

Tercy was raised by parents who were known to be her foster parents but treated her like she was not welcome in their family, she grew with a purpose of wanting to find the truth about her being treated like that not until she meets this boy Kai who never received his parents' love . Will they mange to get along regardless their loneliness, will Tercy find the truth of her parents along side her friends who lived in different world like her but willing to help her in return of favor?

jotta_agnus · Teenager
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3 Chs


My first time at school, everything was dazzling students, the buildings, uniforms, everything seemed attractive to me. I was lost into the entrance beauty that I forgot I was behind the teacher who opened one door speaking in a small torn 'enter, this is your class now', I nodded as i entered the classroom which was beyond my expectations.

'Quiet everyone attention,' saying the teacher ' here is your new friend and a classmate ' you may introduce yourself. ' my name is Tercy and transferring from Langata college hope we get along.' I was nervous that my voice kept on trembling but the teacher said its fine you will get used in no time as he showed to my seat which was in the middle in front of the classroom only to seat besides the class president who teacher gave the task to show me the school after classes. Of course I was a transfer student who came after two months when the term has started , I had a lot to answer and excuse myself to people who I did not know but I would be spending my three years of college with. The next teacher came in still dazed I heard someone's hand on my desk ' hey change to page 138 of the science book , the class president said' I lifted my head to look at him but he heard already turned his head I would no longer see his face only his side face. my day was going faster than I had thought not until I heard the bell looking at my watch it was already lunch time. Everyone was getting up quickly heading to the dining cafeteria but I seemed to be lost in my books trying to leave marks to where we left to realize I was remaining in the class alone . I was lonely but I wanted to familiarize myself with the environment pretty quick which was one thing that I was mainly good at doing. I picked up my back bag quickly and headed to the door , suddenly opening the door I bumped into this tall guy with very dark short hair broad chest, and the lighter skin that I have seen . 'Sorry , it was sudden,' I said excusing . 'No it is fine I came to take you to the cafeteria,' he replied , I looked up to meet his gaze only to realize it was the class president. I smiled feeling awkward but again relieved that I know him. On our way to the cafeteria we were quiet because we had nothing to talk about and we seemed little strangers to each other . He broke the ice first by asking me how I saw the classroom and I said it was perfect everyone seemed nice thus I was lying because no one talked to me since morning it seemed like the class was very timid where everyone was busy with his or her own work but I tried to assure him I was giving fun. We reached the hall which was the center of the school there everyone seemed to smile , enjoy the meal which seemed delicious, and talking to their friends which seemed nice. He accompanied me until we finished to get served and he led the way where I continued to follow him , he stood to this table which I was in shock looking at . There was this lady she was cute, smiling , tall, and shining girl, 'beautiful' I said in my head repeatedly, not only her but also everyone there was so good looking , very beautiful and handsome that I felt inferior to seat there . 'These are my friends, you may join them' and ' they are our classmates we study in the same class.' Everyone looked up to look at us but there faces showed this surprised expression I don't know what made them look at us like that but I just followed the rhythm and I sat down.' Hey my name is Rebby, and you Tercy I saw you earlier in the class and nice to meet you,' the smiling beautiful girl said . At this time everyone burst into laughter saying at the same time ' its Rebecca' we all laughed , everyone said their name and we seemed to have gotten closer from there . As the day was rushing it came to an end very quickly I saw everyone leaving in their parents cars ,until everyone seemed to have left the school, I packed my bag heading home knowing I was meeting them again.