
My science makes me OP in another world

"All Earth's knowledge, a boost to my brain, and to be unbound by magic capacity or affinity, those are my three requests" said Colt preparing for reincarnation. To reincarnate in another world, a wish he held dear, and now, he's heading to a world of monsters, magic, elves, and riches only he knows how to use . Sworn to not repeat the suffering he went through, Colt will use any and all means to ensure his new life is a good one.

Eric_Wannas · Fantasie
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43 Chs

A chat with the elves

Elf1 [ blonde long hair blue eyes ,with horror] : "n-n-no , stay away ,I will not let you harm the princess"

*colt looks at the "said" princess*

*she looks back with terror in her red eyes she's completely petrified that it seems the winds can not even move her silky white hair*

the princess?! This kid?! 

well, doesn't matter now, why are they so terrified?

Colt [ trying to smile] : "easy, I'm not gonna-"

Elf2[ same description as 1][weakly ,breathing heavily ] : "princess! ,you have to run , we're no match for him, leave us"

oh, come on, I saved your hides and that's how you react??!!

fine , actions speak louder than words I guess

* the princess starts to move *

Colt [ sighs] : "static"

* "static" activates rendering everything and everyone in its area of effect immobile*

* the princess is immobile, the two elves can do nothing but to watch helplessly*

* Colt moves to face the weakened elf first*

Colt [ examining the elf emotionlessly] : "let's see here, a sword wound near the heart, broken ribs, as well as a few burns here and there… wow, you're practically half-dead already"

* the elf closes his eyes awaiting his demise*

* until suddenly his breathing is normal and he can feel his body healing *

* he opens his eyes in awe*

Colt [ speaking like a doctor in a cold indifferent tone, while using healing magic] : "it's good your broken ribs didn't pierce your lungs, now for the wound, stop the bleeding , close it, and done, lastly the burns, increase cellular regeneration, make the scars fade, aaaand done"

* Colt heads to heal the other elf *

Colt [in the same tone, using healing magic] : "you're in much better shape than your friend over there, give me a moment , and, done"

* Colt heads to the princess stands right beside her*

Colt [ yelling so that the two elves can hear him speaking in a sarcastic tone] : "oh, look at that , I have your precious princess, and you are powerless to stop me… how unfortunate"

* the princess' eyes are filled with fear and tears *

* carries the princess and walks right in front of their eyes to face them *

* gently puts down the princess*

* backs off five steps*

* the elves and the princess stare with shock *

Colt [ sighs ]: "now do you understand that I'm not your enemy?"

* Colt sees the affirmation in their eyes*

"static" off 

* the princess runs to hide behind one of the elves while Colt makes a cabinet with earth magic*

*the elves look at the cabinet with awe*

Colt : "what are you three waiting for? let's talk inside"

[ inside the cabinet while the three are sitting on earth chairs facing each other and the princess is clinging to one of the two elves]

Colt : "first things first, my name is Colt I am a merchant apprentice"

Elf1 : "I am Liam and this is my twin brother Levi, pleasure to meet you, sir Colt"

*Levi nods*

* Liam looks at the princess *

Liam : "and this is princess Luna"

* Luna clings to Liam more with obvious fear*

Colt : "the pleasure is all mine, and please drop the formalities, I am merely 9 years old"

*Liam and Levi exchange a glance in shock*

Levi : "excuse me sir, uh- I mean Colt, but there is no way a powerful mage with this much magic capacity is just 9"

Colt : [looking Levi in the eyes] : "tell me… how did you know my magic capacity was high?"

Levi : "well , you aura is huge, I've never seen anything like it before , it is so dense that it looks completely dark and terrifying"

Colt : "ah , sorry about that, I never knew.. since the people I've been in contact with can't use magic sight like I can"

Liam [surprised] : "wait, you can see auras too?!"

wait, is that supposed to be difficult?! Since I've already exposed "graviol" and "static" to them might as well get some info and practice a new trick

*Magic sight*

Colt [ a bit confused] : " yes , you two aren't exactly lacking in power either"

*shows the auras of the three elves Liam and Levi both have a big aura, but the princess has a denser bigger aura*

Colt : "why? is it unusual for humans to see them?"

Levi : "as far as we know only skilled mages develop the ability to see them… as for us we're naturally more gifted with amounts and control of mana, which is what lead to the current situation"

that's human greed for you, I can't say I imagine what they've been through, I can hardly feel a thing at all, but, I am not going to change the subject, I'll have to own up to it

Colt [ saddened ,speaking slowly, lowering his head ] : "I am truly sorry, we : humans have wronged you, if there is anything I can do to atone ,please, name it"

* the three looked at him with awe as they've never seen a human show kindness to elves before, even Luna, who was terrified by his aura started to warm up*

*they've never known a human who won't abuse their power, especially because all they've seen were bandits*

Liam [ in shock] : "no, please sir Colt, raise you head"

Levi [ in similar shock] : "the one who saved and healed us should not be apologizing"

Liam : "that's right we should be the ones trying to repay you"

Colt [raises his head, with a subtle brief smile] : "I thank you"

*noise from outside *

Colt : "ah, excuse me for a minute, I'll go put the trash to sleep"

* Colt goes outside *

Liam [ still can't believe what just happened] : "I've never seen a human like him before"

Levi : " are you sure he's human? Did you see that aura? And why is he taking our side?"

Liam : "someone this powerful has no need for deception, he stopped us dead in our tracks, he had princess Luna , he could've done whatever he wanted while we watched"

Levi : "I still can't completely trust him, especially because I don't know why he's helping us , and did you hear him talk ? no way he is 9 as he claims"

Luna [ innocently] : "I trust him, he healed you two, right?"

Levi : "well, that's true, but I wonder why he didn't kill those humans?"

Liam : "I think it would be better to just ask him about all of it"

Levi : "and how do you know he's not lying"

Liam : "if he bared any ill will, we would be dead already, I'll take my chances and trust him "

* meanwhile *

The boss [ just waking up] : "oooh, what happened?"

*looks around*

The boss : "hay, wake up you lowlives it's our chance to-"

* Colt appears behind him looking terrifying *

Colt [ speaking in a slow menacing tone] : "to do what exactly? You pile of human trash"

* static *

"I took my sweet time making Somnolite X17"

[ shows shape and formula]

"this gas is different from hypnogas since it will put them to sleep for a day at least or until I apply an antidote"

"there ,all done, while they scream for mercy I applied the gas and they all fell asleep again"

* heads back to the tent *

Colt : "a wise choice Liam, I don't need to lie, lying is for the weak. Tell me, Levi, what has you so suspicious"

* the three look at him with shock then Levi gets zealous*

Levi [ with a hint of hostility] : "how did you know what were we talking about? How do you act and carry yourself beyond your years? What's with your weird powers? Why are you helping us? and why didn't you kill the humans?"

Colt [ responds calmly] : "these are all good questions , nicely done , you earned my respect.

I heard the last line Liam said and since he seems to trust me, and Luna is too young and innocent-how old is she anyway?- I assumed you were suspicious as someone who's guarding a princess should

as for the next two questions I'd rather keep that to myself for now

now then do you really want to know why I'm helping you?"

*the twins look in anticipation*

Colt : "the reason is : I like elves is all"

 * blank stares*

Levi [ recovering from whatever that was]: "same as you princess Luna is 9, now answer the last question"

Colt [ looks at Luna] : "nine , huh , if that's the case then I can't answer here"

* points with his head outside*

 * the twins exchange a glance and Levi and Colt head outside a bit far from the cabinet*

Colt [ flustered] : "how could you ask such a question in front of a 9 year old? What's wrong with you?"

Levi [ suspicious] : "you're 9 and you're okay with it"

Colt : "come on, drop the act , we both know it's not the same"

Levi : "don't change the subject, why are you keeping them alive?"

 Colt : "for the good of the people whether they're human or elf"

Levi [ suspicious and curious] : "how so?"

Colt : "you know that healing magic can't regrow limbs or fully rebuild organs right?"

Levi : "yyeeess..?"

Colt : "well I think I can make healing magic that can"

Colt [ demonic smile] : "but, how can I do that without test subjects to practice on?

Luckily, we have some human waste here that nobody will miss…

These guys probably sold and killed many elves and humans so why not make good use of them?"

 * as Levi heard this , he thanked god he did not make an enemy out of the being in front of him*

Colt [ smiles ]: "of course, do not breath a single word about this to anyone even Luna , agreed? "

Levi [ a bit scared ] : " of course, you have my word"

* Liam comes out with Luna *

Liam: "hey , Levi ,did you get your answer?"

Levi : "yeah and I completely trust Colt now"

 * Colt smiles*

Liam : "that's a relief…what now?"

Colt : "now you two take Luna and head home , would you like me to accompany you , just in case?"

Levi : "while it's a tempting offer, if we were to take you up on that and lead you to our settlement… you'll be attacked on the spot, we'll need to inform the chief of your existence first "

Colt : "fair enough, take care then , I'll try to get to the bottom of this"

* Luna comes closer to Colt*

Luna [ with a teary voice] : "is this the last time I'll see you"?

"poor kid, this must be the first time she had a friend her age "

Colt [ smiles] : "no, no ,tell you what, I'll come back here in two years how's that?"

Luna [ nods] : "mmhm , two years, you promise?"

Colt : "yeah, I promise"

let's give her a final show 

envision the magic flow, control the leaking power, suck it all in , done

Colt: "how do I look now ?"

Luna : "you're not scary anymore"

* the twins exchange a glance in awe *

Colt : " thanks, Luna, goodbye… see you in 2 years"

 * the three elves head to the forest*

Colt [ demonic smile] : "now that they left… it's time to deal with the trash…"

[ shows the sleeping bandits]