
My CO Stash #95 - Is It Wrong To Want To Conquer The World During My Isekai Adventure? by Codename-ShadowFox (NarutoXWarcraft)

-And this is the last CO fic of the day~~ Back to SIs (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ

*Menma tossed to the Warcraft universe, I just love anti-hero protagonist if you do you'll most likely like this one too! Menma not being some edge lord, Sasuke wanna be is also a big plus! Jaina best girl?

Sypnosis: Defeated by his own monologuing Menma is torn from his own world and tossed into the endless abyss that is the Twisting Nether only for our villain to not only survive in the maddening chaos of the Nether but thrive! How will the fate of Azeroth change with the interference of a morally bankrupt and pragmatically sociopathic shinobi who suddenly gained magical powers? (AU)

Rated: M

Words: 92K

Posted on: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13303484/1/Is-It-Wrong-To-Want-To-Conquer-The-World-During-My-Isekai-Adventure


PS: If you're not able to copy/paste the link, you have everything in here to find it, by simply searching the author and the story title. It sucks that you can't copy links on mobile (´ー`)

-I'll be putting the chapter ones of all the fanfics mentioned, to give you guys a sample if you wan't more please do go to the website and support the author! (And maybe even convince them to start uploading chapters in here as well!)

Chapter 1+2 (exceptional)

Blood Pact

Menma grit his teeth as he caught Naruto's Sage enhanced punch by the wrist. He didn't want to do this.

He really didn't want to have to do this! Not against Him, not against this Faker!

He refused. He refused the very idea that he could lose to this pathetic excuse for a ninja with zero style. I mean honestly, an orange jumpsuit? And yet here he was being forced to go this far?

"Fucking hell. I'll never let myself live this down." During his whole inner monologue Menma was gathering energy. The widening of the Faker's eyes told him that the purple aura had appeared. "Surprise motherfucker!"

Naruto, struck-dumb at the sudden reveal was unable to block the sudden palm to the solar plexus that robbed him of all air followed by the brutal kick to his temple. Dazed and confused didn't even begin to describe his state of being before pain exploded from all points of his body.

Menma laughed maniacally as he drove his rasenringu into Naruto's chest. "Time to die, Faker!" He then angled his arm down and tossed Naruto down the mechanized training ground they were fighting in.

Blood and spittle flew from Naruto's mouth as the orb of darkness mercilessly shred apart his chest, his Sunjutsu enhanced physic being the only thing keeping him for being instantly torn apart by the technique. So that's what it feels like to be on the receiving end of a rasengan...

It was only on his way down that Naruto noticed his body feeling sluggish and his chakra being unresponsive. "Wha...?"

Then suddenly a spike protruded from his chest having pierced clear through his back, his body slowly sliding further down the bloody spike. Naruto knew he should have been panicking and trying to get himself out of this predicament but he just felt so tired.

His arms wouldn't respond... he couldn't feel his legs... and his eyes. Naruto blinked desperately but they just wouldn't stay open. Menma landed on the spike across from him with a triumphant laugh.

"So this is what was making me so uneasy." Menma muttered to himself as a bubbling cloud of red chakra leaked out of Naruto attempting to close the wound. "Kurama, will that work?"

"Technically it is a Yang half. Not necessarily MY yang half but A Kyuubi's yang half. So theoretically... yes."

"Works for me!" Menma prepared to absorb the false Kyuubi's chakra before remembering the scroll. Quickly rummaging through Naruto's pockets Menma found his prize with a grin. "Ah! Perrrrrfect."

"Be quick. He's coming."

Settle down Kurama, just focus on absorbing the chakra, I'm reading as fast as I can! Menma mentally answered as he pored over the scroll. It was fascinating and explained a bit about his mysterious chakra but until Kurama was complete he couldn't actually put it into use.

I'm ready Kurama. You finish up, I'll deal with the masked asshole.

"Got it."

"Well done Menma." A deep voice called out from behind him.

"Madara." Menma replied with a nod. "I hope you don't mind, I helped myself to the feast before me." He indicated at the chakra being siphoned away from the dead Naruto.

"Of course not, that was the point of bringing Naruto here in the first place."

How much longer?

"A few minutes. Keep talking."

"So this made for some good reading." Menma said as he held up the scroll. "Have you read it?"

"No I haven't." Menma tossed over the scroll upon Tobi's admission. The man studied the wooden scroll for a moment before opening it. It was the tale of the two brothers only in this world Hamura stayed on earth not Hagoromo.

The twins also were never born, only Hamura's daughter Yaksha who apparently suffered from dual-personality and was known to be sweet and inoffensive some days then dark and murderous on others.

Her heirs were known for being able to draw in the power of the cosmos, radiating in a deep purple aura as a form of cosmic senjutsu. It also held absolutely no knowledge on how to break the genjutsu so it was effectively worthless aside from a small history lesson. "As interesting as that was, I believe it is time for me to claim my prize as well."

Tobi was not unaware that Menma had just finished absorbing the rest of the Kyuubi's chakra which was fine by him to be honest. Hypnotizing one larger Kyuubi would be easier than trying to entrance two smaller ones at the same time.

"Yeah, see, here's the thing. Fuck you and your whore of a mother." No longer bothering to hold back Menma instantly entered Cosmic mode and launched a senjutsu enhanced rasenringu at Tobi who disregarded the attack completely as pointless while in his intangible form and allowed it to pass through him.

Big mistake.

Obito was flung back, chest being shredded apart as the cosmic enhanced jutsu tore at his flesh. He was almost thankful when his body hit the wall and the jutsu detonated. The Zetsu parts of him slowly melted away as the jutsu somehow disrupted the chakra holding him together.

Menma laughed mockingly as he floated over to the dying Uchiha. "You stupid arrogant prick, did you honestly believe I would just lay down and die for you? Tsk. tsk."

Obito growled as he focused on the purple aura completely covering the Uzumaki. Somehow it allowed the boy to fly or at least float somehow. "H-How?"

"How?" Menma tilted his head in mock confusion "Oh! You mean how did I hit you? Oh, well that's easy. Not even your fancy little sharingan techniques can stop cosmic energy, trust me I've tested them on Sasuke."

"Co- Cosmic?" Obito coughed out, feeling the blood splatter inside of his mask. Without the Zetsu parts his body was failing rapidly and for whatever reason he couldn't teleport out or end the jutsu. "Wait..."

"Ah, yes! Cosmic energy, marvelous stuff, works like nature energy according to what I've learned about nature senjutsu. Only instead of trying to fight off the world's malice you need to survive entirely ridiculous levels of radiation. Honestly if I wasn't both a descendant of Yaksha and a Jinchuuriki, I likely would have died just attempting to enter Cosmic mode." Menma obliged. He always wanted to do an evil villain monologue after securing the win, so far it's pretty fun.

Menma's face became mischievous as he reached into his tool bag. "Just between me and you though, I had a cheat code going into it." From within the bag he pulled out something round covered in a black cloth. "See when I was a kid, I went on a mission. I was supposed to help some people or something, I dunno, not important. What is important was when I laid eyes on this."

Obito watched as Menma unfurled the cloth and sitting in his palm was a purplish glowing rock. "This baby is a meteorite that landed on Elementia some 200 odd years ago. Those greedy bastards in the Hidden Star Village meditated around my baby and simulated senjutsu by drawing cosmic power from it. Anyway as soon as I entered the village I was drawn to it and when I first saw this magnificent specimen I knew I had to have it."

"So... you stole it?" Obito wondered, this time he was the one stalling for time.

Menma laughed "Stole it? Heavens no! I waited until the guy trying to steal it showed up, see he did most of the dirty work for me and got rid of most of the jounins left. So later after I killed his ass, I waited until the remaining Hoshi-ninwere asleep, finished them off and took it for myself."

Obito was starting to fade in and out of consciousness but he knew that Menma had gotten closer. "Now getting to how all of this relates to you. Cosmic energy has this really neat side-effect of essentially poisoning you. The foreign chakra-radiation turns even the best chakra control to shit the first couple of times you're exposed to it and you sir, just got a Rasenringu full of the stuff."

Obito's lone sharingan eye glared balefully that the blurry purple object, no longer even clearly hearing his killer's words. "-but best of all!" He knew he was dead, it was only a matter of seconds now but he felt it. The majority of the radiation melted away with Zetsu's body parts.

"Y-you..." Menma stopped mid-way of his closing speech when he heard Obito's voice.

"Eh!? Speak up there buddy, I couldn't hear ya!" He mocked, leaning in close with his hand cupped to his ear.

"You... talk... too much." Just then Obito's eye activated and he let himself slump forward, tapping Menma with his forehead. That was enough to activate his Kamui with his dying breath and send them both somewhere, anywhere, as long as it would kill them both.


Menma drifted along in the all-encompassing darkness that was the Twisting Nether. His body remained unconscious, the only thing keeping him alive was Kurama keeping the Cosmic cloak active around him by channeling the chakra himself.

From within his purple cocoon Menma began stirring after some time. He blinked blearily to find out just where the hell he was. Unknown to him the powers of the void had seeped into his body, eagerly entering the willing host that was constantly drawing it in.

Seeing that he was stuck floating in a black abyss Menma tried calling his only friend. "Yo Kurama, what's the deal? Where the hell are we?" He gave it a few moments before frowning. Kurama never ignored him so something was definitely up.

Closing his eyes Menma entered into a deep meditation, now more actively drawing in the powers of the void which still remained unknown to him. Menma was unsure if he had failed to enter his sealscape when nothing changed except for the fact that he was now standing on solid ground.

"Well that's progress I guess." He made his way through the abyss, heading towards the nearest source of colossal chakra that somehow felt a bit darker than usual but maybe Kurama was just feeling extra hateful today? Menma sure as hell was.


"What in the holy hell happened to you?" Menma deadpanned upon seeing his oldest friend.

The giant shadowy fox opened a baleful eye which now glowed with a blueish hue. "I've kept you alive, that's what happened to me dumbass. I've had to keep your senjutsu cloak active for the last... couple of years until your lazy ass could finally wake up and do it yourself."

"Years? How long have we been floating in space?" Menma demanded in a shocked tone.

"Not sure, time works differently out here. It's felt like a millenia some days and only a few hours others. It's... disconcerting."

"And the whole translucent thing you've got doing on?"

"Drawing in the pure and unfiltered power of the Void for so long will do that to you." Kurama drawled. "It fused with my chakra after a while and I permanently gained this shadow form."

Menma hummed in thought. "Interesting. Any changes?"

"I have an overwhelming desire to devour the weak." Kurama replied.

"...So no then?" Menma deadpanned. "Anything other than that?"

"Not that I could tell." Kurama answered with a shrug of his massive shoulders. "It has gotten easier to control the powers of the Void ever since the merge however."

"Huh, well anything I should know before taking over?"

"It will try to corrupt you. Don't let it." Was all Kurama offered before stopping his meditation and laying down, "Also find a way to get us out of here before you starve to death, feeding off chakra will only sustain us for so long." With that the massive fox fell asleep instantly.

Menma sweat-dropped. "Alright then..."


And so Menma sat, for who knows how long, simply meditating and bringing himself back up to full-strength while contemplating the images and thoughts that entered his mind. The Void spoke of many things, creatures and beings that inhabited it, its eternal battle against the Light, and its duty to imprison the Great Old Ones.

Then one day the Void whispered to him of its power, it promised a great many things but only a few truths came through. Once more, images of portals and black energy swirled through his mind.

Within his sealscape Menma embraced the new power, even the malicious feeling of the Void did little to bother him as he was used to being full of hatred and malice anytime he and Kurama worked together. So he merely wrote off the whispers of rampant murder and debauchery as his own passing thoughts to instead focus on the power the Void was willingly offering him.

"Shadow Bolt!" A massive ball of black energy zoomed from his arm through the sewer in his sealscape and blasted a hole in the wall. "Fucking shit!" He yelped in pain, apparently that hurt him... good to know.

Curious Menma peeked through the hole and was able to see the mental representations of his chakra. Red pipes for Kurama, Blue pipes for his own chakra and purplish pipes for Cosmic energy.

With little else to do while drifting in the vast empty space, he decided to train even if it was only within his sealscape. He learned and practiced everything he could from the Void for what felt like centuries and yet also only felt like a few days at the same time. Like Kurama said this was a strange phenomenon that the Twisting Nether had on Time and Space, twisting and turning it within the maelström of battling energies.

He once even tried absorbing the Light but it rejected him outright as it claimed that Menma's heart was full of darkness and became a willing servant to the Void. Well first off Light, Menma served no one but himself and secondly, fuck you with a cactus. So naturally Menma decided to antagonize the Light and its followers from then on simply out of spite.

Many of the abilities he could learn from the Void were rather bland as they simply tortured his target to death but others seemed incredibly useful. Shadowform which he had recently mastered not only empowered his Void abilities but he could also use it in fashion similar to Jiraiya's old camouflage technique, allowing him to literally fade into the shadows.

Likewise portals were of great interest to him and were likely his ticket out of the Twisting Nether. He had the knowledge of the demonic techniques of the Void creatures and even knowledge of how to summon a few but nowhere to actually practice as they didn't work within his sealscape.

When he awoke the first thing he noticed was his sore body, aching from disuse. "Damn." Menma grunted as he stretched to get the feeling back in his body. A dark purple/bluish aura surrounded him accompanied by his shadowy wings that signified his activated Cosmic mode. "Might as well make myself some room."

He was happy to see his earth-style wall technique work in the Nether to form a solid ground with plenty of room for him to move around in. Menma debated on what to practice first but ultimately decided to summon the weakest demon he knew how.

Taking out a kunai he began carefully carving the summoning circle that was required for calling a certain demon for the first time. The Void guided his hand into carving the Imp summoning circle. After he was done he charged the large rune with his chakra much like he would a seal and was pleased when it lit up and hummed with power.

Next he began chanting in a guttural and alien language, his hands beginning to glow a bright incandescent purple as he literally willed himself to rip open a hole in space-time to bring a minor demon through. It took a few moments to find his intended target before a tiny being joyfully leapt through the portal.

"Galtak Ered'nash!" The glowing green imp shouted as he jumped through only to suddenly grind to a halt and step back in fear once he spotted Menma, quickly holding up its hand in defense. "Raknah! Raknah! Ich tor veni! Shaza, shaza!"

"...What?" Menma scratched his head as he looked at the tiny creature that was cowering in fear of him while speaking what he could only guess was demonic. Or maybe impish? He wasn't sure.

"No- No kill! Beg, no kill great one!" The little imp pleaded desperately.

"I'm not going to kill you imp. I'm the one who summoned you." Menma told the frightened little guy before it had a heart attack. If demons even had hearts... does Kurama have a heart? Doubtful.

"Great one... summon Kar'Zekul?" The imp blinked and finally lowered his hands before staring wide-eyed at the newly minted warlock. "G-Great one make contract with Kar'Zekul?"

"Is that your name? Kar'Zekul?" Menma asked, figuring he should at least know the name of the imp before moving on to the 'great one' thing. Then again considering he summoned it he technically was the imp's master now so maybe that's just what it decided to call him? He wasn't sure.

Menma decided he wasn't sure about a lot of things lately. Then again being tossed into what is essentially space-hell would probably do that to someone.

"Y-Yes! This one is Kar'Zekul!" The imp answered quickly. "Kar'Zekul heeded call of great demon... is... master, great demon?"

Menma nodded slowly "Well technically I'm human but I suppose I'm also part demon... in a way."

The imp nodded enthusiastically before biting one of its claws, drawing a sickly green liquid from it. "Kar'Zekul is ready to serve master!"

"Oh right, the blood pact." Menma copied the imp's action and bit his own thumb hard enough to draw blood which he touched to the imp's bloodied claw. "With this, I call upon a blood pact, formed between us both."

"Kar'Zekul accepts and serves master... umm... master-?"

"Menma. Uzumaki Menma."

"Master Menma!" Fel energies entwined the two of them in the shape of fiery green chains before dissipating, Menma now able to feel a clear connection with his new servant.

"So, I have a few questions." Menma told the imp who nodded, happy to aid its new master in whatever he needed. "Are you male or female? Or do imps not have a gender?"

The imp recoiled as if he had been struck "I-I'm male! Can't you tell from my manliness!?"

"Right, of course, how silly of me." Menma tried to placate the imp. "Next is, how come you can suddenly speak my language when you were struggling with it before?"

"Ah, that's an easy one boss! Us imps are used as scouts by the Legion so naturally we're able to quickly adapt to that world's languages and cultures and other such things. When we make a contract with a Warlock though, a lot of stuff transfers over. Like language." The imp answered. "It works both ways since you should know some of the stuff that I know now too!"

Menma didn't really notice any new information but years of passively ignoring influxes of memories from shadow clones probably had a hand in that. He would have to meditate on this. "Alright, fair enough. Next question, is there a special reason why you're green? The Void really only mentioned grayish looking imps."

Kar'Zekul scoffed and crossed his arms "Of course ! I'm a Fel Imp, Boss! A pure-blood imp born at the heart of the Legion! I'm way stronger than that trash those baby warlocks summon!"

"Right." Menma nodded once more. "Ok, last question, are you any good with portals?"

"Portals? Hmm... well us imps do use them for scouting worlds but we usually have coordinates to work from. I'm not really great at just making random portals but I can look up some info for you if you like? Some of the other demons are bound to know something, if not I could always check Argus." The imp shrugged, letting his new master decide the best course of action.

"Argus?" Menma asked, unfamiliar with the name.

"The Legion home world." The imp stated casually.

"Right." The Legion. A literal legion of demons, hell-bent on setting worlds on fire. He almost forgot about that. "I think that'll be all for now Kar'Zekul. See if you can find any information of making portals, specifically small personal ones to hopefully nearby habitable worlds."

The imp gave a small salute "You got it Boss!" Before letting himself fade back in the Nether.

"Well that was strange but I guess that me being in the center of the Twisting Nether allowed me to call up one of the stronger imp races." Menma was almost tempted into calling for a Voidwalker and seeing what popped out but decided against it. There was time for that later.

AN - The story begins in the year 12 ADP (after dark portal) two years after the end of the Second War and pretty much goes AU right off the bat due to Menma's sudden interference. The dates for certain events aren't specifically stated so I will play with the timeline a bit to suit my needs but for the most part I will be following the Warcraft timeline of events meaning that the story will start at 12 ADP and end roughly around 27~28 ADP.

Pairing wise Menma will have many partners but only three primary consorts that I've already decided on, the first being fairly obvious given the next few chapters. I plan on updating every second Monday with varying chapter lengths. Before I used to try and force myself to write about 3k words before putting something out but I've decided that if a chapter feels done and ends well I'll put it out regardless if it's 2k or 10k words.

Chapter 2

12 ADP (After Dark Portal)

"Ah! Shit! Fuck! Ass! Mother. Fucking. Son. Of. A-" Menma cursed as he rolled down a hill occasionally hitting a few trees on the way down before his back slammed into a large boulder that finally stopped his rapid descent and violent cursing. "...Bitch."

He let out a sigh of annoyance more than pain before pulling himself out of the dip his back made into the stone. A casual look around told him he definitely wasn't anywhere recognizable. "Shit."

Looking up at the sky he was even further annoyed to see his entry-point had vanished. "Double shit." He took another look around. It seemed to be a heavily wooded area but his keen hearing was able to pick up the bustle of a city not too far away. "Some outlying woods then."

He rubbed his back, face scrunching up as his mood soured even more. "I swear to Kami, Menma, how the fuck do you get yourself into these messes? First some cock-gobbler in a stupid mask tries to play you and then some freaky orange wearing fuck sharing your face shows up outta nowhere with a somehow even more annoying version of Sakura and then that previously mentioned cock-gobbler sent me to the fucking Twisting Nether of all places for shit knows how long until I finally escape only to end up tumbling down a hill like an asshole!"

Menma grumbled as he dusted himself off "And worst of all, I didn't even get to have angry break-up sex with Hinata before I got sent away! Ain't that a bitch?" He lamented to himself, feeling slightly better after venting out his frustrations to the lonely woods.

The Uzumaki figured he might as well set off to find that nearby city and get his bearing before looking for a way back to the Elemental Nations. Hopefully it was a civilian city and it wouldn't be crawling with shinobi looking for wanted murderers.

Because if it was then he might just have to drop a giant Rasenringu on some sorry sons of bitches for the misfortune of being in his line of sight while he was pissed off. Thousands, maybe even tens of thousands would die if that were the case. "I dare you fate, fucking try me, the moment I see a headband I'm nuking the place."

As he crested over a hill Menma could make out the tip of some fancy spire in the distance, it served as a suitable landmark and he quickly made for it after leaping into the trees.

He allowed his mind to wander as he traveled through the trees by pure instinct alone, his thoughts returned to just a few hours past when his imp Kar'Zekul returned from his task...

~ Between 6 hours and 97 years earlier ~

"I'm hungry..." Menma was once more mindlessly floating in the eternal emptiness of space with his Cosmic Cloak ironically acting as a light source against the darkness. He briefly considered attempting to summon that Voidwalker again but was distracted by the sudden tear in reality.

Kar'Zekul leap through his personal portal holding a bundle of items in a sack. He smiled a fang filled grin at his master and presented his bounty "I got whatcha' wanted!"

Menma raised an eyebrow "That was quick, you weren't even gone longer than a few minutes."

"It's actually been like five months, bro." Kar'Zekul corrected "It took some time and a bit of sneaking to get some of this stuff."

"Huh," Menma considered adding something to that but decided against it. The Nether was doing that time-fuckery thing again and it seemed that Kar'Zekul also understood that well.

He decided to drop it and instead reached for the sack. There were a few books inside, three scrolls and a few engraved rocks that looked like demonic runes. "Not bad."

Then a thought occurred to him "How are you not dead right now? I mean we are in the vacuum of space with zero oxygen." He was only alive thanks to his Cosmic Sage cloak covering him completely.

Kar'Zekul blinked in confusion "Because I'm a demon? We're kind of made from the Nether, wouldn't make sense if we couldn't survive in it right?"

Menma nodded, that did indeed make sense after all. "How are you talking though, there's no air?"

"Magic." Kar'Zekul answered glibly.

"Right, of course." Again, that also made sense in a weird sort of way. Even if it did take him some time before he accepted that magic was real and that was only after he started firing shadow bolts. "So what should I read first?"

"OH! That one." Kar'Zekul pointed at a black tome with glowing green letters on the front.

"Personal Portals for Pu'raka... Pu'raka? What's that?" Menma asked.

"Demon slang, it basically translates into 'dumb-fucks'." Kar'Zekul informed him. "It's a joke that this book could even teach idiots how to conjure portals." The imp added helpfully.

Menma just glared at it "Yeah, I got that, thanks."

Then he thought about what he just learned. "So does Pu mean fuck or Raka?" Menma was always happy to learn new ways to curse, in this case it might even be literal if he could turn it into a spell chant.

"Raka." Kar'Zekul answered gleefully. "Never mind that for now though bro, get to reading! I know just the world we can portal to, got the coordinates and everything."

"Is that right?" Menma responded idly as he cracked the book open. He could somewhat make out the demonic writing with only a few phrases and words needing further translation. Kar'Zekul seemed more than content to just float about and act as his translator as he read through the book.

It didn't take very long, or at least didn't feel very long until he finished the book, then again it could have been ten-thousand years since he started and he would be none the wiser. "It was a little too dry for the my tastes but at least it did explain in-depth how to create personal portals for yourself and others well enough for me to understand."

"So, we ready to head out now then?" The imp asked excitedly.

Menma thought about it before shaking his head "No, I'd like to complete my contracts first. Seeing as we're essentially in the demon realm I want to see if I can't summon up stronger version of normal warlock summons, if those are even a thing?"

Kar'Zekul nodded his head, his long ears flapping about as he did so. "Yeah, usually they stick to a few races. Imps; voidwalkers, succubi, and felhunters. The stronger and more experienced warlocks can also summon felguards, doomguards and infernals as well!"

"Interesting. Might as well go with the usual four then." Menma proclaimed as he floated his way back towards the still floating Earth Wall that had his summoning rune engraved in. "If I recall correctly adjusting this rune slightly and adding this one will... yep that looks about right."

He spoke to himself in concentration as he finished cutting in the new modifications to the rune scheme and powering it. "Alright KZ, you ready?"

"KZ?" The imp asked in confusion.

"Don't like it?"

KZ thought about it for a second before shrugging "I'm cool with it bro."

"Alright, I'm starting the ritual then!" Once more the tainted energy of the twisting nether encased his hands in the violet color, bright and luminous as he muttered guttural words in demonic while holding one of the soul shards KZ had brought him as a sacrifice.

After a few moments he felt something come through. "I am the cleanser... of the void..."

KZ's already normally wide eyes expanded even further in disbelief while paling rapidly "Y-Y-Y-You- You summoned one of THEM!?" Menma could understand the imp's fear as he stared up at the truly fucking massive voidwalker covered in armored plating.

The large shadow demon looked down at the two beings before him, towering almost three times more than the taller one. It inspected the human, it believed they were called, and sensed the power and great darkness within it. A literal mass of shadows that he had only ever sensed around his fellow lords. "What... is your name... summoner?"

Menma looked up at the demon wearily. Needless to say he was expecting his voidwalker to be somewhat... smaller. "Uzumaki Menma." Still he managed to answer confidently.

The Voidlord pondered on the name before bowing it's massive body slightly "You may call me Sha... do not summon me for trifling matters." Sha said slowly before thrusting his hand out towards Menma who made to dodge only for his arm to yank up suddenly with a shadowy tendril shooting out of it.

The Voidlord met it with his own and suddenly Menma could feel a connection form in his mind. Your enemies will not escape my fury... He heard the disembodied voice of Sha echo in his mind before the titanic voidwalker faded from view.

Menma was still tense a few moments after before the connection with Sha faded into the back of his mind. With a sigh he left his shoulders slump from their readied position "Well, that was a thing."

"DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHO YOU JUST SUMMONED!?" The imp cried hysterically.

"Sha from the sounds of it." Menma answered with a shrug before glaring at the imp "Oh, and don't fucking yell at me."

"That big bastard's name isn't Sha, it's Shabbith!" The imp corrected frantically.

"Okay? Is that supposed to mean something to me?" Menma replied shortly.

"Shabbith is one of the original nine Voidlords, more commonly known as Shabbith the Disintegrator... because he Disintegrates!"

Well that was an interesting title. "Disintegrates what?"

"Everything!" The imp nearly shouted once more.

"Alright, we'll just keep Sha in reserves then." Menma honestly didn't think it was that big of a deal, I mean sure Sha was fucking massive but Kurama was like three times bigger than even him especially now that he was complete. "I think I'll wait on summoning the others as well, Kami knows what the fuck else I'll summon instead of a normal demon if I try that again."

"Right," KZ nodded shakily before taking a calming breath. "Sorry bro, kinda lost my cool there."

"Whatever." Menma groused before picking up one of the scrolls. "Let's just get back to the main mission, Operation: Get me the hell out of the Void."

"Hell Yeah!"

So they sat down and read quietly with Menma only asking KZ for clarification on a few words he still didn't know. "Hey so KZ, what's this world you want to take us to? Tell me about it."

"OH it's great! Never been myself, but from what I hear it's one of the most magically rich planets in the entire universe! The Legion tried to invade it a couple thousand years ago but were pushed back but if it's just us sneaking in under the radar? Easy. Damn I'm getting hungry just thinking about it!" Kar'Zekul mumbled at the end, globs of neon green drool spilling from its jaws.

Menma nodded slightly as he continued reading the scroll "You demons feed off of magic right?"

"Not just feed off of it, we become more powerful the more we eat! Why do you think demons bind themselves to warlocks? So we can feast while on their world. Most demons kick up a fuss about being summoned but usually go along with it anyway for a tasty meal every once in a while." KZ explained. "Then there's the lucky bastards who become a warlock's favorite and essentially stay permanently summoned to their side... it's usually those sluts or the felguards though."

Menma looked up from his last scroll with a raised eyebrow "Sluts?"

"Succubi." KZ spat out, "They whore themselves out to their warlock in exchange for staying on their world."

"Huh." Menma shrugged "Guess I'll have to break mine in when I get her."

"Seriously bro? I thought we were cool and you wanna ditch me for some skank?" KZ complained "What ever happened to bros before hoes?"

"Apparently demon pussy." Menma said with a chuckle.

"Nah bro, you don't want none of that, those bitches get around. Most of them have more diseases than a plague-world."

"What in the fresh hell is a plague-world?"

"The plague-worlds were used to test the Plague, with a capital P, in these worlds the Scourge Undead fully populate the planet and let me tell you the smell of a million walking corpses is vomit inducing."

"Ugh." Menma suddenly shivered in revulsion. "Fuck that."

"Seriously." KZ nodded emphatically.

"Well I finished the last scroll that went in-depth into proper coordinate specifications, good call on that one by the way. I'd rather not end up underground or in the middle of an ocean." Menma said before sitting up, taking a glance down at his useful if somewhat annoying companion. "Alright how do we start?"

"Well first get a soul shard out." KZ suggested "Then kinda... imagine... where you want to go."

"But I don't know where I'm supposed to be going." Menma deadpanned.

"Yeah, magic is weird like that, just think 'I want to go to Azeroth' concentrate on making a hole that ends up there and click your heels three times. Easy right?" KZ explained in his own odd way.

Menma huffed at the particularly unhelpful answer. "Fine. Here goes nothing." He gripped the soul stone tightly as he imagined a world called Azeroth in his mind and much to his surprise after a few minutes of concentrating he felt a slight pull.

It was almost like fishing. Essentially his magic or 'bait' resonated with that of the world's and it took a bite but now he had to drag that line back to him and tear open the hole in reality that would allow him access to Azeroth.

Menma started sweating as the forces of the Nether fought against him, the shadows didn't want him to go and were actively working against him. "Dammit!"

With a roar Menma flooded his body with Kurama's chakra and used it as extra leverage to reel the line in. Finally after nearly giving his imp a heart-attack from the explosive demonic aura that suddenly surrounded him a greenish portal with a solid black center coalesced before him but was failing rapidly.

"Quick, get in!" KZ yelled before pushing Menma into the portal "Summon me on the other-"

The imp's words were cut short as the portal suddenly collapsed. Kar'Zekul grimaced "-Side. I really hope my first warlock didn't die trying to reverse-summon himself. The other imps would never let me live it down..."

~ Present Time ~

As Menma jumped through the trees down the hill he suddenly remembered something and stopped on the next branch. "Wait, why the hell am I running?" This time when Menma kicked off the branch he didn't come back down and instead soared through the sky.

"I was floating for so long I actually forgot I could fly since it felt like I was always flying." Shaking his head in annoyance Menma sped up as he could see the city at he bottom of the hill growing larger.

"Well look at these fancy schmucks." Fancy was really the best way he could describe it. It looked like a crap ton of giant purple candles sticking out of the ground with little blue lights everywhere. From what he could see of in the distance there also seemed to be houses outside of the city, likely for the civilian population that tended the farms he could see nearby.

Seeing a lake in front of him he decided to drop by and freshen up for a bit before entering the city. Without a care he dive bombed right for the lake, with a tap of his coat it was sealed into his arm-guards followed by his pants, shoes and underwear.

Now stark naked he let out a whoop of excitement and let himself plunge into the crystal clear water. The water was cold in what he could only assume was the early morning and it was certainly bracing but Menma enjoyed it nonetheless.

Opening his eyes underwater he was able to spot a school of fish not too far and figured he could go for some grilled fish after not having eaten for... well for however long he was in the Nether. Turning around he made towards the shore only to stop as a pair of surprised bright blue eyes similar to his stared back at him in shock.

Menma raised an eyebrow in surprise before looking down and yep, she was just as he naked as he was. Not bad. Menma thought, she wasn't as busty as Hinata but then again there weren't many fully grown women with bodies like Hinata's and especially not teenagers.

The girl saw where he was looking and covered herself up in indignation before swimming up to the surface. Menma rolled his eyes, seriously what's a little skin? Some people. Still he figured he should at least say something before she likely starts freaking out.

Menma surfaced with a gasp of air, quickly swiping the water from his face. Just as he was about to say something the girl started yelling. "Ohw era uoy!?"

Menma blinked in confusion before scowling. "What did you just call me?"

Then it was the girl's turn to blink in confusion before also turning angry "Tahw era ouy gniod ereh? Rewsna em!"

"Hey fuck you, I'll have you know that my mother is... a decent person I suppose!" Naturally he had no idea what this chick was saying but it'd been so long since he saw another human that he was willing to just keep shouting nonsense at this girl for a while until she figured out that he had no idea what the hell she was saying. "And for your information, no, my dick is usually a good bit larger it's just really fucking cold this morning!"

A frustrated look came upon the girl's face as they now just floated in the water in silence, one of her arms still covering her milky white breasts as her golden hair cascaded around her soft face. Well looks like she's past the shouting phase at least, maybe I should introduce myself now.

Making a show of clearing his throat he gestured to himself. "I'm Menma." He said before repeating his name once more in an unnecessarily assholish tone "Mennnmaaaaaaa."

The girl's eye twitched in annoyance but it seemed she got the idea. With a sigh she gestured to herself with her free hand. "Jaina." Before repeating it in a condescending voice. "Jaiiiinaaaaaa."

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