
My science makes me OP in another world

"All Earth's knowledge, a boost to my brain, and to be unbound by magic capacity or affinity, those are my three requests" said Colt preparing for reincarnation. To reincarnate in another world, a wish he held dear, and now, he's heading to a world of monsters, magic, elves, and riches only he knows how to use . Sworn to not repeat the suffering he went through, Colt will use any and all means to ensure his new life is a good one.

Eric_Wannas · Fantasie
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43 Chs

The end of a journey, paying back, and a battle

[ 1 year 9 months have passed]

these past three years, I learned a lot from Alexander , I established connections with different merchants and nobles, I learned some of what the nobles of this world know

but the time for that will come later

we're in the royal capital again, and the promise I made to Luna is drawing near, let's hope she learned some magic

and that she won't use it on me if I run late

for now it's time to say goodbye

Alexander : "Colt, for these past three years you were a model apprentice… I am truly proud to have become your master…

But, now you've grown beyond what I can teach you… it's about time you go on your own and do whatever you want"

Colt : "thank you Alexander, I mean it, you were the greatest master anyone could ask for… you were patient , you took care of me , you taught me everything… I want to give you something as a sign of gratitude… is that alright?"

Alexander : "you don't have to-"

Colt : "it's not that I have to it's that I want to … so, will you accept? Whatever it is?"

Alexander : "alright then , I will accept"

he fell for it… I promised I would pay him back for his kindness… he can't back down now

I've been working on this one for a long time

* opens his item box , takes out three golden rings ,one with a bigger diamond than the last, the other two have rubies and emeralds in them*

atomic manipulation never fails

let's mess with him one final time

Colt : "I know they aren't much, but this is me showing my gratitude"

Alexander [in complete and utter shock] : "aren't much??!!! You met Din , you know these are extremely valuable items, I can't accept them"

Colt [smiling] : "but you gave me your word you would"

Alexander : "I didn't know that's what you had in mind!!!"

Colt : "come on , are you going to turn down your apprentice's last request??"

Alexander : "why you little, *sighs* , fine you win again, but I will find a way to repay you someday"

[internal smile]

you already have

Colt : "I am glad to hear that, give them to someone precious, goodbye"

* starts to walk away *

Alexander [ yelling ] : "aren't you going to tell me how you got these"

Colt [ turns while walking] : "lesson one : a merchant never reveals his sources… see you later"

* laughs*

Alexander [talking to himself] : "that kid, no , that man , is gonna be big, even bigger than me, I look forward to it… I am truly proud to have been your master, Colt"

Next , I headed to the forest of monsters and elves, I used search on a very wide area, until I detected elf magic

then I headed that way , turns out… I was heading for the gate

* Colt walking , an arrow is shot near his foot *

not bad, they have good gate guards

I didn't want to react so I wouldn't terrify them

since I've been suppressing my aura ever since I met the elves, they don't know what they're dealing with

Gate guard [ elf, black hair and eyes ] : "humans aren't welcome here, turn back now"

Colt : "well, I'm supposed to meet the chief here so-"

* an arrow is shot scratching Colt's cheek*

Gate guard : "the next one will go through your heart"

Colt : "fine , I'll turn back"

* starts to walk away , heals himself*

that arrogant little… well, I can't blame him… but that doesn't mean I'll let it slide either

I'll make sure I discipline him properly…

but for now… "invisibility" and "float"… I flew above that fence they're so proud of 

Then I used search and magic sight to locate Luna 

[ shows Luna in a big house with Liam, and an old elf [white hair from old age and a kind look in his black eyes]]

I snuck in

Luna [ impatient] : "where is he I wish he would get here right now"

Liam : "Levi went to get him , let's just hope sir Colt didn't run into Agnar first"

The chief : "why are you so worried? He said he likes elves and he helped you right?"

Liam : "yes, which is exactly why I don't want to make him angry"

Colt [ suddenly appears behind Liam] : "thank you Liam, I really appreciate it"

* they all scream and turn to face him except for Luna who appeared calm then ran towards him, grabs his hand*

Luna [ happy and excited ] : "you're here! You kept your promise"

Colt : "of course I did, it's a promise to a friend"

* looks at Liam *

Colt : "hey Liam"

* looks at the chief*

* slight bow*

Colt : "Pleasure to meet you chief of the elves , my name is Colt , I apologize for the method I used ,however, it was the only solution that won't stir chaos"

The chief [laughing] : "welcome, young man , as you summarized I am the chief , my name is Zeno, please, dispense with formalities, you're the one who saved my granddaughter after all"

* Colt smiles *

Zeno : "I appreciate you being inconspicuous, as Liam and Levi said, you are wise beyond your years, and powerful as well, tell me how did you get past the guards and the 300 elves that live here?"

Colt : "I have my means but the key factor here is suppressing my aura as you can see"

Zeno : "ah, I was wondering about that, I was told you have quite the aura and yet, I can't see a thing, may I see it?"

Colt : "won't that cause chaos or-"

* Levi suddenly opens the door*

Levi [obviously panicked] : "chief! I am terribly sorry, Agnar mistook sir Colt for a weak human with little magic and-"

* notices Colt standing there*

Levi [ in shock] : "Colt??!! I thought you turned back"

Colt [smiling] : "hey Levi, long time no see…

I thought you would know that I won't break my promises for a measly reason like that"

Zeno[ thinking to himself, laughing] : "Agnar and our defenses is a measly reason?!! This young man is something else"

Levi [ a bit scared] : "of course, I will make sure to punish Agnar properly"

Colt : "no need, he only did his job, nothing more"

Zeno [ thinking to himself] : "he says that after being turned away?? And knowing Agnar he probably attacked him, why is he …?"

Levi[ sighs] : "that's a relief… thank you"

Zeno : "so, as I was saying would it be alright if you show me your power? I assure you it won't be trouble at all"

Colt : "as you wish"

*Colt's dense and massive aura leaks out*

Zeno : "I can't believe my eyes! this is incredible young man!"

Colt[ not knowing how to respond ] :"uuuhh, thank you"

*hides his aura again*

* Agnar rushes in*

oh this is gonna be fun, looks like my chance came sooner than expected

[ internal evil grin ]

Agnar : "chief I felt a massive and very powerful presence are you-"

* notices Colt standing there*

Agnar [pissed, pointing at Colt] : "you! What ae you doing here?!! Someone as weak as you should not be in the presence of our chief. I'll "

Levi : "mind your tongue Agnar, this is-"

Colt : "No , sir Levi , he's right, someone as weak as me shouldn't be near the chief. *turns to Agnar*So , what are you going to do??"

Agnar : "I'll drive you out myself"

* turns to Zeno*

Agnar : "excuse me chief, I'll teach this little brat a lesson"

* Zeno looks at Colt and he sees a ghost of a smile*

Zeno : "alright but do it outside"

[ shows the scene outside where there is an open area , Colt and Agnar stand facing each other while Luna, Liam, Levi and Zeno watch]

Agnar : "I'll crush you with my magic.. weak human"

Colt : "fine, bring it"

* points his finger at Agnar and keeps it there *

*Agnar casts multiple spells, and as the elves watch his aura glow and gets disrupted while Colt is hiding his aura*

Liam : "why can't Agnar cast a spell?"

Levi [ in awe ] : "that's probably Colt's doing, I don't know how though"

Luna [ impressed] : "wooow, Colt is amazing"

Levi : "how much stronger do you think he got and will get?"

Liam : "I don't know , but with him, there is no telling, look, Agnar is going for close combat"

* Zeno is just watching and listening*

Agnar [yelling in anger and confusion] : "fine! If spells won't work then I'll use my sword! Prepare yourself!"

that's never going to work man, I have enhanced reflexes and I've been training my body for the last three years while accelerating healing with healing magic

* sure enough every time Agnar goes for an Attack Colt turns and Appears from behind, without actually attacking*

Liam : "do you know why he isn't taking this seriously?"

Levi : "you saw through it huh? He's probably just messing around a little"

* as Zeno hears this he couldn't believe his ears*

Zeno [in shock] : "what do you mean he's not taking it seriously??!!"

Levi : "it's the truth, compared to the time he rescued us, he's just toying with Agnar now"

Zeno [ yells] : "this match is over … the winner is Colt"

* Colt stops , heads towards Zeno*

Agnar[ in a rapidly rising voice] : "no, I won't accept it ! I am the strongest warrior here!

I won't allow this weak human to best me"

* aims the sword at Colt's head and attacks*


I spared the others of its effect

* moves and looks Agnar in the eyes*

Colt [ pissed and speaking slowly ] : "listen here, I tried to be reasonable, I tried to make you understand without destroying your pride, but you won't listen ,fine, the hard way then, you are helpless right now ,the only reason you're alive is because I don't want to kill you ,you are not the strongest , and I can say the same about me, there will be someone stronger, always"

 * Luna moves closer ,grabs Colt's hand

While the others are in shock *

Luna [ a bit sad] : "Sorry, Agnar isn't bad, please let him go"

oh, what's next? Am I your dad now? fine

Colt [fakes calming down and a smile] : "fine, but only because you're my friend"

* Luna smiles and nods*

"static" off

* Agnar collapses on the ground*

Zeno : "thank you for being so considerate towards our Agnar, I apologize if it caused you any inconvenience"

Colt: "don't worry, I'm over it"

Zeno : "why not let Levi and Luna show you around? We'll talk to Agnar"

* after Colt left the scene*

Liam[ to Agnar] : "you're lucky he was understanding or else you'd be dead"

Agnar : "what is he exactly? And how is it that he has no aura?"

Zeno : "his aura is immense and so dense it looks black, he's just hiding it"

Agnar : "you can do that?"

Liam : "he can, I'm just glad he took our side that day"