
?White lies vs Black lies ☕️

We sometimes think what lies we hide won't hurt the person we hid it from but it actually does hurt because the person thinks that they weren't enough for you to trust and tell them. We call the small lies white lies because it won't hurt them as much as the black lies we're hiding from them. As much as you think it won't hurt them compared to your darker lies that's wrong. I know what it's like to be on the receiving end and let me tell you it hits your heart like a truck. So think carefully when it comes to showing them your lies because you might think your in the clear when you get it off your chest but actually you were on thin ice as you thought of telling them. Sometimes that thin ice is already broken before you could take a step to get across. I also understand how the person feels when they have the burden of holding the weight of the lie on their chest. There are those who can hold that weight and it doesn't affect them at all and others crack under the pressure and can't hold that weight so when it comes to keeping secrets think wisely I promise it will help you in the long run.