
My Researching Journey (HxH)

Yasuo Zoldyck, an assassin who was once a biologist seeking to extinguish the limits set upon him- To no avail. Now, in a world where the impossible is possible, how far will his researching mind push him? Can he break those limits? ..................... If you want to support the novel and want to read ahead go check out my Patreon: Patreon.com/VQuintessence Join my Discord Server: https://discord.gg/p8QrmkxhDr Disclaimer: I do not Own Hunter X Hunter nor do I own the cover.

VQuintessence · Anime und Comics
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219 Chs

Hunter Exam I


Chapter 33: Hunter Exam I


'It's time to take the hunters exam...' And with that, he disappeared flying with a speed much faster than the last time...


Yarbia continent, the southeast part of united of Saherta, In a small town in the middle of the desert with a population of less than 2000.

Yasuo could be seen setting foot in it, It's important to note that it's extremely hot in the south of united Saherta especially the area around here as people could be noticed sweating though few could be seen outside.

The town is quite hard to get to as people normally use a special kind of camels that are quite a bit bigger than normal ones with quite a bit of fur on them especially their heads.

Though It takes quite a bit of time which is hard considering the temperature in this place. As for Yasuo well, he flew here.

He continued walking with a small specific hotel as his destination. the heat doesn't seem to have any effect on him as not even a drop of sweat came down his face and his breathing was perfectly stable.

'Hmm, the hunter's exam will be in the desert this time though it shouldn't be in this town but somewhere around it or underground. the address they sent me leads to this specific town in a hotel so it should a Pre-Exam'. Thought Yasuo.

He entered the hotel noticing quite a bit of people around focusing on a piece of paper, he ignored them and went to the recipient, "I'm here for the hunter's exam."

She just nodded and handed him a piece of paper with a smile on her face after asking for his name.

He took the paper then went out. As he started heading outside of the town, his hand turned purple for a split second making the paper vanish from existence.

When he entered the hotel, his domain scanned everything inside, every paper since his domain can make out the ink on the paper allowing him to know everything written on them.

What he found are three kinds of poems though all of them are poorly made, each one leads in a certain direction though he noticed something, all of them were too easy, his poem said the following:

A magician could be seen looking north as the sun shone on his face.

He turned his focus to his performance.

A coin trick he did and the audience cheered.

He performed a bow as thanks though with it the coin dropped from his right hand.

He turned to the right picking it up, then went on his way with the shadows as his guide.

'It's too easy so anyone should be able to figure it out, mine leads south while the other two, one leads west, and the other leads east'

He headed to a back alley disappearing to the sky while making sure no gaze was on him, he then headed south.

He noticed a sand storm arriving a while ago though it'll mostly affect south the town as the temperature continued to rise.

'This should be a part of the test, moving in such circumstances for several km should pose a challenge for some of them.

In the email, they said to reach the hotel today which means they started giving the poems today and on the paper, they wrote that the deadline is by evening.'

Thought Yasuo while appreciating the beautiful sand dunes painting the desert.

Yasuo noticed life signals from time to time though he is high enough as to not be noticed while also lowering his presence.

He was flying a few km high so even with his enhanced sight he could only roughly discern them though he can perceive them clearly with his senses.

While still in the state of 'In', a part of his Nen concentrated on his eyes with precise control to a few specifics spots, and everything became within his vision as his sight got enhanced.

This is a technique that needs a certain amount of control, it allows its user to enhance vision considerably.

Netero was able to use something similar if not the same allowing him to see miles away as if it's in front of him.

He noticed a lot of people who should be taking the exam as well, he kept paying attention to every presence he sensed trying to locate the exam location until he noticed a metal door in a specific hill.

He flew down far away then walked towards it, as he got close the door opened. A brown-haired woman could be seen standing there as Yasuo got closer.

"Name?" That is all she said, "Yasuo.", She started looking at a long arranged list, she went to the 'Y' section until she found his name then handed a badge with the number 39 on it, he took the badge then entered noticing hundreds of applicants already inside.

'So the applicants need to go to the place the poem leads them to, if they went to another one they will be disqualified.

That's why they asked for the name in the hotel and here, well unless they made it back before the deadline and that's why I saw several people going back.'

His domain scanned everything only to notice something interesting, 'Tonpa?', Tonpa the self-proclaimed Rookie Crusher, he is a short fat man with tan skin, brown hair, a large nose, and thick eyebrows.

He went to a side with fewer people then waited while focusing his domain on Tonpa though nothing seems out of place, just a normal human.

After scanning him several times, Yasuo entered a state of deep rumination, 'Hmm, he is completely normal, or is it something I can't detect, but how is he still fat?

In the story, he ran eighty km, and considering he took the exam for more than thirty times yet he still lived through all of them and he is still overweight.

Hmm, It's a mystery, should I do some research on him?...' He thought as a gleam of light shone in his eyes.

He waited for a while until another large gate opened, from it a man with a pale lavender hair which curls at the end, blue eyes, and a long-pointed chin.

His most distinctive features are his thin curly mustache, this is Satotz a ruins hunter though younger than how he was shown in canon.

"The time for the reception is over, now the exam can begin!" Satotz said while stroking his mustache, announcing the beginning of the real exam.

"I'm Satotz, And I'm in charge of the first phase as for the content of this phase, you just have to follow me... Now follow me."

He said going back through the door, He started going down the stairs leading down.

"I forgot to mention something, once I reach the destination, you'll have 15 minutes to reach it as well before you get disqualified." his speed continued to increase as he said that.

Everyone followed only for them to notice something, the lower they go the hotter It gets until It got extremely hot once they reached a tunnel.

Considering the temperature outside then it could be imagined how hot it is in here making the phase much harder especially since the examiner started running forcing them to run with him.

Yasuo could be seen running close to Satotz as the latter's speed continued on increasing leaving several applicants on the bring of collapse.

The running continued for thirty-five miles taking two hours as they reached an extremely large open garage, it could be noticed that there are three other tunnels leading to this place.

From the tunnels two other examiners could be seen running in near at the same time as Satotz, soon more applicants came from every tunnel until the doors closed marking the end of the first phase...