
My CO Stash #63 - Asura's Rage. by Desolatedsabers (Asura'sWrathXDCU)

-Best dad Asura reincarnates in the DCU with a red power ring replacing his Mantra reactor~ Pretty much adoption plans coming, starting with Jinx!

*Lowkey kind of funny as i'm getting boomer vibes from him lol/

Sypnosis: ???

Rated: T

Words: 21K

Posted on: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/asuras-rage-asuras-wrath-dc-teen-titans-crossover.834567/#post-65828253 (Desolatedsabers)

PS: If you're not able to copy/paste the link, you have everything in here to find it, by simply searching the author and the story title. It sucks that you can't copy links on mobile (´ー`)

-I'll be putting the chapter ones of all the fanfics mentioned, to give you guys a sample if you wan't more please do go to the website and support the author! (And maybe even convince them to start uploading chapters in here as well!)

Chapter 1-3

A life well spent.

In the moment of his death, Asura realised a few things. The first was that he was as much a bastard as Chakravartin for making his daughter cry. The second, was that it didn't hurt as much as he'd expected.

The third, was that he couldn't see his wife, or any of the so called "seven deities".

As he slowly fades away, his hands, what remained of them, resting on his chest, he realises that he isn't going to end up where his wife is.

This thought both comforts, and hurts him. Because it means that she was allowed to pass on to a better place, but now he won't be able to see her again.

What brings him back to reality is a large flash of Red. It is an angry red, much like the colour of blood, but glowing. Instead of being irritated at being reminded of things such as the Gohma, he finds comfort in it. The Rage plaguing him has finally found a kindred spirit.

He blinks, and with that blink his daughter is gone. As are his arms.

The only thing greeting him, is the dirt. Odd, he was expecting the pillar.

He can't feel his connection to the Mantra Reactor Yasha gifted him, instead the thing in its' place being similar to the Red light that greeted him in his dying vision. Only… he's not dying, is he?

The ground is warm. Picking himself back up with his legs is irritating, but not something that he isn't used to, considering all of the times he's lost his arms.

The settlement… City? That greets his gaze is at times familiar and strange. Glass buildings stand tall while smaller buildings of brick and stone litter the pathways. Metal constructs, similar to the flying automata cover the roads.

It is… Strange… to see a city like this, without seeing anything like the automata, or the guardian deities.

Sighing, He slowly walks onward, staying out of the roads to avoid a collision.

He also finds an uncomfortable similarity in the way people will move away from him, or gasp in shock when they see him. He would always terrify the people he protected, even now when there were none to protect.

He hears a large amount of high pitched noises. Irritating. Walking closer would probably allow him to remove the noise, or the reason for it, so he does. The walkway of the city changes, as there are more glass buildings around.

All he ever seems to do when he isn't fighting is walk, or climb. Walk the fields with Ahria, may she rest quietly. Climb the pillar of Naraka, back into the world of the living. Walk, walk walk. He's starting to get sick of it.

His body glows red, and starts to float. Not quite as gentle as his Mantra form had it, but usable enough to get the job done.


The building he approaches is out of place among the glass behemoths. A large brick building, with the words "National Bank of Jump City" written on the front. He assumes Jump City might be important enough to write down.

Most humans didn't record history in the twelve thousand years he spent dead, otherwise they'd have remembered him. Remembered the monster he was accused of being.

Landing is an easy affair, as he'd already grown used to flight. Getting past the strange blue group of humans is also easy, though they do try to stop him. They don't succeed, mostly because he's just too heavy to move for their bodies.

The… he can't quite tell what this creature is. Its skin is blue, it has a pointed nose, and a very sharp chin. It's also dressed in a silly outfit with a foolish looking hat, waving around a black and white stick.

All in all, the creature looks and acts like a fool, but it is causing the ones behind him to use their irritating noises.

"YES, FLEE COWARDS BEFORE THE AWESOME MIGHT, OF THE INCREDIBLE MUMBOOOOO JUMBOOOOO! Coming to a circus near you. Now with this lovely little bit of capital, I'll finally be able to start my own show stoppers! Starting, with the incredible police force of this quaint little city!"

"Your voice is annoying, be quiet."

The creature seems to deflate for a moment, surprised at being insulted most likely, before it frowns, rallying itself and puffing up it's chest.

"HOW DARE YOU!? If there's one thing I absolutely HATE, it's a heckler. AND ALL HECKLERS WILL… Errr… Where are your arms?"

He frowns at the creature, annoyed now. "I don't require my arms to break you over my knee. I've pulped creatures larger than you with a kick. Do not make me destroy you."


The creature points the stick towards him, a ray of light leaving it as it hits him… And… Harmlessly splashes off his chest?

"Was that meant to do something, creature?"

It's shocked from the look of it. What kind of object could give something so much faith in it working?

"Wh, That… That's impossible. Nothing can resist being hit by my magical wand! How are you still normal?"

"I will give you one chance to surrender. Before I pulp you over my knee. The choice is yours creature." He grins the evil grin he used to scare the automata that used to be under his command. "I hope you choose the second. Make it fun."

Oh, that's odd. His Aura has flared up. But he doesn't have a mantra battery anymore.

Gold, Yellow, and Red this time. Different. But not unexpected.

The blue creature, Mumbo Jumbo it called itself? Stomps the ground a bit, before taking off it's hat and putting the stick inside of it.

"Fine, fine. I quit. Heckler."

He nods, hearing the noises disappear. Peaceful again.


Walking around the city is both comfortable, and painfully familiar. He wishes that Durga, and Mithra were here. Maybe even Ahria as well. His wife probably would've loved the young girl.

Then again, considering she had a frightful tendency to not listen when told to run, maybe it would be for the better that her and Mithra never met. They'd find ways of making him terrified that they'd get hurt again.

The sand is a nice feeling under his feet, crunching softly and reminding him of the coastal areas back home. The weird glass tower across the water is a strange sight, but the way it reflects the sunlight brings a nostalgic smile to his face. It reminds him of better times. Before the betrayal. Before Chakravartin meddled.

Then again, considering the revelation that he made the Gohma, maybe he was always meddling.

The weight in his chest is too off to be a Mantra Reactor. Namely, the spirit energy it's channeling is only his. And only his rage at that. Then again, he's always had trouble controlling himself. Or he did, until he had to fight Chakravartin.

The form he took to protect the world from one of the so called "Gods" blasts was a powerful state, but uncomfortable all the same. He was in complete control of his anger, able to channel it towards defending the world. And feeling so strange in his own skin while he did.

He's always been angry. He'll always be angry. But it's moments like this, away from the fighting he so craves, that he can find a moment of peace.

He hasn't seen even a single mention of the Gohma. He's thankful for it. That should also mean that the seven deities don't exist in any form here either.

It will also mean. That Mithra. Doesn't exist either.

His skin roils with Red at the very idea that his daughter is dead or gone. But, from the look of things. None of them existed in the first place. Or at the least, they were never remembered. He is thankful for this, even if it hurts him to think of Mithra being forgotten by anyone.

Then again, considering what happened to her when he died the first time, perhaps being forgotten was a mercy.

He doesn't need to sleep. Or even need food. But at this point, sleeping on the beach isn't too bad. Meditation works just as fine.

A tiny smile replaces his ever present frown. Not an angry smile, or a bloodthirsty grin. Just a small smile, like the ones he'd share with Durga when Mithra was enjoying herself.

Drifting off isn't too difficult. He's out in ten minutes.


A dark place, full of screens showing most of Jump City. A man, encased in shadow, watching all of them.

Two in particular take his interest, one showing his favourite targets, the Teen Titans. The other, showing an armless cripple on a beach.

"I want this man observed. Let us see if he is an asset, or a detriment. Cinderblock, go activate stage 3."

A large stone creature holding something vaguely gun shaped nods, before walking off.

"Strange developments are happening today, of all days. I wonder who you are, armless man."

The screen zooms in on Asura's body, making particular note of the missing appendages, as well as the strange symbols in his body, an eerie red light coursing through them.

"Who indeed?"


Alright so, this was written up because it was a plot that stuck in my brain a lot. mostly cause, angry dad is best dad.

Yes, he doesn't get to reincarnate with his wife, but maybe shenanigans will happen that'll pull her into dc, maybe it won't. i won't tell.

Anyway, this chapter looks like a rainbow vomited, but it's good enough for what i'm going for. If you don't like all the random colours, sorry but that's kind of the thing with lantern stories. the colours show up everywhere. I'm not gonna tint Asura's speech with Red constantly though, only because he's connected to a battery or a ring big enough to be a battery. rather then having it distort his speech and stuff.

So anyway, is this any good? is it bad? tell me, and give me your thoughts on this story. Sorry that it's short, but i wanted to end it on a bit of a quieter note.

The current timeline is that he wakes up during episode 1, around the time that cyborg split from the group. I used mumbo jumbo to start with a weird villain, and also because, as well as having a lantern ring, Asura's body is so strange it's immune to basic/low tier reality warping. Not sure if that'll change with the higher tiers or not, we'll see.

Anyway, i hope you enjoyed, and have a lovely daynight thing.

Also the name of the chapter comes from the final episode of Asura's Wrath. A life well lived.

Chapter 2


Night has fallen when he comes out of the meditative trance. If he strains his hearing enough he can hear something being destroyed or attacked.

As he gets up to go deal with it, the noise stops. It seems he wasn't needed.

The sun rises slowly, Asura standing on the beach, watching it gently. He'd thought that he'd managed to kick the negative feelings of Mantra, but watching it here has him feeling melancholy. Reminded of better times with Durga, Mithra, Yasha, Even Master Augus, before he fell into hedonism.

He is thankful there is no sand caught in his arm sockets. While he could probably burn them out with the Rage inside of him, it'd still feel irritating until he did.

The waves are flowing, but the beach is still. The only distraction being the crunching of sand a slight distance away from him.

Looking to his left, he sees another strange looking creature… person? This one with greying skin and pink hair.

And of course, just like Yasha, she's brooding. The thought brings a silent chuckle out of his throat, remembering how Durga would always tell him that he was the one brooding when he was too angry to speak.

He waits, seeing if she'll try to speak to him, as he looks back across the water, the waves calming him further after his meditation. When she doesn't, he decides to speak, needing information despite not wanting to interrupt whatever it is the girl is thinking about.

"Girl. What is this place called?"

She jumps. Did she not notice him while she was walking? But rallies herself, frowning at him for a moment before her eyes change to surprised. Is he really that strange?

"W-What happened to your arms?"

Groaning in annoyance, because of course the first thing she says is that. He gives her a flat look.

"I destroyed my arms assaulting a being that thought that it was a god, and because of that, had the right to decide how the universe was allowed to develop. And because it made my daughter cry."

"You… You punched out a guy, claiming to be god, so hard that your arms exploded… Because he made your daughter cry?"

She sounds incredulous. Parenting standards must be lower than what he's used to.

"Yes. As all fathers should."

She moves again, sitting down next to him. "As all fathers should huh? You have high standards, don't you?"

He grunts, nodding. "I have to. Otherwise I will fail. As I failed before."

He can hear her sigh, before she lays back over the sand. "Well to answer your question big guy, you're in a place called Jump City. It's what's left of San Francisco after the Thanagarians invaded. They bombed at least a good chunk of it into the ocean."

He ruminates on it, the information both making sense and not. "I have questions. First, what is San Francisco. Second, What are Thanagarians? Third, do you have any Vajra metal facilities nearby?"

She makes an almost strangled noise for a second, but calms down quick enough.

"Uh okay, so you're basically just a fish out of water then. Uhhh, San Francisco was a city in the united states of america, which is a country that sprung up some two or three hundred years ago. Uhhh, Thanagarians are these weird Bird people aliens that invaded earth about two years ago, they wanted to blow up the planet because it would be more efficient for them with one of their wars, or something? And i don't know what Vajra metal is, sorry."

He is quiet, able to hear the sand shift as she moves around. "Thank you for the information girl. I am Asura, and before the betrayal I suffered, and my first death, I was known as one of the eight guardian generals of Shinkoku Trastrium. It is… Nice, to meet you."

She snorts, looking annoyed but also intrigued.

"My, well my new name is Jinx. You know you're named after a demon right? Should probably be careful about that. Now… What'd ya mean 'your first death'?"

Another sigh escapes him, not enjoying having to explain it again and again.

"In the afterlife there is a pillar. And if you can climb this pillar without falling, you will be brought back to life as you are. If you fall, you will reincarnate as something else. I couldn't afford to fall, so every time i found myself back at the pillar, I would climb it with no breaks and no stopping. I couldn't afford to give up, and lose the abilities I have, else I'd never have been able to kill the seven so called 'deities' that had betrayed me. Or the one pulling their strings, Chakravartin."

He can hear the girl hum, for such a small thing she enjoys being as loud as possible.

"The eight guardian generals. You were the eighth, so were the other seven the ones that became the seven deities?"

He nods his head, not wanting to talk about it again.

"Betrayed by your closest comrades. That's a hell of a thing. Hey you mentioned your abilities yeah, what can you do?"

He must have stayed quiet for longer then he thought, because he can hear the girl calling him.

"Asura? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I can understand not wanting to reveal anything important."

He's been sighing a lot today. Yasha's Mantra is bothering him even now, long after his death. Melancholy always was one of the most annoying.

"I can channel the power of Mantra. As I am right now, my control of it manifests within the fires of rage. If i get angry enough, I will become more powerful as time goes on. And if i get too angry… I will become a monster, focused on devastation of my enemies. But that Wrath has only formed in me from grief. I doubt it will manifest again. My arms will also grow back, but it is easier to have the metal on hand. Does that satisfy your curiosity?"

Another hum, but she doesn't speak again.


"So you're gonna run up the tallest building you can find, just so you can get an idea of where everything is? Wouldn't a map be easier?"

"I do not know how to read your maps fluently, it would at most give me a minor idea. Better that I can see it all."

Jinx opens her mouth a few times, trying to respond to him. It reminds him of Mithra a little, whenever he'd have an argument she couldn't beat, or couldn't understand.

Eventually she seems to give up, crossing her arms and looking away.

"Fine, whatever. Just don't get arrested or something. You weirdo."

He laughs lightly. "Coming from you I'll assume that's a great compliment. Be safe Jinx."

The sun is out, the morning dusk long gone now. It was enjoyable to sit, talk, and just enjoy the sunset.

Running through the city, he is careful to not hit anyone or anything in his path, knowing how easy it would be to accidentally turn the humans into a red mist by running through them. He simply wants to get to the top of a building, not annihilate something.

It's surprising how much he's gotten used to running without his arms, he doesn't need them to counter balance at all. Then again, he still doesn't have his arms. And he never really trained his kicks as much, so it'd be a lot harder to pull them if he did have to hit someone.

He does crack the stone when he slows down on his arrival to the large glass building. Irritating, but not surprising.

While it'd be fun to jump or run up the building, he does understand the idea of too much force. Activating the Reactor-like object in his chest, he begins to float again, hovering up the side of the building slowly, to avoid kicking up winds that could actually hurt the people around him. Some of them only get knocked to the ground, the rest stay standing but are ruffled. Progress he'd say if he were honest with himself.

As he floats up the building, he can hear the same annoying noises from the brick building, and notices two flying machines coming toward the area.

Something must be happening. They'll likely deal with it though.

Landing on the rooftop is a bit smoother than yesterday, less of a thump and more a tap on the ground. And as an upside, the stone roof isn't cracked either.

The flying machines are awfully close, thankfully not obstructing his view of the city, but still close enough to be irritating. And their downwind generation is making it annoying to stand on the rooftop.

Four points. At least ten locations that look different. The most noteworthy being the glass tower in the bay, and the buildings with a hive based construction. On purpose? Or just shoddy craftsmanship?

He's starting to notice that these helicopters have strange boxes on the side. Lenses too. Recording devices? Why would they bother recording him? All he's trying to do is see where everything is.

He probably should've asked Jinx what "police" were. Were they soldiers?

Looking towards the Tower again, he notices a green flying shape… No, three? Four shapes, flying towards his direction. Focusing his eyes, he sees an orange girl, and three men with green rings on their hands. Though, one is barely a man, more an older boy.

Who are they? What could be the point of the recording devices? And what are police?

The three men with rings are faster than the orange girl, arriving near him within a few seconds.

"Red lantern, we ask you to stand down and accept arrest!"

The one speaking to him is obviously used to being in charge. Reminds him of Deus, but without the arrogant pride.

"I am unsure what the word 'arrest' means. Standing down would imply that I was fighting, when I am only getting a view of the area. And what is a Red Lantern?"

Before the one that addressed him can pipe up, the one on his left, the older one with the foolish haircut, opens his mouth.

"Sorry pal, we're askin the questions 'ere. Like what happen'd to yer arms. An how'd a Red Lantern managed ta show up on earth. An what'sa good reason not ta try n beat yer face in?"

Baring his teeth, he finds he's minorly angry at the arrogant one, but sighs again.

"I destroyed my arms killing a so called 'creator deity', because he situated events that lead to my wife dying, my closest friends betraying me, and caused my daughter to cry. I do not know what a Red Lantern is, nor why it's so important. And for your final question, you would likely lose."

"OHSAT A FACT THEN!? WHY DON'T WE-" "GUY! Not now. Not here."

His face scrunches up, like he's been forced to eat a lemon. Statements of fact must be strange around here.

The one in front, who he is defaulting as the leader, sighs explosively before looking back towards him.

"A Red Lantern is somebody that can manipulate the Red light of Rage. From the video we saw of you flying up the building, you can do that. So the guardians, and by extension the justice league, want to bring you in."

"I still do not follow. When a warrior is deemed a threat, they are usually executed. What do you mean by 'bringing me in' as you put it."

He seems to have shaken the three of them, why? Is that not normal?

His confusion must show, as the previously loud one actually looks… Worried?

"Look man, I dunno whatcher used to, but if whatcher sayin is true, then it'd be kind'va no brainer thatcha got a red ring. When we're sayin 'bring ya in', it means we're detainin ya."

That explains so much, but he still understands so little. But, shaking his head lightly, he doesn't want to start a fight. Not after his break. Not when they're actually trying to be helpful.

"Very well. But I will refuse to leave this planet. The Mantra is a comfort, even if it is not used."

He can hear something that sounds suspiciously like "what the fuck is mantra?" but puts it out of his mind. Floating up alongside them, he allows himself to be brought to a strange… pad… thing.

The technology of this Era is strange, but he will endure, as he always has.

The Mantra cuts off, but he finds himself in a room full of people. Turning, he can see the sun.

"Where, where are we?"

"The watchtower big guy. Make yerself at home."


And that's another chapter. trying to dial back on the colour vomit of the first chapter, which i think i've done.

Anyway, Asura's gotten the attention of the greenies with stopping Mumbo yesterday, which is why they were here today. the reason they didn't find him was because the battery was dormant while he slept.

So, give me a comment on how you like the story, tell me how you hate it et cetera. and i hope you have a lovely day.

Chapter 3



Asura is certain that there are few times that he's been this mad, but he is thankful that he finally has his arms back. Though he'll probably be using them if he doesn't enjoy the answers he gets.

"Woah woah, easy buddy. What's a Brahmastra?"

Reining in part of his rage, he regards the three green highlighted men in front of him.

"A Bramastra, is a superweapon designed to fire upon a planet. Powered by Mantra, the very souls of humans. And if you have one, nothing will save you."

The loud one is shaking his head. "It aint like that man, this is a ship, notta super weapon. There aint any weapons even on it 'side from our equipment. Just relax okay?"

The aura creeping in his vision recedes. The rage is cooling, and he stretches his arms, relieved to have them back. Only two this time though, and smaller then they usually are. Then again, maybe fighting Chakravartin only put him back to his original arms.

"Do not give me reasons to distrust you."

"Yeah yeah, i get it. Why're you so jumpy about a space station anyway? I mean aside from the last one you were on being a super weapon and all."

He seethes, remembering watching the Dharma cannon firing upon Gaea, doing nothing but killing more humans, and feeding Vlitra.

"Bad previous experiences would be the best way to describe it. Who are all of the people near us? I can feel them through the walls."

The younger green one decides to open his mouth again, probably to avoid a conflict.

"They're the Justice League. As well as honorary members, and sidekicks. Basically a group of superheroes, their job is to police the world's villain population, preventing them from destroying the world, or enslaving anyone."

He nods. An admirable goal to be sure.

Wait… They arrested him when they thought he was a threat.

"They at least make it so that the so-called 'villains' cannot repeat these actions, correct?"

An uncomfortable silence passes.

"Please do not tell me that-." "They don't kill people. They'll sometimes maim people, but those guys will heal."

He breathes through his nose, a small amount of rage leaking through until he breathes out.

"I cannot understand why you would spare someone willing to destroy a planet. Much less one you live on. Better to destroy them so they cannot repeat the action until they finally succeed. All it takes is doing it without advertising it."

"Well, with talk like that, I think i'm glad you're not trying to blow up the planet."

He snorts in disgust. "I am no god. I will not dole out destruction as if it is my right. And I refuse to be prayed to as a savior. Believing you hold the right to call for the destruction of a planet is foolhardy. And will be swiftly dealt with."

Walking forward, he goes for the strongest concentration of Mantra he can feel. Hopefully the ones he is meant to meet are there.

"Ah hey wait- ah dangit."

He can hear the three of them begin to jog after him as he strides through the halls.

The two strongest feelings of Mantra are seated, he can feel that as he walks up to the doors, one feeling like his own Mantra, though less focused in rage, and the other feels off. Potentially an alien like they spoke of.

The door opens, and as he looks across the room, he questions their fashion choices. A man dressed as a bat. A strange man covered in blue. A large green fellow with red eyes. A strange bird woman, a thanagarian? Another man in a full red bodysuit. And a woman dressed in an armoured corset with underwear to preserve her modesty. A silly garment. Then again, considering he runs around bare chested, he has no right to talk.

He blinks at them, unimpressed with most, though he doesn't know any of their abilities.

"I am told you want me detained. I do not understand the reasoning for it. If I am a threat it would be simpler to execute me and be done with it."

He gets a nod of agreement from the hawk woman. At least one of them is practical. The rest are concerned or stoic. The green one in particular does not show any emotion.

"Sorry about him guys, we thought we were just dealin wit' one a atrocitus' boys, but well… Him having a red ring kind of makes perfect sense, considering whatcha just heard."

"Personally, his behaviour reminds me of some of my old planet's soldiers. There wasn't a concept of 'capture' in some of the groups, so they never learnt the idea of it. It led to complications when they had to be military police."

"Shayera, please don't."

She rolls her eyes, but nods her head. The leader green ring can calm the hawk woman. Good to note.

The one in the middle, with a soul similar to his, Addresses him directly. "Reports said you were missing your arms."

"I was."

She waits a few moments for an answer. He does not grant her one.

"Not any more?"


The hawk woman snorts, grinning lightly. "He's just a lovely conversationalist isn't he. How about we ask some more prudent questions. Number one. Where did you get your red ring?"

He is quiet for a while. Some of them shift around him, obviously not expecting him to need to think about his answer.

"I woke up. Face down in the dirt. There was no ring, I just had the ability. My mantra reactor has been replaced, but that is all I can tell you."

A few of them look intrigued, likely having never heard of a mantra reactor before now. The bat dressed man takes the lead this time. "And what is a mantra reactor?"

"It is a reactor equipped to demigods, so they may channel the power of Mantra in the fight against the Gohma. I had to replace mine after it burnt out, but then lost what I replaced it with. And now I have something else in its' place."

He is surprisingly comfortable right now, this feeling like a debriefing back when he was sent to fight the Gohma.

"To forestall your other question, Mantra is the collective of spirit energy a soul releases upon death. We use this energy to empower ourselves to fight the Gohma, using the spirits of those they killed to destroy them in turn. Or at least, that was how it used to be, before I died the first time."

The demigod-like woman nods her head, accepting that. "Some gods, and even humans, are able to reconstitute after death, you coming back isn't a complete surprise, though it's still shocking."

"What are your intentions on Earth?" The blue one finally decides to speak.

Another long silence. He doesn't know how to answer the question.

"If… If I had Mithra, my only intention would be to find a quiet place to let her live her life. But she is gone now. I do not have any intentions. At least, not yet."

They all accept the answer, before the bat opens his mouth again. "And who is Mithra?"

"My daughter."


The talks went on for a good while longer, though Asura was bored of them relatively quickly he stuck it out, explaining things to the best of his abilities.

An interesting proposal, was that if he wanted to learn more about the abilities he supposedly shared with the "Green Lanterns", He could train with them and try to mimic what they did. Or they could stop him from destroying a training room as he tried to figure out what he could do with the new reactor in his chest.

The Batman would ask questions from his shorter answers, a seeming over-paranoia to his words. The middle one, Wonder Woman, would ask questions about Shinkoku, once he talked about it. The so called Superman would ask questions about his family, and the betrayal. He was indignant at first, but relented when he realised that, after all the time that had passed, it didn't matter anymore.

He misses Mithra, and regrets abandoning her with his death. Though he can't bring himself to regret how he died.

After a while, they decided to "set him up" with a house in Jump City, Nominally to keep an eye on the area and intervene if the Titans couldn't handle a problem. Though he did have to learn how to pull his punches a lot more than he was used to. Barely a tap could apparently hurt someone in this world. Then again, humans were fragile in his time as well, he just interacted with them less.

Slowly, people would shuffle out of the meeting, until eventually it was just him and the wonder woman. He feels comfortable around her, the history of her mantra showing that she could easily rise to the top in Shinkoku if she had a Mantra Reactor to boost her strength even further.

Their talks last hours, Him asking about the pantheons and deities of this time. Learning that he already existed was strange, but learning that the version of him that did exist was a strange judge with three heads was even more so.

Eventually she guided him out of the room, toward the 'Zeta tubes' that would take him back to the area he left. Apparently Guy Gardner, the louder Green Lantern, would guide him to his new home, though the wonder woman... Diana, would teach him how to control his strength during the week.


The house was smaller then he was used to, and likely a good deal more fragile. But it was his home now, and he would accept their generosity. A bed was nice, even if he didn't have to sleep. It was still enjoyable to.

As he was settling in for the night, he hears a knock on his door, and decides to investigate it, confident in his ability to defeat whatever it is should it prove hostile.

Opening the door, he's surprised by who he sees. If only because aside from their talk on the beach, he doesn't really know why she'd be here.

"Didn't I say to not get arrested, you weirdo? And… Did you get your arms back?"



Well, there y' go. Third chapter, Sorry if it's sloppy and i didn't catch it, i'm really bloody tired right now. Also, try 'n guess how jinx figured out where Asura lived.

Have a good day night, and i'll see you in eight to twelve hours. g'night.

Follow me on twitter~ @N177013

(Suggest me new fics, anime, manga)


aweirdweebcreators' thoughts