

The creaking of the carriage wheels echoed through the rocky terrain, a stark contrast to the suffocating silence that enveloped the interior. The maid accompanying Silvia felt a wave of nausea wash over her, the discomfort of the situation nearly overwhelming. Fire and ice, embodied by Noori and Silvia, sat in close proximity yet worlds apart, their unspoken emotions hanging heavy in the air.

Gratitude mingled with resentment, explanations danced with denials, each emotion vying for dominance within the confined space. Despite the palpable tension, neither Noori nor Silvia uttered a word, their lips sealed shut as if afraid of unleashing the torrent of emotions swirling within them.

As the maid's nails dug into her skin, a physical manifestation of her discomfort, she took slow, silent breaths, attempting to steady herself amidst the tumultuous atmosphere within the carriage.