
My reflection in your eyes

Du Ru Ran became an orphan at the age of 5 years old after a deliberate car accident. She was then taken in by her uncle. Life was truly tragic but being a smart girl, she managed to turn the tides around. She plans to avenge the death of her parents and her little brother who she did not get to meet in this lifetime. At that time, thank her lucky or unlucky star, she met a pair of mother and son, who gave her some warmth in her moment of total darkness. Years later, when they meet again, he stuck to her like a fly she could not get rid off. He kept insisting she took advantage of him when they were young and insisted that she take full responsibility for him. 20 years ago: "Little girl, you really need to take responsibility on this young master when we are older. I am never going to let you go." He whispered into her ears. Due to his illness, he somehow grew up a little mature than peers his age. Hence, it wasn't a normal for him to be thinking about his future at such young age. In fact, since he was three years old, he had been groomed to be a fine young man in order to prepare him as he is the next heir of his prestigious family. He fell asleep with a smile on his face. At the present: She thought a dumb cupid made a mistake by accidentally release an arrow and the arrow went straight to a 7 year old boy and now, 20 years later, he is delusional. "Why can't you leave me alone? I really have no time, no room for another person. I am pretty occupied with getting my revenge. Go and fly away," she said while making the hand gestures of shooing a pesky fly away. "You really don't need to work hard on my behalf, I am touched that you worry about my well being and feeling. As long as I get to see you, that is all I require. You really don't have to do anything." Ru Ran felt her head is going to explode, shameless, when did I, how on earth did he manage to lift himself so high that even direct language don't get to his thick skull? Fine, if you don't want to leave, I will walk away. True to her thoughts she walked away huffing and puffing, fuming at the fly she can't get off. "Wifey wait up!!!" "Seriously, what do you see in me?" she asked impatiently. Instead of answering her immediately, he spun he around to face him, pushed her to lean against a nearby wall, locked her body with his legs and arm in order to stop her from escaping. His facial expression turn serious, gone the silly demeanor he had put up earlier. Her heartbeat increased and her palms started to sweat. She stuttered, "What.. What.. Just what do you plan to do?" "I am going to answer your question. Look me in the eyes. I see a beautiful lady, a stubborn one, cold exterior but inside she is kind and afraid to get hurt. She gave me a kiss 20 years ago and gave me the strength to live and from that day onwards, I have given my heart to her." A story about love and revenge. (I hope so) Updates: 1 chapter / day occasionally can go up to 2 chapters a day depending on my creative thoughts as well the time that is available for me to write P/s: cover is not my own work.

Coocumber · Allgemein
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150 Chs


Brother Tek was surprised with the turn of event, he wanted a simple wedding but how did it turn out like this? He kept quiet because he saw how happy Mei Xin is with how the situation turned out. Suddenly a wave of sadness swept through him. Mei Xin who is an attentive person noticed it and asked him what's the matter.

"Xin Xin, do you regret choosing me? Even for our wedding, I.. Need to depend on others to provide for us," he said with his head hung low. This moment he truly felt helpless. He has enough savings to live comfortably with her but not extravagantly.

Looking at his sad expression, she cupped his face with her hands.

"As long as you are willing to be by my side for the rest of life and never leave me for another, even if we are not married, I am still the happiest woman on earth. Believe it or not, I never believe in marriage, knowing how my father broke my mother's heart. However, that does not mean I don't believe in love. Marriage to me is just a ceremony, just treat me right, okay? By the way, just enjoy the feeling of freeloading for once," she winked at him while she closed in and planted a kiss on his lips.

His worries, his uneasiness and sadness were washed away with that reassuring kiss.


"Useless!!!! I can never rely on others! Why am I paying you useless fools for? Must I personally do everything myself? Punishments for those who failed me! Kill!" roared Ah Li.

He had lost all his chess pieces. How can he not feel heartache? Even Du Wen Hai had turned his back on him. Ai Sha that worthless daughter from that piece of slut! Such a disappointment. The reason he accepted her was because they looked alike. The person he love but did not love him, instead she gave her heart to Du Wen Hao and when she was rejected, she decided to be a nun. His hatred for Du Wen Hao runs so deep that there is no way he is going let Du Wen Hao's daughter live! In this life, he had nothing because of Du Wen Hao.

"Give me the lastest update!" he bellowed. All his subordinates shivered in fear.

Those who were meant to be punished had already been dragged forcefully out.

"She is still a vegetable and none of you could kill her??!!"

"Boss.. Her husband stays by her side 24/7, it is hard, plus the nurses they allowed to enter are all hard to bribe...

"Use your brain!!! If can't be bribe does not mean can't be forced! Don't tell me I have to plan everything!!!" he raged.

"Find ways to get that woman's husband away! Burn or blow up something if you must. Kidnap or kill somebody close to him, I don't give a damn! I want to see results. Anymore failures, off with your heads!!!!"

"Destroy everyone including the TRAITORS! I WANT THAT STUPID DAUGHTER OF MINE TO DIE AS WELL. SHE KNOWS TOO MUCH! " he added before everyone was scurrying away.

He had made a miscalculation to include Ken in his plans, now that Ken is ticking bomb as well.


Darren knocked lightly on the door before entering.

In his hands, he held a report on the man named Ah Li.

"Yu, not much is known about him except he was an adopted son of the maternal side of your father in law. They went to the same school after the death of your father in law's mother. From earlier records, Ah Li was doing well in school but his studies suffered a dive when your father in law entered the same school. It then picked up steadily but only to be second in each exam," he paused.

"The relationship between them were okay on the surface but Ah Li had tried many underhand methods to destroy your father in law's reputation, finally it was brought to the attention of your father in law's maternal family. Your father in law decided to leave the school and went abroad. The matter about Ah Li was swept under the rug. The school did not take any action. There was a girl Ah Li was closed with, but she was interested in Du Wen Hao, she asked Ah Li for helped to get them closer but instead, she lodged a report to the police about Ah Li raping her but later it was retracted and she went and became a nun but commited suicide when your parents in law passed away. However, the matter was not that simple because Ah Li frequently visit that temple and the matter of her death was suspicious," he paused once more.

Ji Yu took the opportunity to interrupt the man," Brat, it sounded a lot, are you bragging now? You want a raise?,"

"Hehehe, you know me best. Dont be too excited, the not much part comes later. The matter of death of Du Wen Hao's maternal family were questionable as well but the authorities finally signed it off as natural causes. They passed away in very close duration to one another and it was said sadness led to the demise of the rest of the family members when the patriarch left. Not much is publicised about the will and Ah Li and his existence seems to have disappeared as well. Your father in law was looking into all these before....

Darren did not continue because he knew Ji Yu and Ru Ran understood where his words were heading.

Darren then left the two to ponder.

Since their enemy is always a step ahead, they need to sit down and flush out the spies within their own organisation. Communication between them must be secure to prevent their enemy of knowing their plans. They have no other choice to postpone the wedding. Ji Yu spoke to Mei Xin first, she agreed but Uncle Tek insisted on registering first.

Mei Xin then updated Ken. Ji Yu also called Ken to arrange a meeting. He wants to meet Ai Sha. The only key to this matter is Ai Sha. Ai Sha's safety is crucial.