
My science makes me OP in another world

"All Earth's knowledge, a boost to my brain, and to be unbound by magic capacity or affinity, those are my three requests" said Colt preparing for reincarnation. To reincarnate in another world, a wish he held dear, and now, he's heading to a world of monsters, magic, elves, and riches only he knows how to use . Sworn to not repeat the suffering he went through, Colt will use any and all means to ensure his new life is a good one.

Eric_Wannas · Fantasie
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43 Chs

Colt’s devious plan

after what I've seen I don't really have another choice

if I threaten him he'll shout his lungs out as soon as I leave then, even if I kill him later the nobles won't leave this domain in peace

they might even send someone worse as punishment

I don't have another choice

survive ,survive ,protect, save, survive

threat, kill, eliminate, threat

oh …that's right this isn't earth … normal morals don't apply here

the morals that allow that pig to run free

those are what governs this world

survival.. survive, Mark, Clarissa , protect, save 

the next day when Clarissa came to wake me up… 

Clarissa [gently] : "wake up it's time for school"

Colt [weakly] : "I can't"

[ Clarissa puts her hand on his forehead]

Clarissa [ worried ] : "you're burning up, are you sick?"

I don't need to mess with her this time, I'm not in the mood either… also I don't want her staying…

Colt [weakly] : "no ,I'll be fine tomorrow ,promise ,just need to rest"

Clarissa [leaving and closing the door] : "such a good boy ,rest then"

too easy

heating my forehead with an ice lens and sunlight was brilliant

I thought of using fire but , I deemed it too dangerous

I made the ice by making water molecules closer , that simple

I need to upgrade that as well

now for the mission


[Colt fades, the window opens and closes]

I went to the lord's mansion

I can easily get in and out by bending the fence or the bars of the gate if I needed

but, after mastering water prison I learned that…

if I know about a certain constant I can set its value however I want

this is untested but if it works then that is another OP skill

set G = 0

whoa I'm floating, I can't believe that actually works 

since it's a constant it equals 6.67430 × 10^(-11) no matter where in the universe you are

what varies with each planet is g (gravitational acceleration)

so by setting G=0 I nullified the gravitational force on me

now by wind magic.. control my movements

[ shows invisible colt floating above the fence and landing on the other side]

I dub you "float"... I need to upgrade it later

and nailed it!

Now to sneak inside

[ the D.L's room ]

that lazy pig is asleep like a baby with a guilt-free conscience

people are dying you damned…

I made HypnoGas-9 again just to make sure he does not react to the injection

then I injected him with ken's blood

he should develop a fever in 24 to 72 hours

let's hope his immune system isn't strong enough

now to head home

[ two days later in school before class starts]

[Colt enters the classroom to find Ken and Bella ]

Ken is alright! I don't know if it's the antibiotics or his immune system

either way I am happy for him if that's the right description

Ken [ with a bright and cheerful smile ]"hey, Colt, thanks for visiting the other day"

Colt [smiles calmly]: "it's all thanks to Bella"

[Bella blushes]

Ken : "hey , did you hear? they say the domain lord is sick and is in pretty bad condition"

well, I didn't give a though to sanitizing the needle so…

Bella : " yeah I heard a healer is coming to treat him"

ok , what?!! a healer?! In this backwater town?!

ok let's get it straight

Colt : "you mean with healing magic or…?"

Bella [ visible confusion]: "how else can you treat a sick person?!!!"

great, so healing magic does exist

but we'll have time to dwell on it later

for now …

Colt : "when will he be here??"

Bella : "tomorrow I think"

kids and their gossip … never disappoints

I'll need to end it today then

after school I went home, pretended to be asleep, snuck out ,float, snuck in,

[ the D.L's room ]

*after the gas*

Colt [with resentment] :"this is the last time you inhale this gas you waste of space... you embody everything I despise …but at least you're better than those on earth… at least you were open about being trash…I won't be seeing your face again"

*injects air near the heart*

time to head home

after that the old domain lord came back from retirement until they find a suitable person

and the first two things he did : he lowered the taxes to 5 copper or 0.5 large copper; half what they were originally

and the second was he handed out food to the hungry as a way of apology

I don't know if what I did was good or bad…

and I honestly don't care or regret it…

and ,looking at these results… I'd do it a thousand times