
My science makes me OP in another world

"All Earth's knowledge, a boost to my brain, and to be unbound by magic capacity or affinity, those are my three requests" said Colt preparing for reincarnation. To reincarnate in another world, a wish he held dear, and now, he's heading to a world of monsters, magic, elves, and riches only he knows how to use . Sworn to not repeat the suffering he went through, Colt will use any and all means to ensure his new life is a good one.

Eric_Wannas · Fantasie
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43 Chs

Colt becomes a merchant apprentice

[Colt 8 years old]

I am now 8 years old

and school is over

for the past three years I kept my scores between 70-80 

I mean if I get 75 each time this is gonna be suspicious

so I widened the range

I don't think I'll see ken and Bella again

well, it was fun, while it lasted , acting like a normal kid again.

usually , commoners at this stage begin to teach their kids their craft or find a suitable path

for those who wanted to become magical knights they train their bodies for the next 7 years

since in this world you are viewed as an adult at 15 as usual

and for those with high enough capacity which are rare among commoners

they try to train their magic with as many incantations as they can find

not to sound cocky, but since I've been grinding like a mad man for years

and since I am the only mage armed with science and blessings

I dare say that I am an elite of this world, but, not the top yet…

so I've got a few years on my hands

after deciding what I wanted to do

it was time to decide how to do it?

so I asked Mark

Colt[ faking curiosity] : "dad, what do merchants do? ,we learned about in them in school…Ms. Clara said that if you're good at math you could become a merchant"

Mark [ a bit surprised ]: "well, son, merchants travel all around the kingdom to get and sell items"

Colt[faking curiosity ] : "but, what about the monsters?"

Mark : "being a merchant is not easy but they usually hire adventurers"

adventurers too … ohohoh, this world just keeps getting better, now to test a theory of mine

Colt [ curious ] : "can't a merchant do business without hiring adventurers?"

Mark[ surprised ] : "then who will protect him ? anyway why are you so interested? Didn't you say you wanted to become a mage?"

damn ! I thought he forgot about that

Colt[ calmly and innocently] : "well ,yeah, but won't it be good for me to learn new skills now to use later ?"

Mark [surprised ] : "that is a mature way of thinking for your age"

Colt : *laughs nervously*

Colt : "anyway ,dad ,can an adventurer become a merchant or the other way around? " 

Mark [hesitant and confused ] : "well, there isn't a rule that says they can't but nobody's done it before"

obviously, merchants are no good at fighting

and all adventurers do is kill monsters

to make such a dramatic career change in this world would nearly be impossible

but the reason I asked this is…

I'd like to travel alone as a merchant

so I can experiment on any monster I lay my eyes on, I have a few other spells I'd like to try anyway

Mark[ enthusiastically ] : "to respect your way of thinking, I'm going to talk to Alexander for you , luckily, he's in town these days"

Colt : "who's that?"

Mark : "a merchant friend of mine from school, like you and Ken"

daaamn, Mark's got connections and I didn't even know it

the next day Alexander came to our house with Mark

Mark : "Alexander this is my son , Colt….Colt , this is alexander"

[ alexander looks at Colt with the eyes of a savvy merchant]

this guy, trying to size me up huh, ok, let's throw some bones 

Colt [slight bow, calm and confident] : "how do you sir Alexander , My name is Colt, it's my pleasure to meet you"

how's that?

[ Mark standing there rendered speechless, same with Clarissa in the Background, Alexander smiles ]

Alexander : "not bad, kid , you're very well spoken and polite"

[turns to Mark]

Alexander : "he's going to be of use, dealing with nobles with a few adjustments, nicely done, Mark"

Mark[ flustered] : "oh, well, you know"

[ Colt laughing hard internally]

now to deal the finishing blow

Colt : "yes, I owe it all to my dear parents for raising me so well"

[ Clarissa barely managing to hold back her tears in the background and Mark getting more flustered ]

ah, this is hilarious, it may have been a risk but it was worth it

after that Alexander gave me a few math problems to solve on the fly .. needless to say I nailed 'em

then it was decided that I will start apprenticing under alexander for the next 3 years