

coming out from class this morning, I felt strong eye's in me, it was just so creepy that I Hasting my footsteps and took a short cut from the boys lodge to the school library. I was to get a book for a science project and some references too but just on the way to get the supplies for the project, I came across Amy. Amy is a light skin blonde girl, popularly known as AP cause she's from the Parker's family. Amy Parker stopped me with her group of friends, Sofia, Claire, and Betrise, hey bookwarm what's up today, where are you headed she asked, trying to ignore her question I had to change directions I'm talking to you full Clary and Betrise stop to me halfway to my escape routes, are you deaf aren't you hearing, she's asking you a question one of them said, just let me be I answered ohhhhh... the bookworm can speak she continued I'm sure you are on the way to the library so get me and my friends the supplies for the project. what was she saying I thought ,can't you get them yourself why bother me I spoke in my head just as I was about to leave her hands was on my backpack, you didn't answer me and I need an explanation to that she said poking her fingers towards my face. I have gotten enough of your nonsense what's wrong with you, do you think just because you asked for something then I would do it I am not some kind of messenger girl for you wait I just said that out loud and everyone around the school basket court heard what I said.I felt so embarrassed despite I just got myself free from Amy and her friends.

leaving them I could feel the burning eyes of the students on me and I got so tired and shy about everything that I took a shorter route to the library making my way through the boys Lodge my heart started thumping hard rumours have it that a girl shouldn't be around the boys lodge by this time of the day it puts the girls honour and dignity to shame in the school, but because of those stupid girls I had to take this route. hi, hello, hey, please excuse me with all that has happened a guy was still trying to get my attention at the worst time I hasting my footsteps and finally the mister stopped following me. I got to the library safe and sound, good afternoon Miss light same here Alice and how are you doing I'm fine I answered, miss light is the one in charge of the library she's the one who records the book that leaves the library and when it is returned if a book isn't returned after a week miss light calls the school authority and give information on the students who borrow the book for it to be brought back. reaching the science charter picked up a book by professor cable name taxation this project will be the starting point of my career as an auditor. it took my hard work day in and 9th to get here doing jobs that I am not ought to do at my age, being in places late just to enter high School. after the death of my parents life have become difficult more difficult I dropped out of school because there was nobody to pay my fees and house rent so I got thrown out of the apartment and started living under the bridge I was just informed by the law authority a month ago that my mother's relative was out there looking for me and somehow found where I was leaving and took me back to Freetown where my mum's is originally from before getting married to my dad who is a Detroit indigen

I am Alice Pollyn a black American teenage girl, I School in beacon high school and I also stay with my mother's aunt who came looking for me after one year eight months after my parents death.

after getting the books I needed I went straight to the class avoiding another confrontation from Amy and her friends finally settled on my desk I grab my lunch bag and took out the toasted bread and started digging in I don't remember when last I ate a healthy lunch chocolate bread filled with all the delightful things inside all at once after finishing the bread I took the juice box out of my lunch bag and squeeze the life of it and finish the liquid in one go. out of nowhere a stone from outside the window landed on my forehead I shouted in pains robbing the place on my face, pain envelopes me that I couldn't concentrate or hear what was happening around me I started smelling iron smell of blood and I just knew that I was bleeding the next minute I blanked out.

back at home Aminata answer was really worried about her nieces child. Alice get back by 2:30 latest 3 p.m. but it's already 8 p.m. and Alice is not back from school Aminata grab her bag and went straight to the police station to make a complaint of a missing girl but no one was listening to her saying that before she declares a person missing the person has to be lost for more than 24 hours, madam I assure you that your daughter is fine it's either she's in a friends please or she has elope with her lover, you know kids of these days. ma please stop saying nonsense Alice is not like that the girl just got here a week ago and from my findings she has no friends at school I'm sure something bad must have happened to her please start the search Aminata begged. go home ma don't be shocked to see your daughter standing in the front of your door, please leave this place, the police station is not a church where you pray for one safety please leave here at once. Aminata had no choice but to get back home she was so scared hoping Alice is safe wherever she might be.

Alice opened her eyes after 5 hours of passing out due to pain and loss of blood from her forehead, my why am I having this pain, why are my eyes this heavy,flash is from the class begin to appear in Alice head, oh my God where the f*** am I, what's the dem time.