
My Sect Only Accepts Ordinary People

Ning Qi is a diligent young man, whose goal is to typically become a 'humble' billionaire so that he doesn't have to worry about anything anymore. But instead of the God of wealth, the God of luck strikes him on the head. He one day suddenly finds himself waking up from 'beloved' sleep with a 'Ding' in his mind. That day he got to know he latched onto the thigh of a powerful 'System' that will assist him on the road of 'Cultivation'. He knows that his peaceful life is about to turn upside down from then on. All his previous aspirations to become a 'Financially free bird', at this moment, felt utterly trashy for him. His current goals shifted to something, which he previously cowered away from the utter helplessness against them. A full future of 'dominance' flashed in front of his eyes and he genuinely felt that his new goals are not too challenging. Ning Qi knows, that he is about to be detached from this 'Ordinary' mortal world and even felt a bit sad about that fact. "System! You are with me on this, right? " He asked, as he geared up for the prosperous future ahead of him. But what Ning Qi doesn't know is the system that binds him doesn't merely require him to become a cultivator. It also wants to turn this entire earth into a cultivation world. As such, Ning Qi doesn't need to worry much about departing from the ordinary world. When he contacts his longtime colleagues or lifelong friends or even someone who he merely met once or twice the next time, he may need to cordially greet them as a "Fellow cultivator." Note: My Book may be a bit slower than what many familiar readers expect from such a system-based novel. And also, I'm not a professional editor... Therefore, if you discover anything that can be modified, please add a specific comment to that paragraph. Much appreciated.

Smiley_God · Urban
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106 Chs

Lunch With Xiao

Just as he carefully finished interpreting those missions, his mobile buzzed, as there is a notification popped up.

Ning Qi slowly checked it and saw a message '2 pm, Long ren's restaurant... I have reserved a private room. Please make sure to come,' from Su Xiao.

Ning Couldn't help but frown thoughtfully, as that restaurant is a bit too costly for her range. For two people it would typically cost around 4,000 yuan, which most likely is 80% of her salary for the month.

But he didn't mention anything, he positively said he will come in reply. He just decided he would pay, when the time come for the bill.

Next day morning! Ning Qi woke up at 8'O clock. After freshening up a bit, he went downstairs but couldn't anyone. He slowly walked to the Arena section, where he saw both Shen Yue and Kang Xuan sparring with Nangong Xu.

"Well! Today I am going out with one of my friends for a lunch. I have something else to announce after coming back. So, you both can start practicing the Martial technique as soon as possible. With Nangong Xu directing you... It won't take much longer to attain the first stage. " Ning Qi said slowly, as he approached them.

" I will make sure to direct them properly and by the time you come back, they will attain the first stage of the technique. By the way, who is that friend sect master? I mean is it a girl or a boy?" Nangong Xu's first words made Ning Qi quite satisfied with this eldest disciple, but the last few words completely made him lose that good impression swept away.

Shen Yue's ears perked up, as though waiting for Ning Qi's reply. Only Kang Xuan didn't feel much about that, and he felt its common for young people.

"Disciple Shen Yue, you aren't a cat... Why are you so attentive in things like this? And Xu, I think, you don't want to be the Eldest disciple anymore? Look at Kang Xuan... and he looks more mature than you both. " Ning Qi scolded them but felt he said something wrong.

"What I meant is..." Ning Qi was about to explain that age isn't a matter. As the eldest disciple, he needs to start learning to behave like one.

"We know Sect master! We will behave." All of them said simultaneously, cutting off Ning Qi directly. He felt like something got stuck in his throat and has to forcefully swallow down the words.

"Hm! Kang Xuan will go offense and you both can't fight back. You can only defend or dodge at best. This is the punishment for you." Ning Qi said as he wanted to Vent a bit. But he has another thought inside his head. When he saw them sparring, he saw that Nangong Xu is an allrounder, but Shen Yue is more of an Offense type, while Kang Xuan is extremely weak in the offense. So, if they practice like that, they will be fit to guide each other with their flaws.

Shen Yue blushed with embarrassment, Nangong Xu simply smiled, as he believed the same as Ning Qi felt about their strengths. Kang Xuan simply decided to do whatever the Sect master instructs.

"Alright! I'm going now, you better practice properly. The matter I am going to inform you about is a bit dangerous. " Ning Qi warned them and walked away.

" Don't look at me like that, It's my first time too that sect master said something this seriously. He even didn't punish us, If it was in the past, he would have kicked our a** for making fun of him. But he arranged our spar, according to everyone's weakness... that means referred to some critical business." Nangong Xu analyzed, making both Shen Yue and Kang Xuan look at him with surprise.

"Senior brother! When did you become so intelligent? " Shen Yue asked, as she never felt that Nangong Xu is this wise. She did have a favorable impression of him, but that was pure of his personality.

"I have always been like this Junior sister! " Nangong Xu boasted, making Kang Xuan roll his eyes a bit. They soon started sparring, with one person trying to hit while the other two tried dodging.

Ning Qi quickly went back to his house and saw that Li Ping is getting ready for the office.

"Did you ultimately become a Man? I mean... You Know? " Li Ping asked, as he thought that Ning Qi did something suspicious last night.

Ning Qi simply rolled his eyes, disappointing Li Ping.

"I have made some breakfast today, you can enjoy it if you want, but it has a burnt taste. If you don't like it, you can go and eat at Aunty Wang's place." Li Ping said.

"I told you many times to not use full heat! " Ning Qi complained but decided to eat that after taking a bath.

"I'm going early! Jia told me that she requires some help with her project. " Li Ping said, as he saw Ning is going for a bath.

'What Project? I merely think...' Ning Qi thought in his mind, before going into the bathroom. Li Ping looked at the face that Ning Qi made, he got embarrassed as his buddy saw through him.

At 10:30, Ning Qi started eating the breakfast made by Li Ping, while cursing him for making it so bad. He then watched TV for some time to pass time till 1:30 pm.

Around 1:50 pm, he drove to Long ren's restaurant. After parking his cooter outside, Ning Qi looked around the area for Su Xiao, but couldn't find her anywhere.

Just as he decided to call her, he saw her getting out of the taxi. She is looking quite gorgeous, even though not on the level of Lian Hua, Wenfen, or Shen Yue. She looks way better than she usually was.

As she approached him, he couldn't help but compliment her.

"Xiao Xiao! You are looking beautiful today. " Ning Qi's comment is quite blunt, but Su Xiao on the other hand smiled delightedly, as she is satisfied with his compliment. She especially places a lot of effort into getting ready like this.

"Thank you! Brother Ning" Su Xiao blushed a bit and accepted his compliment.

"Let's go! I'm already quite hungry. That Li Ping made breakfast today, it was one of the worst I have had. " Ning Qi complained, making Su Xiao giggle.

Soon both of them walked inside, and from there one of the waiters showed them to the private room that she booked.

After ordering everything, the situation inside their room went quiet and awkward.

"Brother Ning! I'm sorry for letting you down." Su Xiao unable to bear it anymore, let out the first thing that she wanted to say. She has been feeling she shamed Ning Qi by performing like that in front of Lian Hua.

"What nonsense are you talking about? It is that girl, who is too foolish and inexperienced, but dared to criticize others. Don't take it to heart... I already told you that I am taking a break because I wanted it." Ning Qi said and scolded Lian Hua a bit to console her.

"No, Brother Ning! Miss is a quite good-hearted person. She even advised manager Dong to talk with you, after you are gone. It's just that, she got embarrassed a bit, as you kept contradicting her." Su Xiao said, making Ning Qi a bit surprised.

"Alright! Stop talking about that now, let's talk about something else. " Ning Qi said, as he doesn't want to talk about this anymore.

Su Xiao went silent for another moment, before slowly raising her head and looking at Ning Qi saying,

"Brother Ning! Am I looking attractive? " Su Xiao gathered some courage and asked for his confirmation on the compliment he made outside.

"Definitely! you look exceptionally beautiful today. Why do you ask that?" Ning Qi knows something is wrong with Su Xiao now but still answers.

A lovely smile bloomed on her face before she slowly lowered her head and said,

"Brother Ning! My parents tried to arrange a marriage for me! But I declined it." Su Xiao said weakly and merely waited for Ning Qi to reply with her hand abnormally sweating.

Ning Qi knew what she meant, and he genuinely has an extremely favorable impression of her. But he felt a bit troubled to reply to her, he didn't want to disappoint her... But that will only cause things more complicated.

"Xiao Xiao! I do like you too, but Let me describe something first... If you are however intent on me after that, We will see what happens later. " Ning Qi said slowly, when he said that he liked her, Su Xiao tilted her head swiftly with a delightful expression. But when she heard the later part, she once more went quiet waiting for Ning Qi to finish.

Ning Qi also didn't waste time and explained everything about his family situation, including his marriage. After saying that, he looked at Su Xiao, whose face looked disappointed, and couldn't help but sigh with regret.

" Brother Ning! She is just married in the name, right? I-I-I, obviously like you a lot... but C-can you give me some time to think about that? " She asked quite rigidly, as she felt that Ning Qi might think she is rejecting. She even mentioned that she liked him so that he will comprehend her situation.

'I Love you a lot brother Ning!' Su Xiao thought to herself. But she needs this time, as she needs to convince her parents. After all, she isn't like Yi Ran, who merely met him once... She has been working with him for some time, and her feelings for him are quite rooted.

Ning Qi, on the other hand, got considerably surprised by this girl's boldness, who always behave like a meek girl. He clearly understood her meaning, and couldn't help but look at her a bit closer, making Su Xiao blush a lot.

"Alright! Take all the time you require! What I possess right now is time." Ning Qi said relatively delighted. Even he doesn't understand why he is that delighted. It's just he also had developed some feelings for her over time, but he of course never thought of this much, just like Shen Yue.

Observing the delighted expression on Ning Qi's face, Su Xiao finally felt relief and a smile again bloomed on her face. They then happily started talking about their colleagues and other topics as they enjoyed their meal.

"Alright! Xiao Xiao, make sure to call me whenever you are facing a problem. Don't hesitate to call me ok? " Ning Qi said with a lot of happiness blossoming in his heart.

"Mn." Su Xiao, who just sat in the taxi, nodded her head quite shyly. She felt today is one of the best days in her life, she even felt she is quite bolder than she usually thought.

After sending Su Xiao away, Ning Qi slowly drove his scooter back to the sect, singing a song along the way. he finally felt like, he has a 'half' girlfriend.