
My Revenge For My Beloved One's

after sia died at the age of 30 then she reborn the day she born when she saw the old house her young look parents and little siblings and also her baby look then she understand that she is reborn at the time when everything is fine then she stared to get revenge on them who killed her in her previous life and also her two family and she thanks god because god give her another chance now the question is will she be success ???

Pink_Butterfly_352 · Teenager
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4 Chs

Past With My Biological Family

past feels like just a horrorable nightmare.

i dreamed about the past again.no matter how hard i try i can't forget or get enough sleep in this last 3 months.

three months ago i reborn.but can't erased my past memories..

those pains i felt still fresh i feel like someone burdened me with those pain and sorrow like a course..

i don't who that guy was why did he help me!!

in my last life i only study hard to get achieve best results in school and than got a good job that can help us to make comfortable our life.but i failed no matter how hard i try still i can't save my sisters also my mom.

in my last life when my age is 7 year my dad died in fornt of me.he told me to take care of my mom and sister's.i promise him yes i will.when he died i felt horrorable.

then when i turned 14 my elder brother he graduate from university and he had a good job.but he didn't want us to be part with his life..

so he decided that he will marry innum.

and then few days latter we heard the news of the marriage..

my brother took different residence for his wife.and that women took her family and than they both decided her husband i mean my so called brother can't see or have any contract with us...

my sister's and me we don't have anything..

we can't provide our mother medical treatment and also medicines..

we three became desperate to make money for mom..

then i thought if i try to contract with him or tell how we live he will help us..

but in the end he didn't even want to have contract with us again..

but i was stubborn naive and also i loved my brother so much that i don't evan want our relation to be end like this..

so i made my mind i'll visit his residence and also i'll show him how we was before and how much love we siblings do each other..

then everything will be fine he will understand he will visit mom love us the way he did before..

but there is a saying goes never believe and love anyone especially not those who turned their back from you..

so i go to his residence and forhey were had party he enjoying himself..

i was shocked when i saw him.when his new family saw they bullied me in front of him he didn't even protect me nor even helping me to get out of this situation.

he said why i actually here for..

when others people from the party.

they ask who is this girl why did she called oliver sir brother did they really sibling??

my so called brother said i am not his sister i am just a street girl he only have two younger brothers and big sisters..

they are actually his wife's biological sibling.

and he said get lost never come back..

i don't know what to do i felt like my heart going to explore just like when daddy was died.

that night i cried loudly in the park.

that park i used to go with my family just for fun..

then i turn 16.but i never contract with him because of last incident.

now days are just improved we sisters have now part time jobs.

i was 16 and my elder sister anila 20 and second sister mia 18 years old.

we lived poor life and also we have each other.

then one day i came home i saw my mom lying on the floor.

i took her too the nearest hospital and they told me that she need surgery as soon as possible.without surgery mom can't survived.

i call mia and anila and told them what doctors told.we try hard to convinced doctor we will try to make money and they can started mommy surgery we try to take advanced but they give us 50% amount of money for my mom surgery.

then anila and mia decided to told our uncle or decent relatives that just let us borrow money and we will pay when everything will fine.

then i thought if i kneel and beg my so called cruel brother that mommy surgery needs money and we are out of number then maybe he change his mind.

so i go to his home.i kneeled and begged for his help and this will be last time i bother them.if he give maney i will hard and repay him.

but that guy refused to help and also broke the bank card infront of me.

not only that he also told me that mommy is just obstacle to him he is happy that daddy was died if mommy died he will be free.

i told him those are your real parents how can you even say such a thing.

his wife came near me and told me that so if they give birth to him or rise him his only parents is her parents..

we all are obstacle to him..

i cried why god why!!

my sister mia called me and told mommy surgery is complete and also they borrow the money and we can took moomy home in few days.

few days has passed mommy still on bed.

on my 17th birthday.my sister anila came home and told us she had a permanent.

my poor sisters...

that day anila as usual lifted mia for her destination.

who knows they would've died after dreaming a beautiful life.so young

and my mom can't took the sorrow so she decided to rejoined them with daddy.

i left all by myself...

then my friend family adopted me as their daughter..