
Chapter 6 The Luna's disappearance

Waking up with a headache I don't know what happened all I remember is a wolf running towards me and then the pain that I felt throughout my whole body like burns.

The first person I see in the room it Mr Taehyung he rushes towards me and grab my hand asking me all sort of questions,"are you alright,any pain,where does it hurt,and so on.

I have a headache though nothing else I tell him,the headache is caused from all your blabbing.

"My blabbing?oh no he looks pissed."this wouldn't have happened if you had done what I asked,I mean it was a simple task follow everyone else into the bunker but no u had to be curious why are you so stubborn."he screams at me.

"I'm sorry,it's just I know my brother was dead,first my dad,then my brother,my mum couldn't take it she too died and everyone left me,but now here I am in this strange place,and my dead brother shows up,and I'm told I'm a Luna of some sort of werewolf territory and just as I'm about to digest all that,there's an attack and of Course I'll be curious I wanted to believe it,and guess what I do now ok"I scream back."really now u do,wow thank the goddess then since it took you almost losing your life to believe me then fine,all you could have done was ask to see the wolves after the attack and I would have shown you one but no you had to be stupid,I hope you have fun here"bang!!!that was the sound of the door after he finished yelling at his child."god they have got to be kidding me if they think I'm gonna stay here I have a life but I'll leave after I ask my so called brother the questions I have for that sucker.

It been a week since I got hurt and since the quarrel between him and I,I haven't seen him since then,the only people I have seen are the pack doctors and nurses,wow this place must be really huge,my brother did come visit me though but he never says anything, nothing at all,I'm allowed to leave today,but no one's coming for me, I guess they forgot about me then... sighing I get ready,just as I step out of the hospital I see a red Lamborghini waiting at the gate,I wonder who owns it, passing by the car I start walking but also looking for a cab,I was informed in the hospital that everyone here were all wolves so all I had to say was the pack house and they would take her there,too focused on getting a cab she didn't notice a huge man stepping from the red Lamborghini and was headed towards her.Standing right behind her he covered her nose and mouth the the liquid coated handkerchief,holding her body still as she tried struggling,after she passed out,he carried her like she weighed nothing putting her in the back seat also getting in after her and the car speed off,all these took only a minimum of ten seconds,that was all it took for the Luna to be kidnapped.

It's been So long since he last saw his Luna he was getting mad all the time at his beta or his friends and everybody else,he made a choice that he was going to pick her up when he was called and told that the Luna was already on her way with the ride he had sent for her,"sent for her?but he didn't ask anyone to go get her, calling for his beta he asked him if he knew of this but he was answered as "I don't know what you're talking about dude, quickly getting into his car he drove as fast as he could to the hospital with a couple of his men behind him."it's all your fault! his wolf cried "my fault,how is it my fault,you were the one who got mad at her! Taehyung exclaimed "I wouldn't have exploded at her if I didn't have a short tempered human for a host!his wolf yelled back."oh really now then can you please leave me alone,I don't want my mate hurt because of you."Taehyung said, getting to the hospital the first thing that entered his mind was to check the security footage,after they showed it to him,he knew exactly who it was,how could Chung Z Tao do this,he wasn't going to let things go so easily,he was gonna make him pay, getting into his car he drove to Z Tao's house in the city,not to get too much attention he only took a few men from the pack and they journied to the city,the drive to the city was just a five hours drive,he hoped she wouldn't be so scared.

Somewhere in the city a girl that has woken up about two hours ago who was so scared was laughing and having fun playing the piano with company from Ztao,even if he only introduced himself as a friend of Taehyung and that their family was close,she was a free spirit and she knew somehow she had to leave and he might just let her go if she behaved,but she ended up having fun,they had tea and talked for sometime and are now playing the piano,he had taught her some extra key notes in it,after she told him she fancied music.sitting across from Ztao Kim Milan couldn't help but feel worried for some slight seconds and couldn't help but stare at him, indeed he was a really hot guy,light blond hair,strong jaw,tin but sexy lips straight sharp eyes that seem to Pierce into ones soul,he had on ear rings he had an amazing smile though plus the fact that he was friendly unlike Taehyung who was grumpy the last time we saw each other but I still have to admit I did miss him alot.sighing I decide to forget things, Ztao kept telling me things,some I heard others I didn't with the fact that my mind kept switching over to Taehyung just as I thought of his name there were sounds of car engines running outside,before anyone could react the doors to Ztao's Mansion was flung open it was done by non other than Taehyung the man she was just thinking about not too long ago.