
A Quarian Politician (Mass Effect) by The Propa Orky Reda

Synopsis: A man wakes up finding himself reborn in the Mass Effect universe as a Quarian. No cheats, no golden finger, no heaven-denying talent. Using his metaknowledge and silver tongue how much of a difference can he make?

Rated: T

Words: 41k

Link: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/a-quarian-politician.884609/reader/


Chapter 1:

In the first days of my new existence all I could see were flashes of something else. Green hair, a planet of dust, and bugs were common themes amongst these scattered- feelings and visions which I couldn't fully explain. It wasn't until much later that I finally could see and realize what and where I was.

Surrounded by Quarians and given some sort of bubble it didn't take long for me to realize that I was born anew. In a world I had very little knowledge of besides the events of Mass Effect two and some reading about one. But I still knew the truth of this world and the metal halls I now roamed. That one day a threat of Eldritch horror would descend and ruin anything I loved or knew.

But what should I do? Should I become some sort of gun wielding badass when in my past life my aim was only barely above average and the best abilities I had was my grappling. Of course I was decently smart but I sucked at math and this place was centuries ahead of my old home making any knowledge I retain basic shit.

I knew that my biology was surprisingly robust despite the glaring weakness to disease and plague. But I will not make a difference being some rouge fucking agent joining the raw power of Shepards team. I could never change things with how spotty my memory was and how unspecial my ability to fight was compared to the likes of Shepard, Garrus, An Asari or Grunt nor could I hope to match the intelligence of the good doctor, Mordin, or Tali.

But I had always had a skill at talking to others in my short past life. That's where I would try and prosper. Even if I had only twenty years, thirty, or however many- I know that is so little time but I will make everyday count. I have no choice but to wield my words as a weapon. . .as one of the most disliked and disadvantaged races in Mass Effect. As I stare at my parents from my hamster ball I cannot help but close my eyes and imagine one day perhaps gaining a world for them. . .

How much better did things get if the Quarians had a solid foundation to run their factories? An actual economy and foundation to assist in the upcoming end times. How much more prepared would the galaxy be if I was in a position of political power to endorse and support the words of Shepard? Even if I die in the initial days of the Reaper assault could I at least ensure that my people both new and old had a better chance of survival.

The Outcast of the Council society perhaps would be a solid starting point for any movements. Piracy might be something I could gain strength from opposing. . .but that would alienate me from Krogan followers to some degree wouldn't it? But did I wish to sell my soul and side with slavers to ensure the Bartarian and Krogan support?

Maybe it depends how I do in my early days. I open my eyes as it clicks what exactly to try and force. The one cause that would alienate the three core races away from me but unite many of those outcast races under a single message which would help leverage me somewhere stronger. Reformation of a corrupt and power hoarding government.

Odds are I'd get Asari'd the moment I started unless I had something so vital against them that they couldn't risk being released. A chuckle escapes my strange new lips as I recall that little secret of the Asari. Of course, I'd need some scans and pictures but in the end I had my shotgun to the Asari leaving the Turians and the Salarians.

The Volus would be my ticket to nullifying any Turian response towards me but still leaving me with the worries of Spectres or Salarians. But that was far better than anything else isn't it? I have very little doubt that during their time the Quarians must have had a massive monopoly over technological progress or something similar yet they were utterly shunned from the citadel. In that moment I smile as it finally clicks what I would use as my highlight for citadel reform. Combine the highlights of harsh punishment with no one overseeing the actions of the Specters to enforce this "Regime" of the Citadel.

I begin rolling my little hamster ball towards my family as I mentally recall which races I could get to rally behind this. Krogan, Quarians, Bartarians, Volus, and maybe the Hanar? I dunno how much did those jellyfish give to society on the galactic scale? Actually yes, the Hanar. I forgot they have those fucking scalie. Maybe I could use my past life and knowledge on speaking to humans to gain their support? Maybe yank on some of their old events to help stir support from their end.

Let the Galaxy burn if it means that the Reapers would be stopped. Let the slow deaths of multiple races, the carless blockade and neglect of other races, the Spectres and many more signal the flaws of a government in the eyes of every race. Perhaps I could use the Bartarian government as a source of power? Either way It would be best I begin networking now with my fellow young before we scatter amongst the stars for our Pilgrimage then such a widespread network will be useful.

Even if I spark a civil war or splitting that would provoke competition and progress on a brand new scale. Something must be done to avert the stagnant government which existed to not just save my new race but my old one as well and every future one. The only brightside to the pressure I now felt was that I sure as hell couldn't do a worse job then EA. Hopefully, being multilingual helped me out further here the job market was going to be a bitch if not.