
Ch 1.

I am Farum Azula, a member of the 21 great families. I was the strongest man of this world, or so I thought. I was put in this shape by a man known as Joy Boy, he was simply to powerful. His attacks shook the very air we breathed and land we stood on, he could project gasses and venoms from his body, even turn into mythical creatures known only in legends, it was nothing short of a miracle the other families had survivors.

I wasn't loyal to the other 20 families as they never showed any loyalty to me, so I joined Joy Boy and his crew on his voyage of his oceans, he bestowed me a great power from his own abilities. He called his powers 'Gifts from the Devil' and he could give away the powers in the form of odd shaped fruits with weird colors and patterns. He had gifted me the power of the Ushu Ushu No Mi and the Toshi Toshi No Mi. I could turn INTO the outer space and change my age and others at will, I thought I was invulnerable.

With this power I never lost to anyone, and driven for more power me and Joy Boy fought, and instead of killing me, he sealed me inside a mountain and put me in chains made from a material we found on our adventures called Seastone, it was the only thing that could neutralize the devils gifts along with sea water, which also filled up half of the cave. One of Joy Boys weaknesses was that he couldn't take back powers he gave, which made my fate worse in the long run.

Over the time I began to think, how long had passed? Is Joy Boy still alive? Will I ever get out? And for thousands of years, I was sealed. Locked in the island at the end of the world, Laugh Tale. After a uncountable amount of years, I had lost all desire to fight, hell even surviving wasn't a thought. I DESIRED death, something that had eluded me for the longest time. I, however didn't give up because I deserved this. I betrayed the man who had been my greatest friend over a thirst for power. As I leaned my head back to stare at the ceiling I had grown accustomed to, I hear something I hadn't heard in millenia.

"We found it, after all these years, we finally found the island of Laugh Tale!" A loud mans voice said.

"Indeed we have Roger, let's read the tablet and see what Joy Boy was storing on this island." I heard a faint response, sounding like a yes followed by more silence.

"Uniting of the four oceans with the 4 great weapons huh? I know of Pluton, Poseidon, and Uranus but what could Azula be?"

My eyes widened, and started to water. I hear a voice, different from the last two, "Captain, Rayleigh, do you sense that man in the wall too?"

With pure physical strength, I rip the chains off the wall which made a loud noise. Without wasting time I punch through the wall. Tears streamed down my face as I read the poneglyph left by Joy Boy. I ignored the group of pirates who were on guard as I cried and leaned into the tablet, apologizing to it as if Joy Boy could hear me, I nonstop apologized.

"And who are you, if I may ask?" I looked at the man who asked, he had long white hair a beard that was also white in color and wearing a white overcoat with glasses framing his eyes, I wiped the tears off of my face and cleared my throat, "I am Farum Azula, former first mate of Joy Boy."

The people around eyes widened, but the man with a large mustaches and red coat looked the most confused, "But Joy Boy died well over 3000 years ago how are you still alive?"

I shook my head, "I don't know, me and captain got into a fight, I lost and was sealed here, I assume it was my Devil Gifts."

That statement caused a man in a brown overcoat with a short haircut to ask a question, "What do you mean Devil Gifts? Is it perhaps devil fruits that you are talking about?"

It was my turn to be confused, "No, I'm talking about the powers given by Joy Boy. He was able to give people power whenever he wanted, for example I have the Ushu Ushu No Mi which might have played into it."

This time the whole crew was stunned, "That means devils fruits are the result of Joy Boy dying and his powers dispersing across the world, that's the only explanation for all of it." the historian said.

The next person to talk was the man they called captain, "Well would you like to join my crew? I wouldn't mind a new face around." this caused the white haired man to look at him, "Roger we don't know him or his motives, how can we just invite him to the crew?"

The man, now known as Roger, simply laughed "Rayleigh, trust me my gut tells me he's a good man." Rayleigh sighed, "Fine, but we're gonna have to teach him everything about the current world." Roger laughed, and it turned into a violent cough.

And with that, I was part of the 2nd Pirate Kings crew. Over time I grew to see them as family, they taught me everything needed including a thing called haki, they said it could hit people with Logia fruits. They also explained the Paramecia-Logia-Zoans system so I understood those. However everything nice must come to an end eventually. Today was the day no one was ready for even though we all knew it was coming sooner or later, Roger was being executed today and it hurt me.

His death made me think about the time we spent, although short, he was a true friend and gave me memories I would forever cherish. I stood in the crowd at Logue town, I had a cloak covering my whole body, waiting for my signal. Rogers speech was going to undisturbed and I was making sure of that.

"Gol D. Roger, do you have any last words." A large smile came across his face, I used my speed and got onto the platform and made sure he could talk, and with this everyone knew of the man who had obtained wealth, fame, and power. The man who had everything in the world, the king of pirates, Gol D. Roger. "My Treasure? If you want it, I'll give it to you! I left everything in the world there!" as his speech ended I teleported off the platform and teleported to where his wife Rogue was and turned into a baby.

I would relive life as a baby, in a new world. I sealed off all my memories and I would be able to relive a life. Only with my devil fruits, my physical strength changed based on my age and I would retrain this life and be even stronger than me from the void century. This life I will cherish every moment and never take it for granted.

I made it so he chooses to forget everything, so he can live a fulfilling life. One on his own terms. If you don't like it, I frankly don't care. I write this for me and maybe the people who will also enjoy it.

If you do like the book though or if you want to help me gramatically I would appreciate it as I know I'm not very good with my grammar sometimes

BerryMcQockinercreators' thoughts