
Eiffel Tower

"Seriously? That is what you want to know now, so suddenly?" Aaron was annoyed with her.

"Hmm but if you don't want to, you don't need to answer me"

"After I went to States, I enjoyed coffee more"

"How was States?" 

"Why are we talking about random topics Amara?"

"I want to know you more."

"States was fine"

"You never fell for anyone else? There are many beautiful women in States."

"Hmm there are, some are even more beautiful than you." 

Amara smiled when she heard his words, as he was honest.

"But they were not you and no one was able to move my heart the way you did"

"Seriously? In love stories men save women and in ours I saved you." Amara smiled.

Aaron too smiled, he was liking them having this honest conversation.

"When did you realize you love me?"