
My science makes me OP in another world

"All Earth's knowledge, a boost to my brain, and to be unbound by magic capacity or affinity, those are my three requests" said Colt preparing for reincarnation. To reincarnate in another world, a wish he held dear, and now, he's heading to a world of monsters, magic, elves, and riches only he knows how to use . Sworn to not repeat the suffering he went through, Colt will use any and all means to ensure his new life is a good one.

Eric_Wannas · Fantasie
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43 Chs

Catching up and helping around

[ shows the scene of Colt ,Levi and Luna walking around the village]

Levi [ laughing] : "nicely done, putting Agnar in his place like that.. he kept saying he was the strongest and has started to get cocky"

Colt : "well, I can't really blame him… cockiness is tempting. But if that's going to put this place in danger.. I'm not showing mercy"

[ shows the scene of a peaceful happy village and children just playing around]

Levi : "but you're strong and yet, you don't misuse your power or look down on others"

for real ?! , is that what you think?

Colt : "you're giving me too much credit here… so , how have you been for the past two years"

Levi : "things have been peaceful around here, [smiles] do you have anything do to with it?"

Colt [ feigning ignorance and confusion] : "what? I am only an 11 year old what can I do?!"

Levi[ laughing ] : "right, and I am 20 years old"

as we became apparent to the people there I noticed that the children don't mind me, but their parents are wary of me, they are also a bit afraid and hateful

Levi [ notices ] : "sorry about that, you must understand what seeing a human means to them"

Colt : "relax, I fully understand... if nothing else… I feel sorry for them"

[ they reach a big building]

Colt : "and this is…"

Luna : "it's a hospital"

Colt : "a.. hospital?"

Luna : "yes, we use herbs and healing magic"

Colt : "I see… do you need help?"

Levi : "no, like I said things have been peaceful[laughs], I think you put it out of business"

Colt[ sighs]: "come on…"

[ they reach the outside of a big house slightly smaller than the other building and looks like a giant tree trunk]

*Luna suddenly grabs Colt's hand and runs inside*

Colt : "hey, why are you-"

Luna [ shouting] : "mommy , daddy , Colt is here"

so this is her house?

The mother [ white hair, blue eyes, coming from inside, looks at Colt] : "Ah, so you're Colt, Luna told us about you, thank you for saving our precious daughter… I am Lana, Luna's mother"

of course you are

* father comes from behind Lana … blonde hair and red eyes, he has a missing arm, he looks at Colt sizing him up with a bit of animosity in his eyes*

why is he looking at me like that? Lana doesn't seem to have a problem

The father [ trying not to show aggression ] : "I am Zenon, Luna's father, so you're Colt…

Luna couldn't stop talking about how amazing you are"

oooh , so that's it

[ mischievous grin ]

he's just a doting daddy

Colt : "as you both summarized, my name is Colt , a pleasure to meet you master Zenon and madam Lana"

Zenon [trying to hide his animosity]: "you conduct yourself well.. good for you young man"

* Lana doing her best not to laugh in the background*

Luna [unaware of what's transpiring here] : "Come on , let's go inside"

* grabs Colt's hand again and drags him along*

* Zenon is pissed at the sight*

[ while the five of them are sitting inside]

Zenon [trying to test Colt] : "so, let's drop the formalities , tell me Colt, Luna says you're very powerful, but how do you think you measure to our strongest warrior, you can see auras and estimate your opponent's power right?"

let's not say a word about what happened

Colt [a bit flustered] : "well, from what I've seen it'll be a tough battle to win"

Levi : "don't listen to him, father, he's trying to be modest, he was just now toying with Agnar and then totally outmatched him "

Colt [ totally freaked ] : "LEVI !"

Levi [ enjoying this and laughing] : "no use hiding it, he would have found out anyway"

Zenon [ a bit worried and disappointed ] : "even Agnar…"

* sulks*

*Luna and Lana laughing their hearts out*

* Levi smiling*

Colt [nervous laughter]

Colt : "anyway, Levi, you never told me you and Liam are Luna's brothers…

Though it tracks, I mean who's better to protect her?"

Levi : "sorry about that, it just slipped our minds last time, now I have a favor I'd like to request, if it's not too much trouble"

*Levi whispers into Colt's ear*

Colt [whispering back] : "you realize what you're asking for right?"

Levi[whispering] : "I know you don't want to show your true power , but , please I'm begging here, if anything happens, I'll take full responsibility"

I really don't want to take that risk, but if it was Mark, I would want that too... before, I would've just said it wasn't my problem, but now…

Colt[ speaking normally] : "fine"

Luna [a bit annoyed and pouty] : "what are you two talking about? I want in on it too"

Colt [ smiles] : "we were just talking about the gift I've prepared for you and madame Lana"

Lana : "please, dear child , don't call me that, you can call me Lana or… mother"

*Levi and Colt blush*

*Zenon stops sulking and has a shocked and stupid look on his face*

damn, is she hinting at what I think she's hinting at?? What the hell lady?

* Zenon looks at Colt with obvious contempt, his aura turns red*

oh, crap, now she's done it

* Colt opens his item box puts his hand inside*

Colt [nervous as heck] : "ok, Lana and Luna, try eating it in the sun outside.. it'll taste better"

it's just some cotton candy I made

*Hands one to each*

*they leave*

Zenon [ pissed as hell, starting to move to attack] : "if you lay a finger on my daughter I'll"

what an idiot


I spared Levi

Levi [ expects what's about to happen and just going with it] : "now you've done it, father,[ sighs] Please ,Colt , go easy on him, and you're still going to do it right??"

Colt [ totally ignoring the raging Zenon near him] : "yeah, your father is a good man, that's the least I can give him"

Levi : "thank you, I truly mean it"

* turns to face Zenon who's been uttering threats*

Colt [ a bit indifferent and sarcastic] : "as you can see, you can't lay a finger on me, if I wanted to do anything, I would've done it already, besides I'm only 11 what has you so worried?"

Levi [ laughing] : "yeah, right"

Colt : "hey…!!"

Colt [sighs] : "anyway jokes aside, let's take care of business"


* Zenon's missing arm starts to grow back*

*Zenon stares in shock rendered speechless*

it took about 3 minutes.. I'm improving

Colt : "there , as you requested, you happy? Levi?"

Levi [ crying tears of joy ] : "yes, thank you, if there is anything you ever want, just ask, I'll do whatever it takes to repay you"

Colt : "if that's how I operated, I wouldn't have done it in the first place, that was me helping a friend"

*Levi cries harder*

"static off"

* Zenon collapses on the chair in shock*

Zenon[happy, breathing heavily ,yet ashamed, keeps moving his arm]: "I can't believe it!! My arm !! it's back!!"

*looks at Colt*

Zenon : "how??!! , no , it doesn't matter, I misjudged you… now I see what Levi's been talking about…

I see that you are our ally … if you had any other intentions we would all be slaves by now"

Zenon : "I didn't want to believe there was someone this powerful, but I am glad you're on our side"

Colt : "I didn't do a thing your arm miraculously grew back"

*Zenon stares in shock*

Levi : "nobody is gonna buy that, the other people here already saw you, take the credit, no one here will say a word"

Colt [ sighs] : "fine, you win, I'll deal with it"

* Luna and Lana come back*

* Luna running inside and Lana from behind*

Luna [ happy and excited] : "thank you , Colt that snack was ama-"

* they both stare at Zenon*

* Lana starts crying*

* rushes towards Zenon*

Lana [shocked and happy] : "Zenon… how?!!"

Zenon [ flustered] : "well , the thing is-"

Luna [ all of a sudden getting over her shock ] : "it's Colt"

* Colt, Levi , and Zenon stare at Luna with awe*

Colt : "what the-"

Levi : "how did you-"

* Luna runs toward Colt ,grabs his hand , turns to face the others*

Luna : "because Colt can do anything"

* runs to hug her dad *

kids' logic… she believes in me this much??!!

just hearing those words, made me feel what seems like.. a sense of… accomplishment