

And soon after completing her sentence supreme Moshary orders to free all of them and provides them with a cloth which is the dress code of their kingdom which is made out of the skin of snakes which looks charming as well as fascinating

" These are the special clothes which is made out of the skins of some of the most dangerous snakes in the whole known universe and fortunately you all have come here at the right time as this evening we will be having a grand celebration where you will also come across our culture even more", she tells them 

And soon they all are given their room in which they can stay until they all are called for the celebration and as soon as they all get into their room suddenly Prince Trola starts speaking

" She is much more clever than I thought as she has given us the skin of Basilisk snake which is most hazardous amongst all the other snakes in the universe, and we will die as soon as we will wear these clothes