
My science makes me OP in another world

"All Earth's knowledge, a boost to my brain, and to be unbound by magic capacity or affinity, those are my three requests" said Colt preparing for reincarnation. To reincarnate in another world, a wish he held dear, and now, he's heading to a world of monsters, magic, elves, and riches only he knows how to use . Sworn to not repeat the suffering he went through, Colt will use any and all means to ensure his new life is a good one.

Eric_Wannas · Fantasie
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43 Chs

Colt helps a friend

[the scene shows Colt sitting in school looking out the window while Bella comes towards him]

now , how to handle that fat pig, even if I gave him a shot of air to stop his heart while he sleeps

I don't know how the nobles would react

will they suspect assassination?

can't risk it , what if-

Bella : "Colt"

"Yes, Bella, is it time to play?" Colt says while turning to face her

Bella : "no, Ken is sick, and I'm worried about him" 

while playing and training to upgrade invisibility and search and magic sight

I became friends with Ken, Bella and few other kids…

you know what? This is perfect… it might be what I'm looking for…

Colt :"can we go visit?"

Bella :"yes , I was there yesterday "

[at Ken's house Colt and Bella knock on the door]

[ the door opens]

[ Ken's mother appears, orange long hair, colorless eyes ]

Ken's mother [with an exhausted smile] "oh, hi, Bella… came to visit again I see, and who's your friend?"

what the ! she looks pale…sunken eyes… this is not good …it's the start of a severe malnourishment… she hasn't eaten in days

guess their savings ran out first

Colt : "how do you do ma'am I am Colt and I came to check on Ken"

Ken's mother : "thank you two… I'm sure Ken will be happy"

[ they go to Ken's room, Ken is lying in bed, asleep from fever ]

good, he doesn't seem to be malnourished

his parents are good people… they'd rather starve than take even a portion of their son's food

again… a bit naïve , because if they collapse who'll take care of him ? but they earned my respect, and therefore, my help

it's a good thing the father isn't here… pulling this with three people is hard enough

while me and Bella sat there in silence, just watching Ken

I started sucking oxygen and concentrated it around my nose and mouth with a tiny percentage of CO2

then using the atoms in the air I made (HypnoGas-9)

[ shows the formula ]

It's a fast acting-short duration sleeping gas… no side effects"

once Bella's head fell, I began phase 1

I quickly went outside, made the gas behind the mother sitting on the table.. not that she needed it, she was already falling asleep on her own

next I opened the door, touched the ground and by atom manipulation made 2 syringes

and then made a vacuum around the needles

then I filled one of them with antibiotics

I went inside to Ken, took some of his blood

and gave him the shot

and that takes care of Ken

I know that one shot won't do the job but it will help tremendously

then I decomposed and reconstructed the syringe as a means of sanitization

after that I filled it with glucose and injected the mother

this will help on the short term , but the long run ..not really

I need to do away with that pig or else we will have a famine on our hands

then I went and sat just as I was before

and hid the other syringe containing the blood

[ Bella is waking up ]

Bella :"what happened?"

Colt :"nothing, you just spaced out for a minute"

Bella: "oh"

Colt : "I think we should leave and let him rest"

Bella [ a bit sad ]: " yeah you're right"

sorry , little one ,but you're not gonna waste my efforts ,I didn't take all these risks for nothing

as we headed out we noticed the mother was still asleep

called it

Colt [ whispering to Bella ]"don't wake her up"

Bella: *nods silently*

[ they leave, door closes]