
My scam marriage: It is real.

After the tragic death of her mother and being abandoned by her father with her new born sister. Kaleah finds out she is about to get deported; her friend comes up with a plan to get her married so she can stay in the country. Her first date with her potential date ends up in a disaster, also earning her a stalker. She thinks it is hopeless after meeting her friend’s big brother and sparks fly, enough to earn herself a rich powerful husband. The catch, it is a fraud to get her to stay in the country. But it is not, she just hadn’t realized it yet.

MonarchTheFirst · Urban
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72 Chs

A new lead

[Third person POV]


Sounds of Cyan vomiting can be heard, along with sounds of the television breaking as Clayton angrily punches unto it.

"Guys calm down," Conan says, but his voice also didn't sound calm.

What Ellen Mule has just displayed to the world is what many would call disgusting.

"How dare he?" Clayton says, blood dripping out his bruised fists, "how dare he sexually assault my wife and post in in a public platform."

"I... Can you stop panicking," Conan says, angrily typing.

No one could keep a sane mind, not after watching the heinous live footage Ellen Mule showed as proof that Kaleah left willingly.

The state in which Kaleah's bruised body was in, the tears falling down her eyes along with Zoey's gut-wrenching cry, no family wished that to one of their own.

"Damnit," Conan cursed, "I can't track the IP address," maybe he shouldn't have dropped out of collage mid-course maybe then he would be able to locate this monster and save Kaleah and Zoey.

"Try again Conan, try again," Clayton shouts, Conan had started typing again violently.

As the family was frantic and confused, they heard a knock on the door, and in comes detective Alexander Ross.

"Good morning," he says.

"What so good about this morning? Did you find that monster who have my wife and daughter, if not then what is good about this morning detective?"

"Mr. Beckett I am sorry, we tried tracking his IP address, but it is not giving us the location," Alex says, he wanted to come with good news, but he was disappointed.

"So why are you here?" Cyan who just came out of the bathroom asked angrily, "are you here to ask if we saw that atrocious video? Are you here to console are poor hearts, you think your empty words would be able to do that?"

"I am sorry Miss Beckett we are doing everything in our power to find..."

"Clearly you are not working hard enough because if you were my granddaughter-in-law wouldn't be going through that." Melisa finally broke her silence, "detective get out, if you don't have my precious granddaughter-in-law and great granddaughter, you better leave."

"I will continue to do everything in my power to bring them back, I have taken Mrs. Mule out for questioning, and I will update you," Alex says before bowing to leave.

He quickly rushes to his station to continue to investigate, he needed to find Kaleah and Zoey before more misfortune happens to them.

"Detective, Mrs. Mule is strapped in the lie detector and ready for questioning," one of his subordinates tells him.

He quickly rushes to the room; he needs to break down what this woman knows about her evil son.

But getting out of the break room, he feels deflated, she clearly doesn't know where Ellen is, there is no lead to where he could be.


Crystal gets out of the police station untouched; she is happy that her lack of knowledge of where Ellen is gets her out of the prison with no charges.

"What is it now Layla?" Crystal groans as she meets Layla who was crying.

"Mother have you seen the heinous video Ellen put up?"

"How was I going to see it when I was locked up?" Crystal groaned, "anyway what is it about?"

Layla sits her mother in-law down explaining what had happened in the video, Crystal almost puked by the way Layla described everything in detail.

"So, what got you crying?" Crystal asked.

Layla takes out her phone showing her mother-in-law the screenshot she took, "look here."

"What is it, Layla? I can't read minds," Crystal scolded, "what am I supposed to be looking at?"

"Ellen is disrespecting Archie's memory mother; this is the place downtown that Archie bought for us." Layla said screaming, she hated how her last memory of her love is being tainted like this.

"What? That filthy useless child," Crystal groan, "worry not we will deal with him, tomorrow morning we are going to go to him have him sign over the rights and help him leave town."

'What? Aren't we laying low mother? And why are we helping him escape?"

"To clean the Mule name, you think people would want to go shop at a supermarket owned by a sex offender's mother?" Crystal says, "anyway, let us get ready to go sort this mess out tomorrow."

Meanwhile Conan was using every recourse in the book to help out, he tried calling his old coding classmates to help him out.

"Yes…... I mean finally," Taryn who was helping Conan exclaimed.

"What is it now?" Conan groaned, Taryn ran to where he was, with the laptop in her hands.

"Remember that recording device you left at the Mule's house? It caught a very interesting conversation."

Taryn says handing an earbud to Conan to listen in, after hearing the whole conversation between the two women, Conan could help but pull Taryn into a kiss.

"Finally, now we have to track the last purchase of Archie Mule and we get where they are," Conan says, "go tell Clayton I will call a friend of mine to get the records for Archie's last purchase."

Conan starts calling his friend while Taryn runs to tell Clayton the good news, they are coming home, Taryn told herself happily, she had not been able to sleep since the whole kidnapping.

"Mr. Beckett, we have a new development," Taryn interjected, "sorry for interrupting."

Inside Clayton's study room was a strong standing Black man along an equally intimidating wife.

"Joshua Carter and that is my wife Evelyn Carter," the man says extending his gratitude.

"Taryn… Taryn Duff."

"I have a few of my team searching for her we will find her Clay," Evelyn says, she was a very well-built woman, she was body builder of some sort, because she had muscles in all the right places.

"Um... well, Conan and I were listening in on Mrs. Mule and her daughter-in-law's conversation and we might have found where she is." Taryn says, trying her best to stand still with all the intimidating energy in the room.

"Oh…... do you have the actual location?" Evelyn says, "stay put, I will handle all this, okay?"

"Well, I can handle this myself Evelyn," Clayton fires back.

"Of course, you can, given you can barely stand, ugh…. Can't believe you were even starving yourself," Evelyn cursed, it was quite a sight, having to watch anyone not related to Clayton Beckett talk to him however she wants.

"Come on Clay is just depressed," Joshua defended.

"Well, they said something about the last plot of land Archie Mule bought." Taryn finally found her voice.

"Thank you love," Evelyn says, taking her phone out.

"I am coming with," Clayton says angrily, making Evelyn roll her eyes.

"Hi, it is me, find the last plot of land Archie Mule bought and get your cars and fists ready, we are about to kill a Mule." Evelyn says into her phone, even though she sounded calm it still sent a shiver down Taryn's spine.

Taryn quickly said her goodbyes before returning to where Conan was.

"Oh… he is not coming?" Conan asked as he saw Taryn return without Clayton.

"Well, he is with the Carters," Taryn says, Conan's reaction was sure one for the books.

"Evelyn Carter is here?" Conan asked.

"Yes, she is in Clayton's office," Taryn says still confused by Conan's reaction, she was even confused when Conan called his friend to cancel his search.

"What was that for? Don't you want to find Zoey and Leah?" Taryn asked.

"Oh… Eve will find them, she is not one to mess with, so she will find them in no time," Conan says happily.

"Why? Is she someone from the underground world? Ohhh is she like a mafia queen?" Taryn says letting her imagination run wild.

"Not really, though she is feared in the mafia world she is not part of it," Conan says, "she is an assassin turned national spy turned Agent, she is a very lethal enemy to have."

Just as Conan was explaining Evelyn barged in, "come on move out we are going to rescue them, three hours' drive from here."

Taryn could see why Conan didn't even bother having his friend search for them because they were already found, she is happy for the torture that was to befall Ellen Mule because he deserves every single second of it.