
My science makes me OP in another world

"All Earth's knowledge, a boost to my brain, and to be unbound by magic capacity or affinity, those are my three requests" said Colt preparing for reincarnation. To reincarnate in another world, a wish he held dear, and now, he's heading to a world of monsters, magic, elves, and riches only he knows how to use . Sworn to not repeat the suffering he went through, Colt will use any and all means to ensure his new life is a good one.

Eric_Wannas · Fantasie
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43 Chs

Colt, diamonds, and a little elf

A few days later Alexander took me to a noble's estate and he told me something interesting 

Alexander : "Colt, are you aware of the time when the domain lord was changed in your town"

shit, why would he bring this up now??!!

relax … relax … none of the people of this world know about me

there is no way he knows a thing.. let's play dumb

Colt : "I remember it vaguely"

Alexander : " you probably wouldn't know, but, your dad told me all about it "

Alexander : "he said the new domain lord raised taxes tenfold which was about to cause a famine … luckily, he died of an illness before things progressed that far"

confirmed, I'm a badass and a genius

Alexander : "you see there are all kinds of nobles… good and bad… the one we are going to visit right now is tricky to deal with"

Alexander : "so don't say a word, he'll completely ignore you, do not show offense, let me handle the negotiations, understand?"

Colt [ completely emotionless ]: "yes, sir"

[ shows the scene inside of the noble's estate where they are sitting inside a big lavish room with highly valuable furniture]

[ another fat annoying pig walks in]

[ Colt and Alexander both go down on one knee and lower their heads ]

another one! Is there a factory that makes these guys somewhere??!!

no, wait ,don't judge by appearance ,maybe he's a good guy ,but , if so, why was Alexander so worried ?

The noble [ with arrogance] : "I heard a lowly merchant came to meet me , and I so graciously took time out of my busy schedule to indulge your foolishness… this'd better be worth my valuable time"

busy doing nothing that is 

yup, that cliché never fails

Alexander [ while still lowering his head] : "I apologize your lordship, but, I have a valuable item that I humbly desire to show you" 

The noble : fine, let's get it over with

[ Alexander opens his item box , takes out a black box , opens it, the diamonds shine brightly ]

[ the noble's eyes light up with greed ]

The noble[ trying to maintain a poker face ] : "these diamonds are not that much of a waste of time after all… how about.. 5 gold coins for them"

son of a … he's trying to rip us off!! I'm the one supposed to do the ripping here

well, they are genuine pure diamonds

the fact that I made them from coal doesn't matter

[ Alexander stands there in silence never showing an expression]

The noble : "what is that not enough? Fine how about one large gold"

Alexander kept his poker face until the noble's greed got the better of him

we made out with three large gold coins since the noble knew he wouldn't find anything like this again

[ after leaving the mansion]

Alexander : "not bad for your first time, when he gave his initial offer , I thought you'd get angry"

Colt : "well, I was angry but you said to not show offense"

[ Alexander standing there and thinking how a 9 year old could contain his emotions and perfectly follow orders ]

Alexander [ with pride and sincerity ] : "Colt , I hope one day, my son can be just like you"

truth is … I never expected to hear such words

I was shocked…

and for the first time since I met him, I spoke with sincerity

Colt [ speaking in a slow tone, still emotionless] : "Alexander, I respect you a lot, and, hearing you say those words , if fills me with joy, I just hope, I live up, to what you hope for me to achieve"

crap!! I can't believe I said that out loud

Alexander [ trying to change the subject] : "anyway… it's a good thing he didn't ask where we're from"

Colt [ deciding to play along ] : "why? And also why sell the diamonds to him of all people?"

Alexander: "because the domain lord that died of an illness… is his younger brother"

[ Colt laughing internally ]

wait , so I just took a small fortune for basically nothing , from the brother of the guy I eliminated 3 years ago

if I didn't know better this looks like payment for a job well done, this is hilarious, hahaha…

[ Colt's internal expression changes to a dark sinister grim face]

maybe I should wipe his entire bloodline from existence

or, while I'm at it I should level this whole kingdom, I just thought of a way to do it

Alexander [ interrupting Colt's thoughts ] : "why him? because he cares about appearances … most of the nobles who'll buy such expensive jewelry are just like him"

Alexander : "the respectable nobles care more for the people of their domain, than their own looks… not to say they live in poverty ,but they don't exploit the powerless"

oh… is that so… guess I won't level this kingdom then

better try fixing it from the shadows instead

it's good to know that there are actual good nobles

this world isn't black and white

I need to gather allies, and the time for that will come…

but, for now, let's just live happily

Alexander : "you just made a major profit of 3 L.G …go enjoy a little, take the next 2 days off. we're in the royal capital there are plenty of things to do"

Colt : "thanks, Alexander, by the way, here ,your commission fee"

[ starts residing the incantation]

Alexander : "no, I can't accept that !consider it a gift from master to a very talented apprentice"

Colt : "but-"

Alexander : "no buts , GO!"

[ Pushes Colt gently on the back ]

this guy… he really is a good man , I will pay him back someday

I went and bought some cooking utensils and ingredients mostly meat and vegetables

after that , I bought some armor, not that I need it , but , you can never be too careful

assuming otherwise is plain arrogance

after that I went outside the capital and I found myself unintentionally heading near the forest of elves and monsters

after that I started to prepare the first good meal I had since coming here

since the civilization here is middle ages at best

their food is plain and the most they know is bread and soup and roasting stuff

I made some oil with atomic manipulation and I assure you it was not an easy feat

which made me realize that if I want things I can't just "atomic manipulate" it into existence… some things are way too much of a pain to do multiple times

anyway, here comes the fun part : monsters like goblins and orcs came for the food which was also part of my plan

since I had a new spell I wanted to try: "graviol" cool name right? Straight from (musclehead in magic academy)

the idea here is that within a specific radius I set G=xG

x can be any number because I can calculate the new value at tremendous speeds but it is usually 1.5 or 2 at best

now the hard part here is activating it without spilling my food which means maintaining G for specific targets including me of course

and I have to say watching the monsters helplessly drop to the ground while using a simple knife to slay them is too much fun

I kept the corpses in my item box in case the materials turnout to be valuable 

if you're in an isekai you play by the rules

anyway, once my fried meat was done and I was just about finished eating , I heard the sounds of battle

as I rushed to the scene… I did not find adventurers in need of help or anything that will make me act cool as heck

rather I found a band of humans ganging up on two adult elves and an elf child

and when I arrived, the two elves were heavily injured

A bald guy : "we finally put them down.. the kid will fetch a high price"

Another rando : "what about these two? boss?"

The boss : "kill them! they won't do as slaves"

As I heard that for some reason I didn't feel a thing

I knew what had to be done and I was going to do it

but, the only thought I had was : another cliché , but we finally have test subjects, let's not waste this chance

let's make a scene while we're at it

Colt [calmly stepping into the scene ] : "hey, hey, hey, what's all of this ?"

as the bandits turned to face me , the elves looked at me with so much terror that they were rendered unable to move a muscle

The boss : "a little brat?! Go on to mommy before you get hurt"

Colt [ laughing hard ] : "hahaha, you guys are walking cliches, toying with you is gonna be fun"

[ his expression suddenly changes into a dark and demonic face]

Colt [in a slow terrifying tone] : "graviol"

[ the bandits drop to the ground while the elves are frozen in fear watching helplessly what is about to unfold]

 The boss : [ barely managing to lift his face terrified and confused] : "what the hell did you do??!! who, no, what are you?!!"

Colt [ in a slow, icy and terrifying tone, enough to make a lion run with its tail between its legs, looking him dead in the eyes] : "don't try to resist.. I doubled the gravitational force on you and your men, as for what am I … I am.. the last being you'll ever see"

[ boss faints]

Colt [sadistically enjoying this] : "hahaha, that waste of space actually fainted, and so did his men , this is too funny"

* turns to the elves moving towards them*

Elf1 [ blonde long hair blue eyes ,with horror] : "n-n-no , stay away ,I will not let you harm the princess"

*Colt looks at the "said" princess*

*she looks back with terror in her red eyes she's completely petrified that it seems the winds can not even move her silky white hair*

the princess?! This kid?!