
My science makes me OP in another world

"All Earth's knowledge, a boost to my brain, and to be unbound by magic capacity or affinity, those are my three requests" said Colt preparing for reincarnation. To reincarnate in another world, a wish he held dear, and now, he's heading to a world of monsters, magic, elves, and riches only he knows how to use . Sworn to not repeat the suffering he went through, Colt will use any and all means to ensure his new life is a good one.

Eric_Wannas · Fantasie
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46 Chs


[Shows a scene where Colt is sitting inside what looks like a castle with a swimming pool overlooking the sea surrounded by plants and flowers]

It's been 2 years since I came here, I made a few major adjustments

At first , I used to get attacked three times a day, after a week, it became less frequent, after a month the flow of mana around me was regulated…

So I started building this place

As you can see it's luxury built… what's left is good furniture

As for the plants… I've been collecting seeds in my travels… all for this moment

Turns out I can accelerate plant growth with healing magic

And so this place came to be

Turns out the soil here is very acidic which would explain why nothing grew there

I neutralized and fertilized it

I can easily grow food here now… which means I can live here indefinitely…

I also mastered mutating and de-mutating monsters and creating golems

Now for the good part…

I created a multipurpose satellite mainly to know about the solar system here

But what I found that I could do is nuts…

There was a whole lot to do before that satellite was created , lots of machines to build, progress to jump through, steps to skip with magic, the time for that will come later...

 Turns out the sun here is a bit hotter than our own, and this planet is the fourth from the sun

Also, I found another continent, one that I've never heard of before…

I wonder what could be there…

Now it's time to tell you about my new ultimate spell "summon meteor"

I use a tablet I created to monitor meteors with my satellite

And since velocity and force are vector quantities, which means they have a magnitude and direction

I change the direction of the meteor and bring it to where I want it to go

I stop it with static and float before impact then send it back, unless I want to destroy the planet, which I don't

Now that I have this power…

and a treasure continent to my name…

it's time to go back

[ evil grin]

Get ready, main continent.. cause here I come!!!

I found myself drawn to see Luna first for some reason


*Knocks on Luna's door*

*Door opens, it's Luna*

Colt : "I'm ba-"

*Luna hugs him while crying*

Luna : "Where were you?? You didn't come back for 2 years, I was worried sick"


*Lana comes from behind*

Lana : "Luna, why are you cry-"

*Sees Colt*

*Her eyes tear up as well*

Lana [turns around and yells] : "It's Colt, he's alive!!!"

Alive??!! Did they think I was dead??!! Why?

Luna [Still crying, responding to his confusion] : "You never said when you'd come back .. We had a feeling you were about to do something dangerous we… I …*sobs*"

*Colt pats her on the back*

Colt : "There, there.. You trust me right? I said I'd be back"

Luna : "I know but, *sobs and clings harder*, I can't… not again… not anymore"

I can't understand a thing

[Everyone is inside]

Zenon[mad and relieved] : "Where were you? You had us all worried about you, especially Luna"

Lana : "We actually thought you were dead"

Zeno : "Answer us !!!"

Colt [with a bright smile] : "The place known as : the wasteland continent"

*Everyone looks at Colt with awe and a hint of fear except Luna who stays quiet, her tears start to dry*

Levi [in denial] : "I know you like to mess around with people but, this isn't the time, get serious here"

Zeno : "You'd better tell the truth, young man"

Zenon[turns his head to look at Luna] : "He's kidding ri-"

*As he sees her serious and a bit gloomy face, he and everyone else freeze*

*The fear in their eyes increase*

What's with those looks? This isn't "the one that should not be named" type of thing is it??

Luna[stands up, walks slowly towards Colt] : "You didn't go to see your family yet?"

Colt : "No…"

Luna : "You came here first…"

Colt : "Yes…"

Luna : "You don't want tell anyone else about this?"

Colt : "Can't hide anything from you…"

Luna : "Do you realize what it means?"

Colt : "Yes…"

Luna : "No turning back, for either of us…"

Colt : "True…"

Luna[whispers in Colt's ear] : "You can't see me as a little sister anymore can you?"

Colt [whispers back] : "No…what about you?"

Luna [still whispering] : "Same as you"

*Luna moves back sits to face Colt*

*everyone just stays silent until this weird conversation is over*

Zenon : "What was that-"

*Lana , aware of what it means, pinches Zenon to stop him from asking*

Luna [with a warm cute smile] : "Tell us whatever you want… I trust you completely"

I definitely fell for the right person… this new life… is the best thing that happened to me

Colt : "Long story short , I became the strongest"

Levi [recalling their past conversations and how Colt never admitted to be the strongest, in shock] : "if you are saying it… there isn't a hint of cockiness *panics* WHAT DID YOU DO??!!"

Colt : "I gained new powers, but most importantly, new knowledge, I know what the wasteland continent truly is…"

Zeno : "What it… truly is… what do you…?"

Colt : "It's a treasure trove, full of vast riches that only I know how to use"

Zeno : "Even so, how did you survive?? It's been said that nothing can survive there!!"

Colt : "I think that's an exaggeration"

Zeno : "If people were to find out… why tell us??"

Colt : "Because I trust you, and believe you won't misuse the power"

Zeno : "That's your logic ?!!… What if we do?"

Luna [responding to great pain and murderous intent] : "We won't put you through it… Don't worry"

Colt [sad smile] : "Can't keep anything from you huh?"

Luna : "I don't know when, but you've suffered enough…"

I really fell for the right person

Colt : "Thank you, Luna"

*looks at Zenon*

Luna : "Mom knows, you can say it…"

*looks at Luna*

Colt [smiles] : "I love you"

*Everyone stares in shock except Lana, her eyes fill with tears of joy*

Liam, Levi, Zeno[all of a sudden] : "Finally!"

Colt : "Wait, wha-"

Levi : "It was obvious, even if you didn't realize it"

Liam : "Saving this village time and time again…"

Levi : "Restoring father's arm despite the risk"

Zeno : "Letting Agnar go just because Luna asked…"

Lana : "It was all there, the only ones who didn't know what was happening were you and Luna"

*Colt and Luna's faces turn red*

Zeno : "And finally, your show of these "fireworks". you went out of your way to make "

Zenon [finally recovering from shock] : "If it was anyone else, I would've said he'd have to defeat me in combat … but, I know better…keep my daughter safe"

*Everyone laughs*