
My Pretense will Carry Me Through

Where am I? Why am I in a training suit? Why does the person in front of me look so intense? Why is there a floating screen in front of me? What the hell happened to me?

inverted · Anime und Comics
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62 Chs

Chapter 17

Time rolled forward to the day when all recruits who successfully passed the evaluation were set to receive their uniforms. Joon awoke in his bed, fully aware that today marked the initiation of his journey on the job. Following his usual morning routine, he showered, changed into fresh clothes, had a quick breakfast, and, after these preparations, headed towards the SW Group building. Commuting on a bus, his thoughts meandered into envisioning how he would appear in a suit, picturing himself clad in professional attire, ready for action. The sheer thought of it filled him with delight.

Upon arriving at the SW Group building, he made his way directly to the training hall where his fellow recruits were assembling. Inside, conversations buzzed with anticipation about receiving their uniforms and imagining how they would look in them. As Joon entered the training hall, he became the subject of discussion due to his recent victory over Beomsuk.

Dae-Ho, filled with excitement, approached Joon, eager to discuss their upcoming uniform ceremony. The two engaged in conversation, sharing snippets of their short vacations. Soon, more recruits joined the discussion, lengthening the pre-uniform ceremony chatter. After a few minutes, the Instructor entered the training hall, commanding everyone to line up. Joon and his teammates promptly complied, forming a neat line.

"Today is the day you'll all don your uniforms," the Instructor announced. Joon's teammates erupted in cheers, expressing their excitement for the moment. "Your uniforms are in your respective lockers; go change and return here," the Instructor continued. The recruits filed into the locker room, opening their lockers to reveal a complete ensemble from head to toe: black suits, ties, pants, and shoes. Observing their uniforms, they took a moment to appreciate the significance before changing. In contrast, Joon wasted no time and swiftly transitioned into his uniform, ready for the next phase of his journey.

As Joon completed dressing, he exuded an air of sophistication, the suit fitting him with a sleek and flexible grace. Although tempted to test the limits of its flexibility, the confined space and the presence of his fellow teammates restrained him. As the rest of the recruits finished dressing, Dae-Ho couldn't help but cast an impressed glance at Joon, acknowledging how effortlessly the uniform complemented his appearance. Curious about his own look in the uniform, Dae-Ho approached Joon, inquiring for an honest assessment. Joon, never one to mince words, remarked that Dae-Ho resembled every bodyguard in movies, only missing a pair of sunglasses. Quick with a comeback, Dae-Ho fired back, suggesting that Joon looked like a seasoned undercover agent straight out of a thrilling espionage film.

The two engaged in conversation, discussing the finer details of the uniforms—praising their quality, the smoothness, and the all-important flexibility. "This must cost at least a year's worth of salary," Joon remarked to Dae-Ho, suggesting that the superior quality of the suits likely came with a hefty price tag. Dae-Ho concurred with Joon's observation.

As the occupants of the locker room completed their dressing rituals, the conversation echoed similar sentiments about the impressive suits. Exiting the locker room, they headed directly to the training hall where the Instructor awaited. Observing his recruits now adorned in their uniforms, the Instructor felt a surge of pride, knowing he had played a part in their training. In his mind, he envisioned sharing stories about the talented individuals he had molded, including Joon. Unbeknownst to the Instructor, Joon would likely scoff at such remarks, believing his improvement owed more to the system than external training.

The recruits lined up before the Instructor, eagerly anticipating their team assignments. The Instructor proceeded to announce, "You're all now assigned to Team 3. Although the individual you're tasked to protect is not yet in the country, you'll be on standby until their return." The revelation surprised Joon's teammates, prompting someone to raise a question. "Sir, who will we be protecting?" The Instructor responded, "You'll be protecting the CEO's granddaughter, Ms. Shin Yuna." A wave of chatter erupted, as the recruits hadn't anticipated being assigned to such a prominent figure. Amidst the discussions, Joon expressed a hint of disappointment, voicing his preference for Team 2 due to the perceived opportunities for gaining more Pretense Points.

While Joon remained lost in his thoughts, a person silently entered the training hall, capturing the attention of those present.

The Instructor's attention was drawn as someone approached. He turned around, visibly surprised. "Team 2's Leader, what brings you here?" The unexpected arrival caught the Instructor off guard. "I'm here for Mr. Gwan," the Team 2's Leader stated, addressing Joon before the other recruits.

As the news circulated among the recruits, a buzz of chatter erupted as they tried to unravel the reason behind Team 2's Leader seeking out Joon. "Mr. Gwan, please follow me," the Team 2's Leader instructed. Joon glanced at his teammates, who wore expressions of admiration, evidently pleased to be in the same batch as the renowned ace. Perplexed by their elation, Joon followed the Team 2's Leader, leaving the Instructor to ponder, "Is he being scouted to join Team 2?" His speculation turned out to be correct.

Walking together, Team 2's Leader broke the silence without glancing back at Joon. "You have no questions about why I called you?" Joon, uncertain about the appropriate response, considered various options. "What answer should I give? Should I ask why? Should I remain silent? What kind of situation is this? I'm sorry, but I don't know what you want from me!" In the face of uncertainty, Joon opted for a pretense. "I have no questions," he declared with a composed and stoic demeanor, projecting a professional image even before starting his first day on the job. Team 2's Leader briefly looked back at Joon upon hearing his response before quickly averting his gaze. In the aftermath, notifications began to appear, signaling that Joon had gained some Pretense + from the encounter.

As soon as the two reached the door, Team 2's Leader, poised to knock, turned to Joon with a reminder, "Before we enter, I must remind you, to address the Director as Ma'am. You get it?" Joon nodded in understanding. Satisfied with Joon's response, Team 2's Leader knocked three times. After a brief pause, a feminine voice from within granted them entry with a simple "Come in." Team 2's Leader opened the door, ushering Joon inside.

Stepping into the room, Joon noticed a person seated behind the table. "I had a hunch about who would want to meet me. Never thought it would be Jiyeh," he thought, maintaining a composed and stoic expression. He quickly speculated about the possible reasons for being summoned—whether it was related to Beomsuk's beating, a potential transfer to Team 2, or some other matter.

While Joon pondered, Jiyeh commenced the conversation, her authoritative tone filling the room. "I believe this is our first proper meeting, Mr. Gwan," she remarked, her piercing gaze fixed on Joon. Unfazed by her intense scrutiny, Joon responded, "I believe so, Ma'am." Jiyeh, crossing her arms, studied him for a few moments. "What's the deal with this woman? Why does she look like she wants to eat me?" Joon wondered silently.

Placing her hands on the table, Jiyeh maintained direct eye contact with Joon. "I'll get straight to the point," she declared, pausing briefly before continuing, "I want you to be a part of Team 2 rather than babysit my cousin. Your abilities are better suited for Team 2 than Team 3." Joon, elated by the prospect of joining Team 2 and already envisioning the Pretense Points he could accumulate, was about to express his agreement. However, Jiyeh swiftly halted his response.

Observing Joon's lack of response, Jiyeh pondered, "Perhaps my offer was too sudden. After all, he was just assigned to Team 3 today, and here I am proposing a transfer to Team 2 without even giving him a chance to experience a day with Team 3. It's understandable that he's hesitant—switching teams means leaving behind familiar faces and stepping into the unknown of Team 2."

As Jiyeh contemplated the reasons behind Joon's hesitation, she couldn't help but delve into imaginative scenarios. Was he reluctant because he disliked the idea of joining Team 2? Her mind raced with speculations, crafting a narrative that might explain his silence.

To sweeten the deal, Jiyeh made a decisive move. "I'll increase your salary if you transfer to Team 2," she announced, aiming to entice Joon with a financial incentive. Joon, caught off guard by this unexpected twist, thought, "I haven't even said a word, and now my salary is going up. Not that I'm complaining, though."

Even Team 2's Leader was surprised by Jiyeh's determination, realizing that she was willing to offer a salary increase to a newcomer with no prior job experience. Breaking his silence, Joon finally spoke up, "I accept." He felt compelled to seize the opportunity, fearing that the generous salary increase might be retracted if he hesitated any longer.

Relieved by Joon's acceptance, Jiyeh instructed Team 2's Leader to proceed to Management and facilitate the team change. With a nod, Team 2's Leader exited the room, leaving Jiyeh and Joon alone to discuss the upcoming transition.