
My Rose on Fire

heyyy my name is Fire Matteo Andrei I've lusted after this one girl since i met her i would die for this girl, i feel empty without her I have one question to this girl would you die for me?

Lieutenant_Fire · Urban
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73 Chs


As I sit In the same seat everyday I witness someone trying to tempt my wrath Jean talking with Ruby tsk tsk he shall feel the pain of when something is taken from me.

"Hey Fire,"Yuri says whilst sitting down next to me,"Can't wait into we go out for dinner tonight," oh shit my wrath will have to be tamed for now. I begin to sketch the city skyline but as if it was destroyed by a nuclear holocaust. Mutants traveling between them.

I sip my shandy the only thing over then my accent that reminds me of home in ole blighty.

As if time was moving slightly faster the day is at an end, I catch the bus back to my house I put on cologne I put on a polo shirt and Jeans. "Bye gran I'm going out," I shout as leaving.

I open the door to find Yuri behind it I stumble back "Could've at least knocked would you like to meet my grandmother," I say whilst clenching my side. I walk into the living room "Yuri meet my gran," I say whilst Yuri shakes my grandmother's hand, We walk out and down the driveway "You know I do have a car," I say to Yuri, "What type?"She asks,

"Classic muscle car my uncle gave it me for my birthday," I reply

We get in the car I put on the radio and tune it to classic rock, It's around a 10 minute drive to the city center.The architecture is like an Italian villa "reservation under Matteo Andrei," I quietly say. "Si si," he says whilst seating us at our table.The waiter brings menus and a bottle of Boston bourbon at my request. I carefully pour to glasses of bourbon for both of us, I search threw the menu looking for something that sounds appealing "orecchiette salsiccia e rapini it's my uncles favorite," I say whilst sipping bourbon, "I'd have the Firenze pasta," she stutters trying to pronounce Frienze.

"Cosa vorrei ordinare?," the waiter inquires

"si le orecchiette le prendo e la signora la pasta alla firenze per favore," I reply the waiter is visibly surprised,"sei italiana è perfetta te le faccio portare presto," he replies.

Yuri looks surprised "how do you know Italian?" she inquires,

"my uncle taught me and how many glasses of bourbon have you had," I reply only half joking, "2 mabye 3 im only a tad bit tipsy," She replies.

She just stares into my eyes "Fire I've always found it hard to express my feelings apart from when im around you," she says with a slight bit of sadness. She sips her bourbon not even averting her eyes from mine. 20 minutes or so pass by then the food is brought out, Yuri takes a sensual bite, Ibite down into a big chunk tasting the thousands of flavors. We continue to talk whilst eating dinner, there's only a tad bit of bourbon left around 25% so I neck it.The comes round instead of splitting it I pay for the meal and leave a 1000 Yen tip. I'm not even drunk so I drive Yuri back to her house "Fire I'm madly in love with you I'd die for you do you except my confession," she flirtatiously says,

I stumble woth my words for a bit "Yes I do I love you Yuri..."

I have sold my sole to the devil

Fire 2021