

Teakook fanfiction "why is no one here today "he pouted and mumbled because the washroom was empty today. He unzip his jeans and started to do his work. After a while a dark shadow came in the washroom.... "finally someone come " he Stated without glancing at that person . Without that younger notice other started approaching towards him "hey ...what..."he shouted and looked back as something poking in his ass.. "sir! ",he shivered as he looked at that dark muscled figure... "What...a..re....y..ou......d..o..i.....n..g..".,he shattered * "KIM ,WHAT DID I TELL YOU ",he hissed and younger started shivering because of cold voice and sudden closeness as other grabbed his waist and attached their below body... Siiirrrr "he started sobbing silently . KIM ,TELL ME CLEARLY" ,Other shouted making younger to winched "i ..am.. sorry ...sir... but... i m..... not... into.. boys.. "younger said in one Breath without making eye contact with other .... ......

Tanaj_Shaikh · Urban
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1 Chs

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