


The feet of jolly kids and a pair of cheerful adventurer marched through the forest, their gaze set forward until they saw the clearing, the sun peaked through the bushes as Kaluar forced his way through, running past the weak barrier that kept them from the outside world.


'Finally back to cobble tow-' He announced, his words cut short by a sight to behold. His mouth slightly agape from the view that blessed his eyes.


A city of advanced technology for it's time, the sun shining down on it giving it a feeling of golden hour, it's gears forever turning, maintaining it's own harmony. Floating ships in the sky adorned with gold and metal, their materials shined as they fetched loads and loads of packages into their docks. It's buildings standing tall, made out of wood yet adorned with the city's riches to maintain it's foundation.


Seeing the sun after so long, it was a blessing. Kaluar closed his eyes and looked up to the sky, enjoying the warmth on his skin after several days.


'To think this would also be a route to Prospera.' Celi commented on the young traveler's shoulder, her hand swiping away at the mana infused screen to record this discovery.


'The guild would be glad to hear about this, and with the monster gone there's no problem.' There's a clear excitement laced in her voice as she continued. Kaluar soon smiling and turning back to the kids.


'Okay, let's head back.' He sighed a sigh of relief knowing that one of their troubles had been solved, yet there were still more lying right in front of them. Getting the kids home for one.


Eventually they found their way back, returning lost kids to those who had given up, watching fondly as their parents welcomed their child with opened arms and teary eyes.


'Isabel!' The woman from before cried, running over to scoop her child off the ground, her laughter mixed with the cries of relief and pain, her feet danced with joy spinning her child around in a playful motion before sinking to her knees and bringing her in once more.


'Mom!' Isabel cried, hugging the woman with all the strength she could muster.


'I missed you so much.' She buried her face deeper into her mom's chest, ugly tears seeping from her eyes.


'I missed you too, dear.' She reassured, brushing the hair of her child with soft and careful hands, excited to see her daughter after so many days.


'Thank you, Traveler. May I, learn your names?' She pondered, looking at the hero of her child with eyes of fondness and gratitude.


'The name's Kaluar and this little elf is Celi,' He announced, a thumbs up pointing to his face with a grin.


'I see. Thank you again, Kaluar, for what you did.' She couldn't express her gratitude enough before her daughter's savior, her eyes stinging with tears at the thought of not being able to meet them all the way back then.


'I know!' She exclaimed, her eyebrows furrowed in a playful determination.


'You should be rewarded.' She got up in a huff, holding the hand of the traveler dropping pieces of gold and silver in his hand.


'It's not much but,' She continued, her gaze to the floor as they exchange items.


'I'd like to repay you more when the time comes.' Their hands slowly slide apart, leaving the gold and silver in the hands of the young elf as she stepped back. A weak smile on her lips.


Kaluar looked confused by what she meant, and before he could ask her to elaborate, she already took Isabel and left, not saying a word more as she disappeared into the crowd. his brows furrowed over his eyes in worry and concern.


'We should probably head back.' Celi mentioned, noticing how concerned he looked. His train of thought broken.


'R-right.' Kaluar nodded, walking back to the forest that lead them to Prospera.


The sound of gears grinding screeched softly in his ears as he marched through the city of Prospera, his boots would echo against the metal pathways as technology used for transportation dashed by at high speeds to deliver something or someone. A city of order and efficiency all separated by a massive steel wall that served as a border for the other side. Train tracks falls through a passage way within the walls, the door to it shut off.


'Woah! They're so many humans here!' Kaluar called out in wonder, never seeing a human outside the guild or in adventure gear before. 


'Kaluar, focus.' Celi said trying to get the attention of our hero once more.


'Right, right! what do we have to do again?' Kaluar asked, his voice barely above a whisper so only she could hear. Celi nods, instantly going to the screen before them.


'Take a mysterious book to a lad from Prospera Academy, by the name of Mirai Sato.' the young elf read aloud.


'Where even is Prospera academy?' Kaluar pondered, his eyes occasionally being caught by the shiny technology that would shimmer in the sun overhead.


'I assume beyond that wall, on a city called Zebara town, we're in Anvile town.' Celi pointed to the massive wall that resided in the center of the city, it's cold steel standing against the rays of the sun. Guards lining the top with amor adorned with the color of gold, their iron spears pointed to the sky in attention.


'So we just have to take the train.' Kaluar murmured as he walked up to the guard, his hands to his lips, trying to pitch his voice as far as possible.


'Hey!' He screamed to them, his cry catching the attention of a guard with brown wavy hair, his blue eyes narrowing to catch a glimpse of the young elf down below. His face a almost clean shave, a narrow face that fits all of his features.


'You there! Young elf! State your business!' He called out to our hero, a smile appearing on Kaluar's face when he responded to his cry.


'We're adventurers from village Eldora, we came to deliver a book to an academy student!' He called back, his cry hardly reaching the ear of the human, but it was enough.


'Unfortunately the train isn't working, you can not cross to the other side at this time!' Kaluar groaned at the word of the news, his eyebrows furrowing in frustration.


'The train stopped here too?' He mumbled, his voice clearly bitter to what's happening before them.


Celi looked at Kaluar her eyes laced with empathy as she saw his frustrations hating to see her friend this way.


'What's the status.' A man in pristine steampunk clothing spoke, his cloth laced with golden buttons adorned his black tux and a chain that attached to his hand watch. His long blonde hair draped down his back, part of his bangs covering his blue eyes. His hands remained behind his back as he looked down on Prospera through his window.


The room was painted in a rich brown, his chair pushed in by the desk, papers orderly stacked and room cleaned to perfection. Behind him stood a rather short man, his tanned skin and black hair standing out the most, wearing clothing similar to the man before him. His brown eyes staring at his back as he delivered the news.


'It's been days...' He murmured, the man before him clicked his teeth in frustration already knowing where the conversations is heading.


'Director,' The short man called out to the man before him his voice slightly raising to get his point across.


'We need to tell the Academia, they'll know what to do, the core wont be back in time-' The director looked behind him, his glare cutting the black haired man short.


'Regulus, we can't tell the Academia, you know as much as I the consequences that would entail.' His body fully turned to face the man, his glare filled with hatred towards Regulus for mere suggesting the idea, causing him to step back.


'Forgive me, Director.' He muttered, taking a step back from his imposing shadow.


'I over stepped, my apologies.' 


The Director returned his gaze to the city once more. A sigh escaped his lips.


'See to it that it never happens again, we only have a week until the city falls to ruin, without our power supply well...' His voice trailed off as he raised his head slightly, something coming to him. His hands slowly reaching to cup his chin between his fingers. 


'Director?' Regulus looked at the Director with concerned eyes. Standing there until dismissed. 


'Something...' he muttered, his voice trialing off making it hard to hear.


'Pardon?' Regulus asked, his face even more confused.


'Something here....has a tremendous amount of mana.' He spoke up a bit, his gaze turning to Regulus one more.


'Quickly, contact Vasrien, there's something we need to discuss!'


Regulus nodded, taking his leave through the double wooden doors, the Director now left alone to his thoughts, pondering about what that mana leak could possibly be.


'Whatever, or whoever it is.' He murmured under his breath. 


'They'll be able to help us out of this, I'm sure. We can't let them leave without hearing our plea!'