
My science makes me OP in another world

"All Earth's knowledge, a boost to my brain, and to be unbound by magic capacity or affinity, those are my three requests" said Colt preparing for reincarnation. To reincarnate in another world, a wish he held dear, and now, he's heading to a world of monsters, magic, elves, and riches only he knows how to use . Sworn to not repeat the suffering he went through, Colt will use any and all means to ensure his new life is a good one.

Eric_Wannas · Fantasie
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43 Chs

Going out of town and item box

mom and dad cried a lot, we spent the night together in one room, it was hard for them to see me go

but after the stunt I pulled , they understood that I was mature enough to make my own decisions

besides, I already took from them more than I needed… I no longer want to burden them anymore

let them enjoy their lives a little

Colt [ with a bit of happiness ] : bye, mom, dad , I'm heading out.

then I met with alexander and a few other adventurers he hired for the trip

we rode in a carriage which confirmed my suspicion

none of these people can use float


Colt : "sir Alexander, how do merchants get and sell items?

Alexander : "ah, right, your father isn't a merchant so you wouldn't know"

Alexander : "basically, all we do is find goods and we either buy and sell them the for profit in another town "

Alexander :"or we negotiate with a buyer and take 10% as a commission fee …the same can be said for doing paperwork"

Alexander :"you can either try to do it on your own, or pay someone else to do it for you…also you don't need to call me sir, …do it in front of others or when we are negotiating"

Colt : "ok, by the way, where are your wares "

Alexander : "in my item box"

knew it !!

Alexander : "let this dimension be a safe place to store my treasures, item box!"

[ a circle opens he puts his hand inside and takes out a ring with a diamond ]

Alexander : "see, this is item box and now that you know the incantation you can use it too"

is that a friggin' diamond?! if my suspicion is correct then Alexander is a big deal

also, there are other people here dude, aren't you scared they'll spill the beans later?

Colt : "ah , and what's that"

Alexander : "that , my apprentice , is a diamond ,they're rare so they sell for a lot…this little diamond easily sells for one gold coin"

[ colt internally laughs hysterically]

[ internal evil grin ]

ah, humans ,same old, same old

little do these people know that the difference between diamond and coal is the crystalline structure 

not that the knowledge made any difference diamonds still sold for a lot back on earth

and artificial diamonds sold for less because the machines couldn't change all the crystalline structures from this

[ shows coal hexagonal structures ]

to this 

[ shows diamond crystalline structure]

but that is not the case with magic… my get very rich very fast scheme is a go

but better wait to earn his trust first, but let's plant a seed here

Colt [impressed ] : "whoa, you're awesome Alexander"

Colt [confused] : "but where are you selling it? Is there someone rich enough to buy it?"

Alexander [laughing] : "most nobles are rich enough to buy many ,so the royal capital is where to sell it…it'll be our fifth stop so ,don't worry about it now"

Colt [whispering and glancing at the adventurers] : "are you sure you should be saying all that here?"

Alexander [ smiling ] : "relax they're professionals, you don't need to worry about it"

Colt : "oh, okay how did you get this ring then?"

Alexander [ winks] : "lesson one: a merchant never reveals his sources"

seed sown successfully… and I'll reap it soon enough