishment, and a few moments later, he had it.

"For your failure to heed me, I will not feed you for the rest of the day. "He felt that this was sufficient enough. "I will return with ingredients, but will not prepare and cook for you."

"No!" She began to break down. "I love your food!"

"Then don't ignore my words or take my generosity for granted. You are sitting in a place where few have been. Be thankful for that much."

There was no intense malice or annoyance in his words.

Fate/Stay Night - - - RWBY

True to his word, Gilgamesh had gone to the grocery story, purchased all ingredients he would need to last a while, returned home to stock them all, then left once again. Lily would have to find out how to feed herself. If she did not, then she would go the rest of the day with no food, only having breakfast and the occasional glass of water as her saving grace. It would not kill her either way, and he would feed her tomorrow.

It wasn't until he took off into the heart of the city that he considered that he was hungry himself. He had some cash to burn and he wasn't feeling up for cooking his own meals. To that end, he went downtown to search for a reputable restaurant or something that would satisfy his craving.

He started by going into the busier parts of the city. Thankfully, as his body was now somehow alive and and whole, he could continue to downplay his presence, although he would still have to contend with attention in all forms. His superiority wasn't just words he spouted out for nothing. If the looks he was receiving were any indication, it was that people saw something in him, something that couldn't be ignored at first glance. His only wish was that the people who looked upon be a little more interesting. The people of Remnant might not be as numerous as those on Earth, but they were just as worthless, going about their everyday lives with no real purpose other than to satisfy themselves.

Which is exactly what I'm doing. Gilgamesh noted to himself, albeit reluctantly. I really must find a goal to work towards, something other than merely living.

It was then that a smell caught him and reeled him in. It had the smell of meat, seafood to be more precise. There was also a thick aroma, very rich in its smell. It was hearty if his senses were correct. Craning his neck, he found that to his three o'clock was a noodle stand, a very simple one. It was just like one of those ramen noodle places that were bountiful in Fuyuki, only this one didn't have Japanese names attached to it. The sign was a large banner directly at the front.

A Simple Wok Noodle House

The fact that this place had caught his attention was more than enough reason to survey this place and see what they were serving. The golden-haired man stepped up, hands in his pockets as he surveyed the menu. Today's specials were ramen dishes with all manners of seafood in mind. All of the types of seafood were familiar, but it was still worth considering the numerous types available.

There was only one person staffing, an old man with no hair on top of his head yet had frizzy grey hair on his sides. His eyes were so narrow that he could be mistaken as blind if he weren't working in the culinary business, where eyes were an essential part to the business. In any event, an unremarkable person at first glance.

The demigod did a quick look over of the menu, then ordered.

"A bowl of Soupe de Poisson." Gilgamesh tossed the exact amount he needed to pay. "And be swift about it."

The old man seemed unperturbed by the demand, and disappeared behind the curtains. A few noises could be heard, and the King of Heroes tracked each and every sound, associating each with a preparation, yet the speed at which the tasks were being performed were quite astonishing. It was only mere seconds later that his food was put before him, steaming with a very pleasant aroma.

Gilgamesh wasted no time in digging in, and when he did, he was not disappointed. This old man might be nothing to look at, but behind that appearance was someone with some hidden skills and talents.

"Impressive." Gilgamesh had to admit that even his high expectations were being met quite well and maybe even surpassed. "Very impressive."

The rich flavor was coming from what appeared to be crushed lobster shells, quite a technique, yet it was very ingenious and it contributed to the overall value of the ramen bowl, and the former heroic spirit took care to eat everything in balance, so as not to have too much of any one thing left. He was quick to devour his food, yet he was still able to process everything with perfect clarity. He made a note to break apart every single detail of this ramen so that he could recreate it for his own use.

Once the bowl was emptied, Gilgamesh drained his remaining soup in one gulp, then slammed his bowl down, noticing from the bowl's reflection that his face was a mess. He retrieved a napkin and wiped his face with all the grace and elegance befitting him. Once done, he set down the used napkin next to his spoon and chopsticks.

"For the above-average effort, a tip is in order." Gilgamesh tossed a large wad of cash to the old man. "Our business is concluded."

With his stomach now filled to his liking, it was now time find some entertainment. The humans and faunus of this world appeared to have similar forms of entertainment venues, so he wasn't going in completely in the dark. The afternoon sun was beginning to dip into the horizon, indicating that it was probably close to the time that night clubs were opening. Sampling some of the local alcohol seemed like a good idea.

Wait, the afternoon sky? Had he already wasted so much time in his search for the perfect dish of food?

Well, no matter, he had nothing but time on his hands.

"So far, this world has been… entertaining." Gilgamesh let a small smile appear on his lips. "Let's hopes its drinks are comparable."

Looking at a map might have been more efficient, but there was a sort of thrill to going in and see what would be. Besides, he was more than capable of handling whatever this world would throw at him, and it was with this in mind that Gilgamesh resumed his walk, his senses on the lookout for a decent place that sold alcohol.

I wonder if Lily knows to prepare frozen meals...

RWBY - - - Fate/Stay Night

Lily grumbled in frustration. Her efforts to cook had all been for naught. The only thing that she had managed to cook was a complete mess in the kitchen, and that would only serve to anger Gilgamesh when he returned. Now she had to cook for herself and clean up a mess. Things were looking really bad.

"Okay, calm down, Lily." The six-year-old spoke to herself. "You've got this. You've survived on your own before."

Admittedly, she was out of her element. She was a thief, one of the best if she did say so herself. Her life revolved around taking complete things and using them for her own survival. The concept of creating something for herself felt more than confusing. It was downright alien to her.

Naturally, the first thing she did was find a stool so that she could stand and reach for things. Then, she got out ingredients that she had seen others use for food, or at least the ones she remembered people using from the brief memories that she recalled, and then tried to combine them into the ways she remembered. Well, she got a result, but not one that was tasty, or even edible in any sense. Half-cooked meat, veggies not properly prepared, baking ingredients somehow getting in to the mix.

It was a disaster.

Lily crumbled onto the kitchen floor, really not sure what to do. She was now angry and hungry. If only she had kept her big mouth shut then she would have something to eat and wouldn't have had to put in effort. The thought of her guardian made her frustrated. He had provided her with shelter yet refused to feed her because she didn't listen to him. It just wasn't fair.

"I need help." She couldn't deny that part now.

But asking her guardian wouldn't be a good idea. She had no guarantee that he would help her even if she asked for it, and she had absolutely no one else to call a friend. Really, asking anyone for help at all was out of the question now that she considered her situation, leaving her alone once more.


Her scroll began to beep and she rushed to see what it was. She thought it was a call at first, but to her dismay, she discovered it was a message, and not one addressed to her. She had forgotten to change the settings of the scroll, so she was receiving calls from people that were probably friends with the former owner of this scroll. She didn't dare answer back, but she really had no idea what to do other than ignore the messages.

Then she remembered something; there was a saying that anything could be found if one had a connection to a network. All she had to do was type in a question concerning what she wanted and it would all work itself out.

Lily began to type in the scroll and began a search. The results were almost instantaneous and she wasn't lacking choices, and that was the problem. She wasn't even sure where to start.

"I had no idea that so many meals existed." She scrolled down the list. "Where do they all come from?"

Maybe it would be better to make something simple than try to be all complicated. Why was she even trying to do this stuff in the first place?

"Big bro would have probably been able to make something amazing." Lily grumbled as she threw her arms up. "I've got no idea what to do."

Deciding to clean up her mess before trying anything else, she found a rag and a trash bag and began to clean up her mess. While she hadn't made a complete world-ending catastrophe, it still took ten minutes to fully erase the mess.

It wasn't until the kitchen looked pristine once again that the girl noticed that there was a microwave. Although not fully acquainted with all the modern amenities of life due to her former life as a thief, she at least knew what this appliance was for, and now that she was seeing it, she felt like hitting her head against something.

At first, she felt like blaming her big brother, but then recanted that desire. The only thing she would manage to accomplish by pushing blame on him was further invoking his annoyance at her, and she'd already done that now and was being punished for it. It was better that she keep this experience in mind and improve. Only then would things look up for herself.

Is this what tough love is about? Lily had heard the words before, but didn't know what that meant, but she was beginning to understand.

Grabbing one of the pre prepared meals from the freezer, following the instructions on the package, and 'cooking' her meal, she took it to the table and began to eat. It felt like a much more quiet atmosphere, almost unnaturally so without Gilgamesh around. His presence was just a thing that she knew quite well, and she had grown used to him. Whenever she did think of him, she recalled his promise to make her as strong as he was. Maybe when she was that strong she could then help other Faunus.

But what would big brother think? The green-haired girl asked herself. Would he call my idea stupid?

Honestly, getting a read on his thoughts was like trying to read a brick wall. He would not talk about his thoughts or whatever went through his head, not unless he wished it so, but he did seem to act mean to a lot of people, even to Lily too. That being said, he did keep her with him, and even thought she had aggravated him, he still hadn't hurt her in the same way that other humans had hurt her. That meant that he cared about her, right?

A searing pain on the roof of her mouth forced her to stop eating and rush for a glass of water. Apparently, cooking frozen food in the microwave made it VERY hot.

Fate/Stay Night - - - RWBY

Gilgamesh had wandered into some random club without really giving it too much thought. It had gotten to a point where he desired getting a drink more than he desired a location with adequate decorum and sights, at least on the outside, so he just walked into the next place that he came across.

The first thing that the King of Heroes noticed was the lighting of the main room. It was simplistic, yet it was enough for him to get an idea of how big the place. For a club, it was quite spacious in terms of height. He actually had to crane his head in order for his eyes to see it all. The floor space wasn't half bad either. It was an open place, and that suited him perfectly. If need be, he could open the Gate of Babylon and rain death down upon any and all who would ruin his night.

The guard at the door gave him a once-over, but otherwise didn't seem to care despite the fact that his body was that of a teenager. The demigod paused for a second at this notion, then shrugged his shoulders. He expected more of a hassle as those not of a certain age could not drink, at least that's what common law said. Perhaps this place didn't care one way or the other about age, or at least had a much more liberal sense of maturity. Either way, he walked into the place almost as if he owned the place.

His first stop was a bar at the far end. Once he was there, a bartender waited for him, and simply looked at him, a prompt to order a drink. With no knowledge of any of the drinks, it seemed like the only thing he could do was be adventurous.

"A bottle of your strongest." Gilgamesh threw a few bills on the counter. "Straight-up."

The man nodded, grabbing a bottle, popping the cap off, and sliding it into the hands of the former King of Uruk. The blonde-haired man proceeded to drink it, letting the sensation of burning alcohol run down his throat. He wasn't expecting much in terms of strength, but he got more of a stinging than he had anticipated. It wasn't painful per say, but he definitely felt it all the same.

Gilgamesh's aura exuded power, authority, and elegance. The men in the room seemed to avoid him as if he would kill them. The women took a lot of interest in him, even the ones that appeared older than himself. The King of Heroes gave no indication that he cared for any single person in this place.

"You're a new face, blondie." A gruff voice said to the said. "You got a name?"

The former Heroic Spirit angled his head to see who had spoken to him. It was a man who was quite a bit taller than himself, probably by a foot at least. He was dressed professionally in a white suit, a tie, a black vest, and black dress pants and shoes. His hair was short yet still neatly combed. His beard and mustache were also orderly. In short, he looked like a gentleman at first glance.

Gilgamesh wasn't so easily fooled. A quick read of his mind told him what he needed to know.

"What does it matter it to the likes of you, Hei Xiong?" Gilgamesh downed the rest of his bottle, then slammed it on the counter. "Or should I call you Junior?"

"So you know who I am." The taller man only visibly tensed by a bit, but resumed a casual nature. "Do I know you?"

"No, but I've heard of you. They say you know quite a bit about a lot of things." Gilgamesh looked him up and down. "And I have to say… I expected something a bit more… impressive."

"If you're not in the market for info, then why are you here?" Junior sounded just a bit more on-edge than a few moments ago.

"A drink for now." The demigod glanced back out at the crowd. "I do not expect much else."

"Whatever floats your boat." Junior seemed to not really care. "Just keep your nose clean."

The man walked off to pursue something or someone else, leaving Gilgamesh to casually flick off the man. How dare the cur tell him how to do his business. He would do what he wanted whenever he wanted.


The sound of a girl clearing her throat made him adopt his neutral face again and turn to the new source of annoyance, or rather, the two sources of annoyance. That was before he had gotten a good look.

They were twins with faces that were so close to being perfectly the same. One sported a red dress with short hair while the other had a white dress with long hair. Judging from the way they carried themselves, they were haughty, arrogant, and thought the world of themselves. It was laughable.

"Can I help you?" Gilgamesh regarded them both, looking up and down their forms, then back to their faces with a tinge of approval.

"You'd better watch yourself." The girl in white stepped forward. "If you cause a scene in here, we'll kick your ass."

"I have no reason to cause a commotion." Gilgamesh looked them both in the eye. "And even if I did want to cause trouble, I would be the only one standing."

"You talk big." The girl in red cocked her hip to one side. "But can you put your money where your mouth is?"

Although not obvious to the unknowing mind, it was clear that the two girls in front of him were more than a little interested in him, and he wasn't even using any special abilities or powers. It was just him and his own raw talent and skills. It was a sort of test for himself to see if he still could be amazing without overwhelming power.

"If you desire a fight, I would be more than happy to entertain, but I have a better idea." Gilgamesh's posture relaxed as his small small smile. "Now, how about we play a little game?"

RWBY - - - Fate/Stay Night

Melanie and Miltia both couldn't help but be impressed by this guy. Unlike most men that came their way, he wasn't throwing stupid pickup lines or making blatantly obvious attempts to get some. They did notice him checking them out, but he gave no further indication as to any desire to take it up a notch, at least not as far as they could see.

Plus, while he was boasting, there was a gut feeling in their hearts that told them that he was more than just hot air and smoke. If anything, that look on his face was more than just him being nonchalant and confident.

There was also the fact that he was extremely easy on the eyes. Out of all the guys that they had seen, he blew them out of the water and then some. Those golden locks of hair, those red eyes, that perfectly-sculpted face. There was absolutely nothing about him that was unattractive. Still, regardless of what they felt, they kept that to themselves. They weren't that easy to mess with.

The two of them sensed something behind them, and the moment they saw what was behind them, they both tensed up, not daring to move an inch. Two blades were poised perfectly horizontal to the floor and aimed at their backs. What made this even worse was the fact that someone in their conversation, the blonde had maneuvered them all in a way that had the twins' backs against the bar and his back against the crowd of dancers. Also, the blades were so small that anyone at the bar could hardly notice that they were there.

"Nice trick." Melanie huffed a bit. "But in case you didn't realize it, our auras are unlocked, so there's-"

She didn't get to finish as their opponent simply flicked his hand barely, but enough so that the blades moved. The two of them anticipated their auras to intercept the damage and that they would be fine. To their surprise, they felt a tiny stab of pain as the blades poked them in the back, not enough to cause a lot of pain, but enough for them to know that the blades were there. Neither the twins nor the blades moved.

"Aura is easy to bypass if you know how." He maintained his small smile and his composed stance. "But like I said before, I did not come here to fight. I believe I said I had a little game."

"...go on." Miltia was the first to recover.

Both twins felt the blades' threatening presence disappear, and knowing that they were in the clear for now, their stiff demeanor changed.

"It's really quite simple." His eye contact was getting to them both. "With such high expectations, your chances of finding someone worth your while are very low."

"And you're proposing yourself." Melanie knew where this was going. "What makes you any better?"

He looked to the dancing crowd. "Do you see anyone here who is remotely close to my level?"

The answer was no of course, but their own pride wouldn't let the answer come so easily. Frankly, in all the time that the two of them had worked for junior, neither could recall many faces that they remembered long-term. People came and went, some more than others, and even with regulars, they were forgettable. It hadn't even been ten minutes and this one was leaving a greater impression than anyone had before.

"I didn't think so." They didn't speak, but he didn't need words it would seem. "If I had to guess, I'm one of the few people that's held your attention for more than a minute, but my company is more than words, and I only need a few minutes to prove that my actions speak better than my words can."

His advance came with absolutely no hesitation and it came with a sort of delivery that was practiced, yet got the point across. While he hadn't said it out loud, they couldn't possibly mistake what he was getting at. All of that didn't matter though, because it was his attitude that was getting him to a place where no one else had gotten to before. Besides, they had gotten a taste of what he could do, and they weren't about to forget the feeling of being caught between a rock and a hard place.

"Even if we agreed, we're on the clock." Miltia said with a still-defiant tone. "We can't leave for anything, no matter how… tempting it might be."

"That can be easily remedied." He held a scroll in his hand. "Name your boss's price and I'll pay it."

"...give us a minute." Melanie pulled her sister away so that they could discuss this.

The sister found a secluded spot in the club. The minute that they did, they began to argue back and forth. Decisions like this one were difficult. They wouldn't just do this with anyone. They had high standards to begin with, but considering those high standards, this might be the one time that they couldn't pass up.

"Why are we even agreeing to this?" Miltia asked with discontent.

"Because why the hell not." Melanie gave a weak reason. "I mean, sure he's got a mouth on him, but you can't say that you're not at least a little interested."

"But what if he sucks?" Miltia demanded. "You ever think about that?"

"Then we forget about it." Melanie answered back. "Although I've got a good feeling about this one."

Miltia regarded her sister. "Are we sure we're not doing this because he threatened us?"

"It's always a risk in this job, sis." Melanie already knew what to say. "Besides, if it comes down to it, we'll fight if we need to. We might not win, but better than dying on our knees."

"...that doesn't make sense… but whatever, I guess." Miltia said with a resigned tone. "It's not like this night can get any worse."

Melanie nodded. "Then I guess we're hitting up Junior for another favor."

I apologize for the week of delay, but I felt that I needed it in order to complete this chapter.

You might call this a filler chapter, but remember, this story is about how Gilgamesh affects Remnant, so I don't really consider this so much a filler chapter as it is another way that he's messing with the timeline.

In regards to Sha Naqba Imuru (I believe I spelled that right), based on what I've read and learned about it, it's the ultimate cheat sheet for life, and to me, that's a story breaker right there. It leaves no room for imagination or creativity if a protagonist simply knows everything, so it won't be a very prevalent part of the story. Anyone who wishes to discuss or argue this more with me can PM me, but as of this chapter, this is where I stand in regards to Sha Naqba Imuru. Trust me guys, Gilgamesh can find ways without it.

Finally, I didn't leave this chapter on a cliffhanger just to cockblock all of you. Next chapter, I intend to give a proper smut scene. This will also be my first attempt at sexual encounter, so I hope to do it right. I'll admit I'm really nervous about it, but hey, this is Gilgamesh and don't intend to pull punches in regards to what he does.

To the Guest reviewer whom I can't answer via PM, no I don't ask for reviews for the sake of reviews. Of course getting reviews is something that I like, but I do so because I really want to know what people are thinking. I write these stories with the intent to be faithful to the source material yet also novel in how I use that source material to drive the plot forward.

And speaking of feedback, I would like to know what you all think about this chapter. Like I said before, if anyone has ideas or concepts that need lots of elaboration, feel free to PM me.

I hope you all enjoyed reading this chapter.

"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored."

Aldous Huxley

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