
My science makes me OP in another world

"All Earth's knowledge, a boost to my brain, and to be unbound by magic capacity or affinity, those are my three requests" said Colt preparing for reincarnation. To reincarnate in another world, a wish he held dear, and now, he's heading to a world of monsters, magic, elves, and riches only he knows how to use . Sworn to not repeat the suffering he went through, Colt will use any and all means to ensure his new life is a good one.

Eric_Wannas · Fantasie
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43 Chs

magic lessons with dad

after school, Mark came to take me home

[ shows the scene :Mark and Colt both standing there in the house]

 Colt [faking passion and a hint of impatience] : "dad, school is done… can you please teach me magic? You said you would."

come on, Mark, what kind of example will you be setting here if you don't keep your word?

Mark [with a smile] :"yes, son we will begin magic lessons"

Mark :"to use magic you need the right incantation and that's it" 

…. Well I didn't expect a gate-guard to know the magical theories of this world… but!! still let's try to get some more intel

Colt : [faking curiosity]"how many spells do you know dad?"

Mark :"only fire flower"

Colt :"and mom? "

Mark :"only water ball"

ah ,I see, guess attack magic isn't worth learning in their case 

Colt [faking curiosity]"do I have to know the incantation?"

Mark [patiently] : "well , son, most people have to… But, there are a few talented people or those who practiced for a very long time that can use magic without the incantation"

confirmed I am a badass

better yet, I won't be looked at as a freak but rather as a talented individual

but let's not get cocky ,there is silent casting and easy silent casting

if the transition from silent to easy silent is done by practicing spells a specific number of times

 I learned that every grade has a number since basic elemental spells upgraded to easy mode after 500 casts

then, is there a magic number that makes incantations upgrade to silent?

another thing ,do they know about easy silent casting? or do they think that just being a silent caster is going above and beyond?

the main difference between these 3 grades is activation time 

incantations require the time it takes to say them

normal silent casting requires the time it takes to ,for example, imagining the water molecules , forming water and then setting the parameters

not to mention if you're going to mess with default constants like surface tension or viscosity you need to set those too

and I highly doubt the people of this world even know that these constants exist

easy silent casting activates the spell just by imagining it, or just the name, for example, if I want a big water ball I just imagine a bigger

Version of the regular size

which makes it almost instantaneous

no need to set the radius anymore

also by casting it at a variation of radiuses

I made the spell itself more flexible

which made easy silent casting that much easier

same with fireball and bullet ,etc…

Mark : [interrupting Colt's thoughts] : "most of them are nobles"

wait, what?


of course , the classic nobles and commoners division

ok let's see what else he has to say

Colt :"why?"

Mark : "well, because they have a higher capacity… but that isn't all they are free to train for longer"

Mark :"when they become adults they enter the magic academy and train to become mages or magical knights"

well, I know about mages and knights ,but, magical knights?

Colt :"what are magical knights?"

Mark : "they are similar to mages but instead of devoting all their time to their magic they also train with the sword"

Colt [not buying it] : "then, why are there mages?"

Mark :"because magical knights don't have the time to perfect their magic"

now for the big question

put all you innocence and ignorance into this

Colt [innocently] : "can we become nobles?"

Mark :"well , son, for that to happen you need to first enter the magic academy and then become a mage or a magical knight after that you need to make an achievement"

Colt :"achievement? Like what?"

Mark : "I don't know for sure, but killing a number of monsters or a high grade monster should do it"

Colt :"monsters?"

Mark :"yes… they roam the wildernesses or forest or desert or anywhere that is not a city …there are goblins, hobgoblins, ogres, giant snakes , dragons, etc…"

so we have commoners, nobles, magic academy, and monsters,

[internal evil grin]

this…is gonna be fun